Politics are developing all of the time. Newt Gingrich recently won the South Carolina primary. Many mainstream media pundits considered Newt Gingrich almost politically dead. Now, Gingrich is very much alive. This Presidential race is truly a four man race indeed. This 2012 Republican race has twists and turns in its cosmology. The GOP has been acting as a disgrace via its obstruction inside of Congress. There is nothing wrong with preventing unjust laws from passing like SOPA, but to oppose even basic economic reforms is silly. Ron Paul presents an old school libertarian philosophy that is out of touch with our rapidly changing times in the 21st century. Some of its philosophies go against social justice. Ron Paul is similar to Barry Goldwater. Both opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for the same reason (not for racial purposes). In Ron Paul’s America, you won’t have Social Security, Medicare, federal civil rights laws, no Americans with Disabilities Act, no real workers rights, and no laws protecting the safety of foods and drugs. All candidates for President oppose universal health care. They believe that the federal government shouldn’t infringe on the rights on the states, but civil rights violations existed across states lines. Also, private property owners can’t do fraud or violate basic human freedoms period. It’s wrong to have a federal police state. Also, it is blatantly immoral to live under a theoretical state or local police state too. Ron Paul’s program would be the complete abandonment of the progressive views of Dr. Martin Luther King in his fight for civil rights (and the later phrase for the economic bill of rights). Today, we have the Occupy Movement that are exposing the 1 percent. Ron Paul won’t expose the 1% or economic inequality in the world. The other candidates are worse since at least Ron Paul opposes the War on Drugs and oppose wars of aggression (including the concept of an Empire). Rick Santorum wants the social safety net to be gone and he slanders that net (which people earned and fought for) as welfare. Once upon a time, the Republican Party was more progressive. This occurred especially during Reconstruction and beyond for a temporarily period of time. This is why many black Americans voted for them. One reason why many people don’t vote for Republicans is because the Dixiecrats infiltrated the Republican Party after 1964. Sometimes, a revolution occurs when there are pressures on the power that be. For example, abolitionists and black leaders put pressure on Abraham Lincoln in order for him to sign the Emancipation Proclamation. It took pressure by civil rights leaders for Presidents Kennedy and Johnson to propose and pass civil rights including voting rights legislations. Today, we have the Occupy Movement and the future is uncertain for America. What is certain is that improvements and complications will exist in the world. Yet, we should use actions, words, and reason to accomplish our goals in life. The next primary is in Florida. Romney, Paul, Santorum, and Gingrich are headed into Florida in attempting to receive as much votes as possible. One thing that I’m happy about is that this “Romney is the inevitable candidate” mantra is over. I’m happy that some of these primary voters in South Carolina decided that one man like Romney shouldn’t be crowned as the Republican candidate for President this early (to the dismay of the mainstream media). I’m glad for that.
Religion has been exploited to promote ecumenicalism. There is nothing wrong with respecting someone of a different creed. There is nothing wrong with having peaceful discussions and peaceful coexistence with any human being of any background. Yet, one strong aspect of the Christian experience is promoting standards. Without foundational standards, Christian theology falls apart. In other words, if a person denies the resurrection of Jesus Christ, denies the Virgin Birth, and denies Jesus Christ as being the Messiah (and the Son of the living God) that person isn’t a Christian. Even the apostle Paul wrote that if Christ didn’t rise from the dead, your faith is in vain. That sums up Christian theology. In America, some professing Protestants and Baptists desire to unite with Romanism for the sake of social issues. Yet, one key part of Catholicism is the acceptance of the union of church and states. Historically, Baptists and other Christians disagreed with this union as detrimental to religious freedoms and political rights. For if the state can dictate religious policy, sooner or later, your religious rights can possibly be tramped upon. An injustice anyway is a threat to justice everywhere. So, if a Muslim is restricted of their religious liberty rights, then all of us are affected by this injustice. Especially, if you’re an atheist, your rights will definitely be violated under a pro-Dominionist theocracy. The Jesuits today works with many neo-evangelicals now to promote an agenda of not only Ecumenicalism, but attempted control over all of Christendom pretty much. The Jesuits never ended their goal (which is a global empire over all Christians with the Middle East as its control center). Jesuits and Catholics heavily control the Operation Rescue movement. So, it’s our job to not express hatred toward Roman Catholics. It is show sound judgment and real information about the errors and superstitions of Roman Catholicism. In 2012, these Culture “Warriors” regularly work with the Papal Empire. CFR member Newt Gingrich is slick with his language, but people are on to him. Gingrich calls President Barack Obama as the biggest food stamp President in history, which is false. The Council on Foreign Relations or the CFR was created to promote globalization. CFR head Richard Haas admitted that he wants national sovereignty to be submerged to global bodies. Gingrich is in the Hudson Institute. This group had board members by the names of 33rd Degree Freemasons (like Jack Kemp, and Trent Lott) including CFR members (like On the other side of the coin, there are those who believe in unbelief, and an anti-religious feeling of doubt. The other side of the coin deals with the Left side of the Left/Right Paradigm. Secret Societies like Freemasonry have members that had huge religious power like Norman Vincent Peale (the late 33rd Degree Freemason was the ex-Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of the Grand Lodge of New York, Past Grand Prelate of the Knights Templar and Shriner), 33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller, Prince Hall Freemason Jesse Jackson, the late Joseph Smith (or the founder of the Mormon religious clique), and so many others. Usually, tons of 33rd Degree Freemasons are in religious bodies, businesses, and other parts of local communities. Their lists are found in various Masonic documents and Masonic notebooks. Inside of Masonic suitcases, there are documents. These documents show notebooks (or writings of Masonic concepts during their meetings), papers about members, papers on ceremonies, and other documents detailing community projects.
Many Wall Street bankers are not prosecuted to this day. Eric Holder and the head of the DOJ’s criminal division were partners for a firm which used to represent the big banks, Fannie, Freddie, and MERS. So, the administration’s Department of Justice isn’t prosecuting any big fish. The Obama administration is prosecuting fewer financial crimes than Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. Even though the big banks (like the Bank of America, Citigroup, JP Morgan, and Wells Fargo) committed some fraud. The business model of the whole system is fraudulent. The fraudsters haven’t been totally prosecuted by Attorney General Eric Holder and the head of the DOJ’s criminal division Lanny Beuer. Reuters reported that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer (or the head of the Justice Department’s criminal division) were partners for years at a Washington law firm. The firm represented a Who’s Who of big banks and other companies at the center of the alleged foreclosure fraud according to a Reuters inquiry shows. The firm Covington and Burling is one of the Washington’s biggest white shoe law firms. Law professors and other federal ethics experts said that federal conflict of interest rules required Holder and Breuer to recues themselves from any Justice Department decisions relating to law firm clients they personally work for. The Justice Department and Covington declined to say if either official had personally worked on matters for the big mortgage industry clients. Justice Department spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler said Holder and Breuer had complied fully with conflict of interest regulations. Yet, she declined to say if they had recued themselves from any matters related to the former clients. Holder and Breuer (according to Reuters) allowed the Justice Department hasn’t brought any criminal cases against big banks or other companies involved in mortgage servicing. There is copious evidence that has surfaced of apparent criminal violations in the foreclosure cases. There is plenty of evidence (from records from federal courts, state courts, and local clerk’s offices around the country) that outlines widespread forgery, perjury, obstruction of justice, and illegal foreclosures on the homes of thousands of active duty military personnel. While Holder and Breuer were partners at Covington, the firm’s clients included the four largest U.S. banks – Bank of America, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo & Co. (as well as at least one other bank that is among the 10 largest mortgage servicers). Covington represented Freddie Mac and MERS Corp. There are court records that proves that Covington (in the late 1990’s) provided legal opinion letters needed to create MERS on behalf of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, and several other large banks. So, conflicts of interests exist in numerous U.S. administration spanning years. One example is when Department of Justice lawyer John Yoo wrote a letter trying to justify torture in the Bush administration. This opinion tried to justify blatant illegality. Top financial crime expert Bill Black said Eric Holder should be fired including all other government officials trying to block prosecution of the criminals who caused the economic crisis in the first place. The Department of Justice should dispense justice and not be a protection racket for the rich and powerful.
There are many facts on the Confederacy that exposes it as fraudulent. Now, Jefferson Davis called for 100,000 troops in his inauguration day speech. This was a month before Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated and he called for peace. The U.S. only had about 2,000 troops east of the Mississippi River when the southern states began to secede. The Civil War was about trade, social divisions, politics, and slavery. Many state Constitutions of Confederacy supported slavery and Confederate leaders expressed support for slavery by their own words as well. The state legislatures of the rebellious southern states made many pronouncements as to their reasons behind secession and the majority of them mentioned SLAVERY. The right to rebellion is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, but succession is not mentioned at all. The Declaration of Independence was about America being free form Britain. The United States Constitution mentions no right to secede at all. The Yankees were not losing the war in 1862. This was in the time of the Battle of Bull Run. The rest of the war has Union advances on all fronts except Virginia. There were battles of the Civil War in the West and Trans-Mississippi Theater. Abraham Lincoln did advocate VOLUNTARY colonization for black Americans, because he thought that would be best for both blacks and whites. However, President Abraham Lincoln abandoned that idea after he spoke with black leaders like Frederick Douglas in 1862. He believed that the black soldiers and sailors would be allowed in the army and the navy. The reason that Lincoln did not receive many, if any votes, in southern states, was that southern states had made it a crime to advocate for any anti-slavery position. The Southern states considered Republicans to be Anti-Slavery so any Republicans in southern states who attempted to gather enough signatures to place Lincoln on that states ballot would have been arrested. You cannot receive any votes if you are never allowed onto the ballot in the first place by unconstitutional laws. The Emancipation Proclamation said NOTHING about forcibly resettling the freed slaves. The Emancipation Proclamation tried to free the slaves in the region of the Confederacy. The Confederacy once allied with the imperialist British in order to make America 2 divided nations. They were defeated and America is the United States of America.
To expose racism, we have to define it. Racism is the belief that a specific race or people group is superior or inferior to another race (s) or people group (s). The reality is that all people are created equal. There are no inferior or superior peoples. Institutional racism is when there is an arrangement or power structure that permits racism via policies, practices, and procedures. This system limits opportunities from human beings because of their race in an unfair fashion. This has led into inequalities, abuses, and injustices. For example, Jim Crow was about institutional racism, which allows the state to discriminate against innocent human being based on their skin color. Therefore, all of us should fight all of the time to reject false beliefs, stereotypes, assumptions, and any immoral judgments about ourselves & others. This is one way to fight against racism including dialogue, wisdom, and activism. Now, racism is used by reactionaries as a means to divide and conquer the masses in human history. This system of white supremacy is intertwined with imperialism and laissez faire capitalism (as class stratification was used by numerous European elitists to divide people and conquer people of color especially worldwide). Now, both racial and class stratification go hand in hand. This stratification allows many racial and class inequalities involving wealth simultaneously. So, solidarity with folks of numerous backgrounds can overcome the evils in the system. The U.S. government used the counterrevolutionary COINTELPRO plan to attack the Black Power Movement of the 1960’s. The government allowed the murder of African leaders, jailed activists, and used agents to destroy organizations. The CIA (as proven by Gary Webb and others) allowed mass drugs to flow the communities of the poor and especially African Americans. The old Jim Crow is dead. Yet, today we have the new Jim Crow with three and discriminatory sentencing mandates that harms millions of human beings. The subsequent prison industrial complex increases corporate profits, Wall Street profits, and privatization efforts. The oppressive system historically can be interracial and intraracial. For example, the ancient Romans oppressed the Celtic population of British massively during the days of Julius Caesar (and centuries later). This was an example of intraracial imperialism. The issues of race and class are real. For example, a rich person of color still sometimes faces racism in housing, schools, the justice system, and the labor market. To end white supremacy, you can’t just deal with economics. The whole structure of society has to be radically changed to promote tolerance, freedom, and justice. Since white supremacy is very strongly ingrained in Western society, we have no choice but to end class inequality and racism at the same time. The cartel capitalism used COINTELPRO, drugs in the poor communities, the prison industrial complex, GMOs, etc. as a means to prevent revolutionary actions from taking place (to fight against the contradictions created by exploitation in society). The system is amoral with a motive for not only profit, but control over societies. Racism, sexism, and bigotry are tools of imperialist exploitation no doubt. Therefore, the elite pit white working class people against the black people (and other minorities). When this divide and conquer strategy is being activated, the focus is not on the real enemy (which is the global elite using the monopoly, corporate system). Historically, when capitalism grew, elites used racism and white supremacy to try to maintain and group their power. That is why it is taboo even in America to call for universal health care and other benefits. The USA is an industrialized nation without universal health care. Also, it is important for all of us to promote intellectualism and read in order to make valued judgments (without fear mongering or massive inaccuracies).
By Timothy