Wednesday, July 11, 2012


From laromana:
Linda says,
I do hear what you are saying but I don’t think white women should have had the onus to take up the racial issues of black women if that was something that would detract from their message of equality for all women based on gender.
laromana says,
In order for the mainstream feminism movement to be more inclusive to BW, it must be willing to acknowledge the roles White female privilege-entitlement/racialized sexism/ANTI-BW HATE have played in the lives of BW in America from the slave/Jim Crow/pre Civil rights eras to the present.
From the beginning, BW in America were DENIED human/civil rights and were NOT protected by the justice system (eg. BW/Black girls were subjected to rape, molestation, any kind of violent crime from ANYONE with NO punishment to their perpetrators).

 in America do NOT have the same history of facing the same mistreatment BW have faced and this affects the brands of feminism that benefit WW vs. those that benefit BW.


Once again, these racism denialists never cease to amaze me.
Now you’re saying you’re a black man huh? Now I know you’re either high, drunk or just plain crazy.
You could save yourself a lot of time by simply saying that you don’t believe anything Abagond writes about whites that you deem are “racist”, and that you don’t care much for black people for reasons likely rooted in ignorance, immaturity and low-level thinking.
Why either of you with all the free time in the world choose to come here in the first place is one of the great mysteries of our time.
I guess this post illustrates the link recently discovered between low I.Q.s and conservative thinking to prejudice.

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