Saturday, January 28, 2012

More Debates with Reactionaries

My Responses are in bold:

@TruthSeeker24 Do you even know what the term "Nazi" is derived from? National SOCIALIST Workers' Party. Aside from that, my point was that both governments, while on paper were supposed to be polar opposites, were actually run very similarly. The key to note is the amount of power the people gave to the government in the guise of protection. If you don't think something like that is possible if we keep heading down our current path, look at the Patriot Act, a most decidedly unpatriotic law.

  • @LordGouda
    I know what Nazism entail and their full name. So, that rhetoric doesn't move me to be like you (an anarcho-capitalist). It's a historical fact that Nazis destroyed unions, killed socialists, harmed human civil liberties, and used totalitarianism. Socialism believes in unions and so forth, so the Nazis aren't true socialists at all. Nazism suppressed the rights of the people. I reject the Patriot Act. A progressive government should enhance the rights of the people.

  • @TruthSeeker24 Actually, the document in its original form does not divide people of color. The amendments that you just said you support, such as the horrid three fifths amendment, reduced the rights of certain people. That's my point: if you read the original document, it can be used for anything we have today. The amendments meant to "clarify" the constitution are what destroyed it.

  • @LordGouda
    You argument proves my argument that Amendment chances is one method (out of many) to devise legitimate reforms in America. We live in the 21st century and we can't be static in our social development. Life evolves and humanity evolves to suit to the changing times of society. The original document can be used for many things today, but it didn't address female voting rights, Jim Crow, and other matters. We need Amendments to help our country. You need to comprehend that.

  • @TruthSeeker24 Equality of outcome means not equality ..but the forced
    degradation of all standards, dumbing down culture, dumbing down tests
    dumbing down performance looking past failure after failure until you get "equality".
    Equality is lie, and a tyranny

  • @871yt
    Now, equality means that all human beings have equal worth and equal value (and they should be given the same equal rights & equal opportunities in life). Even Republicans disagree with you on that issue. Equality is never about equal outcome. You distort the true meaning of equality to promote a reactionary viewpoint of austerity. Corporate influence has contributed to our cultural/educational problems. Equality isn't tyranny. Equality is the truth.

  • ___________________

    Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution allows the federal government to fund science, have taxes, and build infrastructure. So, yes, the type of government the Founders envisioned was a government using public and private means to build roads, have science, and to create infrastructure too. King George used labor exploitation to promote his British Empire.
