Monday, June 01, 2009


The Police have assaulted another man. A witness to the struggle between 2 Oklahoma Highway Patrol officers and a paramedic in Okfuskee County told News Channel 8 in Tulsa that the cop who throttled the EMP worker needs “anger management.” She said that she is worried that if one of them tries to stop her, she may do something that might make them mad. See, this is the evil mentality today. Cops nowadays can almost do anything that they want. Even if they assault a paramedic, you will people to try to justify this nonesense. The ironic thing is that in Oklahoma, it is against the law to interfere with paramedics in the performance of their duties. The sick thing is that Daniel Martin and Bryan Iker (who are the cops breaking the law) may not be charged with any crime. According to Assistant District Attorney Maxey Reilly, the assaulted paramedic may be charged, which is an injustice. “The OHP has turned over details of the incident to the prosecutor in Okfuskee County to determine if charges will be filed in the case,” reports Tulsa World. Right now, the cops remain on duty and they are free to potentially assault other citizens. The Creek Nation paramedics at Paden (which is located east of Prague in Okfusee County) have released their accounts of the incident. Yet, the OHP has yet deliver its version of the encounter, not suprising because a cell phone video of the incident clearly shows that the cops are at fault. Tulsa World reports that the video “is now the No. 2 most-watched video on YouTube.” Stomping, throttling, and murdering citizens are wrong. Now, the federal government is trying to use devices to jam cellphones and wireless devices. This technology can prevent people from erasing evidence on wireless devices, simplify arrests and keep inmates from using contraband phones. Yet, these devices can shut down cell phones, which can erase information about cops assaulting citizens. So, the police brutality epidemic is real. We should be careful at all times, yet have courage to confront tyranny whenever it rears its ugly head.

Colin Powell tries to place himself as a Good Samaritan when he was one of the biggest agents of getting the war on terror created in the first place. As Secretary of State, he was one of the people who made the case for the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The Iraq cost over 1 million Iraqi lives plus thousands of Americans soldiers have died as well. Many victims of the war include the Sheehan family. Pat and Cindy Sheehan's son died in Iraq. Colin Powell tried to quote from the book of Isaiah in his attempt to justify his views. Yet, even Isaiah spoke up against the lies about corruption in his time. The bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report was a 5 year investigation. Jay Rockefeller was the Senate Intelligence head of the report. He said that: "...In making the case for war, the Administration repeatedly presented intelligence as fact when in reality it was unsubstantiated, contradicted, or even non-existent.” In other words, the threat from Iraq was exaggerated by the American government in order to try to justify the preemptive war over there. There is plenty of blame to go around. According to Powell’s memoir, My American Journey, then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Powell, was warned by his British counterpart, Marshal of the Royal Air Force, Sir David Craig, about the risks involved in bombing Iraq’s so-called “weapons of mass destruction” installations. Powell still pressed forward in promoting the deception that Iraq had extensive weapons of mass destruction. Colin Powell is known to have worked with the Pentagon and the CIA of covering up the Gulf War Syndrome (this was caused when U.S. Army engineers blew up chemical agents at a large Iraqi storage site near Kamasiyah. Some 100,000 U.S. troops were downwind. Many of those troops are now among the 210,000 veterans suffering from nervous and other diseases — and FINALLY now receiving disability payments for what came to be known as Gulf War Syndrome). Perhaps they had read Powell’s memoir, in which he brags about his subservience to the “wisdom” of those up the line. Being bounded by those up the line means you submit yourself those neo cons that loved the Iraq War in the first place. In 2003, Powell gave his speech to the U.N. about non-existence WMDs in Iraq. In April 2006, Powell admitted to journalist Robert Scheer that top State Department experts never believed that Iraq posed an imminent nuclear threat, but that the president followed the misleading advice of Vice President Dick Cheney and the CIA in making the claim. Colin Powell could of easily left the administration if he felt that Iraq wasn't a direct threat to America. He would of been criticized, but at least he would maintain some of his dignity. Powell wants the Republican Party to be more centrist, yet the elite have made both major parties virtually identical in their views (except on some issues).

Jesuit General Pedro Arrupe was a famous leader of the Jesuits in the 20th century. TIME even made a documentary about Arrupe seeking to create the new world order. He trained over 30,000 Jesuits worldwide. The Jesuit's Georgetown University is famous for promoting Arrupe's beliefs as well. The Jesuits are the largest religious order in the Catholic Church. Pedro is from Spain. Pedro supported modernism and the Vatican II Council. Arrupe had a key role in WWII. In WWII, America sent staling information about constructing a nuclear device in 1943 according to author Ralph Epperson. Jesuits were key in using nuclear technology as well. The development of that technology helped to cause the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to occur. Mysteriously, Pedro Arrupe (including other Jesuits) survived the atomic blasts while he was in Japan. It's been assumed that Arrupe might of have foreknowledge of what might occur in Japan. Certainly, after WWII, the Cold war occur. This war had both sides being funded by Wall Street (even Communism was patterned after the Jesuits' Communist Paraguyan Reductions). The movie called the Last Shepherd even have a person admitting that the Cold War is like a hoax. The film is about the invention of the CIA, the Skulls and Bones, and other issues in the 20th century. The atomic weapons murdered innocent Japanese people as we all know. The Cold War is a hoax, because both sides were funded by the same people. These people were the Vatican, high level Freemasonry, Pilgrims (and the rest of the global elite). These funders include the Rockefellers, Averill Harriman, and others. Arrupe certainly became a figure that tried to act slick in order to obfuscate the true agenda of the Jesuit Order. The agenda of the Jesuits since their inception have always been to crush the Protestant Reformation and try to rule the world for the Papacy. So, it's important to understand these times. The Jesuit Order assassinated leaders and tried to infiltrate governments. That is why once Europe banned them in numerous nations from the late 1700's. The explosure of the Vatican/Jesuit connection to WWII, the Ecumenical Movement, and other things have been increasing in the world.

A socialist-style World government is ever a threat. Cliff Kincaid have written about this subject rather extensively. The United Nations are wringing over North Kroea, but this world body is covertly going ahead with a global conference. This conference can lay the groundwork to promote world government, which will be financed by global taxes according to Cliff. The U.N. General Assembly is going forward with these efforts. The U.N. have progressive economists advising Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. The United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development, previously scheduled for June 1-3, will now take place on June 24-26. The U.N. General Assembly President Miguel D'Escoto is the U.N. proponent of the global governance. According to the Times, D'Escoto believes that we need global institutions that are new to control the world. D'Escoto ironically is the former foreign minister of Communist Sandinista Nicaragua and Catholic Priest of the Maryknoll Order who advocates Marxist-oriented liberation theology. He won the Lenin Peace Prize from the old Soviet Union. D’Escoto also claims a Master’s of Science from Columbia University’s School of Journalism. When the Times interviewed Paul Oquist (who is D'Escoto's senior adviser), there are portraits of dictators (like Fidel Castor, Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, etc.). The U.N have the American economist Joseph E. Stiglitz (a Nobel Prize winning professor from Columbia University. He supported and funded Barack Obama's Presidential campaign. He even advises Congressional Democrats on economic policy) at Sandinista recovery plan meeting. Stiglitz claims to be against the new world order, but he's aligned with Obama. He supports nationalizing U.S. banks. Stiglitzi also apart of the Socialist International Commission on Global Financial Issues and his name appears on a separate list of 15special advisersto D’Escoto obtained from the U.N. by Inner City Press. Another name on the list—Noam Chomsky—is on the board of the Communist Party spin-off, the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism. Joseph wants global tax schemes that can cost American taxpayers billions of dollars. He wants the U.N. to interfere with our economic policies when they have a wicked, corrupt history (they are formed by the corporate elite). George Soros' allies have fund this movement as well. One big agenda behind the U.N. meetings is the promotion of a global tax. They are using global warming hysteria to justify this stuff. Under the heading of “Innovative Sources of Financing” (page 109), the U.N. document declares that the U.N. wants such a tax. These taxes could burdern Americans more since we are in a recession now. Not mention that the Third World can suffer since the burden of taxes will overwhelm the resources of the Third World. Ironically, the Jesuit Francois Houtart is the author of "Socialism for the 21st century." Houtart is apart of the U.N. high level task force on the financial crisis. He is apart of Vatican and used a dialetical approach to study world religions. So, the Jesuits are key in the world socialist government agenda.

The CNP have used secession fever as an excuse to try to balkanize Americans. This has been proven conclusively by Paul and Philip D. Collins. The DHS demonized pro-lifers, those against illegal immigrations, 2nd Amendment proponents, those who disagree with globalism, conservatives, libertarians, etc. as equivalent to terrorists. This is found in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Intelligence Assessment entitled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.” This document ironically existed from the previous Bush administration. This certianly proves that some in the government (which make up of the elite) desire to suppress opposition whether they are from the left or the right. Those neo-Confederates and secessionists allied with the CNP want disunity in America. The CNP or the Council on National Policy had members since its inception connected with the Vatican and the Council on Foreign relations (like Arnaud de Borchgrave, Edward Teller, Guy Vander Jagt, and J. Peter Grace). They act as controlled opposition in attempting to infiltrate conservatives and restrict independent actions to solve our problems in the U.S. One CNP found member was Rev. R.J. Rushdoony. Rushdonny was not only an apologist for the Confederacy. He advocated segregation and he opposed interracial marriage (which even the Bible doesn't forbid it). He (when he venerates the Confederacy. He supports the heresy of Reconstruction theology) ignores that both the Union and the Confederacy committed war crimes against each other. Also, slavery wasn't the only reason why the Civil War occured, but it was a major one. Confederate states issued statements that they wanted slavery to continue and that was one crucial reason why they seceeded from the Union. Mississippi joined South Carolina on January 9, 1861. In “A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union,” the state declared that they wanted the institution of slavery to be maintained. Thank God that institutional slavery is banned in America. God had the final word in the Civil War. In the North and the South, there were God fearing human beings, but you can't justify treating human beings as less than human (as was done in slavery). Even CNP member and Knight of Columbus Alan Keyes said that Obama will cause America to be in a civil war if he's not stopped. This rhetoric is sick to say the least. CNP founding member Howard Phillips is a big figure in Constitution Party even. Some CNP members have intelligence connections. CNP member Viguerie has deep ties to the Intelligence Community. Viguerie was a member of Korean intelligence agent Tongsun Park’s Georgetown Club. Park was a major player in the Koreagate scandal that shook Congress in the 1970s. Viguerie was collaborating with Park and the Korean CIA at the time. The balkanization of America has been proposed by elitists and professors for years. The CFR promotes Regionalism where the world is divided into Regions, while national sovereignity is depleted. It is certainly better to solve our problems than have some civil war in America. So, we should not support our federal government unconditionally, while at the same time we should never support balkanization (plus extreme rhetoric for the sake of political issues).

NATO and the EU seem to want to compete with Russia. Russia has been a conservative nation in its history. They have defenses on its frontiers. Their land is so vast that it stretches across 11 time zones. Russia have owned terrorists in order to find greater strategic depth for its defense. Russia has been vulnerable for many invasions by powers in the past. These people include the Tartars, Napoleon, Charles XII, Hitler, and others. This history of invasions have made many Russian paranoid about foreign policy. There are been a cultural distance between the West and Russia since the 1600's. One reason is because Russia has never experience the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Enlightenment. Some in the West disliked the Czar. WWII and the Cold War inflluenced Russian history as well. Russia has heavily influence in Central Asia. While, America and its European allies have predominance over commercial sea powers. These events and situations have caused a bilateral hegemonic compeition among the West and Russia. Russia considers NATO and the EU a threat, because both groups are trying to establish ties in Eastern Europe (even tempting these Eastern European nations to join NATO). Historically, Eastern Europe was controlled by the dictatorship of the Soviet Union. Even after the Cold War, Russia still wants influence in that region of the world. The EU/NATO conflict with Russia continues on with the South Ossetia war. Russia believes that Ossetia invaded them, while NATO believes that Russia acted too aggressively in their response toward Ossetia. Russia considers EU/NATO acting as too aggressive by sending military aid to Eastern European nations. Russia have an affinity with Slavic and the Orthodox people, becuase they have similar ethnic/religious ties. The problem for NATO and the EU is that for every action they take, threatening or not in their eyes, Russia responds with force and blackmail. Since the EU is an economic and political entity, communication with Russia is easier. There are Russian Ambassadors in all of the EU states. The EU and Russia entered into a Partnership and Co-operation Agreement in 1994 shortly after the creation of the EU. This agreement normalized economic policy between the EU and Russia. It allowed for expanded trade and cooperation. In late 2008m the EU and Russia began new negotiations at a summit about a new agreement that is yet to take shape. NATO and Russia have tried to discuss their issues. If real solutions don't exist, more conflicts can arrive between the EU/NATO Network and Russia. Imperalism is one way that tensions can stop (i.e. the West shouldn't try to imperalize Central Asia or the Caucasus at all).

Brett Winterford from ITNews on May 29, 2009 reported on how Homeland Security is planning to scan fingerpints of travellers exiting America. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security wants this new pilot to scan the fingerpints of travellers departing America. From June, US Customs and Border Patrol will take a fingerprint scan of international travellers exiting the United States from Detroit, while the US Transport Security. The administration will take fingerprint scans of international travellers existing the United States from Atlanta. Such biometric technology like fingerprint scans have been used by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol for several years. They want to do this in order to try to have a biometric record of all non-U.S. citizens entering America. The Bush administration had its own plan where it scanned outgoing passengers. Michael Hardin is the senior policy analyst with the US-Visit Program at the United States DHS. He told a Biometrics Institute conference that the DHS will use the data from the trial to “inform us as to where to take [exit screening] next.” The government claims that they want to find out who came and who left. Yet, the problem with these devices are that it can violate human privacy. The government is using this as an excuse to secure borders and fight against illegal immigrants. Yet, if they can use these against non-citizens, they can certainly do this against citizens here in America by the near future. Hardin said the DHS is seeking an identity verification system for the US Coast Guard, which tends to operate in a difficult environmental conditions. That is also why the DHS want passports in America to have these RF enabled biometric system. As of June 1, travellers (even American citizens) crossing the border will be asked to carry a RF-enabled card which transmits a passport photo image and information about the traveller to border control staff systems (who can then check that photograph against the physical appearance of the traveller or their vehicle). The Big Brother world is ever expanding in more ways than one.

By Timothy

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