Monday, March 07, 2011

March 2011 Updates

There has been a draft legislation that would deny jobless parents basic welfare benefits (in the Netherlands) if an older child earns more than €1,800 a month, the Volkskrant reports on Saturday. The bill would switch the financial cut off for welfare benefits (or the bijstand) from the individual to the household. Students and the under 18 years with small jobs would not be included according to the paper. The government wants the new rules to be in effect by 2012 (as insiders told the Volkskrant). This would mean that 10,000 people will lose their welfare benefits and 20,000 household will have between €500 and €800 a month less to spend. Ministers hope that the changes can employed more people in the workforce. Jereon de Glas of the FNV trade union's youth wing said that cause people to stimulate youngster to give up their jobs. Now, couples on welfare benefits receive €1,424 a month, while a single parent gets 70% of that. The under-27s can only claim welfare benefits under exceptional circumstances. The plan might not come through in the Netherlands. Some people that this plan is another way to promote austerity or to keep poor people homeless. Children making money have the right to keep their own money in order to save it. Some people promoting the new changes are corporate pro employer type of libertarians (not regular libertarians). Not everything good for business is good for the people. People have the right to oppose globalism too. We as human beings have to stand up for the disabled, the handicapped, and the outcast in society. There should be sufficient funds to assist the disabled, the handicapped, the physically handicapped, and the mentally handicapped. People like Rand and Ron Paul would cut almost everything without a good alternative. Cutting government without a good alternative is ineffective in helping the needs of the people. I don't believe in killing in war and killing babies recklessly in the womb either. We should not embrace Communism for it violates our freedom, but we don't need cutthroat capitalism for basic needs of the people are stripped too. Both systems are funded by the bankers in America and Europe.

Secret Societies have a lot of influences in the world. Some of them are headed by a select group of families that existed from eons of time. Even Freemasonry is one of the most famous societies. Its members have been diverse from Kings, Emperors, and statesman. They have shared their oaths. Many revolutionaries were Masons too like George Washington and Sam Houston in America, Juarez in Mexico, Garibaldi in Italy, and Bolívar in South America. It was outlawed over the centuries by Hitler, Mussolini and the Ayatollah Khomeini. One of the secrets of numerous secret societies is that some of them worship or praise Lucifer. I don’t agree with that at all since Lucifer fell from Heaven and God is beyond the power of Lucifer. Albert Pike called Lucifer can serve for evil, but he can be a force for good. He wrote this in his Morals and Dogma book. Lucifer to the followers of the Mysteries is light. Lucifer represents Venus or the sun. To the Mysteries, Lucifer is the intellect. The heart and soul of the Mystery Schools is find enlightenment in order for man to try to be God basically. Also, many Masons believe that man can be a god. Freemason W. L. Wilmhurst wrote that: “…'Man who has sprung from the earth [meaning that he was not created by a creator God] and developed through the lower kingdoms of nature to his present rational state, has yet to complete his evolution by becoming a god-like being and unifying his consciousness with the Omniscient ~ to promote which is and always has been the sole aim and purpose of all Initiation.'…So, just as Satan tempted mankind with the ability to know good and evil themselves just like God, without His assistance, now the Masons are teaching that they too could become a god through an initiation into the Ancient Mysteries…” Yet, the truth found in the Bible and history in general proves that there is only one God and that mankind has no possibility of sharing his Godhead. You have to be a deluded egomaniac to assume that you’re God or that you can become God. A human can’t change molecules out of their volition and humans can travel by themselves into the far reaches of the Universe either.

There is more news in the world. Zbigniew Brzezinski said that he doesn’t want the U.S. to be policeman of the world. Yet, he wants troops and warships to Libya. He spoke these words on Al Jazeera. This is wild since we have all types of military interventions as it is now. George Soros and Brzezinski are a part of the Left gate keeping crew that wants the war on terror to continue, but on slick terms. The neo cons are more overt with their intensions, while the Left gatekeepers are covert with some of their foreign policy aims. Libya is having a civil war with cities being attacked all over the nation. NATO and others have had their sites in trying to control Libya too. Oil interests are in Libya since oil was discovered there in 1959. U.S. and European countries had huge stakes in the petroleum markets there until they were soon nationalized by Gaddafi. Then, Libya was called an enemy and rogue state in the West’s eyes. There are battles in Misrata with the opposition forces claiming that they have caught Misrata. Even in the early 1970’s, the Pentagon housed personnel and military stopovers in Libya. Gaddafi worked with the elite’s spokespeople like Blair, Bush Sr., Idi Amin, and others. The U.S. via Reagan and others tried to kill or eliminate Muamar Gaddafi. President Reagan allowed bombers to kill Gaddafi’s infant daughter. This was called Operation Canyon (using USAF, Navy, and Marines air strikes against Libya on April 15, 1986. The U.S. CIA brought down the Lockerbie Pan Am 103 Flight over Scotland in 1988 and blamed this on Gaddafi. The CIA wanted to influence Gaddafi for years. Some al-Qaeda terrorists are said to be mercenaries in Libya. People already know that the National Endowment non-Democracy is a CIA front. They promote false revolutions in the world. The opposition group called the NFSL (or the National Front for the Salvation of Libya) was part of the National Conference for the Libyan Opposition held in London in 2005, and British resources are being used to support the FNSL and other 'opposition' in Libya. The FNSL was actually formed in October 1981 in Sudan under Colonel Jaafar Nimieri-- the US puppet dictator who was openly known to be a Central Intelligence Agency operative, and who ruled Sudan ruthlessly from 1977 to 1985. The FNSL have done attacks inside and outside of Libya. The media say that Gaddafi is killing his own people, but ignore how the US/NATO/EU/Israeli forces have killed more people in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. than what is occurring in Libya. Bases in Libya are set to be in existence made by the U.S. France, and Britain. A report believes that British and U.S. Special Forces entered Libyan port cities of Benghazi and Toburk on February 23 and 24. There should be hope that those innocent civilians in Libya can make their nation much better.

People realize that that the Talmud and the Kabbalah doesn’t deal with Aaron the high priest, Abraham, or Moses. They are man-made traditions that related to the apostate Babylonian branch of apostate Judaism (not the old Torah Judaism). We have to reject fables from the Vatican and fables from the Talmud (as predicted by Paul as Jewish fables in Titus 1:14 and predicted by Jesus Christ as man-made tradition). Even Jesus Christ exposed the hypocrisy of the rabbis of the Midrash. Apostate Christianity today has been funded by the Scofield/Rockefeller/Morgan/Moody/Blackstone crew. British Israelism has been promoted by the elite as well. Freemasonry and the robber barons exploited spirituality in order to try to control the world. They use Israel and other Middle Eastern nations as an excuse to either promote the evils of collective hatred of Jews or collective hatred of Arabic people. People should also realize that many of the Muslim neighbors are Jews, or original Israelites. These people moved away to surrounding other Semitic countries and adopted Islam very often. So some of those people that are seen as Muslim Arabs (because they live in Yemen maybe or Saudi Arabia and are Muslim) are actually ancient Israelites converted into Islam, but of lineage they are the original tribes of Israel (only not in faith or religion). The neo-con’s religious faction is heavily tied to the CNP, the Rockefellers, Tim LaHaye, and others. They promote the Scofield Reference Bible. Scofield was a convicted felons, he was financed by the elite, and his book was used in the pulpits of numerous ministers even now. It is important to promtoe truth and equality among all peoples.

Clockwork Orange was another 1971 science fiction film directed by Stanley Kubrick. The film came from the 1962 novel of the same name that was written by Anthony Burgess. The film was about Alex (playing Malcolm McDowell). Alex is a delinquent that’s a moral degenerate. He loves rape and ultra violence. He listens to classical music like Beethoven. He has his group of thugs (named Pete, Georgie, and Dim. They are his droogs or friends in Russian). The film shows their horrific crime spree of his gang, his capture, and his attempted rehabilitation via a controversial psychological conditioning technology. Alex narrates most of the film in an unique slang called Nadsat (mixed with Slavic word, English, and Cockney rhyming slang). It shows Britain in a dystopian may. The film deals with violence, youth gangs, and other contemporary issues that we deal with in 2011. The cover of the film shows the All Seeing Eye as well. The film shows Alex raping his wife. His crew assaults a woman with a phallic statue. The droogs attack Alex for killing the woman. Alex is forcibly drugged in prison in trying to change his lifestyle. This technique is the Ludovico technique. He is forced to watch violent images with his eyelids staying open. He leaves prison and almost is beaten to death by the then former droogs. Mr. Alexander allows Alex to be brought back to health. Alex is awake from his injuries in the hospital. . While being given a series of psychological tests, Alex finds that he no longer has an aversion to violence. The Minister of the Interior arrives and apologizes to Alex, letting him know that Mr. Alexander and his colleagues have been "put away" and offers Alex an important government job. As a sign of goodwill, the Minister brings in a stereo system playing "Beethoven's Ninth Symphony". Alex then realizes that instead of an adverse reaction to the music, he sees images of ultra-violence and rape. He then states, in a sarcastic and menacing voice-over, "I was cured, all right!" The film issues the controversy on whether new behavioral psychological techniques can cure immoral behavior or brainwash people into mental robot (in submission to totalitarian government). Alex acts as a good member of society involuntarily. Goodness can never be forced. Acting good or righteously must be voluntarily done by any human being in order for a human to consciousness realize the truth. Clockwork Orange was an innovative film for showing extreme violence. The film was once X rated in America until 1973.

By Timothy

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