Friday, March 04, 2011

The Truth is Coming Out despite Globalism

There is another war crime in Afghanistan. U.S. massacres have killed 9 children in an air strike. In March 1 on Tuesday, the U.S. military killed nine children in an airstrike at Afghanistan’s northeastern Kunar province. The attack caused mass protests. It’s one of the latest atrocities in the region that came less than 2 weeks after another attack left as many as 65 civilians dead. The nine children were collecting firewood in the Pech Valley area of Afghanistan. Helicopter gunships targeted them and they were sent from a nearby base run by the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force or the ISAF. There is a video report from Al Jazeera. It shows the burial of the 9 children, which were all under 14. NATO claimed that they were responding to rocket attacks. The Afghan people have suffered terrorism for years. Countless numbers of civilians have been killed. Sometimes, the victims are classified by the U.S. military and the puppet media as insurgents or even the Taliban. U.S. officials and President Barack Obama issued statements apologizing for the incidents. Their comments underscored the indifference of the colonial occupiers. General David Petraeus of the ISAF commander said that: “…Regrettably, there appears to have been an error in the hand-off between identifying the location of the insurgents and the attack helicopters that carried out the subsequent operations.” Barack Obama told President Hamid Karzai over the phone that he felt deep regret over the slaughter. Karzai feared that repeated killings of civilians would cause hatred against the U.S. occupation, which can cause huge problems. There has been a massive escalation of violence directed at the Afghan and Pakistani people. Many protesters came in the provincial capital of Assad-Abad. Radio Europe reported that these angry demonstrators carried photos of children who died in the airstrike. They made slogans against the U.S. and Afghan governments. One demonstrator quoted Reuters that said that: “…“It is not the first time they have killed our poor and innocent people. We don’t accept their apologies. They have apologized in the past but continue killing our people again and again.” On February 17, helicopter strikes in the Ghaziabad district of Kunar province killed 65 civilians including 40 children under the age of 13 according to an Afghan government investigation released in February 27. 22 women were among the dead and dozens more were injured. Petraues denied that civilians were killed and he went as far as claiming that resident invented stories (and injured their own children) to support these claims. Days later, there was an airstrike in the Qulgha village in the nearby Nangarhar province. It killed 2 adults and 4 children between the ages of 3 and 8. The escalation of violence in the area is said to be tied to the possible withdrawal of U.S. forces from the Pech Valley by the end of the year. NATO forces are seeking to do as much damage as possible to the popular resistance before retreating to the major cities. 2011 might be the bloodiest year in the Afghan war even beyond the death toll of 2010. Through a combination of airstrikes, military attacks, and special operations actions, thousands of Afghans were killed last year. According to Afghan officials, more than 200 civilians were killed in attacks and military operations during the last two weeks of February.

Ron Paul is a very slick man and many are on to this game (except for his supporters, some Gold people, anarchists, etc.).  Now, he uses code words like the welfare state to blame covertly the poor for our problems. Also, Ron Paul omits that the rich and super rich don’t pay fair taxes, and the corporate power structure was instrumental in harming the middle class plus the poor in America. He supports the war on terror. Even the Populist Party opposed the bankers, opposed the gold standard, and fought against the robber barons. Paul hates the government spending money when the Constitution gives the government the precise right to pay money and use taxes in gaining revenues. The problem is that lobbyists and bad interests dominate our government to cause the problems that we have today not that government alone can’t make real solution. Although, government isn’t perfect and shouldn’t be worship as a god. Much of Paul’s philosophy comes from Ludwig von Mises (who was funded by the Rockefellers). Mises is close to Richard Coudenhove-Kalegri. He supported the existence of an EU system before the European Union existed. Kurt Nimmo supports Paul, but Kurt Nimmo refuse to admit the globalists support the Austrian economic deception just it supports the 2 Party duopoly in America. People like Ron Paul and Nimmo accurately point out needs of the government to not act tyrannical. Yet, they deny much of the bureaucratic powers found in government since the Constitution clearly states that new laws can be passed to benefit the general welfare of the people.  You can’t say I disagree with the FED and replace it with private banks issuing fiat currency nationwide. There is not enough gold on Earth to make it a part of a stabilizing currency either. Capitalism without checks and balances is a trash system that promotes economic slavery pretty much. Real solutions would be to end the war on terror, create debt-free money to build up infrastructure, have programs to help the poor, and deal with fair dealings among all nations in the world.

The globalist Fareed Zakaria said that America is doomed since it fails to embrace globalism. He is a member of both the CFR and the pro-Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission. Zakaria wrote an article for Henry Luce’s Time Magazine. Time Magazine have had documented CIA ties for years. He predicts the end of America as we know or once knew it.  Zakaria wishes that America ought to embrace market based globalism. He even bashes our ideas about natural rights and the Constitution. “I believe that the Constitution was one of the wonders of the world — in the 18th century. But today we face the reality of a system that has become creaky,” he writes. He lies and assumes that people who respect the Constitution view the Founding Fathers as some demigods walking the Earth during the 18th century. Zakaria is pictured being supportive of Henry Kissinger when Kissinger promoted policies that harmed people of color for decades. Kissinger is a war criminal plain and simple. He said that some believe that people believe that the Founding Fathers created a perfect symbol of government. Its common sense that changes was needed in America to have adjustment and more justice to spread in the world. Yet, the Founding Fathers wouldn’t support globalism. Zakaria approves of carbon taxes. Taxes should be fair and taxation in America is in record low levels for the rich. The stated purpose of the Trilateral Commission is to create a “New International Economic Order,” in other words one world government at the expense of national sovereignty. “The Trilateral Commission is international and is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States,” said the late Barry Goldwater. “The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power – political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical.” Holy Sklar wrote that governments, peoples, and economics serve the interests of the multinational banks and corporations. Making nation be controlled under the elite has been the goal of the Trilateralists, the CFR, and the Bilderbergers (making up of like a shadow government which has influence in Congress plus the White House). We live in a post-modern world. President Barack Obama even was caught reading Zakaria’s “The Post-American World.” The book wants to believe that America is in decline, so there is an authoritarian modernization which is similar to what’s going on in China. Obama’s administration has CFR members, globalists, and Goldman Sachs cronies. Globalist intellectuals like Zakaria view the Constitution (not perfect though) and the Bill of Rights in terms of it being archaic. People already know the pitfalls of the globalist plan for world domination. Zakaria even attacks domestic political groups and calls them as hopelessly myopic and consists of destructive parochialism. I believe in my God, in using self defense, and using self-determination. We should invest in the future, but not destroy a legitimate foundation of natural laws in the process of establishing a more efficient future.

People have talked about the recent Rolling Stone Magazine interview article on Alex Jones. It proves more about his ties to the John Birch Society. The John Birch Society is essentially a controlled opposition front group. Its purpose is to get well meaning conservative folks in order to embrace red baiting propaganda or half truths while ignoring that the establishment funds both communism and laissez faire capitalism in order to divide and conquer citizens (including to strife true reforms or true Nationalism in the world). The phony Cold War caused the military industrial complex to increase while both sides in it were funded by the same banking establishment. The early John Birch Society of course had links to the secret society of the Freemasons. Many of its earlier members have ties to globalist groups like the CRR, the Federal Reserve, and even the IRS. The late author and controversial researcher Eustace Mullins said that the JBS was started with Rockefeller money. Mullins exposed the Federal Reserve. He was right on many issues and was wrong on others. Robert Welch was the main founder of the John Birch Society. He was sympathetic to the National Association of Manufacturers that has been historically promoting fascism. Now, the John Birch Society has attacked 9/11 Truth and promoted many aspects of the phony war on terror (except their opposition to the Patriot Act & other anti-civil liberty policies, which should be noted). Alex Jones admitted that John Birch Society people discussed issues with his family. A John Birch Society supporter Gary Allen wrote the None Dare Call It Conspiracy bestseller in 1971 was read by Alex Jones. The book is mostly accurate though. The Jesuit trained leader of the John Birch Society named John McManus wants to work with Jones in a more political relationship. Alex Jones has been caught putting original video footage from a Council for National Policy meeting in his documentary film Endgame 1.5.  The Council for National Policy is a secretive networking group of powerful right wing figures in politics, religion and business that promotes globalist ideologies.  Even Charlotte Iserbyt a former Assistant Secretary of Education in the Reagan Administration mentioned on Jones radio show that the Council for National Policy was a globalist organization.

Secret Society related information is still here. Freemasonry have tried to use King Solomon as his own. Masons like Mackey and McClenachan have claimed that King Solomon's Temple is an ancestor of influence to the Masons. This is not reality since the Masons just copies influences from King Solomon to implant in their organization. Some Masons believe that the Tower of Babel is a Masonic enterprise. In the  Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Mackey-McClenachan), under the heading "Nimrod," we find: "The legend of the Craft in the Old Constitutions refers to Nimrod as one of the founders of Masonry. Thus in the York MS., No. 1, we read: "At ye making of ye toure of Babell there was a Masonrie first much esteemed of, and the King of Babilon yt called Nimrod was a Mason himself and loved well Masons." Nimrod in the Bible has been called a mighty hunter before the Lord. Scholars believe that before in "before the Lord" comes from the Hebrew word paniym or the face turning. So, the verse describing Nimrod describes Nimrod as turning his face from the Lord being a rebel. Nimrod wasn't successful in his Tower of Babel plan since the people there began to speak different languages and spread all over the Earth as the story in the book of Genesis goes. Now, the big picture is that there is Babylonian and ancient Egyptian influences in modern Freemasonry. Masons admit to this like Albert Pike and even Manly P. Hall especially. Masons using Biblical references in trying to justify their order is definitely a sign of desperation (because Masonry has secrets, strange oaths, and other nefarious components being blatantly anti-God).
By Timothy

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