Monday, January 16, 2012

Dr. King and History


EC & All: If You're Interested in My Observation on this Subject

EC: If you are at all interested [But if you ain't that's OK] in my observations & ideas on this subject, I refer you to my comments on Tuesday's 01/18/2011- BAR post by Glen Ford commemorating the 50th anniversary of Patrice Lumumba's assassination, [& also the real reasons for the Civil War] & my comments on Bro J L Samboma's Tuesday- 01/11/2011 - 2nd Piece on whether Malcolm X was a Black Nationalist / Pan-Africanist -or- a Marxist / Communist / Socialist [as claimed by some from the white leftist communist camp]. I'm interested to know if you have ever observed what I have personally witnessed by some from white leftist communist camp on this subject & your take on it [You know me - I don't operate from the politically correct -so-called 'left vs right' position, but from a true vs false / right vs wrong / does it makes sense or not - position].
PS Note: This Tues 01/25/2011 BAR post by Nellie Bailey & Glen Ford features an interview w Sis Dr Marsha Coleman-Adebayo. She talks about how the Corp controlled MSNM media commemorates MLK by saying he was all about 'Black sons of former slave living in harmony white sons of former slave-masters...' etc... blah, blah... But they don't go into how he took a strong stance against the 'Triplets of Evil- Racism, Materialistic Corp Economic Exploitation, & Militarism...' & how he said 1 YEAR To The DAY BEFORE HIS DEATH that - the US was{is} 'The biggest purveyor of violence in the World' [as true today as it was then]. Then she said almost no-one talks about how & why he died [other than the standard Lee Harvey Os... uhm thats James Earl Ray did it]. Otherwise- We're going to have blame some people a hell of a lot more significant than the designated patsy{ies}....
