Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Debates on Financial Systems

Poul says:
Democracy is ‘Socialism’ ??
What the F______ is wrong with you Americans,
to much Mind-control drugs in your food and water-supply or WHAT ?
I live in a (former) Social-Democratic Welfare-state . You know what ?
Just the fact that honest working people get treatment for their cancer, or that they get a new kidney if needed (and ‘available’) makes it worth every single cent I pay in taxes !
You may think that we are just Socialist Euro-trash, but you know what ?
I don’t mind paying a bit of what I earn to ensure that the less fortunate don’t have to live in a cardboard-box under some bridge ! They are my COUNTRYMEN ! And I don’t want to see them freeze or starve to death . If that is ‘Socialism’ : I’M A SOCIALIST.. And PROUD OF IT !!


Poul says:
I know .. It’s the same here . And it’s even worse in America and a lot of other places .
Do you blame Olof Palme for that, or the Quisling ‘liberals’ (European for ‘Libertarians’)
your nation seems to favour voting for ?
None of the Nordic ‘Welfare States’ are what they used to be .
I blame Nixon and Kissinger, who sold ALL our manufacturing-jobs to Chinese Commie-’labour’ .


Poul says:
We used to be ‘Social Democracies’ .
Some politicians even talked about a thing they called ‘Economic Democracy’ .
Yes, it’s a ‘strange’ mixture of capitalism and ‘socialism’, basically we took the good things from capitalism AND from socialism, hoping it would make the bad sides of either disappear ..
It did work, until the commie-slaves ‘stole’ all the real jobs ..


agentbluescreen says:
So you don’t mind at all being taxed and bled dry to pay for a “common defence” communism against Muslims being robbed by your government in Palestine, and against phoney, foriegn false-flag al CIAduh cave-dweller false-enemies manufactured by your own communist government but you DO MIND paying for a “common defence” against the real, genuine, national enemies of communicable disease, cancerous industrial chemical poisonings and health misfortunes?


agentbluescreen says:
War is Communism, and “the common defence” is another way of writing “communism”.


PAK says:
Free market, domocracy or whatever it’s all bull. THe human condition is corruptable as long as you can gain control and power over other’s. So until we all get over the nonsense that has us seperated there is no freedom under any devised system. It’s all nonsense because if tommorow we got rid of all governments whether democratic, republic, or dictatorship and replaced it with a free market the people would be screwed. The big money men who control the market and own the land would say i aquired this all legally through the last system i have the right to all my assets. They would then hire a private army to protect their assets and control the prices of everything. That is a fuedal system not a free market. The only truth is we need to all start working together to figure out a new system or we can continue to screw each other over until we are extinct.
