Friday, March 04, 2011

Ron Paul

bmac8   09:16 AM on 2/15/2011
Spreading the wealth concepts are not "schemes," as you put it. I don't think the phrases, "spreading the wealth," or "redistrib­ution of wealth" are good ones. It's just this--"tri­ckle down" doesn't work. The richest do not share and they do not create jobs. All that has to happen is to make the richest --1%, who pull 99% of the U.S. income--pa­y their fair share of income taxes, which should be 99% of the income taxes (not the 10% they pay now.) As it is, if Donald Trump makes 6 billion dollars next year, he'll pay maybe 5% in income taxes. But if you make $ 60,000, you will pay $20,000 in taxes. Thanks, Bush-Obama Rich Tax Exemption Extension! Remember: 99% of the money in the U.S. is in the hands of the top 1% who pay little or no taxes. It doesn't make you a socialist to think there is something wrong with that (Who's with me?)
spiegelp   01:23 PM on 2/14/2011
The richest 1% took $7 of every $100 of America's income in 1980. They have increased that to $20 of every $100 today. In just one generation they've TRIPLED their cut of the pie.... This level of income inequality is dangerous to our economy. The only other year since 1913 that the wealthy claimed such a large share of national income was 1928, when the top 1% share was 23.9%. The following year, the stock market crashed, which led to the Great Depression­. After peaking again in 2007, the U.S. stock market crashed in 2008, the banking system collapsed, US manufactur­ing was on its death knell, unemployme­nt surged to a 30 year high, personal life savings and home equity evaporated­. While the rich 1% and fat corporatio­ns sit on mountains of cash, refusing to invest it into the economy, they cry poverty and get government assistance­. Billionair­e Welfare has go to end. When do we refuse to pay taxes that support greedy opulence? Wake up America! Kick these Republican money mongers to the curb.

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