Monday, June 16, 2008

Don't Accept a Mirage

Many are writing about how Michael Reagan was threatening to kill Mark Dice. He said it directly on the radio. Michael Reagan went as far as wanting to pay for the bullet to murder Mark Dice. That is similar to a murder contract. The reason why he uttered those despicable words is because Mark Dice was attempting to send pro-911 Truth DVDs and declassified documents (which relates to government sponsored terrorism like Operation Northwoods) into the hands of the troops in Iraq. Dice hopes that these deeds will enable more military officials to wake up about 9/11 being an inside job. This act of the freedom of speech, which is found in the First Amendment, greatly angered Michael Reagan. The reality is that we have a fundamental right and duty to dissent with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. As a result of Michael's comments, complaints came into the FCC. Dice spoke with the FBI and considered having legal actions taken against Reagan. It was a stupid statement for Reagan to say, because tons of sane, intelligent human beings have legitimate, sincere questions about the official story about 9/11. Strangely enough, Michael Reagan decided to apologize for his words. He said that he will have Mark Dice on his show on Monday. Mark Dice is continuing with his complaint and wants Michael Reagan to be fired. Regardless of what you think about Mark Dice, even he doesn't deserve should be executed and murdered for just expressing his own views.

John McCain is the man running for the Republican side for the Presidency. DOUGLAS VALENTINE from Counterpunch at Sunday, on June 15, 2008 reported on McCain's war record. Warfare is beyond description. It's 100X worse (probably more) than what you see in the movie. War at times can even more grosteque at times than what "Saving Private Ryan" presents. War is much more complex than battles or strategy. It revolves around bombs killing people including civilians. War is about insects bitting you, the weather and the elements, tensions, anger, and a list of emotions plus fear in various environments. Some question McCain's POW experience. In the fall of 1967, McCain regularly bombed Hanoi in an aircraft carrier from the South China Sea. In Octoer 26, 1967 he was shot down. A Vietnamese man saved McCain's life from drowning to death. He broke his arm and leg. To this day, McCain outlines hatred for the Vietnamese and called them racial slurs. No human being no matter how much you suffer ought to react to oppression with personal hatred against another person. Later on 60 Minutes on 1997, John McCain admitted that he was a war criminal and he bombed innocent women and children. McCain was taken to a hospital after wanting to talk to the Vietnamese captors. This hospital was called the Hanoi Hilton. McCain divulged specific military information. John McCain gave the name of the aircraft carrier on which he was based, the number of US pilots that had been lost, the number of aircraft in his flight formation, as well as information about the location of rescue ships (not just name, rank, and serial number). Vietnamese called McCain a Songbird since he revealed so much information. Fellow POWs Ted Guy and Gordon "Swede" Larson, and Colonel Hopper exposed John McCain's lax attitude in revealing what really happening to the missing POWs from the Vietnam War. John McCain is now a faux conservative in trying to be President. Real conservatives like Chuck Baldwin disagree with McCain's view. The reason is that McCain is anti-gun, for the war on terror, advocates global warming hysteria, agrees with Campaign Finance Reform, is pro-abortion for rape plus incest. I wouldn't vote for him at all because his views and other things. This doesn't John McCain is wrong on every issue. Muslim extremism is a problem in the world. Although, I prefer dialogue, communication, and development as solutions to Muslim extremism than warfare. The media propaganda campaign is rising. Some want to view anyone who is against abortion as extremist or against women's rights. That's a lie because abortion restricts the rights of the unborn human being to live. Even forcing the taxpayers to fund the evil act of abortion raises the abortion rate. For example, A more recent study by Dr. Michael New of the University of Alabama found: "State laws restricting the use of Medicaid funds in paying for abortions reduced the abortion rate by 29.66" abortions per 1,000 women of childbearing age." Also, more human being help enrich society and solve health care problems in this nation. There are economic issues. There are trade deficits, unemployment rates, the outsourcing of jobs, and other issues. The solutions are many like rewarding companies that maintain their jobs here, have tax cuts for middle class and all Americans, focus on building up jobs including job training, encourage people to not have too much dependence on credit, get rid of useless spending, create investments, building up technology to modernize jobs more, legalize competing currencies, etc.

Neil Mackay from the Sunday Herald on Sunday,at June 15, 2008 wrote about anti-terror laws. Scottish councils want more surveillance and security power in order to fight against "terrorism" and organized crime. They also want to spy on ordinary members of the public who are suspected of petty offences like breaching the smoking ban, playing music too loudly and dropping litter. Local authority chiefs are also ordered to spy on unwitting members of the public some 3579 times since they had the powers in 2002. The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act allows councils to have the power to secretly film and bug people, use spies to inform on a suspect's activities, and even intercept communications data (such as mobile and landline use and information about email traffic). The RIPA powers being misued have been exposed by the civil liberties pressure group and watchdog organization named Scotland Against Criminalising Communities (SACC). SACC researcher Alan Hinnrichs submtted freedom of information requests to all 32 councils. In Falkirk, RIPA was used 380 against citizens. These citizens can be spied on for noise nuisance, littering, if they are suspected of driving a taxi without a licence, etc. Richard Haley, secretary of SACC said that he's baffled and astonished by the misue of RIPA. We have similar laws doing this like the USA Patriot Act and the USA Military Commissions Act. Homeland Security and NSA have spying powers as well. To utilize such an intricate system of spying is totally unnecessary in Scotland. The reasons are that these policies inhibit individual liberty and manufacture false impediments to stopping real crimes.

Blackwater and the Knights of Malta have a firm connection. Blackwater is a private contractor that regularly works in foreign nations in building infrastructure, sending supplies, and they do other purposes. The problem is that this group called Blackwater has been caught in various acts of crimes including various forms of corruption. For example, Blackwater has been caught killing over a dozens of civilans in Iraq, the FBI criticized the group, and they have been protested against all over the nation. There is a Knight of Malta connection to the group. That's ironic since one of the old roles of the old Knights of Malta (during the 1100's AD.) was in order to maintain the lands that the Catholic Church really stolen during Crusades for military purposes. The Knights Templar existed in the same time as the Knights of Malta. The Knights Templar were originally warrior monks who also praticipated in the Crusades. Today, the Knights of Malta are playing a big role in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Educated at the Jesuit Georgetown University, former Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Edward Schmitz, (who is Blackwater’s operations chief), is a member of both SMOM and Opus Dei. There are about 20,000 members of Blackwater in Iraq. Therefore, the Vatican, and the Knights of Malta have huge power in the military industrial complex.

Religious Liberty is a vital point to write and talk about. Repent America from June 15, 2008 described about man being convicted for expressing their free speech rights. The incident once again occured in Philadephia, PA. On June 13, 2008, the judge found Michale A. Marcavage guilty of just preaching on the spot of the Liberty Bell. Marcavage has also been arrested for preaching on public property. I might add that Michael was also arrested for refusing to move to a "free speech zone" in the National Park Service in October. Now, a free speech zone is a slick phrase to outline the blatant restrictions of free speech carried out by the government in all of its levels. In October 6, 2007, park rangers harrashed Repent America's pro-life annual evangelism tour. They were at the Liberty Bell Center at Independence National Historical Park. Marcavage was arrested on the public sidewalk just outside the building that houses the bell. Under the direction of Ian Crane, chief ranger of Independence National Historical Park, supervising ranger Alan Saperstein was apart of the ordeal. Even Saperstein said that Repent America will have to apply for a written permit to even speak at a "free speech zone." Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Goldberg said that no one can't express their views without permission from the government. That's a lie since the government is never God. We have God given rights that the government can never take away or relinquish. These specific rights are inborn. The good news is that Michael Marcarvage will appeal the decision and ask for an injunction in federal court. It just shows that intolerance for religious expression is just as widespread as intolerance for our civil liberties is rampant in our nation. Even the Bible says that: ‘Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the Land unto all the inhabitants thereof’ (Leviticus 25:10). This in my opinion is the first generation of another level of legal persecution of Christians in the USA. If things don't change, things will get worse in my view. Free speech means religious liberty ought to be preserved in America. There are floods in Iowa and the Midwest. I personally agree with the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision in establishing habaes corpus for people. That decision says that detainee have the right to appeal to civilian court for habeas corpus protection. That's fine for we wouldn't want foreign nations to deprive due process of American citizens if an American was accused of a crime in a foriegn country. The government has no right to jail anyone they wish indefinitely without any evidence whatsoever. Bush, Lindsey Graham, and other Neo con still want kanagroo trials and restrict habaes corpus.

The United Nations is a notorious deception. Many establishment liberals just love it because they falsely assume that it's a suitable replacement to the neo-conservative imperialists. Some liberals concieve that Bush is anti-United Nations because of the Iraq War. Nothing can be further from the truth. The truth is that George W. Bush supports the U.N.'s program of UNESCO. George W. Bush's daughter is aligned with the U.N. George W. Bush has commented on many occasions that he wants to reform the United Nations with a continuation of its existence intacted. Now, in order to comprehend the United Nations, you must understand its origin. Its origin existed even before WWII. Secret Societies like the Vatican/Jesuits and the Freemasons wanted a more united world. That is why the CFR and the international elite formed the U.N. The same corporate elite that runs Big Oil and transnational corporations that liberals abhor help create the U.N. (although some liberal suck up to the United Nations like Accused Communist Alger Hiss was a founder of the United Nations. Many communists were Secretary Generals and leaders of it. Undersecretary Communists of the U.N. include Arkady Sobolev, Arkady N. Shevchenko, and Georgi Ptrovich Arkadev. That is why Russia is a permament member state of the United Nations. Communism is evil since it unfarily submerges the individual into the cog of the state. Although, even Communism was an instrument of the globalists (found in the Vatican, the City of London, the Bilderbergers, the Pilgrims, etc.) in order to centralize power and monopolize resources in various nations of the world. That is the Rockefellers were great colloborators with the Soviet Union and especially China in the 21st century. The Lis and the Rockefellers work together in business ventures in China. The Li family is one of the most powerful families in China. China has forced abortion, population control, and liberty restriction. Yet, they still have favored nation status back in 2002. The United Nations breaks down American sovereignity in many cases like forcing troops to be peacekeepers even against nations that pose no immediate threat to us. Biosphere programs and population efforts have been sponsored by the U.N. as well. Many socialists have gotten into leadership positions of the United Nations.

Ireland votes no on the Lisbon Treaty. AFP from Sunday, at June 15, 2008 reported on why this had come about. The wide rainbow of groups were instrumental in getting rid of the Lisbon Treaty for now. Libertas is a slick lobby group which is controlled by a businessman named Declan Ganley. He is now considering spreading the anti-Lisbon message into mainland Europe. Sinn Fein oppose the Treaty as well. They are the political wing of the IRA (or the Irish Republican Amry). The IRA and Sinn Fein are known to have Jesuit ties and have participated in terrorism in Ireland and the UK for decades. Ireland is a place where killings between Protestants and Catholics reached high levels in the 1960's and the 1990's. Their battles go back centuries even. Sinn Fein is led now by Gerry Adams. The pro-life pressure group named Coir raised concerns about the Treaty because they feel the Lisbon Treaty could threaten Ireland's ban on abortion. Together they helped the "no' vote surge to a 53.4 to 46.6 per cent victory in results announced Friday. The margin of victory was higher than many commentators concieved of. It's ironic that Sinn Fein says that they aren't anti-EU. Frakily, I am anti-European Union because it violates national soveregnity and it has a profound history of formenting anti-liberty rules and regulations. The EU was a brainwash of the Bilderberg Group and the Vatican for a long time. It's interesting now that Prince William was the 1000th member of the Order of the Garter. The Order of the Garter is another elite group in the United Kingdom that existed since the 1300's. The Order of the Garter is made up of some of the most powerful political elites in the world. They are up in the scale in world power than the CFR and even the Trilateral Commission.

New York Times had an article from DAMIEN CAVE on June 15, 2008 wrote that legal drugs kill far more than illegal drugs in some places. Illegal drugs have been demonized in movies, the police, activists, and the media. A lot of them like cocaine and heroin should be exposed of their dangerous side effects and the damages it can incur unto human beings plus their families. Now, analysis of autopsies in 2007 released this week by the Florida Medical Examiners Commission found that the rate of deaths caused by prescription drugs was three times the rate of deaths caused by all illicit drugs combined. These law enforcement people cited a shift toward prescription drug abuse which began in Florida in about 8 years ago. Even the DEA or the federal Drug Enforcement Administration that about 7 million Americas are abusing prescription drugs Thousands of deaths in Florida have been caused by Vicodin and Oxycontin alone. No deaths have been caused by marijuana when a Florida report analyzed 168,900 deaths statewide. The deal is that many pharmaceutical drugs are dangerous. For example, Vioxx was pushed out of the market for their dangers. Solutions for this problem could be full disclosure publicly about all drugs, states being allowed to ban poisons like aspartame or sodium flouride from our water (plus food supply), rehabitation to help victims, etc. Eater better foods that's natural is scientifically proven to increase IQ rate in any human being. That is a great solution additionally.

Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee for the Presidency. Dana Gabriel from Intel Strike at Friday, on June 13, 2008 made known that if Barack Obama is the President of the United States America, he won't change NAFTA. Obama is receiving great popularity in the country and the world. I look at pro-Obama sites and youtube videos to get the feel of Obama adherents. There M.O. is typically sincere. Yet, some of his proponents get extremely personal if someone even prevents legitimate criticism against Barack Obama. Let's get one thing clear. Obama isn't the Messiah neither is he some god. Therefore, any human being has a First Amendment right to criticize him if they wish. Dana made the point about the evils of NAFTA. That's easy to decipher. I don't agree with NAFTA at all. Barack Obama during the end of his primary race against Hillary Clinton heavily criticized the policies of NAFTA. Obama wants a renegotiation of NAFTA on putting stronger labor and environmental standards, but he wishes not to eliminate it. It was reported that the Obama campaign contacted Canadian officials to set the record straight and told them not to take the criticism seriously. NAFTA ought to be eliminated period for many reasons. It ruined much of the middle class economies in Mexico and America. It violated US national sovereignity on many levels. It's a bane for multinational corporations and big special interests superceding the power of small businesses. NAFTA was one springboard that allowed the SPP and North American integration (or NAU) plan to transvere forth. Obama even refuses to expose the North American Union agenda calling it an Internet rumor, which is false. Jerome Corsi, Phds, and other scholars have totally documented the North American Union agenda greatly. There should be free and fair trade agreements that benefit citizens. What's interesting is that many Black Republicans are considering to vote for Barack Obama. They include Colin Powell (the person who told deception to the U.N. in executing the Iraq War), Edward Brooke (a Rudy Giuliani type of Republican or a Rockefeller Republican), JC Watts, and others. I believe that they have a right to vote for what they want. Yet, they are forsaking their principles (or acting as hypocrites) if they claim to be conservatives and vote for Obama. I would say that JC Watts is right is that the Republican Party take blacks and evangelical Christians for granted. Obama is right to call for fathers to take care of their kids, but he is the most pro-abortion candidate in American history. He even agreed with killing unborn babies if they surivive abortions. Jill Stanek documeted this fact. It's great for a black man to be President who is for real principles, but I won't contradict my principles in the process. I will not compromise my values by sucking up to Obama or McCain.

Water cars are growing in their technology. Reuters from Sunday, on June 15, 2008 reported on Japan revealed such a car. These vehicles aren't more accesible for many reasons. One is of course the high oil prices. Genepax is a Japanese company involved in the project. It drives on nothing but water even tea. It's of course relates to eco-freedom. It works by water being placed in the car's engine. Then the car's energy generator takes the hydrogen out fom the water to release electrons. These electrons will power the electric power in order to run the car. No external input is needed to run a car. Genepax comments that a litter of water can power the car to run 80 km/hr. Greenpax hopes that these vehicles will be mass produced. With these innovative instruments, reliance on foreign oil wouldn't be necessary if the government allowed those in the USA to have independent invention of alternative energy more accesible. There are even tons of oil yet to be discovered in America (including globally) and ways to create hyrdocarbons from bacteria. While this is happening, the Third Word is definitely suffering from malnutritution, wars, disease, extreme poverty, and other issues. Some want us to not be allowed to love and hate things. I love what is good and hate evil, corruption, the dollar being devalued, the militarized police, torture, and other things. All of the evils are promoted by many cliques. Also, the new world order is a threat to our lives, because it's a destruction of our private property rights, our national sovereignity (via international treaties), and the advancement of monopolized, globalized entities. Love and Hate are some of the strongest emotions in the world. If our duty to put into priorities in low we use them.

By Timothy

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