Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Assange and Compromises

The Nazis were pro-abortion. People realize this truth more than ever. The Nazis were evil of course. They believed those women who were non-Aryan should have abortion, but only opposed abortions for those deemed Aryan. They have forced abortions on Jewish people, Slavs, Gypsies, etc. Even some Germans were given abortions if they were considered "feeble-minded" or have some hereditary diseases. The Nazis created camps in trying to produce blonde hair and blue eyed people. The first court to rule that "viability" and the "woman's health" were determinate factors in abortion was the Nazi Heredity Court of 1934, when it ruled that "...pregnancy may be terminated, with the consent of the woman concerned, unless the fetus is already capable of independent life, or unless the termination of the pregnancy entails a serious danger to either the life or health of the woman herself." (The Racial State, 1991, p.141). This is similar to Roe that can legalize abortion throughout the pregnancy with some token exceptions. The health of the woman has been interpreted to mean a cold or a minor illness to justify abortions.  In June 1935 the sterilization law was also amended to allow abortions on eugenic grounds and these abortions had to be followed by sterilizations, dependent -- technically -- on the woman's consent. Thus, sterilization, eugenics and abortion all come together. Poland banned abortions in 1939. When the Nazis came, they or the Nazis encouraged Polish women to have abortions. This Nazi plan was called "Auswahlfeiheit" ("Freedom of Choice"). Hitler and Martin Bormann (or the head of the Nazi Party and was a personal secretary to Adolf Hitler) supported abortion for Slavs and non-Aryans too. SS chief Heinrich Himmler wrote to Field-Marshall Wilhelm Keitel that there about 600,000 abortions a year in Germany around the time of 1939. The medical publication Deutsches Aerzleblatt reported the abortions in Germany each year reached a half-million. The Nazis didn't oppose abortions for "Aryans" for altruistic purposes. They did so in order to promote their sick master race view of preserving the genetic essence of so-called Nordic peoples in Europe. The Nazis during the Nuremberg trials were accused of crimes against humanity and one of these crimes were promoting abortion. That should tell you something. In his 1961 trial in Israel, the former Nazi SS major (in charge of transportation of Jews to concentration camps) Adolf Eichmann was charged, among other things, with "directing that pregnancies [be] interrupted [aborted] among Jewish women" in the Therseinstadt concentration camp. Even the religious leader Dietrich Bonheoffer opposed Hitler and opposed abortion. On Sunday, April 9th, 1945, Bonheoffer was taken from his concentration camp sell and hanged by Nazi guards. Another lie is that white supremacists are in league with the Pro-Life Movement, which is slander. Many white supremacists like Tom Metzger support abortions for non-white peoples globally except for white people. We know that the Nazis supported eugenics and euthanasia. The Nazis supporting abortion makes more even more Pro-Life than ever.

People realize of the compromise that Barack Obama made with the Republicans on finances. President Barack Obama wants to maintain unemployment benefits for 13 months, while tax cuts for the rich will remain temporarily for 2 years. There are tax cuts for the middle class and some tax credits that I agree. They have agreed with cutting the payroll tax, which is a regressive tax or harms the poor more than the rich. He has been criticized by the left for compromising core convictions. Barack Obama says that he has no choice, but to allow tax cuts for the rich to remain (which can add billions of dollars to the deficit). Cutting the estate tax won’t translate into immediate economic growth at all. Permanently extended tax cuts for the top tax rates is infeasible in a recession.  This agreement has plenty of errors in it. Cutting the payroll tax by 2 percent is fine, but there are complicated matters to it. The payroll tax funds Social Security and Medicare. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities said back in January 2009 wrote that cutting employees’ payroll tax will cause more tax home pay for workers. While, cutting employers’ payroll taxes with only put money in corporate coffers without immediate financial growth. The money will sit while sales are weak and factories aren’t working in full capacity. The CBO or the Congressional Budget Office says that suspending payroll taxes is not a cost effective method in stimulating business spending. Standard economic analysis suggests that over the long run, a permanent reduction in the employer payroll tax would increase wages, as competition forced employers to pass on the benefits of the tax cut to their workers. But a two-month holiday on the employer share of the payroll tax would not have that effect. Although, using payroll taxes is better than a tax cut for the wealthy. Foods stamps, employment benefits, infrastructure, aid to states, etc. are more stimulating than a cut in payroll taxes according to chief economist Mark Zandi for Moody. A payroll tax cut is of course more simulative than just tax cuts or tax rebates. The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein said that having work share programs, direct aid to states, a jobs tax credit, expanding food stamps, etc. can be a better option than a payroll tax holiday. So, a comprehensive economic solution is better than just obsessing with just tax cuts.

 Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated 42 years ago in June 5, 1968. This was done during the midst of his Presidency campaign. If he was alive, there is very high chance of him not only winning the Democratic nomination, but becoming President of the United States of America. Robert Kennedy became more progressive in his thinking than even President John F. Kennedy by 1968. The official story of the assassination of RFK was that only a lone gunman killed Robert F. Kennedy. In world history, patsies are commonly promoted with the aim to excuse the real parties in an evil deed. Professor James H. Fetzer’s research into the assassination of Robert Kennedy has exposed the truth on many levels. The establishment says that the gunman was Sirhan Sirhan (or a Palestinian who killed RFK for his views on the Middle East). The bullets that murdered Robert Kennedy were fired n the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. RFK was shot behind the right ear from about 1.5 inches, but Sirhan was never that close and always in front of him. The coroner’s report did not support the Los Angeles’ Police Department’s assassination scenario. The Los Angeles Police Department engaged in massive destruction of evidence from the pantry of the hotel because "it would not fit into a card file.” The assassination of RFK was a coup by the establishment against real political leaders that could make real changes in the USA. From 1968, the reactionary counterrevolutionaries grew into higher levels. Forensic evidence proves that Sirhan Sirhan can’t be the lone shooter. The weapon removed from Sirhan Sirhan was a .22 caliber, eight-round revolver, with serial number H-53725. Sirhan emptied his weapon from a location in front of Bobby Kennedy. The autopsy performed by Dr. Thomas Noguchi, however, showed RFK was hit by four bullets, all of which were fired from behind at upward angles. And five others were wounded by separate shots. Bullets were retrieved from holes in the walls and the ceiling of the pantry. There were as many as 13 shots and some hit the ceiling behind his location. So, Sirhan can’t create all of these shots by himself. Dr. Noguchi’s medical report contradicts the Los Angeles Police report. This evidence doesn’t point to Sirhan Sirhan as the killer. The fatal shot entered RFK’s behind his right ear from an inch and a half way. Sirhan had not been closer than several feet in front of RFK. A witness named DeWayne Wofler said that the bullets the fired at RFK came from a different gun. The patriotic movement and researcher believe that Thane Eugene Cesar is the prime suspect in the shooting of Robert F. Kennedy. Cesar was a security guard. Cesar admitted that he drawn his gun. Witnesses heard shots from more than one weapon and no one asked to examine his gun. Acoustics expert Van Praag tested an H&R 922 of the kind Cesar had and determined that an H&R 922 had been fired at the same time as Sirhan’s. Further indications of conspiracy extended to a couple, including a woman in a polka dot dress, who rushed away from the scene shouting, “We shot him! We shot him! We shot Kennedy!” William Turner and John Christian have a strong case of Cesar being involved in the assassination of Robert Kennedy. There were many shots shown and blanks with flames according to witnesses. William Joseph Bryan bragged that he worked for the CIA and had hypnotized Sirhan. Sirhan had weird behavior, which is assign of hypnosis. Joseph Bryan, was on the radio suggesting the assassin was probably “mind controlled” before Sirhan had been identified as a suspect. Sirhan’s defense attorney allied with the CIA contact with organized crime person Johnny Roselli. Cesar himself had worked at Lockheed and Hughes Aircraft, both of which have extensive connections with the agency. And even more strikingly, three prominent CIA officials—George Joannides, David Sanchez Morales, and Gordon Campbell—have been identified as present at the Ambassador. Bradley Ayers was an Army captain that was assigned to the CIA at JM/WAVE in Miami from May 1962 to December 1964. All 3 men and were identified on film footage from the Ambassador. Gordon Campbell had even been Ayer’s case officer while he was working for the agency. The CIA operative David Sánchez Morales had been accused in the murder of JFK and RFK. Wayne Smith knew Morales. Smith served as an ambassador with the Department of State from 1957 to 1982. Smith told Shane O’Sullivan that: “…Bobby Kennedy is assassinated [and] David Morales is there? The two things have to be related…” Ayers, Smith, and Morales were caught in film in the Los Angeles location. The cover up of Robert Kennedy’s death was overt. The LAPD was not subtle in the destruction of evidence related to the crime. It destroyed the ceiling panels and door frames from the pantry on the ground they were “too large to fit into a card file” and burned some 2,400 photographs, including those taken by 15-year old Scott Enyart, who was standing on a table and took three rolls of film. When the department created a Special Unit Senator (SUS) to look into the case, it chose two officers who had ties to the CIA. They badgered witnesses who did not support the official line. One, Manuel Pena, had worked in Special Ops for the CIA. He was responsible for approving SUS interviews.

There has been religious history known all over the place. The Bible has a long history. It has been translated in numerous languages. The modern Bible was created after the evils committed in the Pope's Dark Ages. The Dark Ages allowed people to use women as vassals; the Bible wasn't allowed to be translated into various tongues. That is why the Waldenses were persecuted strongly by Rome since the Vatican once wanted the Bible to be only in Latin. The Inquisition killed tons of people in this error. Men were moved by the Holy Spirit to create the Scriptures. The epistles in the New Testament reckon the works and the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ as found in 2 Peter 3:15-16 and 2 Timothy 3:16. The real Scriptures were inspired of God... Since the Apostle John received the Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ on the island of Patmos, the Word of God is completed. The Hebrews Scriptures of the OT are preserved as well. The Trinitarian Bible Society in London has copies of the Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek Scriptures as well. There is a difference between the original languages texts of Hebrew and Greek was directly God-breathed and the translation that preserves the original text. The double inspiration heresy believing that the English corrects the Greek/Hebrew, and the denial of the verbal, plenary preservation of the Hebrew plus Greek scriptures are promoted by Dr. Peter Ruckman and Gail Riplinger. This movement has almost a cult like following. Hebrew Jacob Ben Chayim/Bomberg Masoretic Text as edited by Ginsburg, and the Greek Textus Receptus of Stephens and Beza as edited by Scrivener—both texts available from the Trinitarian Bible Society are accurate. Some Jesuit-affiliated people support some of the modern versions too. The Jesuit Bible of Douay was created in 1582. It's known as the Revised Version. The Jesuit version mutilated the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:13 by getting rid of the words of "...For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever..." The Jesuits infiltrated Oxford University to try to control religious infrastructure.

Julian Assange is in custody. The American government wants to request his extradition to prosecute him for espionage. He is accused of sexually assaulting 2 women. If Julian is sent to America, there is a First Amendment test that allows a protection for a free press extending to a website with a worldwide audience. Back in 1917, the United States created the Espionage Act. This law made it a crime to willfully communicate secret government information that could expose national secrets held by officialdom. After the law was passed, the government avoided prosecuting journalists for publishing classified information. Even the Supreme Court rejected a Nixon administration effort to stop the NY Times and the Washington Post to publish the Pentagon Papers. This occurred in 1971. Leakers Daniel Ellsberg and the late Anthony Russo leaked the Pentagon Papers publicly. These people were RAND Corporation researchers being dismissed by prosecutorial misconduct. The Supremes indicated, however, that it would have been possible for the government to prosecute the newspapers involved. The First Amendment once protected journalists in the past. Yet, it isn’t clear whether they consider Assange a journalist. The government wants to really prosecute Assange if they have the chance. The establishment definitely desires to restrict the First Amendment to have its power to protect corporate media journalists and other propagandists to spread its agenda. Former general counsel at the CIA Jeffrey H. Smith doesn’t believe that Assange’s actions enjoy the protection of the Constitution. If the elite had its way, the revealing of government secrets even in alternative news organizations and publications would be classified as illegal. According to a Congressional Research Service analysis, the Supreme Court has not resolved the question of “whether, in cases where information has been acquired unlawfully by a newspaper or by a source, government may ever punish not only the unlawful acquisition, but the ensuing publication as well.” The freedom of speech is a basic U.S. constitutional right. Assange and Wikileaks discuss about the question about would the Supreme Court resolve the conflict of the right to speak and the U.S. the right to hold secrets. The Obama administration rejects the Wikileaks as exposing diplomatic secrets publicly (as needed to promote democracy and open government). The government withholds information from the American people for years. Administrations from the Bush years have done it as exposed by Patrice McDermott, who is the Open the There is a record number of Freedom of Information Act that proves that the government is becoming more secretive not less. The Barack Obama administration is still leaving some actions in foreign policy secret from the American public. Extremist neo cons like William Kristol wants harassing, kidnapping, and the neutralizing of Julian Assange and the Wikileaks operation. The alternative media should be protected from being dismantled by the corporate media. We ought not to live in a high tech police state. Julian Assange ought not to be used as a tool to kill the First Amendment or the Bill of Rights.
By Timothy

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