Helicopters To Buzz Downtown LA In Urban Warfare Drill
Exercises “designed to ensure the military’s ability to operate in urban environments”
Steve Watson
January 25, 2012
As reported by CBS News, the LAPD statement says that the exercises, closed to the public, are “designed to ensure the military’s ability to operate in urban environments, prepare forces for upcoming overseas deployments, and meet mandatory training certification requirements.”
Training sites “have been carefully selected to ensure the event does not negatively impact the citizens of Los Angeles and their daily routine,” a department spokesperson said.
Police also noted that the training, which has been coordinated with local authorities, involves helicopters.
At time of writing we have not received any reports of military activity in downtown LA or the Greater Los Angeles area.
The exercise is yet another in a spate of recent military drills to hit heavily populated areas throughout the country.
Back in April last year, residents of Brickell, Miami witnessed at least three large Black Hawk-like helicopters conducting military exercises over their heads. Some initially believed it was a movie shoot.
Further exercises of the same nature were reported in Boston in August:
Commenting on this week’s scheduled drill in LA, Rob Richardson of Off Grid Survival notes:
“Maybe it’s just the prepper in me, but when I heard the U.S. Military will be conducting a massive training exercise in the streets of Los Angeles I must say it made me feel a little uneasy. And how could it not?”
“With the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, which gives the President the power to arrest and detain American Citizens, it makes one wonder why the military is conducting drills in Urban America. While it could be, as LAPD insists, just a training exercise the timing sure does make you wonder what’s going on.”
Have you witnessed military activity this week in the downtown LA area? If so please contact the Infowars team with details or post to the Prisonplanet.com forum.