Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Times are Changing in 2021.



President Biden has ended job talks with Republicans. Biden has rejected the GOP jobs, infrastructure offer, because it cut too many services. Now, Biden wants to deal with a bipartisan group of Republicans and Democrats to see if a deal is available. At the end of the day, any Biden victory goes against far right Republicans's agenda of austerity, authoritarianism, and other anti-democratic policies. The United States of America is in desperate need of a robust, progressive infrastructure plan as many places of America have decades old, decaying roads. Massive flooding in low laying areas merit solutions. While other nations have 21st century high speed rail systems, America is just now developing futuristic high speed rail services nationwide. Also, we need homes, schools, hospitals, bridges, and other institutions upgraded and modernized. Back in the day, infrastructure was supported by both parties, even by moderate or liberal Republicans decades ago. Today, the far right, pro-Trump crowd has dominated the Republican Party for years now. For many Republicans, it is taboo to even talk about using money to build bridges or other legitimate resources. Many GOP members are afraid to even criticize Trump, but we should never fear an authoritarian. We certainly have a rendezvous with destiny. Our destiny lies in real change and justice for all.


The far right extremist Benjamin Netanyahu could be done politically as Prime Minister of Israel. The Middle East doesn't need extremism, bigotry, or occupation unjustly. The Middle East needs outright development where people who are Jewish or of Arabic descent need water, food, and modernized technology without any occupation of Palestine. That is why there should be a 21st century Marshall Plan utilized to rebuild Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, and the rest of the region. We want a Middle East where oppressed people are free from injustice, and both Jewish people and Arabic people have true justice, democracy, and equality. Everyday of my life, I will never forget about the events of the 1/6 insurrection. One insurrectionist told NBC news that he doesn't regret his evil actions. We know that many police officers were assaulted, sprayed with pepper spray, and one officer died. The people involved in the attack at the U.S. Capitol are traitors to America. They promoted sedition. FOX News blocking an ad showing police officers describing their suffering during the January 6th riot tells everyone what FOX News is all about. FOX News is not fair and balanced. It is part of the same old pro-Trump machine who seeks compromise instead justice, political agitation instead of truth, and whitewashing events instead of outlining the unvarnished reality of what is happening in the world.


Vice President Kamala Harris gave her speech at Mexico City about the immigration issue. We all agree that the immigration crisis is caused by many factors like corrupt governments, abuse against Latin American people, poverty, police brutality, violent gangs harming people, and other socio-economic factors. The migrants are victims of a bad system. We have to find the root causes of this situation. She is right to make that point known. It also relates to environmental issues as climate issues contribute to this situation. We have the 1965 Immigration Act which I agree with. Now, there should be leadership to find solutions in solving this complicated complications. A solution is not saying, "Don't come." The Vice President said the following words: “Do not come, do not come…if you come to our border, you will be turned back.” (Vice President Kamala Harris to migrants fleeing destitution and rampant violence in Central America). I disagree with that previous quotation 100 percent. Refugees have every right to find asylum in America. I agree with the following words: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” (Poem by Emma Lazarus, inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty). Not to mention that for decades, America funded authoritarian regimes in the region. In 1954, the CIA directly engineered a coup that overthrew the democratically elected president, Jacobo Árbenz, who wanted to initiate a limited land reform that included the expropriation, with compensation, of lands controlled, but unused, by United Fruit. There is no excuse for capitalist exploitation domestically and imperialistic policies overseas (as the people of Guatemala have suffered imperialism and corporation exploitation from the CIA and the United Fruit Company for decades now. Guatemala's President is a far right ideologue). Both capitalist major American parties are complicit in this corporate induced crisis harming workers of every color worldwide. That is why a comprehensive approach is needed to fight corruption, build up nations, and find ways to develop a long term immigration system that is humane and fair.


Senators Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema are completely wrong to refuse to eliminate the filibuster. History shows that the filibuster is an archaic relic of Jim Crow apartheid. These 2 Senators are moderates. Moderates are wrong, because they want to flip flop and play the middle. There are times, when we can't play the middle. You have to pick a side. The filibuster must end in order for a living wages to come, for universal pre-K to flourish, for a federal voting rights bill is made into law (that will stop states from passing voter suppression legislation), and to make sure that the super wealthy pay fair taxation. Manchin doesn't even want progressive voting rights legislation, and he believes in the myth that "bipartisanship" will save us. The GOP leadership is clear that they refuse to pass legitimate, progressive legislation, and they have a hatred of just plain truth. The GOP are attacking voting in its most vicious fashion since Jim Crow and Reconstruction. That is why the For the People Act must be passed. Not to mention that many of these moderates are funded by Big Oil, the Chamber of Commerce, and other corporate interests that influence their decision making processes. Centrism is not only wrong. It's a detriment to human liberation. There is no middle ground between democracy and fascism. So, we will stand up for what is right and just. 

Many civil rights leaders have met with Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia in order for him to support progressive civil rights legislation. Manchin has refused to support the For the People Act. He only wants to agree with the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. The discussion has been respectful among both parties. Manchin justifies his compromises, because he believes in bipartisanship and lives in the heavily conservative state of West Virginia. That is not an excuse, because back in the day many black civil rights leaders fought for freedom in the Deep South (filled with far right conservatives). They continued to use protests, civil disobedience, and even self defense (like the Deacons of Defense did) in order for federal voting rights legislation to be passed by Congress in 1965. Today, we face a crisis of democracy where state legislatures have either passed or proposed voter suppression policies. Unjust audits have existed in Arizona. An authoritarian named Trump still promotes the lie that he won the 2020 elections. Traitors, seditionists, and terrorism invaded the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Therefore, we are still battling against fascism in the United States of America. We will win in the end.


By Timothy

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