Sunday, January 03, 2010

Genocide Plan exposed by Dan Perez


They're all geocidal criminals who want to wipe out the majority of the
human race so they can keep all life sustaining technology for

Whether it's Fake Leftist Ted Turner who wants to get rid of 95 percent
of worlds population in an interview he gave to Audubon;

""A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95 percent
decline from present levels would be ideal."

-Ted Turner, quoted by Bruce Stutz in 'Ted Turner Turns It On',
Audubon, November-December 1991"

or Fake Rightist Dick Cheney who belongs to PNAC, which released a
September 2000 document that mentioned how genetically
enginnered race-specific viruses can be a politically useful tool;


From Page 72 of PDF file;
"And advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific
genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to
a politically useful tool."

This is from the same document which called for a "Pearl Harbor"
attack to get a war going in other parts of the world;

From Pages 62 & 63 of PDF File;

"Any serious effort at transformation must occur within the larger
framework of U.S. national security strategy, military missions and
defense budgets. The United States cannot simply declare a "strategic
pause" while experimenting with new technologies and operational
concepts. Nor can it choose to pursue a transformation strategy that
would decouple American and allied interests.

A transformation strategy that solely pursued capabilities for projecting
force from the United States, for example, and sacrificed forward
basing and presence, would be at odds with larger American policy
goals and would trouble American allies.

Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary
change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and
catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor."

Keep in mind this document was written one year before 9/11, the new
"Pearl Harbor".

How is the New World Order going to reduce the worlds population?
With tainted vaccines that have the side effect of killing or sickening
most people who take them according to the research of Dr. Len
Horowitz and many others;

"Surgeon General David Satcher's letter in USA Today ("Immunization
a must: Protects all," August 19. 1999), in which he complained that
vaccine risks were overstated in an earlier cover story ("Now parents
fear shots," Aug. 3, 1999), was harshly criticized as "genocidal
propaganda" by a recognized expert in public health education, Dr.
Leonard Horowitz.

Dr. Horowitz, director of a health science publishing group
(Tetrahedron Press, 208-265-2575) had received an invitation to meet
with Dr. Satcher to "discuss issues of mutual interest" regarding
vaccine risks when the surgeon general was still directing the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Dr. Satcher cancelled the
meeting citing a "lack of credible scientific evidence."

"Dr. Satcher's comment that 'serious [vaccine] side effects are
extremely rare,' follows in the great tradition of Nazi spin doctor Josef
Goebbles," Dr. Horowitz said. "In recent months, our vaccine research
network, including many reputable scientists, has helped reform
military and public vaccine policies concerning anthrax, hepatitis B,
and polio due to risks far greater than the surgeon general admits."

The oral polio and hepatitis B vaccines were particularly troubling to
Dr. Horowitz and affiliated anti-vaccine activists due to government
documents published in his bestselling book "Emerging Viruses: AIDS
& Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional?" (Tetrahedron Press, $29.95;
1-888-508-4787). The text, recently credited during the CDC's Advisory
Committee on
Immunization Practices by Dr. Robert Chen as among the most
persuasive risk awareness works supporting the anti-vaccination
movement, was reviewed by Dr. Satcher.

"I assume Dr. Satcher noted the contracts under which numerous
immune system destroying viruses, similar to the AIDS virus (HIV),
were secretly prepared during the late 1960s by biological weapons
contractors and the military chimpanzee supplier Litton Bionetics. Dr.
Satcher even received the contract under which Litton shipped
contaminated primates to the Merck pharmaceutical company," Dr.
Horowitz said.

Merck's chief vaccine maker, Dr Maurice Hilleman, likewise testified
that he "didn't know we were importing AIDS virus at the time" the
contaminated monkeys entered his primate containment and vaccine
production facilities."

Both the Fake Left and Fake Right of the New World Order are filled
with eugenics promoting genocidal killers who want to kill everybody
except themselves so they can live in their ivory tower utopia.

You may think the Clintons sugar coated half of the New World Order
poison pill is going to help you, but you like me are part of the 80-95
Percent of the people they want to exterminate from the face of the

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