Saturday, April 12, 2008

South Texas We Are CHANGE meets Admiral Bobby R. Inman



South Texas We Are CHANGE meets Admiral Bobby R. Inman

9/11 Blogger
Friday, April 11, 2008

(Article continues below)

On Monday, April 1, 2008 Admiral Bobby R. Inman spoke at the University of Texas-Pan American on issues related to cyber security.

During and after the Q&A session, South Texas We Are CHANGE members Eloy Gonzalez II and Leo Krayola confronted Admiral Inman on a a number of pressing and current political issues such as the congressional bill H.R. 1955 as its relation to terrorism, 9/11 truth activism, and freedom of speech.

Other important topics, such as the Federal Reserve, the admiral declined to discuss.

Note: I think I was in error by stating outright that Admiral Inman supports HR 1955. Just because he is a member of the Commission on Cyber Security does not make this so. Also, the exchange between him and me about the danger HR 1955 poses to civil liberties of United States citizens was at times a bit muddled and inconsistent.

On the upside however, Admiral Inman did say TWICE that he does NOT believe 9/11 truth activists are terrorists. This may eventually prove useful if and when HR 1955 and other similar and so-called "anti-terror" legislation goes into full effect.

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