Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Wisconsin: The End of Denial in America

There's nothing left to be said, GF, than "thanks"*.  I get hopeful watching the video of the Madison Wisc. capitol footage on DemocracyNow earlier this week (from weekend coverage that was NOT mentioned on corporate, in which I include NPR, unless you call it National Pentagon Radio - proof today as one of the "sponsors" of NYC in "ad" called support is Intrepid war machine, retired, called "museum")
The hopeful part for me is the young.  And, as an oldster, I did enjoy seeing old folks among the young.  On one station on weekend, I heard a caller take a "host" to task on the radio show as I spun the dial, that of course it was peaceful - viz. there were wheelchair users in the crowd (which warms my wheelie heart).
It's funny, if one has a Kurt Vonnegut kind of sense of humor for the absurd (or Lenny Bruce-like), that the few "liberal" Democrat supporter radio show hosts have to carefully as can berate the Republican policies, e.g. cuts, while ignoring that Obama is proposing the same cuts.  I like GF's distiction about degree.
Another hopeful thing for me is that it's local/state wide make it easier for folks to participate: near(er) home than go to D.C.  The state legislators who are going out-of-state to avoid quorum are doing great stuff - giving people time and information on what's in the horrific Republican legislation.
It's process....process....democracy is process and egads, I'm hopeful. *and I found a bit to say, chuckle.

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