Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jesuit information in 2010

This movie portrays Bavarian Roman Catholic SS Major Josef Mengele making a "selection" at Auschwitz. All his tedious records of his experiments were left to the Jesuits manning the NKVD that accompanied the Red Army "liberating" Auschwitz. Mengele was escorted by Jesuits through the Brenner Pass, he then being aided by Bishop Alois Hudal to escape to South America. This monster was protected by the intelligence services of the Allies ruled by the Knights of Malta loyal to that antichrist in the Vatican, Pius XII.

Mengele is the personification of the Jesuit Oath of the Fourth Vow. He merely fulfilled the wishes of his master, Jesuit General Ledochowski---a Pole and the master of Poland's Nazi SS death camps.

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric

http://z10.invisionfree.com/The_Unhived_Mind_II/index.php?showtopic=4531 Buddhism




From http://z10.invisionfree.com/The_Unhived_Mind_II/index.php?showtopic=1375

Dear Bxxxx,

I have a few other facts that may be of interest.

First, in a private meeting between Kaiser Wilhelm II and Pope Leo XIII (the pope that was poisioned by the Jesuits who was then given an antidote once conforming with the wishes of the Black Pope), Leo stated that Wilhelm was to be "the Sword of the Church." This the Lutheran Kaiser refused to do as recorded in his The Kaiser's Memoirs. Shortly thereafter, the Grand Orient Lodge in Germany determined to overthrow the Hohenzollern Dynasty (as was later revealed to Wilhelm by a German Freemason and also recorded in his Memoirs, which overthrow was accomplished following WWI---the first round of the Jesuits' Second Thirty Years' War against Germany (1914-1918; 1933-1945). Additionally, Bismarck and the Reichstag had emancipated 550,000 German Jews in 1871 and the following year expelled the Society of Jesus---further enraging the Order. The Dynasty was formally on the hit list, not only for these reasons but due to the defeat of the Order's Roman Catholic Austria in 1866 and Jesuit-ruled Roman Catholic France in 1871 at Sedan. Napoleon III fled France and spent the rest of his days under the protection of the Order's most obedient British Monrach, Queen Victoria. Failing to subjugate "heretic" Protestant Prussia, the Sons of Loyola would attempt it again via France in secret league with Tzarist Russia. Meanwhile, the Jesuit-ruled King Edward VII was busy creating the Triple Entente preparing for the Company's attempted war of annhilation against Protestant Prussia---WWI.

Further, the Kaiser sought to undue the secret alliance between France and Russia finalized in 1892. In this he succeeded at a private meeting with Nicholas II on the Tzar's yacht in Finnish waters in 1905, following the Order's destruction of the Russian navy by its "Japanese Sword of the Church." (Yes, the Black Pope has been in total control of Japan since no later than 1868.) There, with tears in his eyes, Nicholas vowed never to go to war with Wilhelm. This act, if enfoced by Nicholas, would have prevented the beginning of WWI caused by the mobilization 800,000 Russian troops on the Prussian border. This great treaty was rendered useless by Russian Minister Isvolski according to U.S. Senator Robert Owen in his masterpiece, The Russian-Imperial Conspircay, 1892-1914.

Further, Kaiser Wilhelm opposed the Boer War, that Jesuit-inspired Crusade against the Protestant Reformed, White South African Boers. English Masons Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milmer and yes, the Prince of Wales---later King Edward VII---conducted this papal crusade and killed tens of thousands of Boers (elderly men, women and children) in concentration camps, delighting the Order's Jesuit-styled "Roundtable" in London. Of course all the gold in the Transvaal became Britain's---and thus was now to be used to finance the Order's agenda for the new Twentieth century---"the century of revenge."

So, the Kaiser was on the Black Pope's hit list: Wilhelm was not a Freemason and was also a hostile enemy of the Pope and his Jesuits. Not good for business or one's personal health.

This brings us to the control of Jerusalem by a nominal Protestant monarch who opposed the Jesuits; who opposed his pro-Jesuit, Masonic uncle Edward VII whom he called "Satan;" who opposed the wicked Jesuit policies of Britain; and who opposed Rome's Masonic Zionist control of Jerusalem. The Lutheran Kaiser knew Britain's Rothschild Zionists---Herzl in particular---were controlled by Rome. Did not Theodore Herzl have a notorious audience with the Pope in 1904? Was not this Zionist traitor to his own people the pawn of the Pope's Rothschilds, streaking to international prominance via the Black Pope's Dreyfus Affair and controlled international press? Thus, to support Britain's Masonic Zionists meant to give control of Jerusalem to the Papacy. This Wilhelm he sought to prevent. He wanted Jerusalem for his Protestant Prussian Empire, and Jerusalem under the Kaiser may well have fared better than Jerusalem under the British, the Order having been formally readmitted into Britain by King Edward VII in 1902. And since Jerusalem must be under Gentile rule until "the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled" (Luke 21:24), would not the anti-Jesuit Protestant German Empire have been a better Gentile master to the Jews than the pro-Jesuit Protestant British Empire?

Therefore, I do not believe that the Kaiser was in Jerusalem in 1898 on behalf of Pope Leo XIII. He was there to thwart the British which included the Masonic Jewish Zionists; he was an enemy of the policies of the Black Pope's international, Masonic "Invisible Empire." The First Reich under Charlamagne was pre-Reformation and thus Roman Catholic---when Jews were severely persecuted (i.e., blamed and mass-murdered for the Black Death). The First Reich was ended in 1806 by the Order's "great avenger" against the anti-Jesuit Papacy and its Holy Roman Empire---Napoleon I. The Second Reich was Protestant and built upon the foundation of military victories against the Jesuit-ruled Hapsburgs (1866) and the Jesuit-ruled Bonapartes (1871), as well as the "accursed" Jewish emancipation (1871) and subsequent suppression of the Jesuits (1872). The Third Reich was completely in the hands of Roman Catholics (Hitler, Himmler, Mueller, Thyssen, etc.) and thus it carried out the policies of that creature of the Jesuit General, Pope Pius XII. The result was the Pope's "Final ]Roman Catholic] Solution to the [Jesuit-agitated] Jewish Question" as championed by the Order's secret emissary and inspiration of both Hitler and Himmler, the Lutheran, Masonic founder of the Order of the New Templars, the openly anti-Jesuit ex-priest, George Lanz. The notorious La Civilta Cattolica---the house organ for the Jesuits in Rome---ceaselessly agitated for the solution to the "Jewish Question" for sixty years (1880-1940).

In conclusion concerning the Kaiser, I believe his good name has been maligned by the Pope's global Press and corrupt historians---Emil Cohen (alias "Ludwig"). Wilhelm was terribly betrayed by General Ludendorff---the first Hitler. Wilhelm has been blamed for igniting WWI which is a bold-faced lie of the Black Pope's Masonically-ruled Press, and now he is blamed for having opposed the Order's Masonic Zionist movement, which very same movement, aided Hitler in the Pope's Holocaust. Like President Nixon, the Kaiser was not killed outright but was humiliated with the loss of his throne, empire, nation and good name now in infamy---a name so accursed by those Blackrobes, the Luciferian Sons of Loyola.

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric

Very eye opening. Phelps is a great historian. May the good Kaiser rest in peace, and his descendant house of Hohenzollern follow in his good steps. I'm glad to hear of the Last Emperor of Prussia (United Germany), Kaiser Wilhelm painted in such a good light. This is why the Black Pope & Jesuits had to get him taken out of the way.



First, the royal House of Loyola was not racially Jewish. Spain's Holy Office of the Inquisition kept track of all racial Jews via "limpieza." This was Rome's blood-purity doctrine that was tracked and kept on record with the Inquisitors. No man with Jewish or Moorish blood to the great-great-grandparents could hold office, marry a Roman Catholic or even leave the country. (I cover this in my completed Power Point.) Loyola was a page in the court of Ferdinand and Isabella who had expelled the Jews from Spain in 1492. Surely, neither Marranos nor partially racial Jews would ever have been permitted into that Court. Like "the Jew Room" at the National Secruity Agency, all Jews were forbidden entrance or position.

Coningsby is a work of fiction; it is neither non-fiction nor history. Therefore, the claims should be read in that context as well as true history. Now, for true history. Disraeli was a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor himself, evidenced by his policies that I have reviewed previously. Queen Victoria was completely at the beck and call of the Order as I show throughout my book, VAIII. She protected Esterhazy, that wicked French Roman Catholic traitor, whose crimes were blamed on a Jew, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, thus birthing the horrible Jesuit injustice called "The Dreyfus Affair." Further, she would not allow the Italian patriots any quarter when they fled to British Malta in resisting the tyranny of Pope Pius IX, the governor being an English Roman Catholic loyal to the Temporal Power of "the Vicar of Christ." That diabolical, Queen-witch even opened up talks with the Vatican without any support from the Parliament. If Victoria was of this caliber, Prime Minister Disraeli was just as bad.

Since Coningsby is calculating fiction, Disraeli described the first Jesuits as being Jews. That claim however is a bold-faced lie, to the exclusion of one Jesuit, Diego Laynez. I have shown that the Order banned the Jews from ever entering the Order via a statute passed in 1593 as a result of the discovery that Laynez was a racial Jew. In 1946, thanks to the obedience of the Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists aiding Rome in her Communist and Nazi inquisitions, that statute was lifted and Jews were admitted into the Order. French communist Jean Lacourture covers this in his Jesuits: A Multibiography.

Now why would Disraeli weave the fiction that Jews were the first Jesuits thus inferring that the Jews ran the Jesuit Order? It is because the Jesuits were hated in England at this time, and formally expelled as of 1829, though the act was not really enforced. Germany had expelled the Jesuits in 1872 and France in 1880. Europe was again waking to the great Jesuit threat and taking action, so much so that the Order calls the Nineteenth Century "the Century of Disaster." Disraeli was cunningly shifting the blame from the White Gentile European Jesuit-ruled papacy to the Jews by participating in the rising anti-Jewish fury to be preached throughout Europe in preparation for the coming Eurasian Jewish Holocaust, a "burnt offering" of Protestant "heretics, Roman Catholic "liberals" and Jewish "infidels" deemed necessary if Europe was ever to be returned to the rule of the Pope as per the Dark Ages. I can think of no leading Jesuits during the life of Disraeli or in Germany during the Bavarian Jesuit-spauned Third Reich who were racial Jews. The following are the words of ex-Jesuit Dr. E. Boyd Barrett on the Jews relating to the Order. In Rome Stoops to Conquer (New York: Julian Messner, Inc., 1935), pages 180-181, 187 we read:

"Owing to an early experience of a painful kind, which was all but disastrous to the Order, and which was due to a group of Spanish Jesuits of Jewish descent, who threatened to dismember the Order, the Jesuits as a body have conceived and fostered an intense animosity against the Jews. Never since the days of 'the great storm,' as the Cardinal Toletus revolt was called, has anyone of Jewish blood or descent been admitted into the Order. Never since that day has the Order ceased to pursue vindictively the Jews. The spirit of the Order can be gleaned from the extraordinary prayer of the greatest of Jesuit saints, Francis Xavier: 'Put me some place where there are no Jews or Moslems,' cried Francis. The present writer, who spent twenty years in the Jesuit Order, can recall no single occasion on which a word of sympathy for Jewish suffering was uttered by a Jesuit.
When Pius IX, who was liberally disposed until he fell under the influence of the Jesuits, relaxed something of the severity of the laws of the Papal States, the Jesuits were disgusted. Writing later, Father Hammerstein S.J. declared: 'We consider it a misfortune that in the delirium for freedom in 1848 and the following years complete civil rights were bestowed upon the Jews.' When the Order was suppressed by Clement XIV it was believed among the Jesuits that the suppression was largely engineered by Masons and Jews working on the weaknesses and fears of the Bourbons. This suspicion did not tend to lessen their obsessional phobia of Judaism.
The Jesuits, in the days when they controlled every Catholic court in Europe, and when as an Order they were swollen with pride, were challenged by a like pride and a like intellectual intolerance by the Jew. They could not break or bend the Jew. They could convert, or seemingly convert, every type of human from Japanese to profligate Parisian, but they could make no headway in leading Israel into the fold of Mother Church. The ceased to look upon the Jew as 'a lost sheep,' and identified him with an incarnate devil, the sworn enemy of the Catholic. They hated the Jews because the Jews did not bow in homage before them.
This tradition of hate and ill-will has lasted through three centuries. In great part the Catholic ill-will against the Jew in Catholic European countries is due to Jesuit education. Every movement against the Church, every development of Freemaosnry, and Socialism, every doctrine of heretical philosophy that has weaned intellectual Catholics from the true Faith has been ascribed to Jewish machinations. . . . The mind of the Jesuit Order will never open or soften into brotherly feeling for the Jew."

Disraeli's treason to his own Jewish race is only equaled by Marx in his utter condemnation of all Jews advocating their death as per the quote I have in VAIII and my most recent Jesuit Power Point of 606 slides. In conclusion, Loyola was no racial Jew; Jews were barred from the Order until 1946; and the Jews do not control the Jesuit Order as it is "the times of the Gentiles," the Gentile nations being "the head," the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitic nation being "the tail" according to Deut. 28 and Luke 21:24.

I trust the above is helpful in refuting this clever diversion of Jesuit Coadjutor Benjamin Disraeli who pretended to be a Protestant so he could hold public office.

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric




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