During this day of January 16, 2012, it’s a time of reflection and action. It’s a time of acknowledging the contributions of tons of human beings fighting for liberty. This day reminds us still that we have a long way we go in truly living in a society filled with authentic, transparent justice. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the greatest leaders in human history. He was reluctant at first to be a great leader. On the other hand, he took on that role since radical times demand radical leadership. Radical leadership was purely necessary (decades ago) for legal Jim Crow segregation to be totally disintegrated from American history. The 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott was organized by black clergy and other civil rights heroes. Therefore, the activists wanted the buses in the city of Montgomery, Alabama to be integrated. Rosa Parks, Claudette Clovin, Mary Louise Smith, and others were arrested, because they refused to sit in the back of the bus thereby opposing the status quo of discrimination. A human being has the right to seat in whatever part of the bus he or she wants. A racial caste system is racist since all human beings are created equal. All human beings (irrespective of the color of somebody’s skin) should be given the same rights as another human being. The boycott is a legal, simple act that worked in times past. It worked in this occasion since black ridership on the buses was a crucial part of the economic vitality of the transportation services in Montgomery. In a little over a year, the Supreme Court called the segregation of Alabama’s buses were unconstitutional. It was an early victory for human beings. Soon, the civil rights movement spread into sit-ins, boycotts, protests, and other forms of non-violent resistance. Dr. King believed in non-violence as the most effective method in getting effective social reforms accomplished in the USA. As the civil rights movement made more gains gradually, racists used violence and other tactics. The racists wanted to stop the movement. The racists failed. In the 1960’s, radical acts continued forward by civil rights heroes.
The protests in Birmingham, Alabama dealt with civil rights leaders trying to allow black Americans to get civil rights, voting rights, and ultimately basic human rights. President John F. Kennedy (who previously took a more moderate tone on civil rights) made a speech on June 11, 1963. In the speech, the President called for a Civil Rights Act. The President proposed the bill in order for the government to prevent discrimination based on race, color, creed, or nationality. The March on Washington in the summer of 1963 signified the multiracial coalition to promote freedom terrorists basically. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have Dream Speech” was shown in the March on Washington. Rustin, A. Philip Randolph, John Lewis, and others organized the entire gathering. The “I Have A Dream” speech was one of the greatest speeches in human history. The speech gave both hope and a condemnation of present conditions of America (as the circumstances for black people in America caused black people to receive a bad check via oppression). The Southern Christian Leadership Committee, SNCC (made up of young bloods), and a whole list of organizations worldwide worked in the civil rights movement. The civil rights movement existed way back in the late 1400’s and it’s still going on today by ordinary human beings. Then, there came the bombing of the 16thStreet Baptist Birmingham Church in September 15, 1963. 4 innocent young girls were murdered by Klan-inspired terrorists. Angela Davis and Condoleezza Rice knew the victims. Dr. King legitimately said that complacency is not an option when you have innocent girls being murdered for what they are. Malcolm X and tons of folks were angered by the bombing too. The Civil Rights Act was passed by Congress and signed by President Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1964. LBJ admitted that he wanted to be like Abraham Lincoln. Even though he was a Southerner, LBJ was one of the most progressive Presidents in history excluding his pro-Vietnam War policies. In 1965, Dr. King and Malcolm X agreed on the overall goal of equality for all of humanity. They disagreed on nonviolence, but they became more similar in ideologies than ever before by 1965. Each man wanted business opportunities for black people, they exposed the media for calling the victim evil and the oppressor good, they wanted Black Power, they believed in affirming black heritage, each had reservations about mainstream capitalism, and they opposed the war in Vietnam. Malcolm X evolved more and wanted gender equality among females and males. That is why Malcolm X placed females in his AAOU or the Afro-American Organization of Unity. Malcolm X was one of the first men to popularize the word of African American. I like the term African American myself. Malcolm X also wanted rights to be given unto Australian Aboriginal peoples (including Japanese Americans) and he desired to fight the cartel-capitalist system. Malcolm X also wanted the desegregation of public schools in New York City (that harmed African Americans and Puerto Rican students). Malcolm X died in 1965 and Dr. Martin Luther King expressed sadness about his death. Dr. King said that the oppressive environment of racism inspired Malcolm X to say the controversial things that he said (and that Malcolm X didn’t have time to grow fully into allying more with the overall civil rights struggle). Martin Luther King worked more in the North and the Midwest by 1966 in Cleveland, New York, Milwaukee, and Chicago (to battle against de facto discrimination, to fight against poverty, to desire fair wages, to desire better health care for all people and to fight against slums). De jure segregation is Jim Crow or segregation that was promoted via unjust laws. De facto discrimination was segregation made by practice not necessarily by unjust laws. Dr. King wanted great housing too for human beings. He made great victories in Cleveland in 1967 and the victory wasn’t big in Chicago though in 1966 (though something is better than nothing). Operation Breadbasket was Dr. King’s new activist organization to fight for economic justice for human beings, especially black people. One of Dr. Martin Luther King’s controversial policies was his opposition to the Vietnam War. He opposed the Vietnam War since Dr. King saw the Vietnam War as an unjust war (the war was a civil war and the Americans supported the reactionaries in the 1950’s including the anti-religious liberty tyrant Diem). Dr. King didn’t just talk about his anti-war stance. He protested across the country, gave interviews, and continued to work to try to end the war. Dr. King still was involved in voting drives, business programs, and other pro-civil rights activities. So, the President LBJ opposed Dr. King on the war issue. Dr. Martin Luther King said that the Vietnam War drained necessary resources to fight a real war on poverty. In 1967 to 1968, Dr. King became more radicalized. He still believed in nonviolence until his dying day. Yet, he wanted reparations for black people; he supported Black Power, and he blamed white society for the conditions of ghettoes in the first place (while not blaming all white people for all of the evils in society). These views aren’t known by a lot of folks. King wanted an annual minimum income to help the poor. He’s right to say that it’s hypocritical for a nation to try to grant first class citizenship to the Vietnamese people, while making black people in America to exist in 2nd class citizenship. 33rd Degree Freemason & FBI head J. Edgar Hoover hated Dr. King when Hoover probably had some black heritage. Hoover used COINTELPRO to slander King and other anti-establishment figurers (of numerous backgrounds found in pro-labor groups, anti-war groups, the Black Panthers, etc.). Hoover believed that Dr. King was a Communist and a threat to America. Dr. Martin Luther King denied that he was a Communist. The reason is that he said that Communism believes in ethical relativism, a lot of it is pro-atheism, and Communist policies violate First Amendment rights. He said that Communism made man as a cog in the wheel of the state. Dr. Martin Luther King wasn’t a communist. He just felt that democratic principles are important to invoke.
He fought in Memphis for sanitation workers to have labor rights and human rights. These workers are men and all men should be given dignity and true economic justice. This occurred in 1968. This was a part of his 1968 Poor Peoples Campaign. This campaign was about uniting people of color and the poor (made up of blacks, whites, Hispanic people, Asians, etc.) to demand an end to poverty. Dr. King wanted poverty to end. He said that only the federal government using billions of dollars in his opinion could do it (along with other actions). The method in figuring out how just a nation claims to be is to see its poor. You have to understand that by 1968, the vast majority of Americans opposed Dr. King’s views on the Vietnam War along with other topics. That’s a fact. Dr. Martin Luther King publicly shook the hands of the brother Muhammad Ali as each man disagreed with the Vietnam War. He gave the “On the Mountain Top” speech that outlined his hope for, jobs, and justice. The Promised Land is a metaphor of a world society where all humans are seen as brothers & sisters, war is gone, and justice prevails in society. Dr. King realized that a black man should have equality, but that man should not disregard his heritage in the process. In other words, a black people should exist in multi-ethnic society with his black cultural identity intact (as he said in 1968, which refutes the old canard that King wanted a society where black people should ignore their blackness). We know that colorblindness if fantasy. Yet, he admitted that he may not see the Promised Land, but his people will see it. The next day on April 4, 1968, he was assassinated by one bullet to his jaw in Memphis, Tennessee. His death was sad and emotional for us. It was wrong. His memory should allow us to understand his life. Also, his memory should inspire us to be active to oppose unjust wars, fight for better education, fight for civil liberties, fight against poverty, and fight against any form of bigotry against any human being period. Organizing and activism are the key doctrines of Dr. Martin Luther King and his late wife Coretta Scott King. The young man from Atlanta, Georgia truly changed the world. I acknowledge the man’s mistakes (as none of us are perfect), but I respect every single thing that he got correct. Dr. King was right that Jim Crow segregation is evil. Dr. King was right that the poor should have equity and funds to assist their daily lives. Dr. Martin Luther King was right to expose the Vietnam War as a criminal exercise of imperialism not an execution of pro-democratic values. Today in 2012, we don’t know what Dr. Martin Luther King would believe in on all controversial issues. We do know that Dr. King will still oppose militarism, he would support human civil liberties (with habeas corprus. So, NDAA and SOPA are things that I don’t agree with. I agree with a free Internet), he would oppose police brutality & the prison industrial complex, he would oppose the assassination of American citizens without due process, and he would still fight for the interests of the poor. A real world revolution promotes self determination of people. Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy still lives on.
*We have work to do. So, our job is to publicly fight against economic inequality. Our job is to speak up for the poor, help our communities, and still jobs for all people that need them.
He fought in Memphis for sanitation workers to have labor rights and human rights. These workers are men and all men should be given dignity and true economic justice. This occurred in 1968. This was a part of his 1968 Poor Peoples Campaign. This campaign was about uniting people of color and the poor (made up of blacks, whites, Hispanic people, Asians, etc.) to demand an end to poverty. Dr. King wanted poverty to end. He said that only the federal government using billions of dollars in his opinion could do it (along with other actions). The method in figuring out how just a nation claims to be is to see its poor. You have to understand that by 1968, the vast majority of Americans opposed Dr. King’s views on the Vietnam War along with other topics. That’s a fact. Dr. Martin Luther King publicly shook the hands of the brother Muhammad Ali as each man disagreed with the Vietnam War. He gave the “On the Mountain Top” speech that outlined his hope for, jobs, and justice. The Promised Land is a metaphor of a world society where all humans are seen as brothers & sisters, war is gone, and justice prevails in society. Dr. King realized that a black man should have equality, but that man should not disregard his heritage in the process. In other words, a black people should exist in multi-ethnic society with his black cultural identity intact (as he said in 1968, which refutes the old canard that King wanted a society where black people should ignore their blackness). We know that colorblindness if fantasy. Yet, he admitted that he may not see the Promised Land, but his people will see it. The next day on April 4, 1968, he was assassinated by one bullet to his jaw in Memphis, Tennessee. His death was sad and emotional for us. It was wrong. His memory should allow us to understand his life. Also, his memory should inspire us to be active to oppose unjust wars, fight for better education, fight for civil liberties, fight against poverty, and fight against any form of bigotry against any human being period. Organizing and activism are the key doctrines of Dr. Martin Luther King and his late wife Coretta Scott King. The young man from Atlanta, Georgia truly changed the world. I acknowledge the man’s mistakes (as none of us are perfect), but I respect every single thing that he got correct. Dr. King was right that Jim Crow segregation is evil. Dr. King was right that the poor should have equity and funds to assist their daily lives. Dr. Martin Luther King was right to expose the Vietnam War as a criminal exercise of imperialism not an execution of pro-democratic values. Today in 2012, we don’t know what Dr. Martin Luther King would believe in on all controversial issues. We do know that Dr. King will still oppose militarism, he would support human civil liberties (with habeas corprus. So, NDAA and SOPA are things that I don’t agree with. I agree with a free Internet), he would oppose police brutality & the prison industrial complex, he would oppose the assassination of American citizens without due process, and he would still fight for the interests of the poor. A real world revolution promotes self determination of people. Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy still lives on.
*We have work to do. So, our job is to publicly fight against economic inequality. Our job is to speak up for the poor, help our communities, and still jobs for all people that need them.
Life is more valuable than deception. In our time in 2012, folks are waking up. I’m waking up about political issues. Many people don’t agree with me on the war, on the economy, or on other matters. Some folks debate me on poverty. Yet, I will still stand up for the constitutional rights of every single human being. Every human being has the right pursue happiness from the Eskimos, the Germans, Americans, Aboriginals, and everyone else. The reactionaries are losing their arguments since their views are archaic, inaccurate, and without logical merit. One lie that reactionaries make is that if you want peace in the world or if want a tolerable foreign policy, then you want disarmament of all arms in the world. I don’t want total disarmament since I believe that a human being has the right to bear arms to protect their family & property. Still, if you want to not have a gun, that’s fine. You are not less than a man if you have guns or if you don’t have guns. I just think that a more peaceful foreign is better than preemptive war inside of Iran that can cause death and destruction precipitously. The reactionaries claim that if you want an end to the American Empire, then you are an isolationist. That’s lie since people like me believe in trade, negotiation, aid, and peaceful relations with foreign nations. That isn’t being an isolationist since an isolationist would have nothing to do with working with foreign countries period. We live in a country now that believes that Chirac of France was a liberal when he was more reactionary. We don’t have single payer universal health care in the United States of America. We should become independent politically from reactionary Republicans and cowardly centrist Democrats. That is why this time is important, because tons of people now are doing the right thing (in calling for democratic reforms, justice, jobs, a fight against poverty, etc.). We are going to have differences here while we live on the Earth. On the other hand, now is the time to at least agree on equality & justice for all peoples without exceptions. Sometimes, it takes a man or a woman that isn’t known to make a difference. So, just because you may not be popular in the world’s eyes, doesn’t mean you lack value. You are still popular in the eyes of the Lord God. For there is still a chance for any human being to make legitimate changes & progressive activities in order for society to evolve into a better condition. I totally reject a pro-corporate system that lacks concerns for the working people & the general welfare of all of humanity. The Western Empire should die since this empire is built on injustice, murder, slavery, torture, and human suffering. All Empires fall. The Athenian Empire fell, the Roman Empire fell, the British Empire collapsed, the Soviet Empire was defeated, and the American Empire will fall sooner or later. A revolution of values deals with rejecting the current situation of the poor to reside in slums. It is the same people who yell about big government intrusion when it comes to health care, but they support it when it comes to believing in the Patriot Act (the reactionaries believe in massive government spending to build up the military industrial complex and to have the prison industrial complex. That complex disproportionately oppresses people of color in the USA alone). The good news is that tons of Americans are progressive people that really want tranquility, egalitarianism, & righteousness. So, America (in 2012) is a nation filled with heroes among both genders and all backgrounds. Our civil liberties ought to be protected and social democratic rights ought to be preserved too. There is hope. In the midst of war and bigotry, God wants us human beings to have hope and inspiration in order for us to change the hearts of people. The war on terror is morally wrong. Hatred of another man for any reason is morally wrong. Materialism is morally wrong. To accept progressive actions to end poverty and promote the dignity of all human beings is morally right.
It is obvious that Washington, D.C. is issuing drum beats of war against Iran if necessary. There has been an American and European military build-up in the Persian Gulf. Media disinformation from the CFR-corporate media wants Iran to be portrayed as the immediate threat to American security. A war on Iran can cause huge destruction against Americans, Iranians, and other peoples in the Middle East. Many people in America don’t realize that the U.S. has done illegal surveillance of Iranian airspace or that the West has funded terrorist groups to fight a covert war in Iran now. War preparations against Iran have been promoted by the Pentagon for years (under the US Strategic Command or STATCOM). This is a part of the globalization of war being lead by the Western-US-NATO military forces. People are promoting this aggression against Iran as a humanitarian mission. Yet, killing preemptively in order to extract a nation’s resources like oil isn’t related to humanitarianism at all. Iran had 20 percent of the global and gas reserves. Russia and China are allied with Iran including Venezuela. The Russian government even warned America recently, in early January 2012, that: “…should Iran get drawn into any political or military hardships, this will be a direct threat to our national security.” That means that if Iran is attacked by the West, Russia could act militarily against the U.S.’s invading forces. So, we do know that U.S. and allied Special Forces including intelligence operatives are in Iran now. U.S. military drones are spying in Iranian territories. High technique military devices from America are being sent near Iran. The U.S. and Israel has been participating in a drill called Austere Challenge 12 in case a war with Iran occurs. It seems that the Iraqi troop withdrawal has been a smokescreen. The reason is that the Pentagon has dispatched some 15,000 U.S. troops in Kuwait. 9,000 U.S. troops are now in Israel in January of 2012. An advanced British Naval ship called the HMS Daring is being deployed into the Middle East. The U.S. has military bases in the Gulf States and is allied with Saudi Arabia. These military bases are in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, and they all surround Iran. Russia military aircraft are in Syria now. Georgia is allied with America. Georgia is now trying to build 20 bed military hospitals in case of an American war against Iran. The U.S./NATO network wants to maintain their global hegemony. They are in geo-political competition with the China/Russia alliance (who is allied now with Iran and some Central Asian countries via the Shanghai Cooperation Organization & the Collective Security Treaty Organization. The acronyms for these groups are the SCO and the CSTO).
The modern New Atlantis plan came about by Sir Francis Bacon. The new Atlantis is America according to occultists. The New Ager Benjamin Crème said that the eastern seaboard of America has the same energies, religion, and culture as ancient Atlantis. The antediluvian Atlantis was mentioned by the philosopher Plato in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias. Plato believed that the antediluvian Atlantis was found beyond the Pillars of Hercules (or the Straits of Gibraltar, which is found near the Atlantic Ocean). Bacon depicted the Pillars of Hercules in a drawing as a ship sailing through them to symbolize the past (and the future of scientific knowledge. Bacon wanted the Rosicrucian Utopia). Bacon’s drawing has the title page of “Instauratio magna” or the Great Instauration. Bacon lived during the time where occult medieval thinkers were common like John Dee and Descartes. Dee was involved in occult and mystical sciences. Dee especially was involved in alchemy. Sir Francis Bacon was slick. He used mathematics, geometry, and poetic languages as means to conceal his true meanings. Bacon presented symbols, ciphers, and cryptic communication in his writings. America now had Washington D.C. with Masonic cornerstones in its major buildings. Freemason David Ovason wrote the book entitled, “The Secret Architecture of our Nations’ Capital: The Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C.” David Ovason believes that D.C. was astrologically aligned with the constellation Virgo (or Isis. Isis and Virgo are names of the female Goddess archetype). When the capital building’s cornerstone was laid (in 1793), George Washington was wearing his Masonic apron (with the brotherhood’s symbols). Masons also love the star Sirius, which is shown in their imagery and rituals. Today, we have people desiring a global society. Gordon Brown in March 1, 2009 said that he want nations to renounce protectionism, allow nations to promote a new international system, and allow the 21st century to be a century of a global society. In January 1, 2009, Mikhail Gorbachev (the former head of state of the USSR) called for global governance once again. Henry Kissinger told a CNBC reporter a few years ago that he wanted a new world order.
Marsha Anderson wrote an article for Natural News.com. She described the 4 easy ways that your lymphatic fluid can be circulated in your body. People realize that the circulatory uses vessels to allow blood to travel in the heart and to the rest of the body. The heart works non-stop for 24/7 in a human lifetime circulating blood. The lymphatic system is a specialized part of the circulatory system. It doesn’t have a central pump. The flow in lymphatic vessels is unidirectional (or it travels in one direction). The reason for this is that the one way valves keep the lymph from traveling backwards and the circulation depends largely on movement. So, the blood brings nutrition and oxygen to the cells. While, the lymph removes the waste, debris, and disease components like viruses. The cells are filled or bathed in lymphatic fluid. If there is fluid retention in the tissues, it can suffocate the cells so that the nutrients can’t get in and garbage accumulates. 4 great ways exist that can get the lymphatic fluid moving. These methods can help get the nutrients in and the waste products out. One method involves deep breathing (using your diaphragm). A person can breathe in slowly. This caused the belly to go in and out. The huge pressure variance with the lung expansion and contraction moves the lymph. Also, the breathing activity also can help to open the ducts to allow the lymph to reenter the bloodstream (at the subclavian veins in the base of the neck). It’s been proven that deep, slow diaphragmatic breathing for 10 minutes a day will oxygenate the blood and also circulate the lymph. Rebounding exercises can help the lymphatic fluid too. Rebounding exercises involve jumping in a mini-trampoline. Some can have a simple, gentle walk in place without lifting the feet off the trampoline to circulate the lymph. Bouncing human toes can cause lymphatic vessels to open and allow the fluid to move upward. A lymphatic massage can stretch the skin to stimulate flow in the lymphatic capillaries (that are found under the skin). The massage can be gentile and it can be self-administered in the direction of the heart. Any movement like walking can circulate the lymph because of the muscle contractions. Laughter can get the fluid in motion as well. "No drug exists that has the ability to improve lymphatic flow; however, the job can easily be handled through the topical application of Castor oil," said Dr David G. Williams. For lymphatic stimulation, a good place to put a Castor oil pack would be the lower abdomen and/or the liver. For a Castor oil pack use cotton or wool flannel cloth folded in several layers and a good quality, cold-pressed oil. Saturate the cloth in oil and apply it to the skin. People can use plastic over the pack to prevent the oil from dripping. You can then warp an old towel around the pack form more protection. The treatment can be more portent when a hot water bottle is placed over the pack. It can be left in place as long as all night. The oil has antimicrobial properties. So, the same pack can be utilized many times before you can discard it.
By Timothy