If you do a little research, you will find that there is pretty damning evidence that Dr. King plagiarized his dissertation. If he were still alive when this information came out, he would most likely have been stripped of the title.
This is an old canard. Dr. King plagiarized his disseration, but he still recieved honorary doctorate degress from universities. I've researched every single day of my life. My words are accurate. Also, Dr. King wasn't perfect, but he was right to oppose Jim Crow segregration, discrimination, and brutality against black Americans. That's a fact.
I never said that the government is perfect, but I did say that some government programs are successful. That's a historical fact. The Homestead Act, interstate highways, rural electrication, the Human Genome Project are successful. Private industry can assist society, but total privatization has led to neo-liberal corruption.
Corrupt government and corrupt governments are the problems. The government is made up of the people, so citizens promoting good government is legitimate. The citizens are the solution and citizens make up the government. I didn't mention Amtrak, so that is a fallacious argument on your part. Your lord Ayn Rand doesn't move me.