Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
It's important for American Blacks to see how they treat us, what they say about us. I don't buy from them. Their stores are everywhere. This group of people that despise us are supported by us with each and every purchase we make with them.
In my neighborhood there are two high schools that converge on one block. The decent kids know how to act and go home but the other ones who are our Black kids don't know how to act and ALL of them go to these foreign owned stores and support these racist bastards/their villages. They and their parents should hand their heads in shame for buying from them. All these kids are looking for jobs, record high unemployment, yet with three corner stores, 2 pizza shops, a donut shop and a fried chicken place with no taste chicken and not one of them can find a job. Not one.
So, at this stage of the game, I do my research, pulling the money together somehow, will get the stores open and get started on a plan to do this nationwide, etc. We have the power to be their nightmare. They shudder at the thought of us opening up these stores. Whites in NYC are making them incorporate, etc. because before they weren't doing that either, they were just opening up, getting beer licenses and who knows what was going on tax wise. They don't give receipts so they can under report income. On top of this, they aren't Americans so you just don't know who that is.
Black folks, you on the other hand are Americans. Your ancestors have fought in the Revolutionary War on both sides and in every war, have established townships that were destroyed BECAUSE they were successful and Whites feared their advances.
So, in this day and age, because every advance we make and because we fought in ways the Blacks in their nations can't or won't fight (get the details first), we are the first ones they attack.
This movie about the Tuskegee Airmen coming out is only going to make them come after us even more. It's like a kneejerk reaction so you're going to realize that we as Black folks are under attack. It's a given. There is more than one strategy to fight back and succeeed.
Somehow in the civil rights movement we forgot to own our own businesses. Well, at this stage, with the lies about the economy on the upswing vs. our reality we have to get ourselves employed. So, it's time to take over those stores and use them as employment agencies for us just like the Indians, Koreans, Sri Lankans, etc. do. This was their solution to employment discrimination. With some tweaking this could really make a difference.
To Black Americans in particular I appeal to you because you aren't as intermingled with Indians, Asians as West Indians and Africans are. Being Americans who helped kick out the Brits in 1776, the Asian Indians were under British rule and used as workers/military in the West Indies, Africa, etc. They took control of Uganda's economy so Edie Amin, the heinous dictator kicked them the hell out. They have torn up Guyana, Trinidad and have a foothold in Jamaica. Because of this, there will always be sympathy for their relatives/friends among West Indians. People are people that's fine but were talking about survival here and there isn't going to be anymore looking for jobs with our hat in hand begging to be hired. The Latinos want to control things now and you see how that is when they get themselves into anything.
Always a kneejerk reaction, whenever we do something, they say "well what about us?" and then do something in jealous retaliation. Yet, Oh Lord, God help you if you look like MLK and come from the Latin world.
So, at this stage of the game, you're going to have to make history again in a unique way. There is a personal responsibility to know more of your history worldwide. Right now the Chinese and others are in Africa taking over. The Africans are too pliable and easy to go along. The Indians are there too, buying up land and pushing the Africans off to death and starvation. The land grabs are genocides.
Who will stand up and resist them? The West Indians who marry them and mix their identity to them to the tune of no political power in Trinidad, etc. ? The idea of competing for business like a foreigner here is the solution and also worldwide.
Not just in our neighborhoods but wherever we shop, we need to establish stores that cater to us. Most of these foreign businesses don't the culture here so their products for sale aren't what we're really looking for, their stores are boring, some smell funny, there's no music and so on. You know this culture so you have an advantage. The other thing is you have a wealth of American history to pull from, use it. Put our your flag, your war photos/paintings from EVERY WAR, etc. You can pull up just as much colonial history as any other American.
It's time to get mad about any damned foreigner trying to sell you salty fried chicken where didn't even marinde the meat and pass this mess of to you like it's nothing. No, you should dominate those jobs, by dominating the ownership of those stores and the Commercial retail property (so they can't prevent the leasing) and being able to either own the biz in partnership or offer jobs to those in dire straits.
In terms of the beauty supply biz, since the Koreans control the distribution, stop acting like things are supposed to be above board all the damned time, duplicate the products and tweak a bit, make the jars look pretty and open up competing stores that sell only that. ADVERTISE, offer prizes/contests, and start really telling the truth of what they did to us when they took all the products from Black beauty suppliers out of circulation so the black owners had to close stores. THIS WAS AN ATTACK, AN ACT OF WAR, AN ECONOMIC ATTACK!!!. SO, TO THE LAST CURLER, THE LAST BLACK OWNED CURLING IRON BIZ THAT THEY'RE TRYING TO DESTROY, THE LAST PONYTAIL HOLDER, THE LAST AFRO PICK, THE LAST RELAXER BOTTLE, WE FIGHT, WE FIGHT, WE FIGHT!!!
We fight by being able to offer work where we make the combs and brushes, bags and shoes, clothing, etc. and other things and stand apart by making items designed to last. This is why inventor Elijah McCoy "the Real McCoy" was so famous. His machinery was well designed and reliable. American companies aren't doing that anymore. This is your new hallmark. Match it to the tenacity of not only lasting under this racist regime for centuries but producing MLK who would stand up to them and inspire the entire world.
FIGHT!! Your survival is at stake. First step, keep your money to yourself. Next step, think of a number of businesses where that money of your can stay in Black hands before it leaves the community. Don't feel bad about it because your economic enemies do this TO YOU.
Next, in every community there are a number of businesses that are staples, Grocery stores (have Black farmers stock the goods), Dry cleaners (process was invented by Thomas Jennings in NYC in the 1850's, think George Jefferson), candy stores, donut shops/coffee shops, pizza shops, clothing shops (we used to be sought after seamstresses/tailors like Thomas Jennings, others, so now we can only buy, not manufacture?) knock off the designs of the moment with just a tweak/offer at low cost and voila you can hire people to make them and if they are well made people of all kinds will buy them, diners/community restaurants and don't be afraid to co-opt another culture like they do us with the chicken thing- we've eaten enough Chinese food, tacos and pizza to do this), toy stores (take a bunch of people who made them in the past and present, get them together, open up a few shops and distribute them), get Black pharmacists together/sponsor pharmacies and offer products to sell in the front of the door and give CVS etc a run for their money. All of these corporations act like the borg but they can afford to lose a few million. It's an act of war against our humanity to undermine the playing field so much and have us beholden for our very survival.
If you get the idea of this then one other VERY important thing. As you build up the communities around you, remember to bring back the real music, the real singers. What I hear the current generation jamming to today are voices that tend to be marginal, not blow your mind big so that anyone can feel comfortable walking up in there and doing it. That wasn't the case before. It's time for the groups that remember when rap wasn't mainstream and music was made by bands of musicians who either studied their crafts or played by ear.
The corporations have made it look like instruments don't belong in music anymore. It's time for the rappers to reflect the realities of what we're going through so I make an appeal to Kurtis Blow and the others to come back and start talkin' about what were going through now. We need more women to reperesnt the mothers and it's time to promote the real singers again.
We have lost the music and it's time to get it back. Lots of those musicians are dead unfortunately but there are others who are still alive. Take the power of our music away from the soulless corporations and change things, turn things on their ear.
In that new music, tell the stories about how we're being treated, how we fight back, what success in that fight looks like. If you do this, if you succeed at this, from Compton, to Kentucky, to Gary, Milwaukee, to Cleveland, Detroit, Newark, it will mean something to Trenchtown in Jamaica, to Blacks in Guyana dealing with oppression, to Blacks in the Virgin Islands having a hell of a time owning stores owned by Middle Easterners who shut them out, to the entire Caribbean, always with a migrating population to Canada/US/Europe yet the corporations take out billions collectively and none of it benefits the PEOPLE. Turning this around, gaining control of those economics would help build up Haiti faster. We'll need to do this in order to fight back against Chinese and Indian genocide to come in Africa so that they along can control the resources.
These groups of Asians smile up in White folks face but to us they sneer. Some White folks are beginning to see this. For example, Peace Corps volunteers have been routinely raped, gang raped over there and there's been only a bit of coverage about it.
No doubt, the folks that you are dealing with are showing you who they are, you just have to pay attention to how they treat you and watch their practices. There's no time to be selfish with each other like the Jayz/Rush/Diddley's of the world. Work with the ones who can be worked with and there are plenty.
Make no mistake, this is a fight that will go the gutter trash. You're going to have to fight in ways you never thought of. Success with this is survival.
(Check out Dr. Claude Anderson - Powernomics)
A great post. I might add, we need to own our own land, and commercial property. We can never build if we are renting from those who despise us. Now is the perfect time to act because the enemy is suffering from financial trouble........ Yes, take back the music, don't let white corporate executives tell you what you should be listening to. That bubblegum rap is designed to dumb us down. The time to fight back, and make progress is now, or maybe never