The 2012 State of the Union address made by the President Barack Obama was interesting. It was long and it signaled one portion of his Presidential legacy. He made the case that his Presidency is worthy of a second term, because he allowed troops to leave Iraq, his Special Forces killed Osama bin Laden, and other reasons. Conversely, covert operations still exist and he supports the neo-imperialist Africom outfit. The crowd cheered and stood up when the crowd agreed with him. People that didn’t agree with him were either silent or they stood down in their seats. The 2 men behind the President speaking are the President’s Vice President Joe Biden and the House Speaker John Boehner. One of his major proclamations during his address was that “…The state of the union is stronger.” Those words outline the quintessential theme during the whole State of the Union. In other words, the President said that things could be worse, but we have a long way to go in improving our country. The President talked about how the military are dedicated to fulfill their mission. Therefore, the President wants political leaders to follow the example of the military in order for politicians to help society. He wants America to create high tech manufacturing jobs, to create a high class education, and form an economy built to last. That’s ironic since his record on the economy has been mixed. President Barack Obama has made policies to allow GM to succeed, but his compromise with the neo-liberalism of the Republicans has made the economy to become very stagnant (to put it very lightly). He offers respect for the GI Bill as an example of a successful government program. The President made it a theme to criticize class inequality, allow people to have a fair shot, have fair rules in the world, and to promote fairness in the globe. The President briefly explained the history of the 2008 recession (of how the house of cards of economic power fell in America during 2008. By 2008, bad mortgages, the banks making huge bets and bonuses, etc. caused a huge recession). Regulators looked the other way. These regressive polices CAUSED the financial collapse. The President Barack Obama spoke about the 4 million jobs being lost before 2009. Then, he said that his administration made more than 3 million jobs created in 22 months. American manufacturing are creating jobs in 2011-2012 since the late 1990’s according to the President. President Barack Obama rejects obstructionism and he commented that he won’t revert back to the same economic policies that caused the economic recession in the first place. He said that we will not go back to outsourcing, and phony policies. He wants an economic policy that promotes manufacturing, energy, and American values. Workers and automakers worked together and now GM is the number one automaker. Chrysler is growing, and Ford is investing in new factories. America is getting more productive according to the words of the President. Some want more jobs to grow in home. Master Lock is running at full capacity in 15 years. He wants manufacturing to bring back. He wants manufacturing to come back to America and allow companies succed. He wants to change the tax code. He doesn’t want tax deductions for outsourcing jobs, but companies that bring jobs in America. Lower taxes for companies that choose to allow jobs to stay in America is his motto. A high tech manufacturing system domestically desires a tax deduction according to the President. He wants to help poorer companies as well. He wants to reward companies to preserve jobs in America. Make it easier to sell products globally. New U.S. goods are being exported to South Korea, Panama Columbia, etc. to open new markets via U.S. exports. Twice as many trade cases were made against China during the Obama years than during the Bush years. President Barack Obama wants a trade unit to investigate bad trading practices in the world (with his emphasis on China). His speech was heavily anti-China.
Some people have trouble having skills in some high tech work. He wants partnerships with Siemens and community colleges to give people skills and jobs. Data management and high tech programs are the type of jobs that the President promotes. He said that he wants to transition America from being an unemployment system to a reemployment system. Growing education is part of his agenda. So, the President said that he wants to reward the best teachers who give creativity and passion in the classroom. He wants to replace teachers that aren’t allowing students to learn. He wants every state require all high schools to not leave high school until they turn 18 or graduate. For college, he wants to stop student loans to double in July. The President desires an extension of a tuition tax credit to help young people to earn their way through college. Also, the President wants to give more funding for works study jobs. The President said that he favor less illegal immigration. Comprehensive immigration reform is his goal as it relates to his immigration policy. In his mind, he desires a law that will allow immigrants to earn their citizenship. He wants new vets and investments in research. He talks about research and wanting new American ingenuity. American made energy is his agenda as well. He wants to open more resources for oil and gas extraction. The President made the point that in his term, there is less domestic reliance on foreign oil. He wants all available sources of energy to be developed form oil to solar. Natural gas lasting for 100 years is his belief. He also wants a disclose chemicals oil companies use on public lands. His other plans are: public research in oil, high tech batteries, federal investments in energy, and renewable energy development. President Barack Obama’s major iniatative deals with his promotion of new incentives of clean energy. Clean energy. He wants to rebuild American infrastructure with our bridges electricity, etc. He said that he wants to fund these projects from half the money used from war to be spend on nation building in America. Later, he wants to use policies that will refinance on mortgages or create 3,000 dollars per year (to help human beings surfacing mortgage complications). He wants smart regulations to prevent financial fraud. He wants to make the free market work better. He criticized the BP oil spill, mercury poisoning, etc .He wants no tax hikes and he desires a pay a payroll tax cut without delay. He admitted that he wants the austerity plan of 2 trillion dollars worth of cuts and savings. The Buffet rule is supported by him. The Buffet rule issues no subsidies for those making over 1 million dollars a year (it creates an extra tax bracket for millionaires and billionaires). The President wants tax credits to companies that provide funding toward veterans. He talks about Libya, and Syria. He wants Iran to have no nuclear weapon and takes no option off the taken. He wants a peaceful resolution. To threaten bombing a sovereign nation when other nations have nuclear weapons is duplicity.
Some people have trouble having skills in some high tech work. He wants partnerships with Siemens and community colleges to give people skills and jobs. Data management and high tech programs are the type of jobs that the President promotes. He said that he wants to transition America from being an unemployment system to a reemployment system. Growing education is part of his agenda. So, the President said that he wants to reward the best teachers who give creativity and passion in the classroom. He wants to replace teachers that aren’t allowing students to learn. He wants every state require all high schools to not leave high school until they turn 18 or graduate. For college, he wants to stop student loans to double in July. The President desires an extension of a tuition tax credit to help young people to earn their way through college. Also, the President wants to give more funding for works study jobs. The President said that he favor less illegal immigration. Comprehensive immigration reform is his goal as it relates to his immigration policy. In his mind, he desires a law that will allow immigrants to earn their citizenship. He wants new vets and investments in research. He talks about research and wanting new American ingenuity. American made energy is his agenda as well. He wants to open more resources for oil and gas extraction. The President made the point that in his term, there is less domestic reliance on foreign oil. He wants all available sources of energy to be developed form oil to solar. Natural gas lasting for 100 years is his belief. He also wants a disclose chemicals oil companies use on public lands. His other plans are: public research in oil, high tech batteries, federal investments in energy, and renewable energy development. President Barack Obama’s major iniatative deals with his promotion of new incentives of clean energy. Clean energy. He wants to rebuild American infrastructure with our bridges electricity, etc. He said that he wants to fund these projects from half the money used from war to be spend on nation building in America. Later, he wants to use policies that will refinance on mortgages or create 3,000 dollars per year (to help human beings surfacing mortgage complications). He wants smart regulations to prevent financial fraud. He wants to make the free market work better. He criticized the BP oil spill, mercury poisoning, etc .He wants no tax hikes and he desires a pay a payroll tax cut without delay. He admitted that he wants the austerity plan of 2 trillion dollars worth of cuts and savings. The Buffet rule is supported by him. The Buffet rule issues no subsidies for those making over 1 million dollars a year (it creates an extra tax bracket for millionaires and billionaires). The President wants tax credits to companies that provide funding toward veterans. He talks about Libya, and Syria. He wants Iran to have no nuclear weapon and takes no option off the taken. He wants a peaceful resolution. To threaten bombing a sovereign nation when other nations have nuclear weapons is duplicity.
There are documents that call for the total federalization of the police under a new Homeland Security Mission according to Aaron Dykes. This is similar to a Mission Creep. This DHS agency wants to not fight terrorism, but to hire police to take over America. One of the things that libertarians are completely right about is that we should never, ever have a federalization of the police period. This new white papers was presented to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. It cites an evolving mission for Homeland Security. It wants to shift it plan from fighting terrorism to fund a vast domestic intelligence apparatus. This apparatus would expand integration with local/state agencies and private/public partnerships already underway via regional fusion centers. This plan was created by the Aspen Institute Homeland Security Group. This plan was co-chaired by former DHS chief Michael Chertoff and the group has some of the who’s who of national security figures. The title of the report is “Homeland Security and Intelligence: Next Steps in Evolving the Mission.” The report puts out the agenda of the state in full view. The report wants intelligence gathering instead of overtly dealing with threats during the war on terror era. DHS is paranoid about domestic threats. The lists of the key insiders that want some domestic agency to monitor the population include the following people: former NSA/CIA head Michael Hayden, former Rep. Jane Harmon, former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, 9/11 Commissioners Philip Zelikow and Richard Ben-Viniste, former National Security Advisor Samuel Berger and others. So, the Department of Homeland Security wants to be more active in handling domestic issues. The report wants: “…“he federal government’s need to train, and even staff, local agencies, such as major city police departments, will grow…” This is a call for the federal government to control local police operations. Fusion centers are here now that uses illegal spying against the American populace. These centers infect police agencies and local governments. A December 2010 Aspen Homeland Security Group report quoted the Superintendent of the New Orleans Police Department recommending that: “…every mayor and governor of a major city in the country should have to attend a DHS-sponsored emergency management course where various scenarios – like hurricanes, levy breaks, and explosions – are exercised.” This is like some Big Brother like apparatus. The Aspen group wants DHS to use intelligence powers to have partnerships with the private sector not just with others (like local police departments, mayors, and governors). The DHS has huge powers already. It can have background checks on security guards working with “critical infrastructure.” It has ties to the hotel, security, and transportation industries. The DHS wants to expand quasi-governmental groups like InfraGard and private snitch networks. They want to deal with private interests and possibly have security clearances for all employment. The DHS wants to deal with integrating travel date, border protection, cyber defense, and critical infrastructure protection. The national security state brought us naked body scanners, checkpoints in highways (including streets, airports, bus and train station); they project their views of homegrown terror threat into private hotels, etc. The power of the national security state has grown to influence malls, stadiums, and having tyranny in other realms of society. A promotional article at the Homeland Security News Wire blog highlights the shift: “With a slew of intelligence agencies with similar missions safeguarding the United States, the report posits that DHS should avoid competing with other agencies and overlapping responsibilities, instead focusing on its areas of core strengths – analysis and the dissemination of critical intelligence to local law enforcement agency, the private sector, and critical infrastructure operators.” The Department of Homeland Security has grown its power since 9/11. Propaganda is readily shown by them in order to have scaremongering about terrorism and ally with private contractors. People forced the DHS to disavow one of its reports that slandered gun owners, pro-life people, an anti-new world order activists as equivalent to terrorists. This April 7, 2009 was entitled, “Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.” We have local police agencies being told what to do with non-violent protesters, returning veterans, and supporters of third party candidates. The FPS or the Federal Protective Service was dispatched by the DHS and they were caught arresting photographers (and spying on dissenters like the Occupy Wall Street protesters in Portland). More DHS documents revealed that they have emergency plans to activate FEMA relocation centers for use during a crisis or catastrophe. Unaccountable power is antithetical to the U.S. Constitution and American society. Even former President Harry Truman disagreed or lamented the CIA’s extreme power grab 16 years after he signed the National Security Act of 1947 (which created the CIA in the first place). From 1947 on, the modern national security state existed in America. Truman in December of 1963 opposed the CIA acting as a cloak and dagger operating organization. CIA Director Allen Dulles and other CIA agents have done evil actions. According to Col. Fletcher Prouty’s “The Secret Team,” Dulles promoted black ops, assassinations, coups, revolutions, etc. (under the guise of his Jackson-Correa white paper that he helped to write). The CIA became a government within a government. So, the DHS is having more power to enrich the military industrial complex not a culture that loves civil liberties.
In 2012, it is taboo for many for many of us in America to call for peace, but peace is legitimately fine to advance. We see a time where Iran/U.S. tension is in an all time high. even reported in January 19, 2012 that a new U.S. commando special operations team is operating now near Iran. Syria is looking like Libya according to a columnist from Lebanon’s “The Daily Star” newspaper. As high as 19,000 sexual assaults in the U.S. military has been admitted by U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. It’s a fact that the U.S./NATO falsely accused the Libyan Jahrmiya military using Viagra to its soldiers in order to use rape as a weapon. An Algeria ISP report said that the Obama administration offered to reconstitute the Libyan military, forming desert troops, Special Forces, and Libyan air forces. Some sites and sources mention that U.S. troops are in Libya, in Brega, Ras Lanouf, and Sirte. People realize that the Libyan war was exploited by Western neo-colonial power in order for the West to get Libyan oil for western markets at a very cheap price. Algeria reported that U.S. troops are in the Mitiga Air Base (east of Tripoli) and that NATO helicopters plus war planes are surveying Libyan towns. Algerians believe that drones were launched from a secret base in the Libyan Desert using surveillance Libya and other nearby countries. Cynthia McKinney said that U.S. troops are in the island of Malta awaiting will to be deployed to Libya. Word may have been given to do it. If reports of U.S. troops in Libya have mentioned by African, Libyan, and Russian online sites (these U.S. troops acting as a buffer to stop the deteriorating situation in Libya), then America should respond. Yet, U.S. governmental officials haven’t responded yet. The government of Malta and the U.S. Embassy in Malta now deny any U.S. troops in Libya. Regardless of the truth, all U.S. troops should be brought home. We don’t need more Empire. Historically, all Empires fell by their huge economic, social & political burdens in civilizations. We wasted trillions of dollars in unjust wars. This money can be better spent on teachers, nurses, solar heating system, and the rest of our national infrastructure. We realize that the accusations of the existence of African mercenaries are a lie. It was the U.S. and NATO showing mercenaries to fight in Libya (from al-Qaeda, Qataris, U.S. contractors, Italians, French, British special forces, and people from the National Transitional Council). Black Africans have been beaten to death by these Libyan U.S./NATO allies. The reality still is that U.S. troops are in Uganda, South Sudan, 9,000 troops in Kuwait, Somalia, etc. There are U.S. troops now in 2012 for the first time in history in Israel. Drone bases are in Africa from Djibouti, Seychelles, Ethiopia, and Kenya. These bases are the foundation for drone attacks. Even Human Rights Watch presented questions about the CIA drone attacks since many of the causalities and circumstances of these attacks are hugely unknown. Drone attacks aren’t just in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are in Somalia as well. This reality of neo-imperialism under the guise of “humanitarianism” is promoted by groups like the National Endowment for Democracy. The NED is one of the new instruments of oligarchy (or trying to force democracy in the world even via forces of arms possibly). Now, Africom is using their troops to try to conquer Africa. They want more troops even in Nigeria according to Nigerian military sources. Nigeria is having a civil war. We don’t need a militarization of the globe. Some journalists have been extremists too. The owner of the Atlanta Jewish Times named Andrew Adler apologized. He said that the Israeli government ought to consider assassinating or kill President Barack Obama. This is just plain wrong. Much similar acts have been talked about the President as well.
There are people from Occupy Harlem that desire economic justice in New York City. NYC recently is going through a lot. Some people in NYC are protesting the anti-Fourth Amendment stop and frisk acts. The people in Occupy Harlem are mostly made up of intelligent, strong, and resilient African Americans that desire what any other human being desire. They desire jobs, justice, economic fairness, and true equality to be made manifest in society. Some pro-Barack Obama media claim that the successful protest in Harlem is a “white” affair, which is divisive and bigoted. The demonstrations transpired outside of Apollo Theater. The same reactionary power structure remains that issues attacks on the poor and working people. They harm our civil liberties and harm global human rights. NDAA is one unjust after a laundry list of unjust laws spanning decades that permits violations of our cherished human liberties. Occupy Harlem is right to maintain its political independence. In other words, we should not be foot soldiers for the Republicans or the Democrats. So, Occupy Harlem leader Nellie Bailey organized a protest against the President in March of 2011 when the President was at the upscale Red Restaurant for a $38,000 plate dinner fundraiser. Bailey was also the organizer of “Obama, Race, Class & Politics,” three critical thinking community forums, in 2008. The Harlem series was described as: “Obammania: Post Racial America, Neo-liberalism, War and the Democratic Party Candidates Safeguarding the Strategic Interests of a Crumbling and Broken Empire. What are Our Alternative?” These events occurred long before the existence of Occupy Wall Street. It is racist for the Huffington Post to assume that black people protesting in Harlem are misguided dupes of a white OWS. This attack is very similar to the slander of civil rights movement workers in the South (during the 50s and the 60s) as outside agitators by extremists. Occupy Harlem also said that protesting Lyndon Larouche extremists weren’t part of the Harlem group at all. NYPD herded all protesters into one pen. The Harlem Occupy movement people criticized the LaRouchite activists. With this era, much of the anti-war movement has been nearly eradicated, because of the election of the new President. Some of the same people opposing the Iraq War are strangely silent in the war crimes in Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other likeminded operations globally. It’s bigger than President Barack Obama though. The big picture is that a plutocracy with their corporate agents are ruling our political system. That limits true choice. The agenda of the 1% sets the agenda for both major parties.
This time is the period of the 39th year anniversary of Roe V. Wade. Many pro-life citizens are marching and peacefully protesting abortion on demand nationwide. The media for the most part have omitted these stories. If the mainstream media does mention news on this issue, it’s in negative or evil connotations. You won’t find that with me, because I do appreciate citizens expressing their right to protest in a peaceful orientation. Abortion is a personal and serious issue. Pro-Life human beings are right that abortion is more than a quaint procedure. Abortion on demand is painful and sheds innocent human blood all of the time. This act has transpired among the thousands of years of human history. Even in January of 21, 2012, thousands of people marched for life near a federal building in Dallas. Half the city center was shut down. There were 8,000 people in the heart of the city. Even the local Dallas Morning News newspaper didn’t cover it. The West Coast March for life included 50,000 people attending including Michelle Malkin attending. I know what’s you’re thinking. She is right on the eugenic history of PP, but dead wrong on other issues. In Washington D.C., a crowd that has been estimated as numbering between 100,000 and 400,000 people marched down Constitution Avenue to protest abortion. The New York Times did not report on it. The mainstream media doesn’t report these events since most of the media is strongly pro-abortion. The Washington Post has shown online coverage of the Pro-Life protests though, but it portrayed pro-life protestors as extremists. They want people to be ashamed of being Pro-Life. Well, you shouldn’t be ashamed of being Pro-Life. You have the right to shout and to speak about being Pro-Life if that’s in your heart. The pro-life movement is collectively made up of intelligent, organized, and dedicated people. The Pro-Life Movement has been winning in the past few years. Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards stated publicly that 2011 was Planned Parenthood’s worst year ever. This is wonderful news, and Live Action’s tireless work is a huge part of the Congressional investigation, the defunding push, and the shift in perception by the public of what Planned Parenthood really is and what they do. Support Live Action in any way you can, by donating money, or just sharing and tweeting to help get the word out.
The occult tradition existed long before the time of Theosophist H. P. Blavatsky. The New Age movement isn’t really new at all. For example, many of the prominent figures of the English Renaissance were occultists that followed the Kabbalah, alchemy, and sacred geometry to promote the harmony with the “Great Architect of the Universe.” All of this is documented in Lady Queensborough’s “Occult Theocrasy.” According to the book, Nick Stone was one of the Seven in the Convention of Magdebourg. Nick was an architect and he belonged to the guild of the Freemasons. He helped the grand master of the English Lodges named Inigo Jones. The Lodges in that period were nonsectarian. She said that Ingio Jones was a Rosicrucian. The Enlightenment figures of 17th century produced literary works made by many Rosicrucians. These Rosicrucians wanted to find knowledge by occult methods (gnosis). They’ve viewed occult methods as legitimate arts and sciences. Even Paolo Rossi’s book on Bacon proved that Sir Francis Bacon emerged out of the Hermetic tradition (or to of the Magia and Cabala of the Renaissance). Many magicians believed in Bacon’s view that man must return back to the state of Adam before the Fall (in trying to create an Utopian society). This state would allow man in Bacon’s mind to have pure and sinless contact with nature and the knowledge of Nature’s powers. So, Bacon still follow magical philosophies, magic, the Kabbalah, alchemy, etc. Rosicrucians like Thomas Henry Burgoyne wanted a Golden Age in the world.
By Timothy