Monday, March 07, 2011

Kurt Nimmo's half truths

Note by Me: Stealing wealth is wrong whether it's done by the government or the bankers. Yet, Nimmo omits in a slick fashion that the Constitution gives Congress the right to tax, build roads, have scientific discoveries, promoted, and other public actions. Private actions to improve society is fine and public actions to do the same is okay as well.  Nimmo follows the elite's Austrian economic views as this view is just as wrong as the other side of the coin of Keynes (who was an eugenicist, etc.). Also, some alternative economists don't believe that we are broke. The deal is that tons of money are stolen by the citizenry and has been transfered from the people to the super rich.

By Timothy


Kenneth Hulsberg said...

What exactly is the removal of Glass Steagall but de-regulation? Regulations can be used to put restrictions on the little guy, as you've said, but thats the result of allowing corporate interests to dominate our political system. That would be our fault for electing crooks in the first place. This doesn't justify de-regulation. It implies a need for reform.

De-regulation in the form as the Austrian school advocates, is to strip the little guy of all economic protection, and allow the hidden-hands of this fictitious free-market to feed on the defenseless little guy.

As far as a national bank is concerned, it is constitutional despite the Austrian brainwashing you might have been subjected too. Just as a national mint is constitutional, a national bank provides the mechanism which allows Congress to fulfill its obligations under Article 1. In the course of U.S history the question of a national bank has long been settled.

So, I did point you to Article 1, now what the hell are you going to do about it?

What's not constitutional is Congress handing Section 8 over to a private and unelected corporate body who's unaccountable to the American people.

Free-market is a myth, and has never existed in the United States. We are a civilization, and civilization requires government. Where you have government of any kind you always have political economy, not this stone age free-market non-sense.

The Austrian school, and its parrots, may claim our founders created a free-market, but this is a lie, and in fact, our founders were dirigists.

Ignoramus? What are you twelve years old? If your going to insult someone at least be creative. I'm guessing you found me through Infowars. If so, are you an Alex Jones fan? Perhaps, you found me through the DailyPaul? This would help explain some things.


ironoutrigger says:
Geeze you all are so missing the point! MM is right. Look, no one is for a pure socialist society in that everyone should be the same, have the same. It’s ok, it’s a good thing to have more than the next person. Work hard, create something new, reap the rewards. The point here is that there are a select few in this nation that are uber rich. And it’s not just that they are uber rich it’s that they have the hording sickness along with it. They refuse to let loose of that wealth for any reason. This wealth could be used to create new jobs or even entire industries but it’s just sitting there idle and our government will not take it from them in taxes. You might argue that it’s their money and that they do not have to use it if they choose not too. That argument falls flat when you finally realize just what uber rich actually means. It means that they have such an excess of wealth that it is not possible for them to ever spend it in a way that would enrich their lives more than they already are. Think about that for a moment.


CarteretFreePress says:
March 8, 2011 at 5:28 am
What the hell is Kurt Nimmo on to turn this guys answer 180 degrees around???
It appears that Nimmo heard just two words “national resource” and TOTALLY IGNORED who are the ones the fatso Moore called “these people”. Now MM is a socialist 100% but he’s accurate in this clip.

“These people” are the transnational conglomerate NWO pillagers of America’s economy, AND “try to get a loan” ergo, the Federal Reserve Banks. And he’s absolutely right that the money is being horded for a small, elitist group of private interests. The Americans people are being left with all the risks and none of the profits.

Kurt Nimmo, you should apologize for circumventing and manipulating this clip into a totally inaccurate article.

And I’m not a fan of Michael F___ either


contempted says:
March 8, 2011 at 6:48 am
Nimmo protects the banksters. Funny thing is- half of you here actually think you’re rich and don’t receive far more from the government than the government takes.

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