Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan's Earthquake disaster, etc.

The Japanese Earthquake is historic. The quake was so powerful that it moved Japan’s coast 8 feet and it shifted the Earth’s axis. It killed more than 1,000 human beings. Reports from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Italy said that the 8.9 magnitude quake (some say as high as 9.1 in the Richter scale) shifted the planet on its axis by nearly 4 inches or 10 centimeters. The waves from it spread into Hawaii and parts of the West Coast in Northern California. There is a nuclear plant emergency in Japan too. Japanese scientists are trying to avert multiple nuclear meltdowns. 170,000 people have evacuated areas near nuclear power plants. Radioactive contamination is a threat there as well. So, nuclear plant operations are trying to keep the temperature down in numerous nuclear reactors. Now, some more than 100 smaller quakes have occurred since Friday. One aftershock can be as powerful as a 7.9. There is a risk of a second explosion at the quake hit Fukushima power station according to Japanese officials. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Sunday another reactor of its quake-hit Fukushima nuclear power plants had lost its cooling functions, while at least 15 people at a nearby hospital were found to have been exposed to radioactivity. Some believe that if the radioactivity isn’t under control, the radioactive cloud can move toward the U.S. West Coast. We have a large explosion at Japan’s Fukushima Daiich nuclear power plant reveals that a meltdown is now underway following the exposure of the core following an 9.1-magnitude earthquake. Prior to the explosion today, the media reported the radiation level was 1000 times higher than the permissible level. The white smoke emitted from the Fukushima plant resembles the smoke emitted at Chernobyl after the Ukrainian nuclear plant blew up and caught fire on April 26, 1986. Chernobyl killed thousands of people from radiation linked illnesses. Some are trying to downplay this, but any radiation level in the world should be handled in a careful fashion. That is why people shouldn’t live near fault lines since massive earthquakes can come in those areas in any given time. Japan's problem does have a social and economic influence in the world today including America.

Romans 13 has been used as an excuse to pacify the Christian church. Many churches are independent and are doing the right thing. Others are controlled by the establishment and promote anti-poverty measure, the war on terror, and other evils in society. Some are promoting materialism in the wicked prosperity false gospel that ought to be exposed stridently. In our time, there has been compromise from deception, corruption, secret society influences, etc. The world has failed tons of people and a numerous real people are showing the truth presently. Political correctness ruled much of society today. People even in the religious world are more concern about social acceptance than spiritual acceptance from the Lord. The 501 c 3 non-profit tax exempt status has intimidated many churches into not being too controversial (for fear of losing that tax exempt status if a church is too political). People have used Romans 13 as an excuse to allow people to obey the government unconditionally. That means that even if the government wants you to go to war, kill people, do abortions on demand, and lie, then that’s fine. Of course, that is wrong. In history, the apostle Peter, the apostle Paul, and other leaders have resisted unjust laws made by the government. Romans 13 refer to people following higher authorities and God is the ultimate power. It doesn’t say that we follow corrupt, tyrannical rulers 100 percent. In other words, if there are crooked police officers and corrupt politicians trying to inspire us to do evil, we have the right to say No; I will refuse to do evil. We have the Bill of Rights (though not perfect) has tons of legitimate laws that we can follow. We have the constitutional and God-given right to disagree with the violations of human freedom and any form of injustice against any person period.

Zeitgeist Addendum is a deceptive movie too. The Zeitgeist series is mostly accurate about banking and 9/11, but it offers a slick New Age agenda instead of real spirituality. Peter Joseph is an anti-Christian. He goes beyond dissent with Christianity, but he uses lies and half-truths as an excuse to promote anti-Christ lies. This movie poses as atheistic, but it promotes the same New Age lies from the Theosophical Society. The Theosophical Society worked with Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, and Manly P. Hall to promote a new age system in the world (in trying to destroy the Christian religion in general. This is mentioned by their own quotes that few people know about from decades ago). Zeitgeist promotes the Luciferian lie that man can be God. It’s totally antichrist. Zeitgeist wants no money and wants all our private property to be ruled by collective elite (in their Utopian vision of the Venus Project. Venus in the occult is a code name for Lucifer. Getting rid of any money is a known globalist tenet). In reality, the global elite want power since they own most of the resources in the world.  So, the elite want to obsess with collective entities instead of promoting individual rights and individual freedoms. To put simple, Zeitgeist is one of the most anti-God, anti-Christ, and anti-American piece of propaganda in the world. They make lie after lie in slandering Jesus Christ as some rehash of pagan gods. It says that Horus was born from a virgin. Horus came from the body parts from Osiris and Isis putting it back together. Isis is Horus’s mother. They claim that Horus’ birth were announced by angels and witnessed by shepherds. This didn’t occur. NO angels or stars herald the birth of Horus. There is no evidence that Horus was preaching at the temple when he was 12 or he was baptized. Horus didn’t have 12 disciples and Horus didn’t walk on water. The goal of Zeitgeist is to use anti-spirituality as an excuse to try to form a technocratic new world age.

It’s not a secret that the CIA, the FBI, the U.S. government, and the Mossad either were involved or benefited greatly from the 9/11 attacks. 9/11 was an inside job anyway since more than 1 person was involved in the attacks. The crime of 9/11 is the crime of the century. Larry Silverstein leased the trade towers 7 weeks prior to 9/11. This is in spite that someone had bid 50 million dollars more. Many Mossad agents pretended to be Arabic people. Many of the so-called hijackers didn’t learn how to land efficiently, they left the Koran in cars, and they were in strip clubs the night before 9/11. They weren’t followers of Islam, but they were government-aided, manipulated patsies or puppets. We know the CIA and FBI were involved, because many agents shorted stocks on the airlines and sold options on the airlines and made millions. This should be a horrendous red flag with many agents making millions and could only have done it with prior knowledge. Then you have the FBI agents that confiscated cameras from area businesses that would have everything that occurred in the Pentagon. Photos of all of the hijackers don’t exist. When some of the planes hit the building, there was a fireball and hundreds of kerosene on fire didn’t stream to the ground. Thermite has been found burning before the explosions. Researchers like Steven Jones believe that thermite-related explosives were found in the World Trade Center area. That is why the 9/11 Truth Movement is here to stay. Even some in the 9/11 Commission question some of its own findings.

An international labor rights group believes that the assault on collective bargaining is illegal. The group is called ICLR or the International Commission for Labor Rights. They believe that this anti-labor policy is illegal. Public workers are losing their rights. The ICLR is based in New York and it’s a non-governmental organization. It coordinates a pro bono network of labor lawyers and experts all over the world. It investigates labor rights violations and issues reports and amicus briefs on issues of labor law. The ICLR called the freedom of association as a fundamental right that is affirmed in collective bargaining. In other words, collective bargaining is legal since it’s a part of the freedom of association. This right attacks unchecked corporate or state power. Congress passed the Wagner Act (or the National Labor Reactions Act) in 1935. This was done to recognize the direct relationship between the inequality of bargaining power of workers and corporations plus the business depressions being recurrent. Economies can go into depression with depressing wage rates and the purchasing power of wage earners. The law promoted collective bargaining. While the NLRA covered U.S. employees in private employment, the law protecting collective bargaining in both the public and private sectors has developed since 1935 to cover all workers “without distinction.” Workers in Wisconsin, Indiana, and Ohio (and other places) want the public sector workers to have collective bargaining. Courts and agencies worldwide recognized the right of collective bargaining in the public sector. The ICLR statement summarizes the development of this law from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, through the International Labor Organization’s Conventions on Freedom of Association (that is, the right to form and join unions) and on Collective Bargaining. It cites court cases from the United States and around the world. All embrace freedom of association as a fundamental right and the right to collective bargaining as an essential element of freedom of association. Even executive orders from Presidents recognized this right among federal employees.  One of the last goals in the neo-liberal agenda is to crush union and have mass privatization. This is the privatization of all public assets. Ironically, Wisconsin is a place that started the modern Progressive era with progressive populists like Robert LaFollette. Checks against rent seeking have caused the economy to grow. Today, Governor Walker of Wisconsin wants to sell off infrastructure. The budget bill also plans to tear down the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). He wants to privatize the University of Wisconsin's two flagship doctorate-granting campuses. Ironically, the land grant universities – of which Wisconsin has long been among the best – were created by protectionist 19th-century Republicans as an alternative approach to British free-market doctrine, which dominated the prestigious and largely anglophile Ivy League universities. These universities, like their German counterparts, taught a new economic policy of state management and public enterprise that formed the basis for subsequent US and German development. We are in the new Gilded Age.

By Timothy

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