Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nixakliel's Words

Caution_'Illegal' Immigration Issue Not So Cut & Dry for Blacks

Besides the History of the US taking the entire SW Quadrant of the US from Mexico... The power elites always like to play different factions of the masses against each other. They pit Black folk against the Brown folk, poor whites against Black & Brown folks, men against women & vice-versa, the young against the old, employed against the unemployed, the non-unionized workers against unionized workers, etc, etc ,etc [they encourage the 'Crabs in a Barrel Mentality']... Yet the power elites have systematically shipped much / most of the manufacturing base [except weapons making] overseas @ 1/4 -1/40 the US pay scale for decades now- & in the process have been dismantling the working / middle class. They've rolled-out NAFTA & GATT that has destroyed much of the agricultural sector of Mexico, Central America & the Caribbean. The results- Even though Ole Slick Willie claimed the opposite- was to exacerbate the immigration [& drug] issue, because instead of Mexican farmers growing food for their people, they had to find something else to do [IE: grow & sell drugs] or go else-where for work [IE: cross the US border] to try to survive. Actually many of of the power elites wanted this situation- because they knew undocumented workers were more vunerable & exploitable- & could be forced to work for less than the established pay-scale- [the power elites love driving down working class folks pay-scale]. Question: If its illegal to hire an undocumented worker - why when the ICE Police round-up hundreds of so-called illegal workers at a plant or farm- seldom if ever are those plant's/ farm's mangers / owners arrested also??? In fact its been reported managers / owners often sick ICE on undocumented workers- if & when some of the workers start demanding fairer treatment [often- especially on large commercial farms- they're trapped in almost slave like conditions]..
And then we've got racist white guys like Newt Gringh-witch, & Limbaugh throwing around the idea of rolling back the 14th Amendment [Establishes US citizenship for any child born in the US who is not in Transit]. Any Black person who doesn't understand that the 13th, 14th & 15th amendents were written to protect our status & rights as citizens immediately after the abolition of slavery & supports white racist elitists like Grinch-witch & Limbaugh as they call for rolling-back the 14th amendment to stop so-called illegal immigrants from having so-called 'anchor-babies' [don't forget this same ilk slandered ALL Black welfare mothers for allaegedly having extra babies to collect bigger welfare checks - as they attack / cut-back welfare] - doesn't understand history & fails to choose their so-called 'friends' wisely... - Because these racists will NOT stop there- Next these white racists will go after the 15th [established Black folks right to vote & participate as elected officals - Why do you think Grinch-witch insults Obama as the 'Food Stamp Pres' - Do you think he only has Obama in mind when he says that?!] & then the 13th [abolished slavery in the US] amendments - and we'll be back in pre-civil war conditions ala the Ole Dixie-Land South [IE: back in Slavery- What do you think Grinch-witch means whenhe says he wants to "Go Back to the 'Original Intent of the Constitution' " - which orginally said that Black people were 3/5ths of a human being?!]. I am NOT necessarily calling for an Open Border policy nor cart-blanche amnesty, but IMO - we should NOT be building a Berlin Wall around & militarizing the Southern Mexican Border, & any Black person that trusts the likes of Grinch-witch & Limbaugh on the 14th amendment issue [Trust us- We won't use it against ya'll- just them illegals - Yeah Right] has got some SERIOUS ISSUES... And why do few of those white guys that scream about 'illegals' crossing the Southern border seldom say anything about the role of NAFTA, CAFTA & GATT has played on this issue & the harm they've done to workers on both sides of the border??!! Most of these guys are white racist nationalists / corp controll poly-tricksters whose main concern is that by the middle of this century white folks will be the minority in the US- because they feel that the US is only for whites folks- especially to run & control -&- to keep the US Corp-Controlled!



So Why Do You Echo Grinch-witch's Racist One-Liner...

First of All- I've got a whole bunch of reasons for reading the riot act when it comes to O-Bomb-em..., BUT- This 'Food-Stamp Pres' line uttered by the likes of that racist Newt Grinch-witch is thinly veiled racist & elitist code-speak! The myth that they taught us in school was that- even if you're are poor & Black you could one day grow up to be US Pres [I think they called it the 'American Dream' / 'Horatio Alger Story', etc...], & Obama like him or NOT- embodies that myth. 'Food-stamp Pres' is thinly disguised code-speak that No Black, Brown &/or poor person should ever even be considered to be worthy to be US Pres- That's why a racist / elitist hypocrite like Grinch-witch [& Hush Limbaugh] uses it [What else do you call a guy who led the charge to impeach Slick Willie over his Monica-Capade - while at the same time he was cheating on his ex-wife & even had the balls to ask her if they could have an 'open marriage' so he could keep getting his 'SWERVE ON' w his mistress at the time {now his wife}- Except HYPOCRITE!]. There's been a lot of scrutiny on Ron Paul lately about something allegedly written on his behalf 20 -30 yrs ago- BUT what about those other Repug jokers [IE: Romney's Mormonism - which taught an openly racist doctrine just 30yrs ago] -BUT- especially Grinch-witch who had the gall to repeat that 'Obama the Food-Stamp Pres' line at a NAACP invite recently [although why they even invited this racist joker in the first place is beyond me].
And about your immigration screed- Obama has quitely deported even more Hispanic immigrants to Mexico & Central / S- America than even George Water-Board Bush Jr DID- So is your real point here is to throw out some racist one-liners & hype Repugs like Lamar Smith??!! The same Lamar Smith from TX that voted w O-Bomb-em on that treacherously notorious- "Authorization of the United 'Police-States' of America Act"??!!


Ha-Aretz Also Ran Story on Adler's Call for Mossad to Kill Obama - Some Key Excerpts: [} Adler listed 3 options for Israel to counter Iran’s nuclear weapons in an article published in his newspaper {The Atlanta Jewish Times}. The 1st is to launch a pre-emptive strike against Hamas and Hezbollah, the 2nd is to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities and the 3rd is to “give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.” Adler then doubled-down on point 3 “Yes, you read “point 3 correctly.” Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel’s existence..."{]
So the new notorious NDAA law doesn't apply in this case to this Adler guy??!! No visit from the FBI &/or Homeland Security, & no trip to Gitmo??!! This guy can actually call for a foreign Gov't to assassinate the US Pres & then get a pass by merely expressing 'regret'??!! How is it that guys like Adler & AIPAC aren't treated as agents for a foreign Gov't??!! Seemingly the 'War on Terror' paradigm mainly applies if you are a Black / Brown / Muslim or a war dissenter / whistle-blower -or- maybe an environmental activist!


Sep 29 2011 - 1:10am
Needless to say that China, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Bangladesh, etc... are in lands that had the World's Oldest / First Known Civilizations! Furthermore Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia are in the regions of the ancient 'Fertile Crescent' area from where both agriculture & civilization began - Well before the US or even Greece & Rome were even thought about!
IMHO: The problem w the death-penalty, especially in the US, is the way its applied- IE: generally targeting people of color & poor folks - even if they are shown to be likely innocent [IE: Troy Davis] - mainly for poly-trickal posturing [IE: so-called 'getting tough on crime' - which is code for 'getting tougher on Black & Brown folks'] rather than in the service of justice! Thus if this injustice of the application of the death-penalty can't be corrected then it should be abolished!