Monday, May 03, 2010

More Controversies in Life

There is the Gulf oil rig fiasco. This development has been exploited by some people who desire world government. There is a second oil rig that has been overtuned in the Gulf coast. Not many people are reporting these news. The U.S. Coast Guard is responding to the oil rig accident. The mobile inland drilling unit has a 20,000 gallon diesel fuel capacity overtuned in the Charenton navigational channel south of the U.S. Highway 90 near Morgan City. There has been no fuel leak or injuries have been reported, but 500 feet of containment boom has been deployed around the rig according to the Coast Guard. Neo-con and former Reagan cabinet advisor Mark Levin accused the Obama administration of trying to nationalize the oil industry. He said that the government may seize records at those sites to set up the foundation of more governmetn takoever. Obama said on Thursday he was dispatching SWAT teams to inspect oil rigs in the Gulf, a response that struck many observers as odd. The government is responding to the disaster, but are they doing something real to solve the problem? We shall see. Also, neo cons like Levin (including many Republicans) view Barack Obama as some Marxist that want a Soviet like centralized economy. Yet, President Barack Obama isn't surrounded by Marxists who want a Revolution. His administration is filled with bankers and monopoly men. The Obama administration is filled with members from the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street agents, etc. not the Comintern. Oil rigs are shut down and this can shut down oil production not nationalizing it. Some elites are using this event to promote artifical scarcity in order to cripple the economy. On Friday, Obama promised that no new offshore oil drilling leases will be issued unless rigs have new safeguards to prevent a repeat of the explosion that unleashed the massive spill threatening the Gulf Coast, according to the Associated Press. There are 4,000 structures in the Gulf with 819 manned platforms. It will take the federal government a long time to install these safeguards. Lindsey Williams believe that the global elite are manipulating oil in order to create world wide depression. He said on November 21, 2008 to Alex Jones that: "...America will see a financial collapse so great that it will take years to come out of it..." CFR and Club of Rome strategy manuals from over 30 years ago desired a world government under the guise of neo-feudal policies by forming artifical scarcity. This is accerelated when we have been de-industrialized and the elite blame our economic disintegrtion on lack of energy supplies. Quotes from environmental extremists expose their plans. “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” asked Maurice Strong, the founder of the UN Environment Program, during his opening speech at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. Strong said in an interview in 1972 that the zero population growth agenda of the Club of Rome (during the late 1960's) was legitimate (to control population and economic growth). The Club of Rome is a population control group with ties to European and American banking elite even the Bilderberg Group. The Associated Press reported that the federal authorities shut down 2 offshore platforms and evacuated one of them near a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The Coast Guard believe that the shutdowns were a safety precaution last Saturday. More offshore platforms will be shut down in the days ahead. Senator Bill Nelson want expanded oil exploration stopped, because of the oil spills. Nelson don't want the state's multibillion industry and fisheries in Florida to be imperiled for oil's sake. He said that the spill may ultimately serve as a lesson that the country needs to develop cleaner energy sources. Soros foundation-aided MoveON want the White House to stop offshore oil drilling. “The MoveOn campaign is just one of a series of pleas from lawmakers and environmental groups for the administration to reverse its policy in the wake of the explosion and spill,” reports The Washington Post. The explosion and massive oil spill will be used to make sure artificial oil scarcity continues. The ultimate goal is not clean energy or so-called energy independence but delivering the once great United States into the maw of the bankers who are determined to consolidate power and convert the world into a sprawling high-tech prison planet.

Some pro-abortionists are so sick that they desire a high abortion rate in America. Abortion is never a human right. It ends human rights literally. Aimee Thorne-Thomsen of the Pro Choice Public Education Project said that abortions are too low. This is against the pro-abortion propaganda rhetoric of trying to keep abortion safe, legal, and rare. They even oppose the new law in Oklahoma making it mandatory for women to recieve ultrasounds by making crude comparisons and calling it "blackmail." There are 1.21 million abortions done in 2005, but wasn't enough for Thorne-Thomsen. She wrote, “On the other hand, if those 1.21 million abortions represent only the women who could access abortion financially, geographically or otherwise, then that number is too low. Yes, too low.” She never told about how many abortions a year would be enough for the Pro-Choice Public Education Project. She doesn't want to reduce abortions (under the guise of providing women information about resources omitting the fact that abortions have huge negative side effects against women). According to the National Right to Life, aboriton can lead to suicide, depression, infections, sterility, and even death in numerous cases. She is an abortion absolutist by saying increasing the number of abortions is moral, just, and good for women's health. She's a sicko since abortion denies the right to life among human beings. It also ends potentially leaders in our world. The other Daily Kos article about abortion was just as bad. The author complained that Oklahoma’s new abortion law, which mandates that women undergo an ultrasound of their fetus before aborting, is “tantamount to emotional blackmail. And it's not even blackmail of a particularly subtle variety. It's insulting and demeaning and humiliating and patronizing all at once.” The author lied and said that the earlier stages of pregnancies the fetus is like a "fleshy jellybean" and complained that Oklahoma has become a "testing ground for radical anti-aboriton lawmaking." The truth is that complex cellular functions and cellular structures exist in the fetus even in its earlier stages. The author compared having a pregnant women seeing her fetus before having abortion as being equal to a firefighter on fire before he can rush into a burning building (Requiring a soldier to get shot before he is issued a firearm and showing a man seeking a vasectomy his own vas deferens by sticking a camera in through his urethra.). This is a lie and Daily Kos is filled with abortion absolutists. Abortion is still murder regardless of what they say.

Democrats wants the oppressive policy of a National ID Card system. This comes from the Senate. Civil liberties defenders oppose this legislation. They want every worker in the USA to carry a national identification card with biometric information like a fingerpint (within the next 6 years). Biochips and biometrics exploited in this fascist proposal is nothing new. The proposal is one of the biggest differences between the newest immigration reform proposal and legislation crafted by late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). This national ID program would be entitled Believe System. That is an acronym for Biometric Enrollment, Locally Stored Information, and Electronic Verification of Employment. It would require all workers across the nation to carry a card with a digital encyption key that would have to match work authorization databases. The proposal from the Democrats claim that the cardholder's identity will be verified by matching the biometric identifier stored within the microprocessing chip on the card to the identifier provided by the cardholder that shall be read by scanner used by the employer. The ACLU of course blasted the plan. They are right oppose this nefarious proposal. “Creating a biometric national ID will not only be astronomically expensive, it will usher government into the very center of our lives. Every worker in America will need a government permission slip in order to work. And all of this will come with a new federal bureaucracy — one that combines the worst elements of the DMV and the TSA,” said Christopher Calabrese, ACLU legislative counsel. Real immigration reform doesn't need to come at the expense of privacy and individual freedom at all. If the biometric national ID card provision of the draft bill becomes law, then every worker in America would have to be fingerprinted. This is Orwellan to say the least. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (from Illinois) worked on the proposal said that more people will agree with a national ID card. He said that we use ID system, but we never used mandatory ID card with biometrics to work though. Implementing a nationwide identification program for every worker will be a difficult task.The Social Security Administration has estimated that 3.6 million Americans would have to visit SSA field offices to correct mistakes in records or else risk losing their jobs. Angela Kelley, vice president of immigration policy at the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank, said the biometric identification provision “will give some people pause.” Some people want comprehensive immigration reform (The Democrats want to work with the Republicans to develop an immigration reform framework), but this refrm shouldn't be about violating our civil liberties at all. This makes all people guilty until they are proven innocent by the government.

People have broken up Standard Oil, so it's fine to break up giant banks. Even Senator Ted Kaufman, who was interviewed recently by the American Prospect's Tim Fernholz said that Ted (and Senator Sherrod Brown) wanted to have an amendment to cap the size of the largest banks. This can break them up. Kaufman said that we broke up Standard Oil, AT&T, and accountants as well. So, he said that: "...A lot of the changes we’re talking about, the mergers, are just new. When you look at the reasons these banks are so big — and you know how big they are — remember the reason JP Morgan Chase is so big is because they bought Washington Mutual when it was in trouble, and Wells Fargo bought Wachovia, and Bank of America bought Merrill Lynch [during the crisis]. It is pretty straightforward, now that these are back on their feet, that it makes sense to break them up..." Even fomer Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan wants U.S. regulators to consider breaking up large financial institutions that are considered too big to fail. He said that: "...Those banks have an implicit subsidy allowing them to borrow at lower cost because lenders believe the government will always step in to guarantee their obligations. That squeezes out competition and creates a danger to the financial system..." Greenspan told the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. Breaking up Standard Oil back in 1911 didn't cause too much issues in the economic world. You have to have solutions in solving economic problems. Busting big banks is needed to have a policy that can work for the financial system. There should be the resurrection of the Glass Steagall Act that prevented the seperation of commercial from investment banking (and get antitrust laws to the remaining 5 biggest Wall Street banks so none is too big to fail). Economic historian Niall Ferguson wants a serious application of antitrust laws to the financial services sectors and an end to institutions that are too big to fail. Geithner is proposing that] there should be a new “resolution authority” for the swift closing down of big banks that fail. But such an authority already exists and was used when Continental Illinois failed in 1984. Indeed, even the FDIC mentions Continental Illinois in the same breadth as “too big to fail” banks. William K. Bank was the senior regulator during the S&L crisis and an associate professor of both Economics and Law at the University of Missouri. He said that the Prompt Corrective Action Law (PCA), 12 U.S.C. § 1831o, not only authorizes the government to seize insolvent banks, it mandates it, and that the Bush and Obama administrations broke the law by refusing to close insolvent banks. So, the government can find a way to break up the Big Banks if they wanted to.

The Nazis were the agents of the elite. Their influence didn't die when WWII ended. Their influence and evil philosophies still exist today. In a higher level of thinking, much of the royal elite, Solidarists, and the Vatican worked together to promote fascism and authoritarianism then and now. One example is how the Knights of Malta aided Hitler's early reign to power via SMOM Franz von Papen. Even Franco in Spain, Hitler in Germany, and Mussolini in Italy were baptized Roman Catholics. They were never excommunicated for their deeds. There is the Opus Dei group that was formed in Spain that used self-flagelllation as prayer. Some of these low level extremists believe they are heralding the capture of Russia for the Papacy or the creation of WWII. High level groups realized that the goal of these groups were globalism and creating the new world order system. Some of the Nazis escaped justice and fled in Europe, South America, and America (in groups like Kameradenwerk, Die Spinne and Odessa). White Russians and Nazis worked in Byelorussia during WWII as the Belarus Brigade. They tried to fight Russia during WWII. Nearly 300 of them were sent into America and were given government plus intelligence jobs via the CIA & OSS. Even U.S. General Lucius Clay worked in Germany. He stopped the prosecution of the Nazi Otto Skorzeny and worked with Nazis generals at Oberammergau. He did this deed to train Eastern European revanchists, Nazis and American GIs into the 5,000-strong "Special Forces" against communism. Some call these people as our Green Berets. After WWII in 1945, "ex-Nazi" General Reinhard Gehlen worked with the OSS to handle intelligence for the USA Government. The Gehlen organization combined forced with the Nazis and the OSS to form the modern CIA that was signed by President Harry Truman in 1947. At the Pentagon, there were secretive meetings arranged among the Nazi Gehlen, Allen Dulles, J. Edgar Hoover, and others. Communism is a controlled paradigm that was created by many people like Thomas More, the Jesuits, etc. It was used as a means to constant nationalism in the Third World, keep monopolists aiding them, and prevent true liberty from spreading worldwide (just like the laissez-faire captialism). Then, the elite monopolize world resources (like drugs, chemicals, minerals, gas, food, water, coal, etc. The elitists are monopoly people) at the same time during the Cold War and today in 2010. The global elite (as found in the Vatican/Jesuit network, the Pilgrims, high level Masonry, etc.) used their bankers to aid Germany after the Versailles Treaty was passed (causing Germany to pay oppressive reparations). This same elite opposed President John F. Kennedy, because Kennedy didn't want to have war with the Soviets as early as 1961, he believe in cooperation with the Soviets to go into the Moon, he believed in Third World nations from Congo to Indonesia, and he believed in civil rights. Publicly stating JFK wanted "to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." By Novemeber 22, 1963, the military industrial complex promoted the Vietnam War heavily. George H. W. Bush was the was former head of the CIA and he employed people like U.S. Army officer Capt. William Rhine of the Bay of Pigs operation. Rhine is really top SS spy Helmut Streicher, who worked directly with Hitler, Gehlen, Otto Skorzeny, and then U.S. Army Intelligence from October, 1945 on. Thousands of such fascists infiltrated our government. The late Mae Brussell have expose similar connections too. It isn't just the Nazis, but learning about these evil Nazis is one way to see the bigger picture. The bigger picture is that Almigthy God is in control, but we as humans have a right to promote real freedom and oppose evil whenever it rears its head.

By Timothy

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