But LARGE black voter support for RIGHT WING Republicans? Or RIGHT WING Democrats (who aren't hiding their reactionary character)? I don't know of that happening at any time when Blacks even had the right to vote.
Dr. King's radical critique of capitalism is a fact. That much has been established in my own mind in the recent research I've done on King. He was a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST, as is evident from his own words (including in some letters between himself and Coretta Scott, also a socialst).
you will easily see that 90% of Sinajuavi's posts are not making any sense : it is a permanent self contradiction and lack of coherence.
In another thread, he said that Ron Paul is not "GOP" !
The only point which is coherent and permament in Barros/Sinajuavi's posts is his fanatical support to colonialist Zionism and blind endorsement of AIPAC b.s.
i think he needs a ... shrink.
Dr. King in his very last years was evolving toward a more radical critic of capitalism and Corporate America : i feel he would be closer to 99% than Herman Cain. But dead people don't speak up, as we all know.
a whiteboi
He was cautious in expressing this in public. In fact, in public he didn't openly espouse democratic socialism for fear that the Black freedom movement would be demonized and repressed as a "communist" movement.(America is so politically immature that most people can't distinguish between libertarian socialism and Stalinism.)
And I'n reaonably sure that Dr. King's atitude toward Ron Paul would be similar to his attitude toward Barry Goldwater.
Yet, it's ironic that the Republican party has now moved so far to the right that Ron Paul, Barry Goldwater and ole Ronald Reagan himself now increasingly seem like MODERATES.
Want change? REAL CHANGE we can believe in. Build ther 99% Movement. Only such movements can shake up the political system.
And it's growing in Bmore.
Malcolm X died for FREEDOM, for the liberation of his people and oppressed humanity. As one writer put it, Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam for the same reason he initially entered it: He wanted to fight for the freedom of his people.
At least within Sunni Islam, he could find SOME fellow revolutionaries who were SERIOUS about freedom.