Friday, June 10, 2011

21st centuy News in 2011

Genghis Khan was an extremely famous historical figure. He lived from May 31, 1162 to August 25, 1227. He was born Borjigin Temujin. His father was named Yesugei or the leader of the Borjigin. His nephew was Ambaghai and Qutula Khan. Temiujin was related to Kahbul Kahan, Ambaghai, and Qutula Khan to his father’s side. He was the founder (like Khan or ruler) and Khagan (or emperor) of the Mongol Empire. He made the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. Contiguous means sharing a common border that touches each other (without a break). He united the many nomadic tribes of northeast Asisa. He founded the Mongol Empire under the unification of nomadic tribes in northeast Asia. He started the Mongol invasions in the name of Genghis Khan. He conquered most of Eurasia. He promoted raids or invasions of the Kara-Khitan Khanate, Caucasus Kharzemid Empire, and Western Xi and Jin dynasties. Some populations in the raids were killed of civilians in a wholesale fashion. This massacre occurred especially in Khwarzemia. Before Genghis Khan died, he assigned Ogedei Khan as his successor and split his empire into khanates among his sons and grandsons. He died in 1227 after defeating the Western Xia. He was buried in an unknown location in Mongolia. His descendants stretched his Empire into China, Korea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and parts of Western Europe, Russia, and the Middle East. Many of these invasions killed innocent local populations. According to William Bonner and Addison Wiggin, "It has been estimated that his campaigns killed as many as 40 million people based on census data of the times.” Genghis Khan did surprising actions in his Empire. He decreed the adoption of the Uyghur script as the Mongol Empire’s writing system. He promoted religious tolerance in the Mongol Empire. The present day Mongolians regarded him as the founding father of Mongolia. Genghis Khan unified the people in the Central Asian plateau north of China (made up of the Naimans, Merkits, Uyghurs, Tatars, Mongols, and Keraits).

People can’t really know about Africa in general without learning about its diverse ethnic groups. They are spread across from Egypt to the tip of Southern Africa. Many researchers divide the ethnic groups of Africa into Central Africa, East Africa, the Horn of Africa, North Africa, Southern Africa, and West Africa. The ethnic groups of Africa exist in the hundreds. They each have their own language and dialect of a language plus a culture. There is the Hausa ethnic group that is about 30 million people. They exist in Western Africa (like Nigeria, Niger, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire), Chad, and Sudan. There are Arabic people in Africa number is about 100 million people and the Berbers are in about 65 million human beings as well. Scholars know about the Oromo in Ethiopia and Kenya that number about 30 million people. The Horn of Africa has tons of tribes and ethnicities. They are of course the Amhara, the Somali, the Afari, and other grups of people. They speak with the languages of Amharic, Oromo, and other languages. I have seen black people from the Horn of Africa in America in the Universities, restaurants, and working jobs here in Hampton Roads, Virginia. A lot of people neglect the ethnic diversity of Southern Africa as well. There are about 10.6 million Zulus and Shona. The Zulu live mostly in South Africa and the Shona live in Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The Zulu fought to equal rights for a long time in the Southern part of Africa. Many Southern African peoples existed from the Bantu migrations that came from Western Africa thousands of years before the birth of Christ. The Bantu’s core language is called the Niger-Congo language family (which is situation in modern day Cameroon and Eastern Nigeria). The Bantu peoples make up about 1/3 of all Africa’s over 1 billion total population.

People realize that the American Empire is contrary to the interests of the real American Republic. An empire always crumbles and sometimes it will crumble from within. Either the American Empire will crumble and America will survive or the American Empire will crumble and America falls. It will be as simple as those 2 outcomes. The American Empire promotes Homeland Security. That name is an oxymoron, because it doesn’t always try to protect our civil rights. The budget for Homeland Security is over 180 billion dollars. Homeland Security deals heavily with a military police response in American soil and over exaggerating so-called terrorist threats (not truly trying to protect our civil liberties. If that would be their true intension they would have opposed the Patriot Act and the USA Military Commissions Act). The Department of Homeland Security spends billions of dollars and used thousands of people to investigate, spy, and harass citizens that are only doing constitutional actions. The Pentagon used billions on overseas infrastructure, buildings, bases, camps, and over 900 billion in arms. This is hypocritical since billions are not spent in building up our infrastructure in America at all. The DHS and the Defense Department intervene forcefully with the military all over the world via overt and clandestine operations. The HS attack offensively overseas against many civilian targets, but it won’t oppose TSA oppression and civil liberties violations at home. The Pentagon use interventions overseas, but won’t welcome intervention in the form of community shelters, which would provide survival, security, life-saving protection and financial aid for rebuilding their lives. Moreover, Pentagon and the DHS spending on overseas infrastructure, bases and bombs results in deficits are huge, whereas investments in tornado and flood shelters would stimulate jobs, growth and investment in the US. The essence of an Empire is to have investment overseas in trying to control nations, while neglect domestic needs home. The drive toward military supremacy has lead into declines into our domestic security that deals with health, personal lives, social lives, and employment. Now, politicians want to privatize social security and Medicare. The 2 parties have given foreign aid to nations beyond just trade or charity needs and the war on terror is expanding. Soon, one way or other, this war on terror will crush the American Empire. Domestic decay is parallel with unjust military expansion. We don’t need an imperial Washington that has tons of money sent to Afghanistan, but little sent to tornado relief in Joplin, Missouri. So, the empire kills its own people in the long run. That is why we should oppose this war on terror since it gives priorities in the wrong direction. Our priorities is how we should help people build their standard of living and not which nation we can conquer utilizing imperialistic methods.

Holocaust survivors denounce the Pope’s evil Croatia statement. There was an American gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors on June 6 blasted Pope Benedict XVI over his statement about WW2 Croatian Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac. The despicable Pope lied and said that Stepinac was a defender of Jews, Orthodox Christians, and anyone under persecution. Stepinac was tried and guilty of collaboration with the fascist Ustasha regime of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH). The regime ran death camps like the Jasenovac where Serbs, Jews, Roma (or the Gypsies), and others were slaughtered. Stepianc was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1998. He called him an "adored personage in Croatia", according to a Beta report, citing AFP. JP II called for a new world order before he died. Visiting Stepinac's grave in Zagreb the pope said this cardinal "knew how to resist totalitarianism in all its forms, as a defender of Jews, Orthodox Christians and any persecuted group under the Nazi and fascist dictatorship, and an advocate for believers and persecuted and murdered priests under communism." The American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants denounced the pope for honoring Stepinac, recalling that the Zagreb cardinal was a passionate supporter of the Ustashe, whose brutalities were so extreme that they even shocked some of their Nazi masters. A press release said that the Pope was right to condemn the Ustashe regime, but wrong to pay tribute to one of its prominent backers. The Serbian Orthodox Church (or SPC) will not likely invite Pope Benedict XVI to Serbia. The Pope plans to celebrate the 1,700 anniversary of the Edict of Milan in 2013. The SPC Assembly of Bishops has not reached an agreement on the matter, Tanjug learned at the Patriarchate.

You can’t talk about economics and history without discussing about the Bank of England and the Rothschilds. Secret Societies are real in the world. Freemasons had a huge role in the Revolutionary War movement. These Masons include Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Ethan Allen, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, John Brown and Roger Sherman. Roger Livingston worked with Sherman and Franklin to write the Declaration of Independence. George Washington took his oaths of office with a Masonic Bible. There is a debate though on whether George Washington was heavily active with the Freemasons or not before he died. Many Freemasons had ties to the Crown, but opposed the policies of Parliament. Some people want to sever ties with the British Crown back then. The First Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia in 1774 under the Presidency of Peyton Randolph, who succeeded Washington as Grand Master of the Virginia Lodge. The Second Continental Congress convened in 1775 under the Presidency of Freemason John Hancock. Peyton’s brother William succeeded him as Virginia Lodge Grand Master and became the leading proponent of centralization and federalism at the First Constitutional Convention in 1787. Researchers have found the Rothschilds’ influence in economic history.

By Timothy

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