Monday, July 09, 2012

Life is Golden

Wikileaks just released files as it relates to the Syrian conflict. Wikileaks believes that these emails are embrassing and condemning for Syria and Syria's opponents as said by Julian Assange. There were more than 2.4 million emails that prove correspondence between Syrian political figures, ministries and associated companies between August 2006 and March 2012. The Associated Press reports, “WikiLeaks’ Sarah Harrison told journalists at London’s Frontline Club that the emails reveal interactions between the Syrian government and Western companies, although she declined to go into much further detail. … WikiLeaks posted only a handful of the documents to its website Thursday, but the disclosure — whose source WikiLeaks has not made clear — wouldn’t be the first major leak of Syrian emails." Harrison said that the materials are embarrassing to Syria and that Syria's oppositions will be equally ashamed. Harrison said that she wants a resolution to the Syrian conflict. The Syrian files from Wikeleaks show diplomatic words that talks about the U.S. government's role and responsibility in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wikileaks hacked emails about the correspondence from the Baath party. The emails shows information on foreign affairs, finance, and Assad's Presidential business. There are records of financial transfers from Sryian ministries to nations. There are over 68,000 emails that are in Russian. Russia works in arms tradigin with Syria. The UN has pressure form the US to try to put sanctions in Assad's government, because of the Arab Spring (some of has been inspired and controlled by Soros infiltrators, NGOs, and the CIA). Wikileaks and Assange believed that the emails are genuine even when they haven't verified all of the emais. Some believe that Assange has links to the CIA and is promoting psy-ops. A CIA document entilted the "The Secret Team" describes some people using secret document exposure to give the guise of authentic political responsibility for intelligence and policy failures. Wikileaks assisted the U.S. government's overthrow of the Tunisian government. Assange acts like he's a lone wolf in trying to expose corruption in the U.S. government. The anti-Assad Friends of Syria group supports Assad's removal and they are meeting in Paris. Many hacking groups are ruled by the CIA. The West wants to allow Assad to be overthrown where a puppet leader can be placed in Syria. This could be similar to the election of the Muslim Brotherhood leader named Muhammad Morsi. Morsi destroyed the Egyptian constitution. He disabaned their Parliment. He wants to remove Assad from power in Syria being allied with American/Israeli/Gulf state/Saudi policies. Propaganda is shown by the CIA and other groups in trying to mkae Assad the most vicious criminal to be overthrown. Assad isn't an angel, but neither is the military industrial complex. 

The PRI continues to rule the Mexican Presidency. Like in America, wealth and power rule over Mexican political parties. Many populist candidates are excluded from the people to vote. There are problems in Mexico like unemployment, underemployment, deep seated private and public corruption, drug related crimes, and political reperession. Nieto was elected President. Tthe Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) candidate Enrique Pena Nieto "...promis(ed) a government that will be modern, responsible and open to criticism." Nieto said that he wants to end the bloodshed from the drug cartel violence and he is open for criticism. He wants to improve the economic system in Mexico and have a committment to democracy. Historically, the PRI has been known to advance predatory capitalism, the military, and privilege from the bourgeoisie. The PRI was created in 1929 after the 1910-1917 Mexican Revolution. During the Great Depression, class harmony and nationalist slogans co-opted workers and campaigns. Class struggles were controlled. Revolutionary change never came. Post-war strikes were brutally repressed. In the 1980s, greater integration into global markets occurred. This was the era of Reagan and trickled down economics. Trickled down economics don't work and even the President of the United States Barack Obama admitted to that. A new billionaire class emerged.  Many economic problems grew in Mexico. NAFTA drove millions of Mexicans to travel north. Drug trafficking has caused violence and people have died as a product of the drug related violence for years. Washington and Mexico united in the Drug War (which relates to miltiarizaiton, repression, and other issues). James Petras calls "narco-finance....the most advanced stage of neo-liberalism. When the respectable become criminal, the criminals become respectable," he explains. Money power and imperial intrests run not only America, but Mexico too. PRI leaders controlled Mexico from 1929 to 2000. National Action Party (or the PAN) candidate Vicente Fox ended its 70 year rule in 2000. Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador ran a populist 2006 campaign. Thereafter, he shifted markedly right. Earlier he promised expanded social benefits. No longer. Mexico's power elite knows he safe. Time will tell what Nieto will do. Neoliberalism have hurt the world's economy presently. Nieto won in a small margin. With most returns counted, Reuters said his margin was 37.6% over PRD's Obrador 32.2% and PAN candidate Josefina Vazquez Mota's 25.4%. New Alliance Party's (PANAL) Gabriel Quadri got 2.3%. Another 2.4% of ballots were declared invalid. Turnout was about 62%. Nieto worked as the State of Mexico governor from 2005 to 2011. People accuse him of being a proxy of the country's biggest businesses and ruling elites (and a puppet of TV giants). The same billionaires, major banks and corporate giants controlling America plus other Western countries run Mexico. Some accuse him overspending the $330 million campaign fund limit and got favorable Mexican corporate media coverage. The London Guardian says that the channel Televisa (according to the historian Andrew Paxman) is like Murdoch on steroids. The channel has few constraints. Televisa and its rival channel Azteca ran a lot of the ads from Nieto. Concentrated television ownership threatens democracy, said former under-secretary of communications Purificacion Carpinteyro. "It gives them enormous power to extort....because nobody wants to be insulted or rubbed out or (negatively) exhibited on TV." The PRI had links to the Televisa channel for decades. PRD candidate Obrador questioned election results. He claimed pollsters manipulated pre-election surveys. His supporters also questioned electoral fairness.  Back in 2006, millions of ballots weren't counted and Calderon was elected President of Mexico. Enrique Peña Nieto is supported by the White House. If things don't change in Mexico, then the same policies will remain. Revolutionary changes should exist in Mexico. In 1910, Francisco Madero triggered what Emiliano Zapata Salazar led. His supporters were called Zapatistas. It is just for Mexicans to protest and call for real reforms inside of the nation of Mexico. 

Politics are real in the globe. Dr. Martin Luther King started to wake up before he died. Especially since 1967 onward, Dr. King started to witness the real truth. President Barack Obama respected him yet many Americans didn't know all of his views completely. Dr. King said that something is wrong with capitalism and maybe America should move toward democratic socialism. He said in the 1960's that the vast majority of white Americans have a way of life of racism (whether subtly embraced or overtly embraced). He said that whites largely refuse to acknowledge the debt that they owe a people who were kept in slavery for hundreds of years. Now, if he would say these comments today in 2012, the Hannitys, O'reIlly, and the Limbaughs of the world would try to crucify him politically. So, Dr. King was a radical and a militant. Dr. Martin Luther King came about to condemn the Vietnam War. Time Magazine back them even slandered Dr. King was presenting a script from radio Hanoi. Dr. King has “diminished his usefulness to his cause, his country, his people,” the Washington Post declared. Barry Goldwater, a Republican hopeful, said the words “could border on a bit of treason,” and the civil rights movement had suffered “irreparable harm.” Barry Goldwater and the Washington Post are wrong since a man expressing dissent against an unjust war is not the representation of being anti-American (or being treasonous). It's about being real. There is nothing wrong with radicalism as long it is a just representation of accurate facts and sincere motives. His radicalism has been sanitized by the elite. Reactionaries today mostly will not smear King but they condemn other people with the same views about U.S. foreign policy, racism, and economic justice that mirror Dr. King's views. Many conservatives criticize anyone that expresses the reality of racism, the role of America supporting dictatorships (and the U.S.'s collaboration with human rights abusing nations abroad) and to expose the system of white supremacy. To some conservatives if you mention racism, you're a racist. If you expose the injustice in your own nation you're un-American. This is nonsense and ignorance, but this is the mentality of the reactionaries. Now the truth is that people have the right to advocate economic justice and ending oppression.  People can debate the level of the persistence of racial discrimination today, but it is false to assume that someone is racist against white people if a person believes that there is a persistence of racism against people of color today. Now, this issue isn't the only issue in the world to discuss. We should promote services to assist the poor. We shouldn't embrace the elimination of birthright citizenship that will violate the rights of immigrants. We should have fair taxation without massive tax cuts on the rich. I don't agree with the total privatization of society either. Unlike other so-called populist political leaders, I don't wish to witness the repeal of the Civil Rights Act (or parts of it) or the Fair Housing Act. Ayn Rand's "greed is good" mantra has been refuted just like von Mises' views have been refuted too. There is no difference between Ron Paul and Paul Ryan including Scott Walker on economic views. Each of these men have been anti-tax, anti-regulation, anti-poor people's interests, and pro-laissez faire capitalism for years (all of these agendas are part and parcel of the oligarchy's ideologies). In 2012 now about 70,000 people have been thrown off public assistance without warning according to State Representative W. Curtis Thomas. Thomas said that the Republicans want to use "asset testing" to keep people off food stamps (including the discussion of making the TANF program into a loan to be repaid when recipients gaining employment). TANF stands for the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. This callous act is what needs to be shown about the Republican agenda. We shouldn't revert back to the 1950's or the 1800's. Now, there is hope in the world. Things will get better, but we should actively fight for solid reforms and improvements in the world. It won't be easy, but success will be a reality if we try. 

Economic history during the era of World War Two is important to comprehend. There was the regime of German Chancellor Heinrich Bruning. He was the German chancellor between March 1930 and May 1932. He was unable to muster a majority of the parliament and therefore used presidential decree laws. These laws were signed by President von Hindenburg to reduce wages, reduce worker benefits, cut social welfare payments, and steal workers of the unemployment insurance which was due to them. Taxes were increased and the German living standard greatly decreased. The unemployment rate in Germany went from 5 million in the winter of 1930-1931 to 6 million in the winter of 1931-1932. This represented more than 20% and was the worst in Europe so far. When Bruning left office Hitler created his seizure of power. This was a little more than a half year in the future. Some of the Austrian school monetarism was utilized by Bruning. It was a failure in economic terms and allowed Hitler to exploit the German depression as an excuse for him to promote his nefarious Empire. Some libertarians advocate cuts to public benefits, reduce worker benefits, and slash wages. Liquidating debt doesn't solve our economic issues. The same agenda of liquidation, budget cutting, and deflation (as embraced by Andrew Mellon) is follow today. It's followed by the followers of Milton Friedman and his Chicago School and other proponents of the Austrian School. Ron Paul, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and other reactionary radio talk hosts agree with this supply side economic propaganda. Decades ago, Western corporatists build up Hitler's war machine. That's a historical fact. Some of these agreements between corporate America and the Nazis were like cartel-type agreements. Fascism tries to maintain the ruling elite or try to enhance the power of international corporations. Back even the 1920's pro-Nazi folks like Edmond Furholzer tried to give money to Hoover as a means for Hoover to get the German vote. Hoover turned down the offer, because Hoover was going to win the election. During the 1932 campaign, Furholzer worked endlessly for the Republican National Committee, campaigning tirelessly for Hoover in New York State. He came into Germany by 1933. Some in the Republican Party sponsored anti-Semitic radio broadcasts over the WWRL decades ago. We do know that FOX News supported the Nazis decades ago too.  

The Lincoln Memorial has a lot of architectural influences and strong imagery. The memorial acts as Temple to celebrate the life of the controversial President Abraham Lincoln. We know of his strengths and weaknesses. We know what he got correct and his errors surrounding the course of his longevity. The architect Henry Bacon modeled the Memorial after the famous Greek temple called the Parthenon. In Bacon's mind, Abraham Lincoln defended democracy and he wanted the structure to represent the birthplace of the modern democratic system (in the West's eyes being in ancient Greece). Yes, Henry Bacon was a famous Freemasons. Freemasonry and Washington, D.C.'s architecture are incredibly linked. The final design featured thirty-six exterior columns to symbolize the thirty-six reunited states at the time of Lincoln’s death. The names of those states appear in the frieze above the columns. Inside of the Lincoln Memorial, there is found a three-chamber design. The central chamber has the statue of the President, while the two flanking chambers commemorate the two Lincoln speeches that reflected Lincoln's character as well as celebrate his accomplishments during his Presidency. The 2 speeches selected were the Gettysburg Address and the Second Inaugural Address. The famous statue of Abraham Lincoln was created by Daniel Chester French. He researched the life story of Abraham Lincoln for years. Daniel French believed that the statue would express the special qualities that represented strength along with his compassionate nature (in the mind of Daniel). French wanted the President's hand clenched to show his strength and determination to see the war ended. His other hand is more relaxed to outline his compassion and warm side according to the mind of Daniel Chester French. After the Civil War, Lincoln wanted a full reconciliation between the North and the South. Even before the war ended Lincoln said that: "...with malice towards none; charity for all."  

 By Timothy

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