Friday, February 18, 2022

End of the Week Updates.


There are many solutions to the many complex problems that we face today. We see over 900,000 Americans who died as a product of the pandemic. Millions of people globally have died from it. We find that much of collegiate education is super expensive. We see neoliberal economics promoted by far-right Republicans and moderate Democrats. We see the rise of anti-democratic policies worldwide, science disbelieved, and voter suppression being commonplace among multiple states (not just in Georgia and Texas). There should be taxes on Wall Street trades, direct the Justice Department to prosecute any January 6th insurrectionists, and stop drone warfare. There should be work to eliminate the system of white racism in the world. Federal legislation should ban state restrictions on solar home systems. There should be the appointment of more progressive justices to courts nationwide. Also, there ought to be reparations sent to African Americans as well.

It is no secret that Terrell Starr wrote an article years ago disrespecting Langston Hughes (when he was a literary legend deserving of dignity and respect). Starr forgets that while he was writing his red baiting nonsense. He forgets that the Soviet Union is gone being replaced by Russia. Now, he is at it again. Terrell Jeramine Starr is once against promoting U.S. imperialism. A lot of people know him from the Root. Many people don't know that he is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council Eurasia Center. That group is a political arm of NATO. Donors to the group are the British Foreign Office, Goldman Sachs, the Rockefeller Foundation, etc. In other words, elements of political elites and the military industrial complex funds the Atlantic Council. Terrell claims to want to help Ukraine, but the best way to help Ukraine is to prevent a war conflict. Also, America is not the only nation with military bases in the world. Russia is a far right nationalist nation. Putin is not a progressive regardless of what some "leftists" say. So, Putin shouldn't be propped up as some hero. Terrell omits that the fascist Azov Battalion and the Right Secret are key elements in Ukraine that must be condemned. The Azov Battalion has a Nazi inspired Wolfsangel insignia. Therefore, we have to be fair. It is fair to condemn Western imperialism, criticize Putin's authoritarianism, and desire a peaceful resolution beneficial to Ukraine as a sovereign nation.

I find MSNBC's Joe Scarborough ironic when he obsesses with lecturing people on "wokeness." It's funny that Joe doesn't define what woke means. Woke truly means that you treat people like you want people to treat you plainly speaking (in eliminating systematic racism and all forms of oppression). He complains about people fighting for social justice and applauds the changes in the San Francisco school board. The problem is that schools with names of racists must change. We live in the 21st century. Also, Joe seems to use "woke" as a prerogative against those who want revolutionary change in society. The truth is that we live in a time where democracy is on a thread in America from being completely gone. Radical times call for radical measures in ending injustices. For this hypocrite to praise Truman when Truman dropped nuclear weapons on innocent civilians (when U.S. Generals even said that these war crimes are unnecessary) is typical of Joe. It is better to be woke than racist. The Democratic Party is not going too far collectively as their leadership is doing all that they can to placate moderates and conservatives. The GOP has gone extremely too far. Being woke is better than the status quo.

He is the human being who took basketball into the next level. Not only is the greatest basketball player in NBA history. He is one of the most well-known businessmen of all time. He is Brother Michael Jordan, and it was his birthday yesterday being 59 years old. Brooklyn, NYC was his birthplace, and he was raised in Wilmington, North Carolina. As a child, he faced racism and adversity. Yet, he made great accomplishments. He had to work to lead in his high school basketball team. Then, he played for UNC for coach Dean Smith to improve his game. He helped to win UNC's NCAA Championship. When he came into the NBA as a Rookie, he was amazing. Michael Jordan won Rookie of the Year, had a high points per game average, and won an Olympic Gold Medal in 1984 at Los Angeles. Michael Jordan defeated the Pistons and the LA Lakers to win his first championship of the NBA in 1991. Jordan won more rings in 1992 and in 1993. By that time, he earned a gold medal again in the 1992 Olympics at Barcelona, Spain. Michael Jordan first retired as the best player in 1993. Jordan played baseball, and game back in 1995. By 1996, he won the NBA Finals on Father's Day. In 1997 and in 1998, he won NBA Championships. He retired in 1998 and came back for a last time from 2001 to 2003. He loves his children, invested in Charlotte, and promotes philanthropy. From culture, the movie Space Jam, and other endeavors, Michael Jordan changed society forever. Michael Jordan was a 6 times NBA Finals MVP, a 14 time NBA All-Star, NBA Defensive Player of the Year, 2 time NBA Slam Dunk Contest champion, and a 10 time NBA Scoring Champion. His legacy is incredible. The documentary of The Last Dance from 2020 details his life in the court and outside of it. By 1999, the Associated Press voted him the greatest basketball player of the 20th century. Michael Jordan is the NBA's Greatest Basketball Player of all Time.

Yesterday was the Birthday of Sister Sheyann Webb-Christburg, and she is 66 years old. She was a 9-year-old girl back then who fought for voting rights in the Selma movement of 1965. He activism inspired by film of Selma, Lord Selma. The Selma movement wanted voting rights for all Americans, especially for black Americans. She wrote a book about her experiences with the same title. She took part in the first attempt to cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge on March 7, 1965, which was known as Bloody Sunday (when crooked police officers assaulted innocent, peaceful protesters in a cowardly way. Men, women, and children were brutalized by thuggish officers on that day). This later lead to a successful Selma to Montgomery march across that bridge. By January 1965, she and her friend Rachel stood up for civil rights in Brown's Chapel AME Church. She brought a freedom fighter named James Reeb into her house. Reeb was the man who was murdered by racist bigots later on. She met Dr. King, and he inspired her. Webb was saved on Bloody Sunday by Hosea Williams. She went to Montgomery in the final march where Dr. King gave his famous speech about the necessary to bring about equality and justice for all people. Webb earned her degrees, and she is an activist to this very day. I wish Sister Sheyann Webb-Christburg more Blessings. 

By Timothy