Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pro Life News (Embryonic Stem Cell Research Racks Up Another Failure, Immune System Issues)



Police Brutality Alleged in Arrest of Pro-Life Protesters at Barack Obama's Hotel

by Steven Ertelt Editor
August 28, 2008

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Denver, CO ( -- During the Democratic convention, thousands of pro-life advocates have peacefully protested abortion without much fanfare. A small group of pro-life advocates who willingly were arrested for blocking the convention entrance; but, now, pro-life advocates are alleging police brutality in arrests outside Barack Obama's hotel.

Two young girls were said to have been brutally attacked by police Wednesday evening without warning as they were chalking the sidewalk with pro-life messages outside the Westin Hotel.

The hotel is where pro-abortion presidential candidate Barack Obama is staying during his time at the convention.

According to reports from numerous pro-life advocates who sent information to, the girls were knocked to the ground, kneed in the back, handcuffed, and painfully dragged away.

Jayne White, 17, and Julia Giacopuzzi, 15, were participating in a peaceful demonstration to protest Obama's pro-abortion views.

Rev. Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition, who has led many of the protests at the convention, was also arrested.

Mahoney said the group had received permission to sidewalk chalk from Denver City Attorney David Fine and Denver Deputy Chief Police John Lamb. They had been scribbling pro-life messages on the sidewalks for days without incident.

The teenage girls were later released and Operation Rescue president Troy Newman tells they are considering legal action against the city of Denver.

“I am shocked at how cowardly these police officers behaved by attacking little girls without warning or provocation,” he said. “Operation Rescue condemns this act of violence against peaceful demonstrators. There was absolutely no reason for it."

"Police officers are expected to control themselves better than that, and if they can't they should not be in law enforcement. We call for immediate disciplinary action against the officers involved in the brutality incident involving Miss White and Miss Giacopuzzi," he added.

Newman said the girls and other protesters have conducted themselves peacefully and appropriately at all times and worked to stay within the law.