Monday, January 23, 2012


The CFR is not as powerful as it once were decades ago. The Pilgrim Society, the Bilderbergers, and the Knights of Malta are more powerful than the CFR. The Knights of Malta is ruled by the Vatican. The Vatican has more wealth, influence, and power than the CFR. The Pilgrim Society helped to create both the CFR and RIIA. The CFR have more people who are younger while the Pilgrims are made up of 40 plus year old elitists. Freemasonry is also older than the CFR. Also, Freemasonry is worldwide, while the CFR is very limited in Western circles. The Pope is not a CFR member. The CFR is a mid level organization that promote of course the new world order system and globalizaiton. The Black NObility bloodlines are even older than the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, so I will expose the CFR. Yet, I will expose all of the picture. Jesuit-trained leaders have influence in the Pentagon and the Military industrial complex as you have admitted. The CFR has corporate power, but the Pilgrim Society are the heads of the transnational corporations. The CFR are mid level managers of the system. The CFR isn't more power than the Constantian Society, the Order of Garter, or the Order of St. Francis. Therefore, the Pilgrim Society, the Vatican/Jesuit network, and the Bilderberg Group are greatly more powerful than the Council on Foreign Relates indeed.

By Timothy


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