Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Savant wrote:

Of course, ther simpleminded twit who names herself after SBT's "maceo" isn't serious; just doing the usual deflection and disruption.
But those HONEST people who are interested, the quote I posted at #1484 from King a collection of his addresses that were broadcast from November to December 1967, over the CANADIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION. It was the seventh annual series of Massey Lectures. The lectures were named in honor of Vincent Massay, former Governor General of Canada.
These lectures by Dr. King were collected together in a volume entitled THE TRUMPET OF CONSCIENCE.
While I couldn't expect that uneducated pseudo-Maceo to know this, the position expressed by Dr. King regarding PERSONHOOD and property, is a central principle of the philosophical school known as PRESONALISM. Dr. King studied under Personalist philosophers and theologians at Boston University. He was himself a Personalist, or at least regarded personalism as his "basic philosophical position."(p. 100, STRIDE TOWARD FREEDOM). Personalism espouses the idea of the primacy of the personality, both human and divine. This is both a metaphysical and a moral position. Actually, any personalist (not just Dr. King) would hold the same position that King holds regarding the primacy of personality over property. Therefore, it is idiotic to ask where King got it from, or ponder whether he plagiarized it. When in some of my published writings I argue that freedom constitutes the structure of existence, or speak of human situation and existential freedom,any philosophically literate person could tell that I was arguing from the standpoint of existential philosophy.
Similarly, any philosophically literate person knows that when King emphasizes the primacy of personality, or the interrelated structure of reality, he's espousing a Personalist theme.
Maybe I can start a philosophical thread for persons interested in such matters.
Worst violence by KKK in UNIFORM :

Police have arrested more than 400 Occupy Oakland protesters, as well as a number of journalists, in one of the largest mass arrests since the nationwide Occupy protests began last year.

It's so unfortunate that democratic mayor in Oakland has joined with billionaire vs people:
Now you are talking about illiterate fanatic men in 3rd world but in US you are talking about the men who are "supposed to be" protector of "abused" women, who are under oath to bring democracy to other countries. How could they value rights of women of OTHER COUNTRY when they disrespect serving women of this country ?

You are hiding under WW underwear, don't you feel sympathy for women who are spat on face, hit on head and RAPED ?

THESE ARE THE WOMEN WHO ARE TRYING TO PROTECT OUR BELOVED AMERICA. Yes, I feel sympathy towards all abused women, and this rightly belong in here. They are also people who are 99% abused by the unjust system that demeans women. Didn't the people who fought against slavery and segregation joined ARMS with women suffrage movement ?

America has lot to clean up in it's own backyard than launching wars.

EkDesiLadki wrote:
You might as well answer the question.
There are Muslims in Baltimore and Washington, DC who translate works of Dr. King (and films on Dr. King) into Arabic adn Farsee. They disseminate them (sometimes having to smuggle them) into Muslim countries. They've tried to promote, and with some results, a revolutionary nonviolent Arab Spring.
But I don't think Pint of Snapple is really interested. She, after all, claims that Dr. King's professors said that King was dumb. In fact, I've READ letters by his professors at Boston University who speak of him as one of their best students.
Snapple must be related to Zaius, another racist buffoon who fabricates stuff.
Savant wrote:

Wow! Is this the SAME Le Monde in whose pages I read (in Paris in 1987) a sympathetic review of Manning Marable's HOW CAPITALISM UNDERDEVELOPED BLACK AMERICA?
Have they moved that far to the right? If they're trashing Stephane Hessel's TIME FOR OUTRAGE (INDIGNEZ-VOUS!), a book that is now popular among many American Occupy activists, then I can guess Le Monde is not particularly favorable to the 99% Movement.
And the spirit of Dr. King would not much appeal to them even though King inspired humanity (and, I hear, the Arab Spring).

it has been a loong time now around the mid 1980's and remember last year Sarkozy thought he could get control completely.
Eric Le Boucher is today speaking as Davos forum spokesman just like the other guy interviewed who fin the lame Hollande's programme (better than Sarkozy for sure) to be "archaic" and claiming only dismantling completely the French 1944-1946 "welfare" state would be good and praising to maximise the Corporate benefits and slash the salaries even more !
In economy, Le Monde is clearly pro-capitalist now.

Libération is also down the drain hardly centre-left.

a whiteboi