Monday, June 15, 2009

Phazon and Craig discussion on SMOMs, etc.

The words not darkened is from Phazon and words darkened are from Craig Oxley.

Is Cardinal Edward Egan actually on an equal level position with QEII and KJC? Because I just thought it seemed strange that he would be when he isn't of any bloodline like those two or is he?

Cardinal Edward Egan is no longer our main focus as its now Timothy Dolan who is the Americas SMOM Navigator. Whilst anyone is a red cardinal they are of more power than Queen Elizabeth II and King Juan Carlos of Spain. A red cardinal is the creme-de-la-creme within the Vatican system overtly known. Bloodline means nothing when it comes to the Vatican corporation. The only bloodline of any real meaning is the Papal bloodlines such as Orsini for instance. The system of control is Jesuit Papal Bloodlines, Vatican front overt system then your QEII and KJC.

Also there isn't an equivalent to the Garter and Golden Fleece for Cardinal Edward Egan is there?

Egan is within various Orders but I can't remember some of them. He doesn't need to be within those as he's was at the helm of the Vatican Corp and Knights of Malta.

Is Grand Master Matthew Festing then the next person above Queen Elizabeth II, King Juan Carlos and Cardinal Edward Egan?

Yes Grand Master Matthew Festing is a Cardinal he has more power than KJC and QEII. Within the Knights of Malta, Festing holds more rank than KJC due to his Grandmaster title over the order. Being the Cardinal this makes him very powerful. Queen Elizabeth II my friend is no where near as powerful as people think. Principessa Marie Camilla Pavallicini is far more powerful within the Roman Empire. It was her relative who funded Elizabeth I's war with Spain, with astro-diamonds worth of money back in the 17th Century. These Lombard families have far more wealth and power than many Monarchs. The SMOM Americas Navigator being the Archbishop of NY is a cardinal. Festing is a cardinal so they are on equal footing so the speak.

Also who then is the person Mathew Festing is sub-ordinate too? Is he directly under the Black Pope or is there some lower down Jesuit or something that he is sub-ordinate too?

Matthew Festing is directly subordinate to his Pontifex Maximus being the Pope. He is also subordinate of course to the Black Pope but of course we're not mean't to know this. Ever since 1798 the Grandmaster of the Order of Malta has been subordinate to the Black Pope. The first Grandmaster to be subordinated was Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim. Festing is subordinate to all Jesuits of the 4th Vow Jesuits and the Assistancy of the General. All of which work for the Papal bloodlines of Orsini, Aldobrandini, Somaglia, Breakspear & Farnese etc.

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