Friday, March 05, 2010

The Gold Standard and other information

I want to mention this. A man attacked the Pentagon. That's evil and wrong since even though the Pentagon has done great evil in the world, violence is never a solution in making our dissent known. Now, the mainstream media even from CNN and the SPLC (that transformed itself from a civil rights organization to an organization that harbors hatred and lies about conservatives, libertarians, etc.) is exploiting this tradegy as an excuse to compare people who disagree with official story of 9/11 to terrorists. That's a lie of course. The man is named John Patrick Bedell. The media claimed that he's a liberatarian. Yet, this man had a history of mental illness and he certainly isn't a representation of real 9/11 Truth activists or citizens at all. The SPLC constantly peddles real fear and paranoia about any group that oppose large government and the violations of the Constitution plus the Bill of Rights. Their tactics are similar to the debunked MIAC and DHS reports depend on the wildly speculative information provided by the SPLC and the ADL. The corporate media relies on the SPLC to lie and make distortions on the patriot mvoement. Bedell believed in a marijuana based monetary system, so he's hardly a real conservative or libertarian. Hitching Bedell (who suffered from mental illness) up with the Ludwig von Mises Institute and Libertarians reveals just how desperate the establishment is to discredit the patriot movement. It also reveals the utter poverty of their arguments. Now, John Avlon called the patriot movement haters when the patriot movement have educated people on civil liberties issues for years now. This event is an attempt by the establishment (using their puppets like Glenn Beck, SPLC, and Chris Matthew) to smear certain types of dissent as violence. The SPLC now compares We are Change to racist supremacist organizaitons.

The former ISI head said that the U.S. creates terror groups in the Middle East. His name is Hamid Gul. He believes that America is seeking to create and train terrorist groups in the region. In Wednesday, he had an interview with the Fars news agency. Gul said that Washington had been making efforts to destabilize the region through supporting groups like the Pakistan-based Jundallah terrorist group. Gul went on to mention that such attempts by the U.S. intelligence agencies were in particular directed to formenting unrest in Iran. “The US intelligence agencies pursued just one goal by forming Rigi’s group which was provoking unrests and instability in Iran,” Gul was quoted as saying. He also accused Washington and its western allies of seeking to strain ties between Iran and Pakistan. The remarks comes days after Iranian security forces arrested Jundallah ringleader Abdolamlek Rigi while he was abroad a Kyrgyz airliner on a flight from the United Arab Emirates to Kyrgyzstan. In his confession broadcast by Press TV in late February after his arrest, Rigi talked about offer of unlimited support by the U.S. spy agency , the CIA, saying the Americans offered to "cooperate with us" and "promised to give us a base along the border with Afghanistan near Iran." Rigi's groups has claimed responsiblity for numerous terrorist attacks in Irna. The group has carried out murder, armed robberty, kidnapping, acts of sabotage and bombings inside Iran. It's easily proven that Westerners fund terrorist group to make an agenda done of manipulating the Middle East.

Using solely gold as a currency is wrong on many levels. There is nothing with using gold for financial purposes, but not as a sole currency in Ameircan society. I definitely opposed the gold currency greatly since late 2009 and now in early 2010. William Jenning Bryan is famous for saying that: "...You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold..." Many means of exchange have been successful in the past like salt, tally sticks, shells, paper, etc. The question is who controls the supply and what he is doing with it. Inflation and deflation can be radically extreme even if gold was the currency in a nation. We do know that hyperinflation and too much deflation can be harmful for the economy since these things can either print too much money with high interest rates or constrict money so much that poverty is surely to occur. Gold money have been tied with deflation. The controller of the system or the elite keep gold scare. Therefore, global gold output is insufficient to keep up with economic growth, and this can decline the amount of money in circulation compared to total output of production. The elite control most of the gold of the money and can recieve profits from it in high value if it was the sole currency in a nation. The Rockefellers even aided Ludwig von Mises when he came into the U.S. in 1940 with a grant. Some people promote gold as a means to tie it to the 9/11 truth movement. There is one reality in history that you can have interest free money plus this have built up the great resources of America for centuries. Franklin's Colonial Scrip, Washington's Continental (even though this was inflated into oblivion, if we take the money supply out of the hands of the bankers, please don't give it to some career politicians.........) and of course Abe Lincoln's Greenbacks are examples of this. Lincoln threw 30% interest gold out of the window plus using interest free Greenback to fund the Union side of the war. Gold can be a store of value, but it has been exploited by manipulation and it can't be used to compensate the growth of the whole population. That is why some independent monetary reform groups want to invest in interest free money now. Using interest free money on production and other solutions can be done to built up the economy too.

The Volker Fund is named after the libertarian William Volker. He was an German immigrant who give $10 million to worthy causes. Much of his fortune was given anonymously to avoid public scrutiny. Many Austrian School and Chicago School leaders were initially sponsored by the William Volker Fund (they include Friedrich von Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, Milton Friedman, Murray Rothbard, Aaron Director – and even the founder of Christian Reconstructionism, Rousas J. Rushdoony). This William Volker Fund was active from 1932 to 1965. They promoted free market economics. They were key in developing the modern libertarian movement in the United States. William Volker made funds to give unto the first Mont Pelerin Society meeting in 1947. Aaron Director was the famous professor in the University of Chicago Law School that played a central role in forming the Chicago school of economics. So, this fund promoted the Hegelian dialteic of conflict between laissez capitalism and socialism and the synthesis is a merging of the 2 extremes. Another level of thinking is that these economics systems have been ruled by European elites not by Americans. Dominionists (like Howard Phillips, who was apart of the TCC or the Conservative Caucus. The TCC have tied to the USCWF or the Council for World Freedom) and other people ironicaly support the agenda of the William Volker Fund. The Council for World Freedom is of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), a worldwide Fascist network comprised of former Nazis and Nazi collaborators. The U.S. branch of the World Anti-Communist League was funded by Texas oil billionaires Nelson Bunker Hunt and Herbert William Hunt. The WACL have ties to the Council on National Policy as well.

One CNN segment made the error that Communism is good for China. This is despite China's history dealing with Communism resulting in a legacy of violation and suppression of basic fundamental liberties in that nation. Communism is an ineffective philosophy that reduces the individual and elevate the state in bad means. There is nothing wrong with the existence of the state, but the state like corporate can't do what they want whenever they want. For years, China has been criticized for its human rights abuses against women and religious minorities. There is the one child policy that created outrage, backlash, and a deficit in the number of women compared to men. The state control over the contitions of reproduction, marriage, and equal access to labor have been seen as a negative not positive talking point. CNN praised Chen Zhili, who is the President of the all-China women's federation. She is one of the top ranking women in the Chinese government. She claimed that Mao was a great leader by banning foot binding, bride selling, dowries, polygamy and concubines. Women were invited to leave the home and join the labor force. Mao spoke those famous words: ‘women hold up half the sky.’ She is the vice chair of the Standing Committe of the National People's Congress. Chen claims that Mao made revolutionary changes to help the condition of women, which is a lie. China is still a repressive state that use women to be apart of the Family Planning Program in China. This policy and the one child policy regulate women's reproductive rights and degrade women with forced abortions, etc. China is anti-women whose cultural system favor males over females. That is why males outnumber females by 30 million human beings. Girls have an unequal status in China according to Kat Harding from Salon. Women go missing or sold to the sex trade. Promoting the “Half the Sky” concept and a book with the same name, United Nations head Ban Ki Moon decried abuse of women. The Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used Mao's phrase of "women hold up half the sky" to speak in a Women's Right trip to China. Mao Zedong said that in 1968 talked about this issues. Confucius might of wrote the words before Mao. Why is Hillary speaking words from a Communist dictator unless she supports the centralized state with authority over the family. The One child policy existed by Deng by ca. 1978 via the Family Planning Commission in China. It was authoritarian utilizing coercive population control. Some of these policies existed in India and the Third World. This is documented in a RAND Corp. study, entitled “The Origins and Evolution of Family Planning Programs in Developing Countries” [pdf] evaluates that the countries with the most centralized, authoritarian governments were “matched up” with the most harsh family planning policies, as they were most likely to adopt policies restricting individual liberties. Authoritarian police states trying to forcibly control poopulations don't work effectively at all. There is nothing wrong with women working in the workplace. Yet, the Family Planning Program in China utilized that policy to promote population control, birth control pills, contraceptives, etc. to lower Chinese population (not for equality of the sexes). The RAND Corp. study found that the Family Planning emphasis its long declared its validation of Women and Human Rights as found in the UN charter. The Planning center use quality of care as an excuse to promote Western philanthropies like the Rockefeller's Population Council (pushing this brainwashing system in Third World governments). There was coercive sterilization even without informing the patient exists in China and India. An United Nations study for
UNESCO titled “Mass Media, Family Planning and Development” from 1973 outlines specific strategies designed to sell their policies, matching up budget and population with the degree of cultural acceptance of birth control and the types of media to be used. The study further notes the “Government Attitude with regard to family planning” and noting when there is the presence of a ’strong central government’ who could implement reproduction policies from the top-down. Mao wanted China to have population restriction as early as 1957. China wanted married to be 25 for women and 27 or 28 for women. The state regulating sexual behavior of adults is common in CHina. Mao's eugenics programs killed as high as 40-70 million people. It's easily proven that Communism was funded by Wall Street bankers even during the Bolshevik Revolution. Anthony Sutton proves how manganese, oil and steel production was facilitated in the Soviet Union via Wall Street money and personnel. He has traced and meticulously detailed the deep ties of finance families’ influence in Soviet Russia. Isaacson & Thomas’ The Wise Men details how Skull & Bones financier Averell Harriman was not only involved bankrolling the regime, but as U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, influenced our relations during and after WWII and is credited with spending more time with Joseph Stalin than any other non-Russian. Harriman traded and negotiated with Stalin with sanction from Washington. The Rockefeller had business ventures with the Soviet Union along with members of the Pilgrim Society. This came when the market was heavily closed to U.S. business. Nixon and Kissinger opened up China greatly to America and then David Rockefeller openly praised China's Revolution (in an article he wrote to the New York Times on August 10, 1973). The Rockefellers has monopolized the oil industry in the late 19th century. Then, they fund eugenics and population control mvoements. Margaret Sanger was aided by the Rockefellers as well to promote eugenics under the guise of birth control. In 1927, the Rockefellers funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. This is the core institute in the promotion of Nazi eugenics. In 1952, John D. III created the Population Council. This group promoted depopulation worldwide, even in CHina. Aaron Russo said that Nicholas Rockefeller financed the women's liberation mvoement to break up the family, put women in the work force, and make women subject to taxes. What is true is that there is nothing wrong iwth promoting the equality of both genders. Yet, there is an establishment, corporate version of feminism that was funded by the CIA as even Gloria Steinem admitted that CIA money funded her Ms. Magazine. So, we don't need Edward Bernays' propaganda or authoritarian control in our lives. We should have real freedom as a representation of fundamental human rights.

Secret Societies are a real occurence in the world. People realize about Jack MacArthur's ties to Ecumenicals. He is friends with Freemasons Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. His son John MacArthur have ties to the Masonic controlled Southern Baptist Convention. Ttwo former Presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention also spoke at Greg Laurie’s conference with John Macarthur. Greg Laurie is a Charismatic and a board member of Billy Graham Evangelical Association or the BGEA. Mason have been leaders in the BGEA for years like William M. Watson, David McConnell, etc. The president of Fuller Seminary, Richard Mouw, is a columnist at Beliefnet, a comparative religion website. Mouw is a Calvinist and promotion ecumenical/Catholic dialogue plus dialogue with rabbis. He supports the Mormon religion. He spoke at the Salt Lake City Mormon Tabernacle in November 2004. He lied and said that real Christians bear false false witness on the cult of Mormonism. We know what Mormons real believe in. Mormons doctrines preach that Lucifer is not the Devil or Satan (or the Morning star as the Bible says). They believe that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are spirit brothers. Mormons teach that man can be gods and that they descend form the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. Joseph SMith said that he recieved the Golden Tablets from the Angel Moroni. Mormonism is influenced by the Kabbalah & Freemasonry. Dr. Mouw promote pro-Kabbalah and pro-Masonry books. There are tons of symbolism in the Total Recall film. Some of the imagery have subliminals and other symbols are rather overt. The implants in human beings undoubtedly refer back to mind control, especially MK Ultra. Government have used drug, electronics, etc. to control human minds for decades at least. Project MK Ultra was created by the CIA in order to conduct experiments done on American in the 1960's. That is why Total Recall was ahead of its time since it was made back in 1990. Yet, it talks about real technology that exists today in 2010 like human chips, airport body scanners, mind control equipment, government controlling energy resources, and the government using fear an paranoia to control society. This is going on today. Stealing your mind is really evil of course. There are All Seeing Eyes all through the movement (even one shown in neon lights). There is a club with a Masonic black and white checkered board where Arnold's character comes into. There are triangle and circular logos. Arnold's character hold an ID with the words of Pyramid Mines on it. The all Seeing Eye relates to Horus from the ancient world. It also has light from it refering to the sun god and Sirius. Horus have been used in Masonic literature as Masonry is nothing more than a Theistic revitalization of the Mystery Religion. Sun worship goes on today. A sun image is found in the movement. Secret Societies and their dogma have been influential in Hollywood. The movie shows technology of a total scan of human in 2084, yet this technology is here in 2010 (shows our bodies and all via waves). In airports, you give up a lot of your privacy to fly. If you don't have freedom of your body, then the freedom of speech and other personal freedom are differently threaten. It's not a secret that the global elite want microchips in objects and in the human body to have an authoritarian rule over human beings. The chips are connected usually in a database where a select group of people can have access to its record or digital components. This is already here in various clubs, corporations, and other locations globally. So, Buck Rogers isn't a fantasy. It's here today in our time or generation.

By Timothy

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