Sunday, June 07, 2009

Discernment Part 4

Texe Marrs' Errors

Being a man is being courageous. In times past, I wanted to write information on the Texe Marrs, but I didn't have time to do it. Now, I have time to do it. Marrs is famous now. He has thousands of subscribes globally and his radio program of "Power of Prophecy" is shown to over 125 nations from around the globe. Texe Marrs is right on many issues. He's right that people want a new world order, there are tons of architecture globally are influenced by the occult world (plus Masonic symbolism), and that occult Secret Societies have done evil deeds. He's shown these truth in such books like Codex Magica and Mysterious Monuments. Marrs should be given credit for that. Texe Marrs is right to expose the heresy and apostasy of Billy Graham. Yet, even Billy Graham is correct to point out that God loves all humans regardless of what background they are. This work isn't about bashing Texe Marrs. It's about dissenting with him on some issues. Many sincere people have followed his work for decades. He certainly have made contributions in inspiring people to expose the new world order. Yet, Texe Marrs isn't perfect. He has many errors indeed. The biggest error of Texe Marrs is that he expresses hatred of Jewish people, while simultaneously denying being anti-Semitic. That's ironic and Orwellian doublespeak. He said that: "...Expose the religion of the Jews, and they will destroy you!” This is paranoia since although Judaism is oboselete (and we should disagree with it), but most people in Judaism don't want to destroy us at all. Not to mention that the Jewish Messiah Yeshua Ha Mashaich created Christianity. Most early Christians were Jewish people even. Christianity has Jewish roots whether Texe Marrs accepts this fact or not. Texe Marrs believe Judaism is tied to Freemasonry, which is false as well. Freemasonry has relations to the Mystery Religions and occultism. It is true that Freemasonry tries to copy concepts from the OT, but the concepts of Masonry are contrary to Torah Judaism. For example, embracing false gods, having death oaths, loving the Kabbalah, embracing human godhood (according to high level Freemasons Manly P. Hall and W. L. Wilmhurst embracing it), etc. has nothing to do with Torah Judaism at all. The Old Testament says don't swear falsely and have no other gods before me. Yet, Freemasonry swear death oaths and unify with those who worship false gods. Masons try to use the Bible to justify their group, while their whole rituals are contrary to what the Holy Scriptures have to say. Texe Marrs believes in Replacement Theology or that Jewish people have no covenant role at all, except for Christians. He said that the Jewish people are not God's chosen people and that the Jewish race isn't Abraham's seed (that's a blatant lie), so they are not heirs to the promise. The Bible says that Abraham was chosen to bless the Earth not out of racial supremacy, but the Jewish people were chosen for a duty to help the world accept the one true God of the Univere. Genesis 12:3 says: "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Being chosen isn't equated necessarily with bigtory at all. I may be chosen to work at a job, but that doesn't mean I'm superior to a person who wasn't picked for a job at all. Texe Marrs even mocks Preachers following Jewish feats, wearing garments, etc. as going "Jew." That's bigotry. The reason is that there is nothing wrong with following Jewish feasts voluntarily if you want to. Also, Jewish culture is beautiful. Although, we shouldn't embrace false doctrines, there is nothing wrong with celebrating a biblical feast (or wearing Jewish garments at all). Sukot, Pesach, and other holy days are apart of GOD'S WORD. Marrs lies and believe that most Jews believe that they are a Master race trying to rule the Earth. This is slander of course.

Also, Texe Marrs lies and calls Esther a whole by his own words. The truth is that Esther is a hero who was against the Iranian leader Haman. Haman tried to enact genocide against the Jewish people. Haman is wrong and Marrs needs to realize that. Also, Texe Marrs use the words "the Jews" to act as if Jewish people are monolithic. Jewish people are Christians, scholars, and they exist in many arenas. They aren't monolithic at all. Texe Marrs believes in the unbiblical stance that he has hidden prophecies about Esther: "...God has shown me the little-known prophecies that are revealed in Esther.” The Bible is clear that prophecy is not by private interpretation. In other words, the Scriptures consist of all of the prophecies we need and they aren't hidden: "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. – 2 Peter 1:20-21

Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing. John 18:20

Like usual Texe Marrs is friends with the pro-JBS, pro-Ecumenical, and pro-Vatican I Papacy Alex Jones. Alex Jones have slandered those who expose the Vatican (and who believe that the Vatican is the most powerful religious/political entitty in the world) as mentally ill. I have written a lot about Alex Jones. Alex Jones doesn't expose the Vatican in a real way at all. Texe Marrs is different to a certain degree. Marrs has criticized the Vatican and promotes books that does the same (like Alexander Hislop's masterpiece "The Two Babylons"). His earlier video about the Third Temple exposed how a Third Temple was being proposed and the Vatican is behind that movement. Yet, now he views that the Jewish people are in control in the Vatican to enact the new world order. This is contrary to history. The heads of the Vatican and the Jesuit Order aren't Jewish people. The Vatican has persecuted the Jewish people for centuries via the Inquistion, the Holocaust, slanders, progroms, etc. Texe Marrs doesn't expose these historical truths for obvious reasons. He wants to maintain the lie that Jewish people never suffered through extensive harm at all in human history. During the Second Crusade at 1147, serveral hundred Jews were slain in Ham, Sully, Carentan, and Rameru (all located in France). In 1391, at Archbishop Martinez's leading, 4,000 Jews were slain, and 25,000 were sold as slaves. Their identification was made easy by the brightly colored "badges of shame" that all Jews above the age of 10 had been forced to wear. The Chmielntzi massarces occured at 1648 in Poland which killed about 200,000 Jews. Why doesn't Marrs expose these incidents? The purpose of this is to diminish Jewish suffering and justify hatred of them. Texe Marrs also covers up how more than 600,000 Jewish people, Serbs, Gypsies, etc. were slaughtered by the Roman Catholic Ustashi murderers during World War Two. He covers this up in my opinion, because Jewish people are among the victims.

He minimizes Jewish tradegies, because he hates Jewish people. That is why he is now promoting books claiming that the Holocaust is a myth or the Holocaust only murdered 600,000 Jewish people, which are lies. See, pro-Jesuit propagandists support Holocaust Denial. The reason is that the Vatican and Jesuits organized much of the Holocaust with the Papal agents of Hitler, Mussolini, Pavelic, Himmler, Mengele, etc. This has been proven by Edmond Paris and even Avro Manhattan in their own works. It's in the Vatican's interest to deny the Holocaust since the Vatican is trying to absolve guilt of their major sins. The Vatican's wickedness in this regard will be judged by God, so I won't worry about these liars. Some have accused Texe Marrs of covering up some of the evil fruits of the Jesuits. One simple example is Texe Marrs promoting the unbiblical, pro-Jesuit Passion of the Christ movie. He said that: "...It's been all over the press, on TV and in newspapers. Mel Gibson, the famous movie actor and director, has been horribly slandered, defamed, and verbally mauled by the Jewish elite who uniformly hate and despise Gibson's powerful film, The Passion of The Christ.” Notice that he said Jewish elite when Bible believers of a variety of ethnic groups oppose the Passion, because the film is unscriptural (it had many scenes that weren't even in the Bible but existed from the words of a Catholic mystic). Mel Gibson used unrepentant pornographers as actresses in the film. Gibson is an adulterer who is now dating a younger woman (who's pregnant). Gibson believes that people like me (and even Texe Marrs) will go to Hell since we don't agree with Romanist doctrines. The Passion is a demonic film with Catholic Jim Caviezel playing Jesus Christ. Then, the Passion of the Christ mocks Jesus by giving him a [right] black eye:

“Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened” - Zechariah 11:17

Texe Marrs calls the hexagram Jewish when it existed thousands of years before modern Judaism came out (like in Hinduism, ancient Egypt, Masonry, etc). Marrs believes that lie that Revelation 17:18, in reference to "the great city" to being Jerusalem and not Rome. Jerusalem wasn't built on 7 cities neither are they the headquarters of the Papacy. Marrs is using a tactic to shift blame from the Vatican leadership to the Jewish people collectively (while at the same time masking his hatred of Jewish people in general). He rarely makes a distinction between evil Jewish people (as found in AIPAC, the Masonic ADL, the Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists, etc. The Labor Zionists according to Barry Chamish are ideological descendants of the Sabbatian Frankists. Not to mention that the pro-Knights of Malta CIA is superior in power to the Mossad) and righteous Jewish people fighting for real liberty plus truth. The Vatican/Jesuit elite along with high level Freemasonry (and the Pilgrims) have more power than the Labor Zionists. The Jesuit's head is the Superior General Adolfo Nicolás. Once Jesuit General Pedro Arrupe called for a new world order according to a TIME Magazine documentary. Marrs believes that Israel rules the world when they were allowed to be created (and recognized internationally) by the more powerful European/American powers at the United Nations. Texe Marrs makes the unsubstanitated lie that God cursed America, because it allowed Israel to be a nation in 1948. Sinfullness and curses existed way before 1948. Such big evils like the international slave trade, suffering of rights of women, and the destructive wars in America existed long before 1948. Texe Marrs promote another lie (as promoted by anti-Semitic sites like "Jew Watch") that Ignatius Loyola was Jewish when he wasn't. Loyola was from Spanish in a Gentile family. Troy says that: "...Was Ignatius of Loyola a Jew? Absolutely not. Loyola was anti-Jew. It was Loyola why made it so that no Jew could see a physician unless that Jew first submitted to a priest. Loyola hated the Jews as did the papacy at that time in history...Note that the Jesuits effectively banned Jews from the Order from 1593-1946] requiring at least five generations of Roman Catholic identity in order to guard against this." The Jesuits are known for their nefarious history:

“They [Ed.: i.e., the JESUITS] have instigated most of the wars of Europe.” – Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834; French statesman and general; served in the Continental Army under General George Washington)

“The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the VATICAN and its JESUITS in the starting of two world wars – a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the VATICAN and its JESUITS, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict.” – Edmond Paris (“The Secret History of the Jesuits”; 1975; Page 9)

Texe Marrs supports the palgarized "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" as an excuse to blame Jewish people collectively for the evils in the world. He sells the Protocols as a book to buy in his website. I believe in free speech, but him promoting that book outlines his character. A number of researchers and authors have all categorized it as a “FORGERY." Here is how the Steigers sum up “The Protocols” on page 374 of their 539-page paperback book “Conspiracies and Secret Societies: The Complete Dossier” (2006; Visible Ink Press):

“‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’, it would seem, is an amalgam of PLAGIARIZED political pamphlets, FICTIONAL documents, and various inflammatory works – many of which in their original context did NOT even concern themselves with Jews but were attacks on JESUITS.” (All emphasis is mine.) On page 372 of the same book they state: “In the opinions of some researchers, ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’ may truly be the ‘Mother of All Anti-Semite Conspiracies’. No matter how often the work is proved to be a FORGERY, some conspiracy theorists will continue to cite the ‘Protocols’ as proof that an international group of Jewish bankers is plotting to take over the world.”

Brrad and Sherry Steiger wrote about Liberty Lobby and the old Spotlight newspaper (which promotes anti-Semitism). The Protocols have been exploited by the Nazis as an excuse to commit genocide against about 6 million Jewish people during the Holocaust. Also, thousands of Jewish people were persecuted or killed in Tsarist Russia because of these Protocols. In the early 20th century, the Russian Tsar's secret police or the Okhrana formed the Protocols. This hoax accused Jewish people of running governments in Europe and America in order to form their world government plan. The Protocols classified Jewish elders as represented themselves as evil in the document, and explained to each other how they were going to destroy ‘Gentile [read: Christian] civilization.’ The Tsar's people wanted to prevent a Revolution since the poor in Russia lived harshly. It became a best seller in Europe and America despite it being a hoax. in 1921 Phillip Graves from the Times of London published a front-page demonstration that it was a cut-and-paste job from three works of fiction, but especially from Maurice Joly’s Dialogues in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu. Joly's book was a political analysis of Napoleon III’s repressive regime that had absolutely nothing to do with Jews, one way or another. In order to show this, Graves put excerpts from Joly’s Dialogues in Hell and from The Protocols side by side so that readers of the Times could see that they were practically identical. The Protocols contradicted themselves since how are they going to promote capitalism and want to destroy it. Also, if only Jewish people were in on world government, why did they stop the savagery of the Russian pogroms and the Nazi's Final Solution. This is similar to the slander of Jewish people being implicated in the Black Death (during the Middle Ages) and them being slaughtered for it. The Black Death was a plague epidemic originating probably in Central Asia which then spread to China, India, Egypt, all of Asia Minor, and reached Europe by 1346 or so. Texe Marrs even supports the words of the bigot Mahathir Mohammed, the former prime minister of Malaysia saying that Jewish people invented human rights and democracy (plus that Jews rule the world by proxy). The fact is that there is nothing wrong with human rights and equality at all. The old Tsarist hoax, The Protocols of Zion, is a bestseller in the Muslim world (and elsewhere) today. Consider only that state-owned Egyptian TV recently created a 40-part series entitled Horseman Without a Horse that has been viewed all over the world, and which is a dramatization of The Protocols of Zion. Now, some have accused Texe Marrs of making false predictions. He has denied this of course. Texe Marrs was of course wrong by saying that Hillary Clinton would be the 44th President of the United States by his own words: "..“It has been decided and Power of Prophecy has confirmed: Hillary Rodham Clinton shall become the 44th President of the United States. The 9-man inner circle of the Illuminati, meeting in closed executive session conducted in the exclusive resort community of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, on May 1, 2000, voted unanimously to sponsor and back Ms. Clinton in her quest for maximum political power.” The reality is that Barack Obama is the 44th President of America.

Texe Marrs calls people a servant of Satan ffor just disagreeing with his KJV views. I'm more in line with his views on the KJV, but even I won't call anybody a servant of the Devil if a Christian disagrees with me on the KJV. To be fair, James White uses arrogance and distortions as well in his debates about Bible versions. James White is a rabid pro-Calvinist. White omits that Wescott and Hort were heretics that influenced the development of numerous modern Bible versions in the 19th and 20th centuries. Texe Marrs calls Gail Raplinger's "New Age Bible Version" (a book with facts and errors) the most important book ever written. The reality is that the Bible is the most important book ever written. One of Texe Marrs' greatest tactics is trying to equate Jewish people collectively with the crimes of Communism in the Soviet Union and other nations. The truth is a lot different than what Texe Marrs is presenting. His views are similar to the view of Roman Catholic Colonel Donn de Grand Pre (in his book of "Barbarian Inside the Gate that Marrs promotes). The Colonel said that a military coup (in the USA) was possible, and that most of the U.S. military “top brass” were against the New World Order. The truth is many in the top brass are Jesuit-trained or CFR members. It is rare for a top brass in the military to be against the new world order. I'm not saying none exist, but it's rare. Now, Texe Marrs calls Stalin as half-Jewish. Even if he was, what does his ethnicity have to do with the vileness of Communism? Nothing. You should be judged by your actions not your ethnicity or race. See, Texe Marrs violates God's commandment to not a judge a person by their appearance at all. Marrs wants to judge Communism by race, but we should judge by the fruits of a person not their appearance. Communism existed long before Karl Marx (who hated Judaism, many Jewish people, and wanted to bash Zionism). Some believe that Marx was trained by the Jesuits. Jesuits had Communes in Paraguay during the 1600's and Plato established some Communist teachings as well. Texe even called Adam Weishaupt Jewish, which is false. Adam was a Gentile and worked in the Jesuit Ingolstadt College in Bavaria. He died in good graces of the Roman Catholic Church. Adam Weishaupt was trained by the Jesuits and Knigge accused him of being a secret Jesuit. Texe Marrs believes that Jewish people head up the Federal Reserve. It's true that the Federal Reserve Chairman is Jewish, but other members aren't. The Knights of Malta, high level Freemasonry, and the Pilgrims worked together to invent the FED. The following is what Texe Marrs omits about the Russian Revolution.

The Russian Revolution is more complicated than one sees. Communism existed from Thomas More and others before Karl Marx. The Russian Revolution was created by the Vatican/Jesuits and high level Freemasonry (especially among English Freemasonry and the Grand Orient Freemasonry) in order to end the pro-Orthodox Monarchy. A priest named Theodore Maly fought in the Revolution with the Cheka and the Red Army to defeat the mostly Orthodox White Army. Lenin hated the Orthodox religion and re-admitted the Jesuits in 1922. This was proven by Priest James J. Zatko. The Jesuit Edmund Walsh monitored the Russian Revolution. The Revolution was funded by the USA and Europe via large international banks (as controlled by the Knights of Malta, high level Freemasonry, and the Pilgrim Society). Bishop Edward Ropp was a key figure in the Revolution allying with the Bolsheviks to decrease the power of the Orthodox Church as well. Lenin (his comrade was Grand Orient Mason Grigori Zioniviev. Zioniviev was pictured with Henry Ford), Trotsky, and others were apart of this. Lenin's inspiration was Mikhail Bakunin who was a Mason and a Satanist. Bakunin wanted anarchy and violence to fulfill global revolution. Trotsky at first didn't want violence. Although, later Trotsky used violence via his Red Army to kill the White Army plus those in his way. Many Jewish people were involved in that affair. Marvin S. Antelman's "To Eliminate the Opiate" in chapter 14 had information that Leon Trotsky cooperated with Lenin to execute Jews. Lenin's Jewish Section persecuted rabbis and religious Jews plus closed synagogues (and religious schools). Yet, many of these Jewish leaders were heavily Freemasons (like Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, and Armaud Hammer. Freemasonry is headed by Gentiles mostly not Jewish folks). The Torah forbids many aspects of Masonry. Also, the funders of both Revolutions were select Knights of Malta, Pilgrims, and high level Freemasons (which consist mostly of Gentiles). Additionally, I found out that most Jews in Russia from March 1917 to November 1917 were in non-Communist parties like the Zionist parties, Jewish Bund, or the PSR (i.e. social Democrats. The Jewish Bund and the social Democrats condemned the Bolshevik coup). The bankers' names who financed the Russian Revolution include: William Boyce Thompson (he was of the Fed who gave $1 million to the Revolution. Raymond Robins represented William Thompson of the FED to go into Russia. Robins is the head of the American Red Cross Mission.

Lord Alfred Milner and Bruce Robins met with Lenin as well as documented in Stan Monolieth's "Brotherhood of Darkness" which was created in 2000), Max May, Montagu Norman's Bank of England, JP Morgan, Milner, J. D. Rockefeller, Warburg, Kuhn & Loeb, etc. Herbert Hoover in 1922 sent $55,994,588 to the Bolsheviks according to Stan as well. Other funders of the Soviet industries for decades were Westinghouse, 33rd Degree Freemason Henry Ford, CFR member/Pilgrim/Bonesman Averell Harriman, Exxon, Armaud Hammer, and other American firms. There is the story about Jacob Schiff.

Schiff wanted the Czar gone because of the Czar's persecution of Jews in the early 1900's. Russia in 1905 lost the Russo-Japanese War. According to Anthony Sutton and Dr. Stan Monlieth, Grand Orient Mason Jacob Schiff supported the Kerensky government, but opposed the Bolshevik Revolution (since Jacob Schiff was anti-Communist). There is a difference between wicked Masonic Jews and an innocent, normal Jewish person on the street who doesn't understand how world events truly occur. Also, the British Fabian Socialists supported the Communists including some of the British Labor Party like Sidney Webb. There were 2 Revolutions actually. Many folks don't realize that. One was achieved by 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason Alexander Kerensky. He was overthrown by Lenin and Trotsky for being too moderate or burgoise. Stalin later took control and murdered almost all of the original Jewish revolutionaries for his hatred of Zionism. Stalin had Trotsky (he died in Mexico via an axe attack) killed for Trotsky's criticism of Stalin of betraying the Russian Revolution. Stalin’s top intelligence man was Knight of Malta Prince Anton Turkul, who used Jesuits for his couriers. Stalin was an ally of Cardinal Gregory Agagianian. Kim Philby was a triple agent for MI5, the CIA, and the KGB during the 20th century. So, the Russian Revolution and the persecution of people in the Soviet Union wasn't collectively done by Jewish people alone at all. Therefore, Texe Marrs has errors that he needs to correct.

One of the Texe Marrs' slickest tactics is promoting the lie that most of the media, entertainment, and Hollywood are controlled by Jewish people. It is true that many people in these fields are Jewish, but not all. His major lie on this issue is saying that Donald Trump is Jewish. That's a lie since Trump his both Scottish and German in his ancestry. Donald's mother is Scottish not Jewish. Frederick Christ Trump is the Friederich (Fred) TRUMP was born on March 14, 1869 in Kallstadt, Pfalz, Germany. He immigrated in 1885 to United States aboard the ship "Eider" and became a U.S. citizen in 1892 in Seattle, WA. He died of influenza on March 30, 1918 in New York City, NY German grandfather of Donald Trump . Here are real leaders in the media, corporations, and Hollywood that Texe Marrs don't want you to know about:

-Gentile Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Gustavo Cisneros is a billionare, media magnate, and a member of the Pilgrim Society. Cisneros is the CEO of the Cisneros Group of Companies [very prominent in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands], which has large stakes in companies like Univision, AOL Latin America, DirecTV Latin America, and a score of other media companies.

-The Washington Times and UPI is owned by Rev. Korean Gentile Sun Myung Moon and his Unification Church. The CEO and Chairman of AT&T company is Gentile Randall L. Stephenson.

-Rupert Murdoch is a Papal Knight of St. Gregory and he heads up the FOX News Empire. Murdoch is not Jewish at all as his father was Presbyterian and his mother was a Gentile.

Now, the current CEO of Vivendi is Jean-Bernard Lévy, whose name does appear Jewish. However, it turns out that the man who really calls the shots, anyway, as the New York Times explained in 2003, is Claude Bébéar, who is considered by many “a sinister ‘godfather’ of old-style crony capitalism” and who is described as “a practicing Roman Catholic.” Whatever else that means, it means that Claude Bébéar is not Jewish.
Bébéar has so much power that he decides who gets to be CEO at Vivendi, as the New York Times explained in the same article

-Knight of Malta Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr., is the president and CEO of the American Gaming. Roman Catholic and 1001 Club member Emilio Azcárraga Milmo Jr. is a Mexican media mogul. The Denver Post is owned by the Media News Corporation of Colorado. The company's chairman is Gentile Gary Wright and its chief executive officer and vice chairman is founder Gentile William Dean Singleton. The president is Jody Lodovic. Gentile Roman Catholic Steven B. Rossi is executive vice president and chief operating officer.

-Forbes Magazine is headed by the Gentile Malcolm Stevenson "Steve" Forbes Jr. and his brothers. The New Yorker is owned by Advance Publications in 1985, the media company owned by S.I. Newhouse. The head of Newhouse is Gentile Samuel Irving Newhouse, Jr. The head of Turner Broadcast is Gentile Chairman & CEO Philip I. Kent . Turner Broadcasting was once owned by the anti-Christian, pro-population control radical Ted Turner, who is a Gentile. Their current assets include CNN, HLN, TBS, TNT, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Boomerang, NBA TV, TruTV, Turner Classic Movies, and over-the-air Atlanta station WPCH-17 (formerly WTBS, a near-simulcast of the national TBS). Turner Broadcasting does not include The CW Television Network, HBO and Cinemax. Gentile Catherine Hughes, Chairperson and Founder is the CEO of Radio One (its President and CEO is the Gentile Alfred C. Liggens III). Radio One, Inc NASDAQ: ROIA is an U.S. company which owns and operates 69 radio stations in 22 American cities, and programs a channel on XM Satellite Radio, The Power.

-Even GE is headed by Jeffrey Immelt, who may be a Presbyterian not a Jewish person. GE was once headed by Roman Catholic Jack Welch, who still has a lot of power to this day. The Gentile Jeffrey L. Bewkes heads AOL/Time Warner today (He was educated from Yale University). It was once headed by Gentile and CFR member Richard Parsons. Clear Channel Communications is an American media conglomerate company headquartered at 200 East Basse Road in San Antonio, Texas. Its leaders are from the mostly Gentile run corporations of Bain Capital and Thomas H. Lee Partners.

-CNN is run by AOL/Time Warner. Its corporate Directors includes mostly Gentiles like Jim Barksdale, Robert Clark, Michael Miles, Francis Vincent, and Deborah Wright. Gentile Jim Walton is the President of CNN Worldwide. Hollywood International's head is the Gentile Knight of Malta Steven Saxton. The CEO and Chairman of the AT&T company is Gentile Randall L. Stephenson.

Usually, most of the talking heads in the media in America and the world aren't mostly Jewish. Texe Marrs is liar yet again on that point. The talking heads include names like Bill O'Reilly, Scarborough, Ed Schultz, Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Greta van Susteren, Brian Williams, Katie Couric, Carol Costello, Rachel Maddow, Geraldo Rivera, Glen Beck, James Carville, Nancy Grace, Bob Herbert, and others are not Jewish. Texe lies and believes that if you believe that Jewish people have a right to live in Israel, then you want Palestinian Arabic people to die or suffer second class citizenship. That's a lie, because I believe that both Jewish and Palestinian people have a right to live in Israel with equal rights and justice. Not to mention that most Hollywood actors and actresses aren't Jewish. Tony Curtis is Jewish, but other Hollywood workers aren't. Texe Marrs lies and believes that most actors and actresses are Jewish. Many of them are, but not most. Non-Jewish actors and actresses include: Tom Hanks, Sean Hayes, Beverly Todd, Penny Marshall, Michael McKean, Morgan Freeman, Jon Voight, Meryl Streep, Clint Eastwood, Robert Duvall, John "Jack" Joseph Nicholson, Tim Robbins, etc.

The media has been consistently pro-new world order and even expressed anti-Jewish opinions (with members like ex-CIA officials Jesuit-trained Ray McGovern and Cannistraro). The Atlanta Journal-Constitution gave Raymond McGovern an interview. Ray has sucked up with the liberal establishment crowd. He said that Israel should not be considered an ally and that Bush was doing the bidding of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Sharon is very feeble now and the Vatican is forcing Israel to own some of its land on a constant basis. The funny thing is that Vincent Cannistraro help to create and ran the Contras from start to finish and then he's acting as some super Patriot (accusing neo-Con Ledeen of distorting evidence to advance the Iraq War. Ledeen was running errands for Vincent Cannistraro). Iran Contra was a wicked exercise in the CIA funding dictators like the Contra in order to fund Iran. The Contra killed innocent Nicaraguan villagers. The Knights of Malta with members like Oliver North were key in the operation. Cannistraro tried to justify trying to be nice to all terrorists in the Observer from 1996. He's a hypocrite for condemning the Israel murder of Abu Ali Mustafa, leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine then fund the Contra terrorists who assassinate innocent people. Texe believes that the Iraq war was supported by most Jews in America, which is a lie. Polls consistently show that the vast majority of Jewish people in America oppose the Iraq War. Most neo cons aren't Jewish and the war on terror is increasing more anti-Semitism in general. Why would this benefit Jewish people if hatred against them are increasing because of the Iraq War. Not to mention that the Bush and Obama adminstrations are trying to force Israel to support concessions (like the Peace Process, a 2 state solution, opposing new settlements in the West Bank, and Jerusalem being divided). These are not radical pro-Israeli policies at all. So, it isn't mostly Jewish people controlling our media as Texe Marrs proclaims. Marrs and his ilk try to lie and say that we deny any Jewish conspiracy or that we believe that anyone opposing Zionism is a racist. We don't. Many people who disagree with Zionism or expose the Sabbaetean link to the new world order aren't racists. Yet, those who collectively blame all Jewish people for evil in the world are bigots or racists. There is a difference. Texe Marrs is a coward for recently not saying the name of the person in GCN who disagrees with a caller that wanted to collectively blame Jewish people for evils in the media. The GCN person is named Jason Bermas. Bermas was right to say it isn't all Jewish people involved in the new world order. Bermas was wrong to exaggerate the situation and desire to see people suppressed from expressing their views. The ironic thing that Marrs forgot is that Bermas criticized many bad policies of Israel for years in the "Patriot Community." Jason Bermas even has his "Fables Enemies" film that exposes Israeli connections to the 9/11 attacks. I don't agree with Bermas on every issue, but Marrs not even saying his name is cowardice in my eyes. If I had an issue with a person, I will say their name publiclly. This is similar to the cowad Texe Marrs not saying Eric Jon Phelps' name. Marrs lies and says that the Supreme Court is pro-Zionist. The truth is that the Supreme Court deals mostly with domestic issues not foreign policy questions. Also, most of the members of the Supreme Court are Roman Catholic (with one Knight of Columbus member). You can make the case the the Court is mostly Vatican inspired. Catholicism as a religion makes up the biggest percentage of Congress by far. In 2005-2006 (109th Congress the statistics were Catholics 28.8% to the Jewish 6.9%). See, he ignores that for obvious reasons. Texe Marrs is saying that it's the Jews in an attempt to demonize Jewish people collectively for all of the evils in the world. Therefore, Texe Marrs is a man with errors.

The Emergent Church Exposed

The Emergent Church movement existed for a long time. This movement existed in the late 20th century and is growing in the early 21st century. These followers believe that basic religion isn't good enough. They want the worldly seeker sensitive church methods that offends no one to replace the solid gospel. The Emergent Church stresses the social gospel as well. This movement uses labyrinth, yoga, etc. as means to try to get closer to God. These gimmicks appeal to many post-modernists. Some of them even ignore the imminent return of Jesus Christ and the coming judgment in the future. One famous Emergent leader is Brian McLaren. Some of them call them Evangelicals, but they reject many of the foundational doctrines of Christianity. Rob Bell is another leader of the Emergent church movement. See, Rob is trying to infiltrate Evangelicals by promoting new heretical ideas. She wants to make Christianity into an Eastern religion by this quote: "...This is not just the same old message with new methods. We're rediscovering Christianity as an Eastern religion..." The truth is that Christianity is Universal among all people and shouldn't be limited into one region of the world. Rob Bell even promotes the feminine side of God. Other prominent Emergent Church leaders include Doug Pagitt, Dan Kimball, Tony Jones, Dallas Willard, and Robert Webber. There are more and the list is long. So, the Emergent Church movement places social action over absolute truth and the Gospel. Emergent church leader Spencer Burke even support literature from a Buddhist as relevant to Christianity:

"...I was struck by the incredible wisdom that could be found apart of the 'approved" evangelical reading list. A Trappist monk, [Thomas] Merton gave me a new appreciation for the meaning of community. His New Man and New Seeds of Contemplation touched my heart in ways other religious books had not. Not long afterward my thinking was stretched again, this time by Thich Nhat Hanh--a Buddhist monk...Hanh's Living Buddha, Living Christ gave me insight into Jesus from an Eastern perspective." (p. 1957. A Time of Departing). Ironically, according to the Emergent Manifesto of Hope (a book which was complied by emergent leaders Tony Joens and Doug Pagitt. It has essays from other such leaders as well), they believe that the Kingdom of God is here and they embrace mysticism:

"The Kingdom of God is already here on Earth, includes all people, all faiths, and in act is in all people and all of creation and can be felt or realized through mysticism which connects everything together as one..." Not, the Kingdom of God isn't here yet. The world is still sinful. See, occultists and Utopian want a man-made Kingdom on Earth. Yet, that will never happen since man is imperfect. Other Emergent church members believe in the lie of Universalism or it doesn't matter what religion you believe in in life. Henri Nouwen is another often read author in the emergent movement. He wrote “Today I personally believe that while Jesus came to open the door to God's house, all human beings can walk through that door, whether they know about Jesus or not. Today I see it as my call to help every person claim his or her own way to God” (Sabbatical Journey Henri Nouwen).

Leonard Sweet a representative of the Emergent movement writesKeep breathing quietly while holding your Bible. You have within you not just the powers of goodness resident in the great spiritual leaders like Moses, Jesus, Muhammed, Lao Tzu.” (Quantum Spirituality p.300)

Theosophist and Lucis Trust member Alice Baily have called for a new religion as well: “The spirit has gone out of the old faiths and the true spiritual light is transferring itself into a new form which will manifest on earth eventually as the new world religion. To this form all that is true and right and good in the old forms will contribute, for the forces of right will withdraw that good, and incorporate it in the new form.” (Alice Bailey, THE RAYS AND THE INITIATIONS, p. 754)

On Page 88 of his book The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, Benjamin Creme describes how immanence—the teaching that God is in everything—is at the heart of the New One World Religion:
“But eventually a new world religion will be inaugurated which will be a fusion and synthesis of the approach of the East and the approach of the West. The Christ will bring together, not simply Christianity and Buddhism, but the concept of God transcendent—outside of His creation—and also the concept of God immanent in all creation—in man and all creation.

The Kingdom of God is not here on Earth yet since our world is sinful. The Kingdom of God being on Earth will come in the future. That Kingdom will consist of people of many backgrounds, but not all people of all human history. The Bible is clear that some people won't be in the Kingdom of God (especially those of different faiths. Since a polytheist by definition violates the commandment of God to have no other gods before me from the book of Exodus). This manifesto certainly promotes a collective spiritually, which is similar to a socialistic worldview (or community). Salvation is done by the work of Jesus Christ not by social justice or rituals. Emergent proponent Tony Jones want to promote socially established cooperative human activity. The Manifesto wants interdependent (which is a New Age term that relates to pantheism). The Manifesto approves of yoga and a Hindu mediation master as found in a chapter entitled, "Meeting Jesus at Bars." This manifesto doesn't talk about a personal one on one relationship with God. The Emergent Manifesto is key in being very New Age. This Manifesto is heavy anti-Bible Believing Christian as it blames Western Christians for the world's evils. In the Manifesto, Brian McLaren boils down the world's evils to the fault of Western Christians and suggests that these resisting Christians might even become militant against people one day.... McLaren states:

What are we in the so-called emerging churches seeking to emerge from? I asked myself. We are seeking to emerge from modern Western Christianity, from colonial Christianity, from Christianity as a "white man's religion ... into a faith of collaborative mission. ...this kind of emergence must lead to a convergence... a convergence of postconservatives and postliberals into what Hans Frei and Stanley Grenz termed a new "generous orthodoxy." (p. 150)

The reality is that racists distorted what Christianity teached in order to promote evils like slavery, discrimination, etc. That doesn't mean that everyone who was a Western Christian was a wicked war criminal at all. Some promoters of this theology like Nic Paton want Emergent Christianity to support Darwinism in a new way, pantheism, a cosmic New Age Christ, and other unscriptural things. Faith at Work sponsored a meeting in 1970 to create the modern version of the emergent movement. This fact is disclosed in Hiley Ward’s book Religion 2101 A.D.: Who or What Will Be God? (Doubleday, 1975).

By Timothy


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