Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Night Time Information in June 2011

There is the NATO bombing of Libya killing civilians. It’s been called a humanitarian intervention. Yet, there has been a bombing of Al Fateh University in Campus B. Cynthia McKinney led a delegation to Libya. She wanted to find out the real occurrences in Libya. They found out that some of the worse bombings occurred in its capital of Tripoli. A Third World population being massacred does nothing to promote medical care, freedom, welfare, voting rights, or any legitimate forms of freedom in Libya. Libyan people have died. Dean Ali Munsu was in the parking lot when parts of the Al Fateh University was bombed. The campus was filled with young people using cell phones and other devices. Cranes were in the building. Campus B had thousands of people and 800 master degree candidates plus 18 PH.D. students, and hundreds of other staff members. In June 9, 2011 in Thursday, everything changed. There was a NATO missile hitting the University. Dr. Mansur just froze by the bombing. The force of the blast cracked thickened concrete walls. It shattered hundreds of windows and numerous ceilings were brought down in the lecture halls. This criminal, terrorist act by NATO isn’t about liberation. It was about imperialism and as Kwame Ture said, we should support the Third World against Western imperialism. Books, windows, and other places were damaged. People still took exams amidst the debris. A cruise missile targeting civilian infrastructure like an University is wrong. Thankfully, not one student was killed by the missile attack on the University. Ironically, the tuition at Al Fateh University is only 16 dinars per year or about 9 dollars. Due to the NATO embargo on gasoline imports, the school now has started 10 free bus lines to its surrounding areas in order to make sure that the students can get to school, free of charge. Many Democrats even support this nonsense.

Both Republicans and Democrats have made a betrayal of labor unions. Many unions have shown unwavering support to the Democratic Party since the Republican Party has been overtly hostile toward them. Both parties betrayed union by NAFTA. This allowed free trade supposedly between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. People touted this as a great deal to expand and grow the American economy. There has been opposition to it from people across the political spectrum not just labor unions. Fear was used to pass NAFTA. Bill Clinton then said that: “…international competitors [would] themselves forge free trade agreements with Mexico if Congress fail[ed] to approve the North American Free Trade Agreement, giving nations such as Japan an economic windfall at U.S. expense.” [1] However, he was quite incorrect. A New York Times article published at the time stated that “most European and Japanese companies [would] be much more interested in investing in Mexico if NAFTA is passed, so they can gain free access to the U.S. market.” Andrew Tobias pushed for NAFTA in a Time Magazine. NAFTA has caused worker damage in Canada, America, and Mexico. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, over 500,000 people lost their jobs due to NAFTA. The U.S. Department of Labor found that NAFTA has caused jobs loses in all 50 states and the District of Colombia. It’s been found by the Economic Policy Institute that: “…The resulting $30 billion U.S. net export deficit with these countries [Mexico and Canada] in 1993 increased by 281% to $85 billion in 2002…” In our time in 2011, multi-billion dollar corporations are still given handouts and labor is left to suffer. Just last month, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner revealed that the Obama administration wants to lower “the top corporate tax rate from the current 35 percent to less than 30 percent and as low as 26 percent.” The Democrats have now gone the route of the reactionaries by allowing “the super rich to recklessly dominate the economy while giving them massive handouts.” So, both of these major parties (in their leadership) are for the interests of the corporations not the workers. Union will have to look out for workers and their own self interests without allegiance to any political party.

Pop Culture is alive and well. There is the new film about Transformers 3. Even Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen has some esoteric significance to it. The movie series deals with the concept of aliens in general. Occultists and others readily believe that aliens or superior beings have had super advanced technology among thousands of years (and used Earth as a depot for control and human manipulation). The Transformers in the film series are these aliens sent to Earth to either protect or harm humanity. Shia Labeouf’s characters encounters people who believes in the existence of aliens. Some Christians believe that the real aliens are demons since they believe that the stories of abduction, manipulation, and subsequent actions are a representation of demonic possession. Fallen angels have been mentioned in the Bible even in the New Testament as well. Famous exorcist and writer, Fr. Malachi Martin, in his classic The Keys of This Blood noted that the pedophilia scandal was not just some random phenomena of perverts, but was actually the workings of a network of underground Satanists who see pedophilia as the culmination of the “Fallen Angels’ Rites.” Indeed. The fallen angels have similar characteristics to the old false gods that the ancients worshipped. The Mysteries viewed these false gods as the creators of the human race or the givers of knowledge to the human race.  We also see in Transformers 2 the occult theme of channeling. Shia comes in contact with an ancient, magical talisman (the “Allspark”) that has the power to create life. Again – not a personal God, but an impersonal force from which life spontaneously emerges. Precisely the Darwinian-occult view is a part of the scene. Shia at one point in the film dies near the pyramids in Egypt and comes before the council of the gods and learns he is the chosen one to save the race. This is a prominent theme among new agers and occultists who “channel” alien entities. Often they are told the very same thing. The alien spirit possesses him over a period of time and leads him to his destiny – to save the world. This story is about the praise of the occult world. By willpower, Shia is turned into an enlightened being. Transformers 3: The Dark of the Moon” is the new Transformers film form 2011. The film is directed by Michael Bay and it’s produced by Bilderberg Steven Spielberg. When the war on Cybertron between the Autobots and Decepticons appears lost to the Autobots, their leader, Sentinel Prime, attempts to launch the Ark from their planet, containing technology that could have saved his kind. Attacked by Starscream, it crashes on Earth's moon in 1961. President John F. Kennedy makes his famous promise to the nation to put a man on the moon. The 1969 NASA moon landing is actually an investigation of the wrecked spacecraft. So, Sam Witwicky goes into adulthood and tried to move on from Mikaela. The Autobots learned of the Cybertronian spacecraft on the Moon. The Autobots raced against the Decepticons to find it and learn its secrets. The tide of the Transformers’ final battle is shown in the film.

Ancient African History is real. There are tons of books that teach on this subject. I think you know instinctively where I’m going with this. There has always been a strong Black African presence all over Africa and beyond across the globe even in the ancient times. There were complex civilizations that black people created during the Neolithic age of human history as well. Now, about 40,000 to 15,000 years ago, the rains slowed down in the Sahara. Sahara began to dry up, because the environment changed and the Sahara became a desert. People started to migrate to water centers like the Nile and the Niger rivers. There is a prehistoric cave showing a painting of black people in the Western desert of Egypt. Collective knowledge for fishing, hunting, and other skills developed among thousands of years in Africa. The River Valley civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and China were created because humans wanted urbanization, collective resources into an area, and to protect themselves from the harsh conditions of surrounding areas. There was the Qadan culture in Africa from 13,000 to 9,000 B.C. The Bardari and Amratian culture ruled in Upper Egypt during prehistoric times as well. When you look at the totality of the ancient Egyptian civilization, you see mixed phenotypes, yet still a strong Black African Negroid presence all over the land as well.

2012 is the Year of the Summer Olympics in London. Researchers have found that the Olympic torch relay is related to Prometheus in more ways than one. The Olympic torch relay starts on May 18th, 2012. This is a ceremonial event. People carry the torch from a location to London or the host country for the Summer olympics. The old Olympic traditions influenced this siatuion. Prometheus to the ancient Greeks in their mythology was the torch bearer. He was the Titan that stole fire from the gods to give it to humanity. To the ancients and those of the Mystery School, fire is the physical manifestation of power or deity (in sun worship). Prometheus wanted man to have fire to experienced what the gods have and try to make man god. Prometheus is loved by the Mystery School members since secret societies want humans to use philosophy (and basic steps) to achieve divinity and immortality via man's own means or will. Carrying the torch is like carrying man's divine spark to be one of the gods. This hermetic quest is found in Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism ,and Illuminism. For Rosicrucians believe that man via works can be God basically as admitted by one of them in the History Channel. The torch from Prometheus is found in the symbolism of the elite. There is even the Prometheus Foundation as found in the Rockefeller Center. Behind the fountain, there is an inscription. The inscription reads that: "Prometheus teacher in every art, brough the fire that hath proved to mortals a means to mighty ends." The Masonic Statue of Liberty in NYC has the torch symbolism. The Statue was given to America by French Grand Orient Temple Freemasons. The story of Prometheus is similar to the story of Lucifer (which is Latin for the light bearer. He is called the illuminator to the Mystery proponents). Yet, the Bible called him the morning star that fell from Heaven because of his evil and disobedience against God. Lucifer doesn't represent true enlightenment, but the old lie that man can like God. The Olympics existed from the ancient Greeks and some of imagery were influenced by the Nazis. The first relaying of the Olympic torch was held at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, during the Nazi Regime. Despite the fact that Hitler banned Masonic organizations from Germany (he identified them as servants of the Jews), his regime was nevertheless inspired and deeply steeped in by secret societies. He had a great respect for the symbolism and the constitution of secret societies.

By Timothy

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