Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Michael Moore's Controversial Documentary advocates Massive Population Control

BAR Book Forum: Candice M. Jenkins’s “Black Bourgeois ”

COVID-19 and the War Against Black Detroit

New Mexico Exalts “Three Peoples” – and Leaves Blacks Out Entirely



Freedom Rider: Fighting COVID-19 with Mass Action and a People’s Strike

Standing on our Principles.

The pandemic has harmed many in the black community of America. One common lie is present. This lie says that a disproportionate amount of black people have it, because black people are lazy, doesn't take health care seriously, or must do better. This lie isn't just promoted by racists. It's even promoted by some black people who believe more in respectability politics than black liberation. We know that for centuries, black Americans suffer systematic oppression which has nothing to do with laziness. Our ancestors helped to build up America for centuries for free under bondage. Our people are known for their powerful work ethic, courage, and resiliency. It has to do with a system that seeks to oppress black people, poor people, and other human beings. Also, this is happening because of a lack of an investment in heavily assisting poor black communities. Poorer communities have food deserts, have struggling schools in many cases, have massive police brutality, have inadequate housing, and have stereotyping. I'm not making this up. Studies prove that black and white patients are treated differently with white patients being treated better than black patients.

Also, the black working class make up a large proportion of essential jobs from transit workers, doctors, nurses, factory workers, etc. which increases the risk of catching the coronvairus (as social distancing among those occupations are virtually impossible). Time after time again, many people want to scapegoat black people instead of forming solutions (which deals with establishing structural change in society to advance total investments to our health, to our infrastructure, to eliminating systems of oppression, and to the creation of a system of justice. There must also be international cooperation in developing medicines and technologies to address the coronavirus). You have to address race and class in order to solve this complication. So, not having will power is not the causing the spread of that scourge of a virus. It is about instruments of oppression harming innocent human beings and policies from an administration that have been disgraceful to say the least. There is widespread discrimination against African Americans in the health care industry as proven by studies. We're grown now. We a'int children no more. Therefore, we have to be real to address class and race in order for freedom to flourish in our land.

The similarity between Diamond and Silk, Jesse Lee Peterson, Candace Owens, Young Pharaoh (who once disrespected Malcolm X until later pretending to respect Malcolm X), Alex Jones, and others of that ilk is that they all support Donald Trump. These people have sold their souls. Each of these people ignore how Trump had allowed the destruction of many legitimate environmental regulations, how he hasn't addressed police brutality, and how he has tried his best to cut medical care services from the American people. Young Pharaoh is the worst type of traitor, because he claims to be "conscious," but he has openly allied with anti-black interests. Young Pharaoh (who constantly curses people out and talks down to black people that he has never done to a white person face to face) now have recently allied with white militia groups, and these groups have shown a Confederate flag. Diamond and Silk have been fired by FOX News. There is no secret about Diamond and Silk's Trump advocacy. Alex Jones to this day hypocritically claims to be against the ruling class, but ignores how eugenics groups have links to the anti-immigrant movement (or how Trump have links to big banking interests plus elitists for long decades. It is a historical fact that immigrants among every color and black people represent the beautiful diversity of American culture). Jesse Lee Peterson is so sick that he said Thank God for slavery. Therefore, birds of feather do flock together. These people are total disgraces. Trump wants the extradition of Assata Shakur to America. Trump has demonized majority black countries, and Trump has disrespected peaceful protesters. Therefore, Trump is a threat to our society. Many of these agents that I have mentioned are afraid of white racists, but they want to target black people. That is the truth. Many people have predicted the rise of these false prophets and bigoted people like Trump for centuries and thousands of years. This is not new. Nothing is new under the sun. That is why we should never fall in their ways and do what is right.

William Monroe Trotter lived a short life. Yet, his impact on black American history and history in general can never be understated. He was part the same era of Booker T. Washington, Ida B. Wells, W.E.B. DuBois, Mary McLeod Bethune, and other black leaders who risked their lives for our freedom. Trotter was an unsung civil rights activist who lived in the transitional age after Reconstruction but before Brown v. Board of Education decision. He saw the first Great Migration and the Harlem Renaissance. He witnessed many changes in the African American community. Also, Trotter witnessed the nadir of racial relations in the 20th century when black people were lynched, black women were raped (even in broad daylight not just at night) by white racists, black children were abused by racists, and rioting by racists ruined the lives of thousands of innocent black human beings. It was a time of outright war against black human life. Our existence was threatened by Woodrow Wilson, racist Congressmen, and by legal policies that stripped away voting rights, economic rights, and other human rights from our ancestors. That is why Trotter became militant in his views. He stood up like a man to Woodrow Wilson when Wilson wanted to downplay the serious matter of racial oppression. William Monroe Trotter inspired the NAACP to be more progressive on its policies. He never gotten over his disagreements with Washington and DuBois. Ironically, both Washington and DuBois, before their deaths, became more progressive in their views. William Monroe Trotter isn't remembered that much in our generation but now it is the time to recognize his life and contributions to the overall black freedom struggle. From chains to being political leaders, we are still here. From being kidnapped to organizing many institutions, we are certainly still here. This journey for us hasn't been easy. Yet, we overcame challenges not because they are easy. It is because it is hard. The essence of black cultural strength is about creativity, diversity, resiliency, strength, and innovation in our intellects plus our various forms of human expression. In that sense, we bless ourselves and bless the world with our gifts. He was only 62 when he passed away, but his life was filled with the desire to see our people triumphantly free. He so loved his wife, Geraldine Pindell, as it is a blessing for a man to love his wife. Today, there is the William Monroe Trotter Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston (which is a research institute for the study of black history and black culture). Trotter's first home in Dorchester, Massachusetts was designated a National Historic Landmark in recognition of his significance of civil rights cause. We are inspired to carry on the tradition of standing up for human liberation.

A sad milestone is now in America, over 1 million people have the virus and over 57,000 people passed away from it (which is more than the U.S. casualties during the Vietnam War). Many people stay in your lane. To me, that is code for stay in our place which I don't agree with. We are human beings. Therefore, we are born to explore information and to live life. So, no, we won't stay in some lane. We will expand the lanes. We will go beyond the lanes. Also, we will develop paths for other people to express their own individuality and creativity, because it's the right thing to do. I will not stay in my place. I will walk in the place.

By Timothy

Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday Information on Late April of 2020.

As 1953 came about, more Cold War crisis existed. By January 20, 1953, Dwight D. Eisenhower was President with John Foster Dulles as the Secretary of State. Stalin died on March 5, 1953. The Soviet Union had a power struggle for a time. Soviet troops crushed the uprising of 1953 in East Germany. The Cuban Revolution started on July 26, 1953 when Fidel Castro tried to overthrow the dictatorship of the government of Fulgencio Batista. July 27, 1953 was the date when the Korean War ended after Eisenhower threatened the use of nuclear weapons. August 19, 1953 was when the CIA and the British MI6 worked together to assist a royalist coup of Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddeq via Operation Ajax. This was done to restore the Shah of Iran or Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The coup came about after Iran nationalized its oil industry, and the West was afraid of Iran joining the Soviet camp. By September 7, 1953, Nikita Khrushchev was the leader of the Soviet Communist Party. His main rival or Lavrentiy Beria was executed on December of 1953. December 4-8 was when Eisenhower met with Churchill and Joseph Laniel of France in Bermuda. January 21, 1954 was when America launched the world’s first nuclear submarine called the USS Nautilus. This nuclear submarine would become the ultimate nuclear deterrent. The KGB was created as a successor agency of the NKVD on March 13, 1954. May 7, 1954 was an important date of the Cold War. That was the time when the Viet Minh defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu. France withdrew from the Indochina peninsula. Four independent states are formed. They are Cambodia, Laos, and North Vietnam including South Vietnam. The Geneva Accords call for free elections to unite Vietnam. Yet, none of the major Western powers wished this to occur in the likely case that the Viet Minh (nationalist Communists) would win. The Hukalahap revolt was defeated in the Philippines on May of 1954. On June 18, 1954, the elected leftist Guatemalan government was overthrown in a CIA-backed coup. An unstable rightist regime installs itself. Opposition leads to a guerrilla war with Marxist rebels in which major human rights abuses are committed on all sides in Guatemala. Nevertheless, the regime survives until the end of the Cold War. By July 8, 1954, Col. Carlos Castillo Armas is elected president of the junta that overthrew the administration of Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman. On July 22, India annexed the Portuguese territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. On August 11, 1954, the Taiwan Strait Crisis started with the Chinese Communist shelling of Taiwanese islands. The US backs Taiwan, and the crisis resolves itself as both sides decline to take action. The date of September 8, 1954, there was the foundation of the South East Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO) by Australia, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, Thailand, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Like NATO, it is founded to resist Communist expansion, this time in the Philippines and Indochina. Suriname was a Dutch constituent state on December 15, 1954. The Baghdad Pact (on February 24, 1955) was founded by Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. It was committed to resisting Communist expansion in the Middle East. The Soviets gave aid to Syria on March 1955, and the Syrians were allies of the Soviets until the end of the Cold War. There was the Bandung Conference was first held in Bandung, Indonesia via the Asia-Africa Conference. This was on April 1955. On April of that year, the Non-Aligned Movement is pioneered by Jawaharlal Nehru of India, Sukarno of Indonesia, Tito of Yugoslavia, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt and Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana. This movement was designed to be a bulwark against the 'dangerous polarization' of the world at that time and to restore balance of power with smaller nations. It was an international organization of states considering themselves not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. The Allies end military occupation of West Germany by May 5, 1955. On the next day, America started formal diplomatic relations with West Germany also followed by the United Kingdom and France. West Germany joined NATO and started rearmament on May 9. By May 14, the Warsaw Pact is founded in Eastern Europe and includes East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, and the Soviet Union. It acts as the Communist military counterpart to NATO. Austria was neutralized and Allied occupation ends of Austria on May 15. President Dwight D. Eisenhower of the United States, Prime Minister Anthony Eden of the United Kingdom, Premier Nikolai A. Bulganin of the Soviet Union, and Prime Minister Edgar Faure of France, known as the 'Big Four', attended the Geneva Summit. Also in attendance was Nikita Khrushchev of the Soviet Union. This was on July 18. On November 1, 1955, the Vietnam War as we know it started. On February 25, 1956, Nikita Khrushchev delivers the speech "On the Personality Cult and its Consequences" at the closed session of the Twentieth Party Congress of the CPSU. The speech marks the beginning of the De-Stalinization.

At Poznań, Poland, anti-communist protests lead to violence on June 28, 1956. The United States and the United Kingdom canceled offers of aid on the construction of the Aswan Dam in Egypt due to its arms purchases from the Eastern Bloc. Nasser retaliates by nationalizing the Suez Canal. That was in July. By October 23, 1956, there was the Hungarian Revolution of 1956: Hungarians revolt against the Soviet dominated government. They are crushed by the Soviet military, which reinstates a Communist government. The leaders of the Hungarian Revolution were socialists and progressives. On October 29, 1956, there was the Suez Crisis. This was when France, Israel, and the United Kingdom attacked Egypt with the goal of removing Nasser from power. International diplomatic pressures forced the attackers to withdraw. Canadian Lester B. Pearson encouraged the United Nations to send a Peacekeeping force, the first of its kind, to the disputed territory. Lester B. Pearson wins a Nobel Peace Prize for his actions, and soon after becomes Canadian Prime Minister. There was the Viet Cong insurgency growing in South Vietnam. This was sponsored by North Vietnam on December of 1956. 1956 saw the Sino-Soviet split of the Cold War. This was one of the most important events of the Cold War. It was about Khrushchev criticizing Stalin after he died because of Stalin’s authoritarianism, gulags, etc. Mao didn’t like this, because Mao was a lifelong Stalin advocate. Mao didn’t respect Khrushchev and accused him of losing his revolutionary edge. Khrushchev said that Mao was an extremist because of his glib attitude about nuclear war. Khrushchev made many desperate attempts to reconstitute the Sino-Soviet Alliance, but Mao refused any compromise. This caused an intra-communist debate. The Soviets and the nation of China competed for the leadership of the global communist movement. In retrospect, that split contributed to the victory of the West in the Cold War along with other factors (like the decline of the Soviet Union, revolutions in Europe during the 1980’s, etc.).

For centuries, many Western imperialists oppressed people all across the world. One positive outcome of World War II was that new nations started to form in opposition to colonialism in Africa, Asia, the Americas, etc. Decolonization after 1945 radically expanded. Also, many of these countries with nationalist movements wanted independence. Some had links to Communists and others didn’t. In the eyes of the Western imperialists, they wanted new nations to be satellites of the West. That is why the United States and the Soviet Union competed against each other for influenced in the Third World. This decolonization movement in the Third World lasted in the 1950’s, the 1960’s, and beyond. Both sides sold armaments to gain influence. The Soviets believed that imperial powers losing their influence were the victory of their ideology. It is also important to note that many new nations from colonialism wanted no influence from the Communists or the Capitalists. The United States via the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were active in coups. The CIA fought “non-cooperative” Third World government to their interests while praising pro-CIA governments. The CIA even funded anti-communist rebels to try to overthrow the Sukarno government in Indonesia. The rebels failed by 1961. In the Republic of the Congo, it was independent from Belgium by June of 1960. The CIA cultivated President Joseph Kasa-Vubu ordered the dismissal of the democratically elected Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba and the Lumumba cabinet in September of 1960. Lumumba called for Kasa-Vuvbu’s dismissal. During this Congo Crisis, the CIA-backed Colonel Mobutu Sese Seko quickly mobilized his forces to seize power via a military coup d’état. The CIA supported the assassination of the great leader Patrice Lumumba. The leftist People’s Progressive Party candidate Cheddi Jaganwon was forced to resign from the British Guiana after the British suspension of the still dependent nations’ constitution. Between 1954 to 1961, Eisenhower sent economic aid and military advisors to strengthen South Vietnam’s pro-Western regime against communist efforts to destabilize it. Vietnam was divided by North and South at the 17th parallel. South Vietnam’s leader of Diem was a known dictator. Many nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America didn’t want to choose sides in the Cold War. The Non-Aligned Movement of 1961 wanted neutrality. Khrushchev wanted to deal with neutral states. Independence movements caused the Third World to be more pluralistic and cause the rise of nationalism in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America.

Life in America from 1945 to 1956 was massively different than America today in 2020. America was a superpower along with the Soviet Union. American society was in the midst of change and challenges. During this time, more people lived in the suburbs because of less expensive homes and other economic resources like the GI bill given people more opportunities. Highways expanded especially under Eisenhower. There was a growth of a conservative culture where nuclear families were overtly promoted. Many adults didn’t even wear beards. Women wore conservative dresses and other clothes. TV shows were middle of road without many controversies. Also, there were other things going on in America. America still had massive poverty, racial discrimination, sexism, and other evils. These evils are wrong and have no justification period. That is why social movements like the Civil Rights Movement grew into the next level. After the unjust murder of a child named Emmett Till, you saw more protests in the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the fight for more civil rights laws, and more people speaking out for racial equality. Before that time, there was the Brown v. Board of Education decision of 1954 that made the segregation of public schools illegal. The problem was that many places refused to desegregate their schools until years or even decades later. Governor Orval Eugene Faubus (Democrat) of Arkansas used the Arkansas National Guard to prevent school integration at Little Rock Central High School in 1957. President Eisenhower (Republican) nationalized state forces and sent in the US Army to enforce federal court orders. Jim Crow back then was always brutal. People were lynched and murdered. Black women were raped by racist cowards. Black men were called the n word by racists regularly. You can’t drink where you want or you did things in segregated locations not only in the South, but Jim Crow existed in parts of the Midwest. Economic growth grew, but poverty massively existed in many parts of the African American, Native American, Latino American, and other communities nationwide. McCarthyism ruined a lot of people lives. Yet, many groups fought back from civil rights groups, the Beat movement, and other people. The culture of the 1950’s also had an expansion of music and art. Rock and roll, R&B, jazz, gospel, country, and other genres were promoted thoroughly in American society.

Most adults already know the responsibilities of any owner of a vehicle or a driver. Yet, we should always be reminded of these things, because every day many innocent people are killed by a drunk driver. Traffic accidents are common nationwide and worldwide.  You are always going to find a minority of cruel, evil people who openly disrespect the law. That is why we drive not only to protect our own lives, but the lives of people around us in the road. Carrying out vehicle maintenance checks, paying bills, going to work, and doing other things are part of a driver’s responsibility. Many cars have navigation apps that help drivers find the most optimal route. Also, business drivers or truck drivers transport clients from airports to hotel plus vice versa. These drivers pick up office purchases or other administrative needs.  All drivers deal with repairs on cars, and car insurance can help people afford necessary repairs. Another very important part of a driver’s life is to understand the rules of the road. Laws evolve and change all of the time. That is why it is very important to be legally wise not only about the rules of the road but state, local, and federal laws. Laws will not be the same all of the time.

Highways are public or private roads worldwide that help people travel across America plus across the world. In America, there is the interstate highway. In Europe, there is the autobahn. Major roads include various highways. Governments readily name highways. Australia’s Highway 1 is the longest national highway in the world with over 9,000 miles of road that goes across the continent. China and America have the largest networks of highways on Earth. Modern highways connect cities together. Some exist around counties too. Highways help trucks and other vehicles to transport supplies globally more efficiently. Traffic demand is always involved in the reality of interstate highways. Sometimes, highways can reduce community cohesion and make local access difficult. The reason is that back in the day, highways were developed in many communities that caused some communities to be displaced. It has increased gentrification and urban renewal was a real event that eliminated a lot of cohesion in many poor and black communities. Property values have decreased in many cutoff neighborhoods, which led to a decreased housing quality over time. That is why researchers monitor the pollution, noise issues, and congestion. Noise, light, and air pollution are negative environmental effectives of many highways. That is why highways have large trees next to them to reduce noise pollution and pollution in general. High occupancy vehicle lanes or HOV are used in North American highways in order to encourage carpooling and mass transit. These lanes help to reduce the number of cars on the highway and can reduce pollution including traffic congestion. Carpooling on these lanes are vitally important. Wildlife crossings allow animals to safely cross human made barriers like highways. Safety signs exist. A 2004 World Health Organization report said that about 1.2 million people were killed and 50 million people were injured on the roads around the world reach year. Some nations have bus lanes on highways. Whether people are on expressways, highways, freeways, or any type of roads, safety is key in having an enjoyable trip.

There is a lot of information about the future of cars. In many cities, we see vehicles show smog (which also relates to carbon dioxide or CO2). Rush hour can be as early as 5 am. and as late as 7 pm. That is why engineers, carmakers, and automotive tech companies will show future, more green-friendly cars. We know that concept cars are how manufacturers work out ideas for the future. That is why future cars will be smarter, nimbler, and safer. Some cars will communicate with one another to prevent collisions. Many concept cars, which some planned to be released by 2025, will have new devices in them. The Chevrolet NE-V. 2.0 now are operating in a ride share program in Shanghai, China. This is an electric networked vehicle. It can go around cities in 25 mph. with a lithium ion battery used for energy. It has a standard steering wheel, accelerator, and brake pedal. It has cameras, lidar sensors, and vehicle to vehicle (V2X) technology to make many driving decision while the driver drives hands free. It has climate control and personal storage space. The Mercedes-Benz F-125 is very special. It has a hydrogen fuel cell system with a lithium sulfur battery for a zero emissions driving range of 621 miles. It is an F-Cell plug in hybrid. The car has the electric power for the four motors, one in each wheel (and it is generated on board by the F-Cell fuel cell). It has a 10 kilowatt hour lithium sulfur battery that can be inductively charged. It can produce 231 horsepower and deliver all-wheel drive traction. It can travel up to 31 miles on battery power alone. It can travel an additional 590 miles with the fuel cell via hydrogen power. Refueling is needed. The Maserati Alfieri is a MC20 or a mid-engine sports car. The Cadillac Celestiq is all electric. It has GM's Ultium lithium ion batteries. Infinti Qs Inspiration is part of the new generation of an all-electric sedan. The Mazda sports car RX-9 is very much filled with a new design and a turbocharged inline six engine.

By Timothy

Friday, April 24, 2020

News on this Friday.

There is always dignity in black hair. For thousands of years, we have lived and rose up in this Universe to make monumental accomplishments from STEM to music. Along this journey, life haven't been a crystal stair. Even during the 21st century, people had to fight for black women to wear their hair in diverse ways in the Armed Forces. Many black students were restricted to graduate based upon their hair (which was wrong). Yet, the lesson of our story is being unapologetic in how we express our hair. We are unapologetic in standing up against injustice and focusing on the Dream. We could care less about the words from the haters and the critics, because our light and our gift have always been strong to motivate the world to enhance its creative energy. That is why we praise the black culture of hair found in pixies, natural, dreads, cornrows, weaves, bald heads, fades, high top fades, dying hair different colors, and other designs.

This culture is not just found in barbershops and hair salons though they are very important places found in hair culture. This hair culture is additionally based in music, fashion, and overall swag. There is a reason why Motown had people in their Sunday's best for a certain style. There is a reason why early hip hop artists had their hair in boxes. Also, there is a reason why the 1970's was dominated with Afros. The reason is that styles readily evolve to fit the aspirations and intentions of the people. We know that there is no such a thing as good or bad hair. Hair is just hair. In that sense of unapologetic creativity, we always love and honor the essence of black hair.

This appreciation grows our consciousness. No one can grow into their next level of existence spiritually without that person appreciating the being that person is born to be (and standing up for righteousness). Therefore, I have learned a lot of things in this world. I will learn more, and that is what life is all about: learning and growing to be a better human being. The recent anti-lock down protesters are funded by the same people found in Tea Party like groups, reactionary extremists, and other people who love Trump's views. That is why many of the protesters showed Confederate flags and Tea Party like flags. Robert Mercer have donated to group to advance these protests. Mercer has ties to the overt bigot Steve Bannon. Attorney General Barr said that the DOJ may take legal action against states with stay at home orders. Barr is doing this not because he cares for rights. He does this because of a political motivation. He wants Trump to be re-elected.

There are tons of news going onward. Trump is not the only person wrong in claiming to have no responsibility in handling the response to the coronavirus. Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said that states just have to file for bankruptcy instead of receiving the necessary money to deal with this crisis. That is why Mitch has been criticized as cruel and following a reactionary ideology instead of believing in the principal of human justice. Many GOP governors in Georgia and Oklahoma want to open up places prematurely (like theaters and various shops) without regard to regulations or the advise from medical experts. Many of the pro-Tea Party protesters are in league with Trump. Polls consistently show a small percentage of people follow and support Trump's policies on this matter. Trump has fired Dr. Rick Bright, who was the CDC Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) and HHS Deputy Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response. The reason was that Dr. Bright said that he disagreed with a rapidly reckless policies from Trump in dealing with the virus , especially when dealing with that failed anti-malaria drug called hydroxychloroquine (which has caused many people to die recently). There is no question that a federal response must not only deal with building up our infrastructure and jobs with trillions of dollars. The federal government must deal with health care, student loan debt (which is over $1 trillion), and public works. Dr. Fauci has said that a second wave of the virus will occur during the fall flu season.

My paternal ancestors have a long history. Johnson Brickhouse was my 3rd great paternal grandfather, and he was born in 1826. He lived in Northampton County, Virginia or in the Eastern Shore. He had a brother named Benjamin Brickhouse III, and he was born in 1838. He married a woman named Mary Perkins. Their children are Florence Brickhouse (b. 1870) and Pauline Brickhouse (1873-1936). Benjamin Brickhouse III was my 4rd great uncle. My first cousin Florence Brickhouse married George Johnson Sr. on February 23, 1891 at Northampton County, Virginia. Their children are Amos Johnson (b. 1890) George Johnson Jr. (b. 1893), and Linwood Johnson (1896-1972). George Johnson Jr. married Lavenia Hargrove (1900-1948) on May 30, 1920 at Northampton County, Virginia. Their children are: Fred L. Johnson (1919-?), Richmond Johnson (b. 1921), Nellie V. Johnson (1923-1994), Elberta Johnson (b. 1925), Ellis R. Johnson (1925-1964), Vernon Johnson (1926-2005), George Johnson (1928-1988), William Henderson Johnson (1933-1974), Fannie Lavinia Johnson (1935-1995), Addie Johnson (b. 1937), and Goldie Mae Johnson (1941-2016). Later in George Johnson Jr.'s life, he married Artalia Hornet Cuffee (b. 1903) on August 13, 1949 at Northampton County, Virginia after Lavenia Hargrove passed away. My 3rd cousin Ellis R.Johnson was born on January 14, 1925. He married Clara Lee James (b. 1933) at Northampton county, Virginia on March 31, 1949. Their daughter was Donzella Johnson (1954-2002). Donzella Johnson married William Thomas Church on July 31, 1976 at Exmore, Eastern Shore, Virginia.  Their children are my 5th cousins of Alethea Ann Church (b. 1971), Valire Ann Church (1973-2019), and William Anthony Church (b. 1976).

By Timothy

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The age of coronavirus.

The rise of the coronavirus has grown the movement of economic nationalism. Economic nationalism believes in the false premise that workers overseas are responsible for economic job loss instead of the 1% creating policies that cause economic dislocation in the first place. The virus teaches us always that an imperfect economic system, which is complicit in world wars, slavery, ecological disasters, and other evils, has no right to lecture anyone on morality. Right now, Jeff Bezos or the founder of Amazon is the richest man on Earth. He has increased his fortune by $24 billion. Now, he has more than $138 billion in total resources. This comes while nurses, doctors, and health care workers struggle to have protective equipment worldwide. States are now competing against each for resources while Trump (who wants an executive order to ban all immigration into America with minor exceptions when the virus can travel across borders) callously says that he wants the states to have the primary role in addressing the matter.

The reality is that the Constitution gives the federal government great power in promoting the general welfare of Americans, to fund the development of equipment, and to financially assist those struggling (as cited in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution). The profit system is presided by a tiny amount of corporate and financial oligarchs. The wealth of ca. 250 billionaires in America alone has the net collective worth of $9 trillion. Many of us are blessed to have enough resources to sustain ourselves. Yet, there are other people who lost their families, who are homeless, and who are literally starving because of a lack of food. That is why many unsung heroes are using charities, other programs, and volunteerism (which is the hallmark of great Americans) in saving lives and blessing others. There is no solution without national and international collaboration. You need the best minds, who know about science, to work together in establishing concrete solutions.

Today, there is a new group of people. These people claim to be pro-black, but they are really sellouts. These people either bash every black man or they bash every black woman (which is wrong). These agents are in Youtube and other parts of the Internet. Like usually, I debated these people and refute them for years. I'm a debater by nature. I have refuted white racists, far right conservatives, and other extremists for over 10 years now. These new sellouts believe in throwing in the towel in dealing with the black community and just giving up on their own black people. They either are MGOTW or they just hate black people in general of the opposite sex. After all of these years of me living on this Earth, I never gave up on my people. You noticed that by my words and by my actions. I don't say slurs in private or public. I don't intentionally disrespect people. Also, it is important to not only criticize sellouts who hate black people. It is important to continue in our life journeys. The views of the haters don't matter. What matters is to learn information about our health, our political affairs, about culture, about music, and about solutions.

Far too often, you have some people yelling about problems (like Alex Jones, Umar, Polight, David Icke, etc. Yes, I will call out their names), but they offer no real solutions. I don't mean solutions from xenophobes like Tarqi Nasheed or right wing extremists like Candace Owens (or Trump). We need real solutions. Many people have given up after all of these years. In retrospect, they weren't for us in the first place. They were just buying their time. One thing that I'm glad about is that we have this opportunity in this generation to show our ideals, and to fight for solutions like living wages, education about financial literacy, mentorships, standing up for the human dignity of black women, opposing imperialism, being real, and collaborating in creating resolutions. Therefore, even in the year 2050 when I'm 67 years old, my core convictions will remain. That is part of my whole personal ideology.

We now that the President Trump has messed up this response. Also, Congress does have the responsibility to spend billions and trillions of dollars to help healthcare, transit, grocery, and other sanitation workers essential in any civilization. As high as 13 million people could lose their health insurance between March and July of 2020. Many small farmers, small business owners, and others could face bankruptcy unless something is done. That is why I respect the Congresspeople doing what is right while not agreeing with those who want the status quo. Certainly, we know what Trump is doing. Trump has encouraged the EPA to stop enforcing violations of prohibited pollution laws. Trump allowed the FDA to suspend inspections of plant exporters of foods and drugs in America. Trump has disrespected the post office (which is cited in the Constitution directly) on multiple occasions. The Senate voted to pass the near $500 billion coronavirus relief plan. This is why moderation and centrism don't work at all. Harriet Tubman, Dr. King, Malcolm X, and Sojourner Truth were not moderates. They were revolutionaries who wanted real change.

By Timothy

Monday, April 20, 2020

R&B History.

Cultural Facts and Other Historical Information on Late April of 2020.

Long before R&B was born, its ancestors involved music like African music, jazz, and spirituals found in America. Spirituals weren't just about joy and celebration. Many spirituals back then were used a coded message to escape into the North including Canada from the bondage of slavery. Spirituals also had an oral Christian tradition with Christian themes while abhorring the evil of slavery. At first, spirituals were unaccompanied monophonic or unison song. Songs like the Gospel Train from the Fisk Jubilee Singers (who lived in the late 19th century) are very similar to the spiritual song. In fact, gospel music is a descendant of the spirituals. African Americans used the drum and the banjo as a means to express themselves. The songs from the spirituals, the drum, and the banjo came from West Africa. West African blood is within me, because as an African American my ancestors came from the Congo and Nigeria. The call and response style of preaching came from African tradition. This was when the speaker speaks for an interval and the congregation responds in unison in a continual pattern throughout the sermon. People raising up hands, speaking in tongues, and singing all have been utilized by the black community for generations. Later, it developed into more harmonized choral arrangements. R&B was born in African American communities by the 1940’s. The term rhythm and blues was used in Billboard as early as 1943. Back in the day, it was music identified, especially as shown by black Americans. R&B music during the old days had gospel influences. Really, gospel has influences throughout many genres. During the First and Second Great Migrations of African Americans, black people came into many urban industrial centers like Chicago, Detroit, New York City, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, etc. Black people wanted to escape the terrorism and racism found in the Jim Crow South, so they would gain economic opportunities to provide for their families. The irony is that in the North, Midwest, and West Coast, many of the same racism and police brutality would exist. Though Jim Crow apartheid was illegal in many of those places of the North, the system of racial oppression, housing discrimination, economic exploitation and educational deprivation existed via de facto segregation. From the 1920’s and 1930’s, black people organized a lot of markets for jazz, blues, and other types of music. This music wasn’t just shown in concerts or bars. It was shown in homes, mass gatherings, and other locations. The mother of R&B was jazz and blues. To understand music in general, you have to study jazz and blues, because those art forms deal with the essence of rhythm, pitch, notes, creativity, and power involving music. Early blues artists back during the 1920’s and 1930’s were people like Lonnie Johnson, Leroy Carr, Cab Calloway, Count Basie, and T-Bone Walker. Bessie was famous. As time went onward, more musicians used the electric guitar, the piano, and the saxophone.

By 1948, RCA Victor marketed black music with the name of “Blues and rhythm.” During that year, Louis Jordan dominated the R&B charts with many songs. These songs were based on the boogie woogie rhythms that were popular during the 1940’s. Jordan’s band was called the Tympany Five. It was created in 1938. It has musicians on trumpet, tenor, piano bass, drums, and saxophone. Jordan’s music was called jump blues (like the music from Big Joe Turner, Roy Brown, Billy Wright, and Wyonoie Harris). Music from Paul Gayetn, Roy Brown, and others had music called rhythm and blues by the 1940’s. Wynonie Harris remaked the Brown’s 1947 recording of Good Rockin’ Tonight. Back in the day, early R&B was criticized by some as too risqué. Some of this music had an Afro-Cuban rhythmic influence too. Jazz pioneer Jelly Roll Morton said that the tresillo/habanera rhythm (or the Spanish tinge) was an important part of jazz. Habanera was a Cuban genre. Tresillio is part of the duple pulse rhythmic cell in sub-Saharan music traditions. There was blues in New Orleans and music of the Mississippi Delta regions too. One of the greatest artists of jazz that influence future R&B experts was Billie Holiday. Her songs like Strange Fruit and I’ll be Seeing you were classics. Ray Charles’ Hit the Road Jack certainly was very powerful. One of the unsung artists of early rhythm and blues was Lionel Hampton. Other R&B artists of the 1940’s are the Ink Spots, Ella Fitzgerald, The Clovers, The Royales, Tony Bennett, Louis Armstrong, The Delta Rhythm Boys, The Ravens, Lead Belly, The Soul Stirrers, The Staple Sisters, etc. Great 1950’s R&B groups were Ray Charles, the Drifters, the Coasters, The Miracles, the Isley Brothers, The Platters, The Impressions, The Dells, The Del-Vikings, etc.

Johnny Otis released the R&B mambo called “Mambo Boogie” on January of 1951. It had congas, maracas, claves, and mambo saxophone guajeos in a blues progression. The Hawketts, Ike Turner, and Other musicians made their records. Bo Didley had his music with the first true fusion of 3-2 clave and R&B/rock n roll. Johnny Otis’s Willie and the Hand Jive used the same blend of 3-2 claves and R&B. Early R&B records were sold primarily in African American markets. It wouldn’t be until the early 1950’s, when more diverse people of different colors brought R&B records on a high level. Rhythm and blues appealed to especially teenagers. Many unsung artists in this early era of R&B were Johnny Otis (with his songs like Double Crossing Blues, Mistrustin’ Blues, etc.), Clovers, and other people. Little Richard grew his popularity in the 1950’s. He influenced a wide spectrum of future artists like James Brown, Otis Redding, and even Elvis Presley. Little Richard is right to say that he originated a lot found in R&B and rock and roll culture. Ruth Brown is known as the “Queen of R&B” decades ago. She was on the Atlantic label. She made many hits in the years from 1951 to 1954 like Teardrops from My Eyes, Five, Ten, Fifteen Hours, What a Dream, etc. Faye Adams’s Shake a Hand made it to number two in 1952. Ruth Brown is important to mention, because she is a black woman that inspired future artists to have their opportunities to express their God-given talents to the world. The doo-wop group called The Orioles had the #4 hit of the year with Crying in the Chapel. Fats Domino, Ray Charles, and other people came into prominence during the 1950’s. Chuck Berry and other people had an extraordinary amount of determination and musical talent.

By the late 1950’s, culture was changing. The modern day Civil Rights Movement saw its birth with the Montgomery Bus Boycott after the evil assassination of Brother Emmitt Till. There was a large conservative culture in American society, but that would change with the rise of civil rights activists, beats, and a growing teenage youth culture that loved music (especially black music). While Eisenhower showed his capitulation to the status quo as it pertains to civil rights policies, black people and other people stood up in favor of freedom and justice. By the year of 1956, the R&B leaders of Al Hibbler, Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers, Clark Perkins, etc. were popular among the public. Della Reese was famous along with Chuck Berry, Cathy Carr, Shirley and Lee, the Cleftones, and the Spaniels. Many of these musicians toured places like Columbia (in South Carolina), Annapolis (in Maryland), Pittsburgh, Syracuse (in New York State), Buffalo, New York City, etc. Tours were filled with crowded arenas. Movies saw artists like Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Elvis, Joe Turner, the Treiners, the Flamingos, and the Platters. Nat King Cole with his songs like Mona Lisa and Looking Back further added to his legendary career as a musician and a TV host. A new era by 1959 was starting. This was the same year when 2 black owned record labels were created (which showed R&B music). They are Sam Cooke’s Sar and Berry Gordy’s Motown Records. Later, Motown would be part of the one of the greatest movements of musical expression in world history. Artists like Brooke Brenton was at the top of the R&B charts in 1959 and 1960 with many songs. The 1960’s saw an explosion of soul music. Motown, Staxx Records, Columbia, and other labels just had a large amount of men and women who would sing just magnificently. Therefore, rhythm and blues came from jazz, blues, and gospel. It started in many urban areas in places like New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles. In the near future, I will show information about the soul/R&B music of the 1960’s. As we shall see, the R&B of the 1960’s influenced the development of disco, funk, hip hop, the quiet storm, and other genres of music.

To understand the evil done by Joseph McCarthy is to understand why he was evil. He was evil, because he wanted to eliminate the constitutional rights of Americans if he or she disagreed with his reactionary, radically anti-Communist views. It is not that people have the right to disagree with Communism. People have that right. It is that the First Amendment also gives people the right to peacefully agree with Communism if he or she desires to. I don’t agree with Stalinist Communism, but I will defend anyone the right to believe in what they want to. Joseph McCarthy executed his reign of paranoia in the 1950’s, but anti-Communist hysteria existed long before that decades. During World War I, dissidents were harassed and jailed by the federal government. Civil rights activists during the 1950’s were also harassed. The lie of Joseph McCarthy was that he felt that Communism was a monolithic scourge, and that all Communists collectively wanted to promote a totalitarian empire that tried to take over the world. This Red Scare of the 1950’s caused drills in schools, bunkers being built, and innocent people being oppressed. There were national security debates. The Cold War saw very bad policies among many sides. American imperialists were wrong in executing exploitation and oppression overseas via the CIA coup in Iran, Guatemala, etc. while hypocritically claiming to be for democracy when black people were lynched and terrorized by racism. Many pro-Stalin Communists were wrong to jail Trotskyites, to harm religious freedom, and violate democratic rights in many ways too. All of this is documented too. That is why neoliberal capitalism is just as wicked as an authoritarian form of Communism. Both seek to violate individual and collective human rights, both exploit the rights of people of color, and both are not real solutions to cause genuine revolutionary, structural change in our world. Attorney General J. Howard McGrath, who worked under anti-Communist radical Harry Truman, promoted this hysteria. McGrath viewed Communism as spreading in businesses, offices, street corners, etc. Some believed in the lie that Communists in America infiltrated the heads of the American government. The truth is that only a handful of communists were in high ranking positions of government. Trump issued the Federal Employee Loyalty Program. The FBI screened people for claims of political disloyalty. About 3,000 federal employees were dismissed or resigned after investigations. The Smith violated human free speech rights. The House Un-American Activities Committee or HUAC was created in 1938. HUAC’s job was to rid society of Communism. Many left wing or progressive directors were backlisted for even peacefully believing in Communist views which they have a free speech right to do. The Hollywood Ten were made up of progressive writers, directors, and producers who used their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. The Supreme Court in 1957 said that witnesses before HUAC can’t be forced to name radicals that they knew. The HUAC used bullying tactics. J. Robert Oppenheimer was harassed because of his political views. He had ties to the Communist Party including his wife plus his brother. It would not be until the 1960’s when he was mostly left alone. Alger Hiss was accused of being a Communist. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed. We know that evidence showed that Julius was a recruiter for the Soviets (as proven by the Verona documents), but Ethel had a minor role. Joseph McCarthy said that American traitors were undermining America. So, by February 1950, he was on a crusade by accusing many State Department leaders of being communist agents. He was a Senator from Wisconsin. He claimed dozens were communist. Names on his list changed. He never publicly showed the names. One of his great lies is that he accused former Secretary of State George Marshall of being a Communist. Marshall organized the Marshall Plan to give loans to rebuild Europe after World War II. Many far right extremists supported him like the American Security Council. He was educated at the Jesuit Marquette University. Joseph McCarthy interviewed people. He was emotional and twisted the truth. Even people who were non-Communists were discriminated against and fired because of their views like the black U.S. Employment Service employee Dorothy Bailey.  Historian Ellen Schrecker wrote a book entitled, “Many are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America” that documented the occurrences of the time period. McCarthy accused Communists of infiltration the federal government, universities, the film industry, and in other places via subversion including spies. By 1954, much of his support declined.  McCarthy was censured by the Senate with a vote of 67-22.  McCarthy spoke out against communism and socialism forgetting the differences between the 2 philosophies. McCarthy was a violent bigot who assaulted the journalist Drew Pearson in 1950. McCarthy was allied ideologically with the Committee Counsel hypocrite Roy Marcus Cohn. McCarthy once supported Eisenhower and then attacked Eisenhower accusing him of being “soft on Communism.” Later, McCarthy accused some members of the U.S. Army of being in league with Communists. That was the beginning of the end of his political career. The Army – McCarthy hearings started on April 22, 1954. The Army’s chief legal representative Joseph Nye Welch defended Fred Fisher saying to McCarthy to show decency. Edward R. Murrow was one of the few journalists who criticized Joseph McCarthy. On March 9, 1954 at on Murrow’s show called See It Now, Edward R. Murrow said the following words: “…We must now confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrines, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men…” McCarthy later had little power in the Senate. The Red Scare started to decline by the end of the 1950’s. This event showed that free speech matters. Joseph McCarthy died in the year of 1957. We should never support the suppression of the First Amendment rights of those we disagree with.

For thousands of years, various vehicles have helped human beings with transportation, building infrastructure, and other purposes. The car for long centuries has been an example of a complex machine that helped humanity in many ways. Motor vehicles aren’t just about cars. They can exist in trucks, buses, motorcycles, etc. We live in a time in 2020 where aircraft, amphibious vehicles, ships, boats, trains, and other traveling vehicles has made travel much quicker. Still, any vehicle should have an energy source, motors, and engines. In our time, motor vehicle and trailer categories are defined in various international classifications. Category M refers to passenger vehicles. Category N refers to motor vehicles for the carriage of goods. Category O refers to trailers and semi-trailers. By 1886, the modern car was established in the world. Today, more battery electric vehicles are commonplace. Also, newer technologies are developing like wheel hub motors, wireless charging, hydrogen cars, and hydrogen/electric hybrids. Some have bone into fuel cells research too. Like always, learning about car insurance, costs, and inspections, the rules and regulations pertaining to driving, comparing quotes, and other actions are key in making the great decision in picking a vehicle to drive. Each human being is different. Some people like a small car. Others may like a truck or a minivan. Others may enjoy driving in a truck, jeep, or convertible. That is fine, because we should have the right to have our diverse tastes in vehicle driving. The autonomous car will have a very long time before they even reach commonplace usage because of the obvious reason. In 2018, over 70 million cars have been manufactured worldwide. Most cars in the world are produced by China, Japan, Germany, and India. The largest markets in dealing with cars are China and the United States of America. There are complex issues in dealing with maintaining roads, air pollution, road congestion, public health, health care, land use, etc. We realize the sacrosanct value of cars, and we will enjoy them from driving to relaxing in them.

 By Timothy

Friday, April 17, 2020

Russia's Newest Law: No Evangelizing Outside of Church

Showing the truth.

One of the most strangest encounters that I have dealt with include far right extremists on social media. They are passionate in their views, and some of them are trying to recruit black people to join their ways of thinking. Many of them believe in the myth that the free market is nearly infallible, so the social safety net ought to be depleted. One common denominator of many of them is their unwavering support for Donald Trump. Their support is so thick, that they act almost like a cult. They completely ignore Trump's disregard of the rule of law, his disrespect of women, his cursing out of peaceful protesters of police brutality, and his offensive ad hominem attacks against those who disagree with them. Many of these supporters not only use foul, derogatory language (which isn't an example of morality of family values), but they claim to follow Christian values. Christian values are antithetical to the views of Donald Trump. I don't think that Jesus Christ would allow immigrants and children to be locked in cages filled with deplorable conditions. Jesus wouldn't endorse police brutality and racial injustice. Jesus would not call Congresswoman Maxine Waters as having "low IQ" as Trump has done. Jesus would not agree with Trump's suppression of legitimate environmental regulations either. On August 21, 2019, Trump cited a radio host. This host said that many people admire him like a King of Israel. Many of these far right extremists and some members of the "Patriot Movement" (who idolize people like Washington and Jefferson when they were slave-owners and racists. It is ironic that these super Patriots claim to be staunch Christians when many Founders like Jefferson and Paine denied the divinity of Jesus Christ. That is another story) follow the Q movement. The Q or Qanon movement is a cult that believes that Trump is fighting against the Deep State to bring freedom.

That is a lie, because Trump is allied with the same 1% that dominates the majority of the economic, political, and other aspects of Western society. For decades, Trump has been allied with big money interests and corporate leaders. Never forgetting that our diversity in America has strengthen America, it is right to stand up for the principles of the general welfare, of altruism, of equality, and of the essence of community. We should always reject celebrity worship, and we understand that we worship God not America. We respect good Americans who are fighting for truth and justice, but we won't make an idol of America (which is the false doctrine of American exceptionalism. While Trump loves the propaganda of FOX News, he also has openly praise war criminals and enemies of humanity like Andrew Jackson). These pro-Trump extremists are people that I have debated and refuted on social media for years. That is precisely why we shouldn't be distracted by misinformation and deception. We must fight racism, xenophobia, and all injustices. We are clear that we care for our neighbors, our friends, and our families. We desire liberty and justice for all. As we see big foundations and large corporations funding both the far right and the neoliberal centrist crowd (in not only limiting political choice on the mainstream level but permitting political agitation), we believe in in embracing independent, progressive thinking.

Back in the fall of 2012, Pilgrim Society member William J. Van Den Heuvel said that, "Resolved, the world would be better off had not the thirteen colonies broken away from the British Empire." This thinking is not new. To this day, there are those who want to criticize America's mistakes (which is fair), but they want to glamorize or omit the wickedness of the British Empire. The truth is that the British Empire deserves no praise. That empire has been complicit in slavery, colonialism, imperialism, war crimes, and other evils that harmed the lives of millions of human beings worldwide. Den Heuvel has ties to the media, banking, and entertainment industries. One proponent of the British Empire was the racist Cecil Rhodes. He wanted the British Empire to rule the globe. The Pilgrim Society, other dynastic families, and international organizations use their policies to advance capitalist exploitation and neo-liberal globalization. Famous members of the Pilgrim Society are David Rockefeller, Queen Elizabeth II, Joseph Wheeler, Leonard Wood, John D. Rockefeller Jr, Andrew Carnegie, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff, Nelson Aldrich, Frank Vanderlip, J. P. Morgan, Nathan Rothschild, Bank of England governor Montagu Norman, Philip Kerr, and Winston Churchill. Some members of the Astor family like Viscount William Waldorf Astor were members of the Pilgrim Society too. .

Many Tea Party leaders have organized protests in Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky. They want to protest the stay at home order. The problem is that many of these protests blocked streets and put the lives of other people in dangers by being crowded in the street. Not to mention that many of them waved Confederacy flags. Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky were never Confederate states. Also, the Confederate flag is a racist, offensive flag that has nothing to do with legitimate heritage. It has everything to do with racism, bigotry, slavery, and treason. One poll said that 81 percent of Americans endorse social distancing. There are almost 700,000 cases of the virus in America. There is no massive expansion of testing in America. Trump is known to lie about the coronavirus. He once called it a hoax. He said that he has it under control, he has no responsibility, and he gave himself a perfect 10 as it pertains to the response to the virus. Trump is a friend of Putin. Putin made it illegal for any Russian Christian to share his or her faith in their own homes (or outside of church). This proves that Putin is anti-religious freedom and a total shill. He is not a fighter for freedom as even some people claim. Racism and anti-Semitism are at the heart of tons of evil people. During the Charlottesville, Virginia 2017 situation, Neo-Nazis with torches spewed anti-Semitic, racist words. There was the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue where Jewish people were trapped and prayed for survival while this was going on. After this, Trump lied and said that there are good people on both sides. This racist remark showed the world what he is. Trump also endorses waterboarding, which is torture.

Yesterday was the Birthday of Sister Quiana Lynell, and she is 39 years old. For many years, she has been a jazz artist, an arranger, and a songwriter. Tyler, Texas is the place of her birth. She was in the all-state choir as a lover of gospel music. Regardless of one's creed, if you want to study music, study gospel especially. Lynell moved to Baton Rouge for her education. Lynell earned a B.A. degree on Vocal Performance from Louisiana State University on a scholarship. At Baton Rouge, she sang at a choir of the St. James Episcopal Church. Her mentors are Aaron Neville, Germaine Bazzle, and Wendell Brunious. Quiana Lynell performed with Nona Hendryx, Terence Blanchard, Jon Cowherd, Marvin Sewell, Eric Harland, Herbie Hancock, Patti Austin, Bilal, Ledisi, and with local artists and bands in Louisiana. She has taught music at elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and at Loyola University in New Orleans. She has won the Sarah Vaughan Jazz Vocal Competition Awards in 2017. Quiana Lynell loves to teach people about music, and we appreciate her gift. I wish Sister Quiana Lynell more blessings.

By Timothy

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday Updates in Mid-April 2020.

We see that Trump's anger at news reporters (during a press conference) asking him legitimate questions about the coronavirus is silly. He should be more angry at the people passing away, more angry at his lack of a response in January 2020 to it, and more angry at himself to allow hospitals to struggle to get the necessary resources to save more lives instead of him presenting that screed at the press. Trump saying that he has the total authority to open the country is unconstitutional and doesn't work under any legal law. The New York Times has presented an expose about how the Trump administration received plenty of warnings (from the National Institutes of Health, the CDC, and cabinet level Whitehouse officials) about the immediate crisis of the COVID-19. Months ago, he downplayed the seriousness of this illness and called the virus a hoax. Trump said that he has no responsibility involving this crisis which is totally ludicrous. While this is going on, the Northeastern states have formed a collective alliance to help each other reopen their states in a reasonable, slow way. The West Coast states are doing the same with their own alliance in California, Washington state, and Oregon. The curve is being balanced. We have hit a corner with lesser amounts of cases and less hospitalizations, but we are far from over. We have a very long way to go. Over 25,000 people have passed away from this virus.

Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders has endorsed officially Joe Biden. So, we have a race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The 2020 Democratic primary is made up of the paradox of having the most diverse Democratic field in American history. Yet, we have the case of a moderate vs. a right wing extremist. It is what it is. Like usual, Bernie Sanders acted graciously to Biden, but some want Sanders to grovel even more. That tells me that the neoliberal crowd could care less about revolutionary change but the status quo. Also, Biden must more thoroughly publicly address the sexual abuse allegation made against him by one woman. Biden has denied it. It's one thing if you changed your mind on an issue. It is quite another when dealing with sexual abuse. Also, Trump has been accused of sexual abuse by multiple women.

Like always, I will keep my promise to not vote for Trump on November 2020, because Trump is a racist, a sexist, and a threat to democracy in general. He must be voted out. Yet, Biden must realize that if he wants more votes, then he has to appeal to more progressives also. I am always reminded of one thing too. The rights of black people matter. The rights of women and immigrants matter, and the rights of the oppressed matter. Trump makes no bones about his goal to limit voting rights (even hating mail in voting), making sure that the Supreme Court is filled with reactionary judges, and to eliminate health care services from the ACA. Therefore, who we vote for will determine what our future will be like for generations to come. The sad thing is that we have a choice between a neoliberal centrist and a right wing extremist. Yet, we have to do what the right thing. Trump is a whole worse than Biden. During these times, we have to honor future generations by voting Trump out of office in 2020.

Yesterday was the Birthday of Brother Anderson da Silva. He is now 45 years old. He is a famous Afro-Brazilian mixed martial arts expert. He has worked in the UFC for years. He has the record for the longest title reign in the UFC's history of 2,457 days. He is known as one of the greatest if not the greatest mixed marital artist of all time. He was born at Sao Paulo, Brazil. He has fought in middleweight and light heavyweight. He has trained in taekwondo, capoeira, and muay thai. He is known for his speed, allusiveness, and his stamina. He loves his wife Dayane with their 2 sons and 2 daughters. He is a fan of comic books as well. Silva is a friend to B.J. Penn (who is another MMA participant). Silva knows how to box. He has been on many films before. He won tons of championships. He loves has an unconditional support of his family which is admirable. I wish Brother Anderson da Silva more blessings.

Some good news is that days ago the great film director Ava Duvernay's Array company showcased new Afro-Brazilian filmmakers for the #ArrayVoices Instagram live conversation. Array is a multi-platform media company and arts collective that is based in Los Angeles, California. Many Afro-Brazilian filmmakers have won awards globally and have been featured in film festivals. The Afro-Brazilian filmmakers featured in the conversation are Julian Vicente, Renata Martin, Day Rodrigues, Carol Rodrigues, Saira Moreira, Gabriel Martins, Sabrina Fidalgo, Jessica Quieroz, Joyce Prado, Everlane Morales, and Viviane Ferreira. This story shows an important lesson. That lesson is that we, who are black people, should care for each other not just in the States but worldwide. From the Feira Preta festival in Brazil to other legendary people, Afro-Brazilians represent a great part of the black African Diaspora. Over the course of many years, more and more people understand the complex happenings of the Americas. We want black people worldwide to experience justice and human liberation.

By Timothy

Monday, April 13, 2020

COVID-19 in DRC: Hoping for the Best, Preparing for the Worst

Margaret Kimberley

Resistance Growing to Covid-Capitalism

Music and Culture.

Hip hop history and culture during the 1980's were groundbreaking. It revolved around massive talent, new fashion, and a global expansion of its culture. Hip Hop came from New York City, and we appreciate NYC's greatness. Yet, hip hop is not just a NYC thing. Hip hop is an international culture, and it belongs to all of us regardless of where we live. From the power of Salt-n-Pepa to the thunderous sounds from Run DMC, 1980's hip hop was just as good as any hip hop from any era of history. In fact, that time was the blueprint of how many hip hop artists act today. That is why many legendary hip hop artists now were influenced by '80's icons like Kool G Rap, Melle Mel, Rakim, Kane, MC Lyte, Roxanne Shante, and other artists. This time saw a new, transitional phrase in hip hop history. More artists started to talk about every issue under the sun with more explicit language. There was the growth of political rap from the song The Message to Public Enemy. Women expressed themselves like J.J. Fad, Salt-n-Pepa, Sequence, Shante, Queen Latifah, etc. These women not only showed great lyricism. They presented the message of wanting their voices to be heard and to be treated as equal human beings. These women inspire the modern day women hip hop artists like Jean Grae, Rapsody, etc. In fact, many women hip hop artists back then and now rap better than many of the men hip hop artists. This time wasn't without controversy. Groups like 2 Live Crew and N.W.A. came on the scene. Explicit language in music existed for thousands of years. What freaked many in Middle America out was that black folks on hip hop records were saying these things and were unashamed of their self expression. Many in Middle America hypocritically criticized these hip hop artists, but they were silent on many rock artists glamorizing drug use, sexualizing women, and celebrating nihilism. Also, some folks are hypocritical to condemn rap music but are silent on many movies showing violence, rape, murder, and other destructive activities. Artists like 2 Live Crew and N.W.A. justify their lyrics by saying that they are only talking about the realities in the streets, and they have the free speech or First Amendment right to say that what they say. The Supreme Court said that they have the First Amendment right to say what they say. Yet, any artist has the right to be critiqued. Whether an artist is in hip hop, rock, gospel, jazz, punk rock, R&B, country, etc., that artist should have that responsibility to deal with the consequences of their actions. Me personally, I don't agree with lyrics that debase women, glamorize violence against innocent people, and calling black folks every name other than a child of God. Showing the realities of the streets is important (as we shouldn't sugarcoat what is going on in poorer communities), but showing these realities doesn't mean that we have to degrade our Brothers or our Sisters in the process in telling that story. So, these explicit lyric showing artists have free speech rights (I don't believe in total censorship as these artists are grown ups, and I will believe in the freedom of choice involving musical expression) just as I have my free speech right to disagree with some of their lyrics. I will mention that groups like N.W.A. (even with my disagreements on some of their lyrics) are 100 percent right to oppose police brutality, to oppose racism, and to never be ashamed of where you came from. From MC Hammer's pop hip hop records to the music of Slick Rick or Beastie Boys, there is never a dull moment in 1980's hip hop. Hip Hop is the most influential music genre of the past almost 50 years now. It is certainly time to evaluate hip hop in a fair way. Hip hop is still here after these decades.

After 1979, hip hop expanded into places worldwide. One of the greatest hip hop artists of the late 1970's and 1980's was the pioneer Kurtis Blow. Kurtis Blow appealed to people of many backgrounds. He had respect from musicians, dancers, fans, and people in a wide spectrum of humanity in general. By 1980, the singing group The Commodores took Kurtis Blow on tour. This was historically significant for many reasons. Back in the day, many R&B artists didn't like or respect hip hop. In the early years of hip hop, some considered it a fad that would go away in a few years. Now, we realize that hip hop is not a fad. Kurtis Blow was the first rapper to appear on national television on Soul Train. He released the classic song of "The Breaks" from Mercury Records. The Breaks is the first certified gold rap song. Radio showed hip hop. Urban areas, college campuses, rural places, and other places by 1980 experienced tours from hip hop artists. This was when Bob Marley came into America greatly too. In 1980, the Zulu Nation Throwdown Pt. 1 was released from Paul Winley Records by Afrika Bambaataa and Zulu Nation. By 1981, Grandamster Flash released "The Adventures of Grand Master Flash on the Wheels of Steel." This was the first record to capture the sounds of live DJ scratching on wax. Funky 4 plus One performed their classic hit, "That's The Joint" on NBC's Saturday Night Live on February 14th, 1981. It was the first hip hop group to appear on the show. The Beastie Boys were created in 1981 with Adam Horovitz (King Ad-Rock), Adam Yauch (MCA), and Michael Diamond (Mike D).  In 1981, Blondie's Rapture featured rap music (with Fab 5 Freddy and others). It was featured on MTV. Once again, back in the day, MTV refused to show a lot of black artists because of the obvious reason. That is why artists like Prince and Michael Jackson pressured MTV to show videos from a diversity of genres and from black people not just rock artists. The Rapture song had Debbie Harry talking about hip hop pioneers in her verses. The video gave honor to Manhattan's East Village. It showed graffiti legend Lee Quinones and graffiti artists and fine art icon Jean Michel Basquiat. In 1982, the song the Message was one of the greatest songs in hip hop history. It probably is the song that has the most influential message in hip hop history. It was shown by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. Its lyrics wasn't about partying (which emphasized much of early hip hop music). It was an in your face look into the realities of poor, black and brown neighborhoods in New York City. The song was a forerunner to what gangster rap and more political rap that came about later. Melle Mel shown lyrics that outlined what was really happening in the ghetto like broken glass, poverty, police brutality, angst, anger, pain, and being journalists of the street. In 1982, Afrika Bambaataa and the Soul Sonic Force released the techno influenced on song Planet Rock on Tommy Boy Records. In the same year, Kool Moe Dee beat Busy Bee in a rap battle. Emcee battling after that became a huge part of hip hop culture. The film Wild Style came bout in 1982. It was produced by Fab 5 Freddy and Charlie Ahearn. The hip hop film showed Cold Crush Brothers, Grandmaster Flash, Grandwizard Theodore, DJ Aj, Grandmixer D.S.T. and others (like Lady Pink, Crash, Daze, Doni, etc.) including members of the Rock Steady Crew.  The first hip hop radio station in Los Angeles was KDAY back in 1983. Greg "Mack" Macmillan was the program director who promoted hip hop music. He allowed young DJs to express themselves including a then young Dr. Dre to mix records live on the air. A lot of people don't know that Dr. Dre was a DJ. 1983 saw Ice T had songs like "Body Rock" and "Killers" that pioneers gangsta rap. The anti-cocaine song "White Lines (Don't Do It)" was released in 1983 by Grandmaster Flash and Melle Mel. The corporate side of hip hop came about into a higher level after Grandmaster Flash sued Sugarhill Records for $5 million over royalties. This was in 1983. Run DMC released "It's Like That." This was in 1983 too. Def Jam was founded by Russell Simmons and Rick Rubin in 1984. What Motown is to soul music, Def Jam, Death Row, Bad Boy, and other record labels are to hip hop music. Def Jam gave voice to many hip hop artists like LL Cool J (who made records in the 1980's like "I Need a Beat"), T La ROck (with his song "It's Yours"), and the Beastie Boys (who made records like Rock Hard). The group called the Fat Boys in 1985 promote Swatch Watch. By 1984, hip hop grows involving touring. There was the Fresh Fest concert that featured Whodini, Kurtis Blow, Fat Boys, and Run DMC. It sold $3.5 million for 27 days. Battle rap expands with the UTFO's "Roxanner Taxanne" diss. Later, other responses came including a then 14 year old emcee named Roxanne Shante. She released the song, "Roxanne's Revenge." She is from Queensbridge, and it sold over 250,000 copies. She made the record allegedly at Marley Mari's living room. In 1984, Dougie Fresh released the Original Human Beat Box. Sugarhill Records goes into bankruptcy and is forced out of business by 1985. Salt n Pepa made their first appearance on Super Nature's "The Show Stopper" in 1985 too.

In 1986, Run D.M.C. and Aerosmith merged rap and rock with the song "Walk This Way." Run D.M.C. was very powerful music wise, fashion wise, and they helped to propel hip hop into another level of popularity. In 1986, the Houston based Geto Boys was created by MCs Raheim, Jukebox, DJ Ready Red, and Sir Rap-A-Lot. It was assembled by James Smith (who is from Houston too). The group also had Bushwick Bill. By 1988, the Geto Boys added Willie D and the multi-instrumentalist Scarface (Akshun) in the group. The Geto Boys influenced a large part of the evolution of southern hip hop music.

By the late 1970's and the 1980's, new realities existed in hip hop music. That time saw drum machines like the Roland TR-808 drum machine, electro, and sampling from various artists. The popularization of the 808 became one major aspect of hip hop music. In 1982, other music like Hip Hop Be Bop (Don't Stop) by Man Parrish, Whodini's Magic Wand, and Malcolm McLearn's Buffalo Gals inspired future music. There was graffiti art, b-boying, Djing, and rapping. By this time, more hip hop artists made more social messages like Melle Mel, Public Enemy, Run DMC, Paris, and other people. The 1980's saw beatboxing as an integral part of hip hop music. This was shown by Biz Markie, Buffy from the Fat Boys, and of course Doug E. Fresh. Some people suing their mouth to make beats. The growth of hip hop related films like Wild Style, Beat Street, Krush Groove, Breakin, and the documentary Style Wars were very powerful during the 1980's. This time saw the further expansion of women showing hip hop. Women had a key role in hip hop music since the start of it in the Bronx during the 1970's. There is the paradox. The paradox is that while women played a key role in hip hop, certain hip hop artists have shown songs with misogynistic or anti-women lyrics along with the sexualization of women in an inappropriate fashion. This is not all of hip hop, but it's a serious problem that has been talked about by former model Melyssa Ford and other women. It is no secret that many companies refuse to back women artists on the same level as men artists. One large part of hip hop music deals with fashion. Hip hop and fashion go hand in hand. During the 1980's, those in hip hop culture wore Addidas shoes plus shirts, gold chains, specialized hats, Others in love with hip hop culture wore Clarks shoes, British Walkers, Pro-Keds, Converse's Chuck Taylor, Pumas, etc. People also rocked Kangol clothes. Gold door knocker earrings were shown by Roxanne Shante and Salt-N-Pepa. Even to this day, 80's hip hop fashion has been shown today in a nostalgic fashion. Some in hip hop musicians refuse to wear expansive jewelry as a statement against materialism. Therefore, hip hop is a very diversity musical artform.

Run D.M.C. is one of the greatest hip hop groups in history, and it is the most influential hip hop group in history. It broke down barriers. It was a group that didn't care about the critics of hip hop.  They were based in Hollis, Queens. Its founders are Joseph Simmons, Darryl McDaniels, and Jason Mizell. It was created in 1983. This group was powerful, because it made the crowd know the value both of the MC and the DJ as equals in hip hop. They helped the pave the way for future, new school hip hop artists. The group lasted for decades. Run, DMC, and Jam Master Jay changed the whole game. Their album Rn-D.M.C. in 1984 became the first hip hop group to have a gold record. Run DMC is the first hip hop group with a platinum record with King of Rock in 1985. In 1986, they made an album to be the first multi-platinum hip hop record. Run DMC was the first hip hop group to have their music videos broadcast on MTV, appear on American Bandstand, and be on the cover of Rolling Stone. They performed at Live Aid and were nominated for a Grammy Award. They were the second hip hop group to be inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Rev. Run started as a DJ under Kurtis Blow. Simmons and McDaniels performed in places by the late 1970's. Jason Mizzell joined the group too. Rock Box was a record form them that was ahead of its time. They pioneered the fusion of hip hop and rock in music. Run DMC used a more street, less flashy fashion style of Kangol, Addidas shoes, hats, and leather jackets. This fashion influenced hip hop all the way to 2020 and beyond. Run DMC was in the movie Krush Groove too. It was a fictionalized story about the early days of Def Jam. The film had Kurtis Blow, Fat Boys, New Edition, LL Cool J, and Sheila E in it. It had the Beastie Boys too. By the late 1980's with the Golden era of hip hop, they had songs like Run's House, Beats to the Rhyme, and other music. Their album Tougher Than Leather was released in 1988. Down With the King song in 1993 was their further evolution and proof that they had the power to adjust to changing sounds. Jam Master Jay passed away in 2002. He was a legend and the heart and soul of Run DMC. We honor hip hop by honoring Run DMC contributions to the genre. Run DMC made what hip hop is during the 21st century. They are a group that made the transition from the more disco-like records to a more aggressive sound. They made fashion and other cultural influences very well known. Rest in Power Brother Jam Master Jay.

Hip Hop back during the 1980's was very diverse. It didn't just exist in none Northern city. It was found nationwide and worldwide. In Philadelphia, there was Schoolly D. In the South, artists like the Geto Boys, 2 Live Crew,and other artists were famous. In the West, you had artists like N.W.A., and other people. The all women hip hop group called The Sequence came from Columbia, South Carolina. They were created in 1979. They were the first trio women group to sign to the Sugar Hill label. The members of the group were Cheryl Cook (or Cheryl the Pearl), Gwendolyn Chisolm (Blondie), and Angie Brown Stone (or Angie B). All 3 of the artists were high school friends. One of the earliest women MCs is Sharon Green or MC Sha-Rock. She was born in Wilmington, North Carolina and grew up in the South Bronx,New York City. She was born in 1962. People call her the Mother of the Mic. She was in the crew Funky 4 + 1. She was one of the great influencers of modern day rapping. She influenced MC Lyte and DMC. Her book is entitled, "The Story of the Beginning and End of the First Hip hop Female MC Luminary Icon Sha-Rock." The book is about her life, her impact on the world, and her life experiences. Diversity and hip hop go hand in hand.

By 1986, a new era started in hip hop. It was called the Golden Age from 1986 to 1994. It was a time when there was a total explosion of music, culture, and expression in hip hop music. Hip Hop further grew into new heights of power. Also, corporations sought to exploit it for profit and for other reasons. This era of hip hop allowed diverse regions of America to shine their artists more thoroughly. It was a new school movement that had conscious artists, more street artists, pop artists, and other human beings. It is characterized by its diversity. This time saw people as diverse as Queen Latifah and DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince. It was a time of innovation. New singles came about that redefined the genre more and more. Groundbreaking albums existed along with debates about various political plus social issues. The quality of the music was focused, inspiring, and very potent. It was a time where a myriad of styles of hip hop were abundant. If you like lyricism and political records, there was Rakim, De La Soul, and Public Enemy. If you like to relax, there was MC Hammer and Will Smith. If you like pro-black messages, there was A Tribe Called Quest and the Jungle Brothers. Samples were used. These samples came from jazz, funk, soul, rock and roll, and other musical types. The golden era of hip hop had some of the greatest advances in lyricism or rapping technique. Big Daddy Kane, KRS-One, Rakim, Chuck D, and other artists perfected lyricism. That time represented the essence of what hip hop is which is about the full expression of human beings  about their own personal experiences in a creative fashion. In the near future, the full outline of the Golden Age of hip hop will be shown here.

By Timothy

Friday, April 10, 2020

On the end of the Week.

We are clear that we have to endorse real principles. Right now, 10% of the labor force in America is now out of work. There are huge racial disparities involving this virus and other health care matters. That is why time after time again proves that centrism or moderation doesn't work. For decades, we have seen how the neoliberal wealthy class has used trust busting acts, austerity creating events, and prison building realities that harm the poor, black people, people of color, and other human beings in a vicious fashion. COVID-19 won't be solved by moderate policies. We know that Ella Baker, Malcolm X, Paul Robeson, Dr. King, Harriet Tubman, and other heroes were never moderates. They wanted to use structural change in freeing human beings from tyranny. That is why many heroic people are fighting for a national healthcare system that is universal, for a living wage of $15 an hour, for the expansion of the social safety net, and a radical development of supplies to help hospital including health care workers nationwide.

Certainly, more work ought to be done in solving our problems. Today, more jails have victims of the coronavirus too in NYC and Chicago. It won't be easy, but life isn't easy. Our ancestors experienced a lot worse adversity, pain, and human suffering than we do now. Therefore, we won't show permanent fear. We will show our strength to help our neighbors and live out the creed that our ancestors so loved. We are real to realize what we are up against. Right now, about 3.5 million people in America lost their health coverage, because losing ones job will cause many folks' private insurance to end. Also, Trump has removed an independent watchdog group for dealing with handling coronavirus funds. Being a small government Republican in the midst of a pandemic is illogical. We have to deal with structural change in solving this complication.

I agree with Clint Smith that black people are disproportionately dying from the virus because of decades and centuries of structural oppression, lack of access to health care, overcrowded public housing, and other structural factors. Many communities have food deserts, no health clinics, and poverty. That is why you need structural change beyond just individual solutions. This comes not from a lack of personal responsibility (as many conservatives and many Hoteps believe falsely. Black people have always been hard working people spanning thousands of years). It comes from a broken system. People have to address racial inequalities along with economic inequality in order to get solutions accomplished. Isn't it ironic that the same ones who don't want to talk about race are silent on the truth about how the indigenous land was stolen, black people from Africa were enslaved, and poor people were exploited for profit. Yet, there was no true accountability about these injustices. Therefore, we will talk not just about class, but about race too. I do agree with Ayanna Pressley that to address COVID-19 disparities, we have to end food deserts, expand health care resources, clean up more of the environment, end structural racism, and help our communities in other ways too.

Bernie Sanders has ended his campaign on this day (April 8, 2020). It is important to reflect on his historic campaign. He was part of the progressive, populist movement that is anti-establishment, wanted universal health, believed in a living wage (of $15 an hour), and dealt with many important issues. Sanders was the most progressive candidate in this race. He was the first candidate in this race that defended the humanity of Palestinian people and exposed Netanyahu as a racist (which he is). He was one of the few candidates that condemned the military industrial complex overtly and wanted an end to the disastrous civil war in Yemen. Sanders disagreed with the neo-con foreign policy agenda. Also, he was the one who have shown a lot of strength to expose economic inequality (in which the oligarchs receive massive profits at the expensive of the poor and working class Americans). It is important to note his weaknesses too. Sanders has refused to advocate for reparations (which I do believe in for African Americans). He believes in a form of economic nationalism that ignores the fact that workers from overseas aren't to be blamed for American jobs loss but the 1% organizing corrupt trade policies in the first place. Workers in the States and worldwide are victims of economic exploitation.

Also, Sanders didn't cause an expansion of black and other minority support in various states (from the South to the Midwest). Also, it is important to note that Sanders did do better in 2020 than in 2016 to talk about racial issues (from criminal justice affairs to housing matters). Bernie Sanders was a huge victim of smear campaign from some elements of the corporate media. Many of the liars red baited him, disrespected him personally, slandered his supporters (when a minority of those claiming to be in favor of Bernie acted inappropriately), and just expressed hatred of him. It is no secret that certain networks (including elements of the DNC, especially Third Way type of Democrats) have people who wanted a neoliberal moderate to win the Democratic nomination than a neo-New Deal Democrat like Bernie Sanders. Those networks have gotten their wish unfortunately. Now, we have a Trump vs. Biden race officially. What a choice (in my sarcastic voice). Even after Sanders dropped out of the race, the same characters still aren't satisfied. Hillary Clinton never conceded her primary race in 2008 to Barack Obama until June. Bernie Sanders have shown a lot of courage in his campaign. His contributions in the political debate should be acknowledged and respected. Biden is not perfect, and we know of his record. Yet, Trump obviously is a whole lot worse than Biden. I will fulfill my promise to not vote for Trump when November 2020 comes around. The Supreme Court is at take. People's futures are at stake. The rights of black people and women are at stake. Lives are at stake, and justice is at stake. Trump must be voted out of office in 2020 as he is an existential threat to democracy. I will keep my faith in the future.

By Timothy