Wednesday, December 30, 2020

On the Eve of the 2021 Georgia Runoff Elections.


 2020 should always be a year when the issues of racial justice and fights against police brutality were in the forefront. To start, our black ancestors were never scared. Our ancestors fought in the ships, in Africa, in the Caribbean, in South America, in Latin America, and in America against slavery heroically. Later, the Revolutionary war existed (during the late 1700's) with still our rights being denied. The Underground Railroad and various slave revolts fought against tyranny. These occurrences transpired to liberate our people. The U.S. Civil War was a Union victory with heavy support by black heroes (one of my ancestors was a Union black soldier). Reconstruction came, and Jim Crow existed. Our ancestors fought to defeat Jim Crow apartheid. After 1968, Dr. King was not here. There was a paradox of many black people having jobs, being wealthier, etc. Yet, at that same time, many poorer Brothers and Sisters suffered poverty, a post industrial economy, the War on Drugs, and continued police brutality. From 1968 to 2008, these problems existed along with resistance from heroes. In 2008, Barack Obama was elected President as the first African American President. 


Many people falsely viewed Obama's victory as being proof of a post racial society. Still, oppression continued. Obama and even his family were slandered by far right racists. By 2020, it was a boiling point. When George Floyd and Breonna Taylor were unjustly murdered by cowards, black people and people of every color said, Enough is Enough. It was enough. Rebellions, protests, and other acts against racism flourished worldwide. Massive inter-generational, multiracial protests spread in D.C, London, Norfolk, Richmond, L.A., Milwaukee, New Orleans, Chicago, NYC, Philadelphia, Berlin, Tokyo, Miami, and cities around the world. Some things have changed like many Confederate statues being gone, new laws existed, defunding efforts gaining ground, and a growth of a social consciousness about these issues. Yet, we have such a long way to go. This battle is not over. It won't be over in 2020. This liberation must not only exist in America. It must exist globally as all people of the African Diaspora deserve to be free too just like anyone else.


After all of these years, I still believe in Pan-Africanism. To be a freedom lover, you have to oppose colonialism and imperialism. That is just plain commonsense. Also, we support Africans and people of the African Diaspora who desire total liberation. Real freedom has nothing to do token symbolism. It is about independence, land, and the growth of institutions that we control. It is also about the eradication of economic oppression and racial oppression in the world. Also, liberation for us relates to the promotion of unapologetic Black Love. You can't be free without honoring the black African phenotype that the Most High gave us. Too often, some folks desire a worship of celebrity culture or a downplaying of their blackness to seek social acceptance by mainstream society. That tactics ruins the soul. We should honor the interests of the black collective, we should respect self-determination, and we should promote black collective power.

Right now, we still have the virus crisis. About 2 million Americans have received the vaccine. There has been a massive amount of hospitalizations during the past week alone. Over 1.28 million people passed through security checkpoints on Sunday according to the TSA or the Transportation Security Administration. Six states with records on Sunday for the most virus patients hospitalized are Alabama, California, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina. More than 63,000 Americans have passed away in this month of December. That is the most who died of any month since the pandemic started as stated by Johns Hopkins University. Democracy has spoken. The majority of Americans and even the majority of the Electoral College has made Trump a one term President. Trump is the lead of the GOP being part of a cultic movement. The base of the Republican supports Trump's racism, sexism, xenophobia, and bigotry. Trump has no respect for the rule of law by rejecting subpoenas and refusing to accept the defeat of the 2020 election. He has not came out to condemn police brutality in a strong way, and he continues to defend the statues of racist Confederates. The GOP is fundamentally a party who believes in a evil, bankrupt ideology that the federal government has no right to promote the general welfare for the common people. That is exemplified by Mitch McConnell being hesitant to even promote a $2,000 stimulus for Americans. Mitch of Kentucky is one of the worst Senators in history. Now, these checks will rely on the Senate. This goes on when people are having risk of eviction, food insecurity, and other problems. Yesterday, the Vice President elect Kamala Harris has taken the pandemic vaccine. So far, over 2 million Americans have received the vaccine. Biden has promised a more aggressive vaccine supply effort, when he is elected President.


More than 2.3 million votes have been already cast in the Georgia runoff elections. On Tuesday, Trump has played golf while important political issues are being debated by Congress. Also, the victors of these races will determine the composition of the Senate. Those, who have the leverage of power in the Senate, have a great deal of influence on which kind of legislation gets passed. Trump is only promoting the $2000 stimulus is to seek revenge over McConnell's acknowledgement of Biden's 2020 Presidential victory. The American people certainly deserve $2,000 in the midst of a serious national crisis. There has been a growth of African American turnout in early voting in Georgia now.



By Timothy