Friday, June 05, 2009

KJV and Apologetics on Abortion

This is the link.


"It's unfair to children to bring them into a world where they're not wanted."


1. Every child is wanted by someone--there is no such thing as an unwanted child.

2. There is a difference between an unwanted pregnancy and an unwanted child.

3. "Unwanted" describes not an actual condition of the child, but an attitude of adults.

4. The problem of unwantedness is a good argument or wanting children, but a poor argument for aborting them.

5.What is most unfair to "unwanted" children is to kill them.

** "Waiting" is simply one person's subjective and changeable feeling toward another. The "unwanted" child is a real person regardless of any one else's feelings toward her. For years women were degraded when their value was judged by whether or not they were wanted by men. Just as a woman's value is real whether or not a man recognizes it. "Every woman or child is a wanted woman or child" is a good goal, but if a woman or child is not wanted it does not justify killing her.


"I'm personally against abortion, but I'm still pro-choice. It's a legal alternative and we don't have the right to keep it from anyone."


1. To be pro-choice about abortion is to be proabortion. There is no difference.

2. The only good reason for being personally against abortion is a reason that demands we be against other people choosing to have abortions.

3. What is legal is not always right.

Take this example:
I'm personally not in favor of drug dealing, but this is a matter for a drug-dealer to decide between himself and his attorney. Lots of religious people are against drug-dealing, but they have no right to force the anti-cocaine morality on others. We don't want to go back to the days when drug-dealing was done in back alleys and people died from poorly mixed cocaine, and when only rich people could get drugs and poor people couldn't. It's better now that qualified drug-dealers can safely give cocaine to our childrren. I personally wouldn't buy drugs, so I'm not pro-drugs, you understand, I'm just pro-choice about drug-dealing.

So when hearing this argument does it not also have a mirror image on the issue of abortion?

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