Monday, August 25, 2008

The Beginning of the DNC

Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden as his Vice President candidate. The mainstream media have been on an even more love fest with this incident than other nominations. I wonder why? ha ha! I guess we know the answer to that question. Now, few know about Joseph Biden and his true agenda. Joe Biden (a Roman Catholic) is a new world order puppet. Joseph Biden is quoted as wanting a new world order. According to Devvy, he made a speech on June 29, 1992 of saying on the senate floor that: "...Although President Bush (Sr.) called the New World Order a "big idea" one may surmise that the President did not follow through with the concept of a New World Order because he had not thought it through (in Iraq, 1991)...Instead, I shall urge that we revive the concept of a New World Order, rescue the phrase from cynicism and invest in it a vision that should become the organizing principle of American foreign policy in the 1990s and into the next century" ( On the Threshold of a New World Order, An American Agenda for the New World Order, Fulfilling the Wilsonian Vision). Devvy accused Biden of being illegally elected as a Senator since the Constitution says you have to be 30 to be in the Senate (when Biden was only 29 when he was elected in the Senate). He is a member of the CFR or the Council on Foreign Relations. Biden along with CFR member Leslie Gelb wanted to decentralize Iraq by dividing it into 3 main regions (based on Sunnis, Shias, and the Kurds). He voted for the Patriot Act and its renewal in 2006. Joe Biden agreed with the Real ID Act (which is a National ID card system which violates our civil liberties). Joe voted for the Iraq War Resolution and demonized Serbs who suffered genocide via the 1999's NATO's attack against Serbia. He supported the Waco murder of men, women, and children via militarized weapons under the Clinton administration. The DNC is being held in Denver, Colorado, while the RNC will be held in St. Paul, Minnesota. Celebrities are in the DNC. Also, 9/11 Truthers like Jon Gold want to now about Mahmoud Ahmed (he was apart of Pakistani ISI as its Director. He funded Saaed Sheik $100,000 to send to Mohammad Atta, who is an accused lead hijacker of 9/11). Ahmed met with Porter Goss and Bob Graham. So, the mystery is whether Pakistan knew about 9/11 (or if the U.S. government funded Ahmed. Biden met with Ahmed. Former Pakistani president Purvez Musharraf told the London Times that Sheikh was recruited by MI6, and took an active part in demonstrations against the Serbs in relation to their role in Bosnia. He said that Sheikh was sent Kosovo to join the jihad alongside Harkat ul-Ansar, later Harkat ul-Mujahedeen, and he attended ISI training camps). These facts outline the myth of the war on terror since intelligence agencies fund international "terrorists."

GPS is existing on a whole different level. ELIZABETH WHITE from the Associated Press on August 23, 2008 wrote that Texas wants to track truant students with GPS. Truant is another word for students skipping class. Court authorities in San Antonio, Texas are able to track students under this new program. Those students who skip class on a regular basis are victims of this policy. They are required to wear ankle bracelets with GPS (or Global Positioning System monitoring). That is of course of a violation of people's privacy. Linda Penn, who is a Bexar County justice of the peace said that she believes that about 50 students (from 4 San Antonio area school districts) will wear the anklets during the six month pilot program. It was announced at last Friday. It's still oppression even when Linda said it will exist on a case by case basis. Penn made the deceptive lie that oppressing people's privacy is equated to solving the criminal nature of juveniles. Penn said that students will wear the ankle bracelets full time and can't remove them. They will be selected from her court targeting gang affiliated people, those who skipped school, etc. Penn lied and said that attending school isn't optional. The truth is no law mandates that you attend any public school. You have the right of school choice to be educated in public, private, and even home schooling. Penn claimed that studies in other cities cite a decrease of truancy via these GPS program. You don't justify evil by trying to show some good. Terri Burke, who is the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, said requiring students to wear the GPS bracelets full-time raises privacy concerns. Burke made the legitimate points about what about when school is out. Burke also commented that the courts have no right to know about what a child is doing outside of school. Penn is a slick person advocating this new form of tyranny. No school has a right to monitor a child after they left a school building with a GPS bracelet period.

Global Warming is finally disproven in such a high level now. R. F. Gay and F. William Engdahl from The Peoples Voice on August 22, 2008 described the facts refuting the global warming hysteria lies. Now, it's been found that mathematical proof exist that there is no radical climate crisis. This has been published in debate on global warming in Physics and Society, which is a scientific publication of the 46,000-strong American Physical Society. Now, Christopher Monckton outlines that the 30 equations from computer models (used by the UN's IPCC climate panel) were preprogrammed with overstated values for three variables. These variables' product was climate sensitivity (or temperature increases in response to greenhouse-gas increase), resulting in a 500-2000% overstatement of CO2’s effect on temperature in the IPCC’s latest climate assessment report. This was published in 2007. In other words, the IPCC's research overstated the truth of climate change. Lord Monckton wrote that temperatures will rise a little more than 1 °F with the doubling of CO2 concentration. He wrote that the IPCC's climate study overstated CO2’s impact on temperature by 500-2000%, IPCC inserted a table into the scientists’ draft, overstating the effect of ice-melt by 1000%. This is also included into the fact that Mars, Jupiter, Neptune’s largest moon, and Pluto warmed at the same time as Earth warmed. Subsequently, this is added to the facts of the Arctic Circle getting more than 30 percent more ice, and China is having its most brutal winter in over 100 years. According to the NCDC, the average temperature in January "was - 0.3 F cooler than the 1901-2000 average." Robert Toggweiler of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory at Princeton University and Joellen Russell, (who is an assistant professor of biogeochemical dynamics at the University of Arizona) admitted the climate models were flawed in police ice, because they didn't take ocean currents into account. The promotion of global warming hysteria is a means for the UN, NGOs, and globalists to control the West more by lowering our standard of living (so we can be controlled more). This prevents the Third World to achieve their modernization and to recieve advanced technology to fight diseases, build their nations, etc. Also, these globalists want to suppress independent development of alternative energy (from air powered cars to using saltwater as a means of energy. Saltwater is very plentiful. There is now bacteria that you can use to power fuel. Big Oil also promotes the oil monopoly).

Health is important to promote. David Gutierrez from Natural wrote that smaller and more frequent meals can prevent the rise in cholesterol and high blood pressure. The study finding this out was conducted by researchers from the US Agricultural Research Service Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center and the National Institute on Aging Intramural Research Program. Researchers had a small group of volunteers consume either one meal a day or three meals per day for eight weeks. Later, they had to switch each others diets for another eight weeks. The total calories consumed per day were the same in the one meal and the three meal groups. This was done obviously to maintain the control portion of the experiment. When eating only one high-calorie meal per day, participants lost small amounts of weight and body mass. At the same time, they had both significant increases in both total and LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels and blood pressure. They even had higher morning fasting and all day blood sugar levels. Longer-lasting blood sugar increases after eating, and a delayed response to the sugar-regulating hormone insulin came about. All of these blood sugar disruptions can be considered precursors to diabetes. Another 2005 study found that eating larger portion sizes doesn't necessarily mean you're full. Researchers from the Penn State University Laboratory for the Study of Human Ingestive Behavior found that over time, people who were served larger portions ended up eating more food, rather than less. The lesson here is common sense. If you want to be more healthier, excercise and nutrition are all important. Yet, you still need to eat frequent meals with small sizes in order for cholesterol to be lowered. There is a study founding out that MSG can cause obesity. This is common sense since MSG is a notorious food poison.

RU 486 is in the news again. Steven Ertelt from on August 22, 2008 proclaimed that pro-life women's group doubt the veracity of the GAO Report on the Abortion Drug. This pro life women's group are disputing the report that the Clinton administration didn't rush through the dangerous abortion drug called RU 486. This abortion killed 7 women in the U.S. and 13 women worldwide. Pro Life people believe that Clinton rushed the approval of the drug in the waning days of his administration. The GAO or the Government Accountability Office (which is a Congressional Research firm) released a report outlining that the drug didn't recieve special treatment. Wendy Wright, the head of Concerned Women for America, says she thinks the report is off base. She fears that the GAO has a political agenda in promoting their opinion. She accuses the Government Accountability Office of having a history of promoting a political agenda. The FDA have expressed concerns about the owners of RU 486 were not doing their due diligence when conducting their trials that the FDA requires of any trial. Wendy wants an independent panel to investigate on how the drug was approved in America. Regardless if it was rushed or not, RU 486 is a known dangerous abortion drug. Even the GAO reported also included some criticism of FDA officials for not being as thorough as they could with reporting of complications. The report says that FDA officials didn't report the cases of serious infection and ruptured ectopic pregnancy in women who used the drug. The abortion pill has come under fire for causing the death of women across the globe, including the most recent death of a British teenager. As we know, abortion is murder. A drug promoting the murder of innocent human beings is a poison as far as I'm concerned. For those who support abortion, would you support your mother aborting and killing you in the womb if she claimed it was just her "choice?" Of course not. Therefore, abortion ends the potential of life from really improving the world.

Senator Lindsey Graham is talking tough against Russia. James Rosen from McClatchy Newspapers at August 23, 2008 described on how Graham made a visit to Georgia, Ukraine, and Poland. This was at John McCain's behest, so Graham came into those locations. Graham wants aggressive steps to handle Russian influence in the Eurasian region plus Eastern Europe. Graham went as far as advocating NATO to enact military exercises in Europe to show commitment toward protecting NATO member nations. Graham said that Russia is aggressively attacking democratic nations. I don't support Russia on all issues, but clearly Georgia attacked Russian peacekeepers first. Later, battles have been enacted on both sides. Poland is apart of NATO and Georgia could be in the group in the future. Graham is joined on the trip with Senator Joseph Lieberman, who is a neo-liberal extraordinare. Many of the neo cons are Jesuit trained. Graham sold his soul to join McCain and the Neo Cons a long time ago. He is for the Patriot Act, the Iraq War, and doesn't care that John McCain wants abortion for rape and incest (yet, Lindsay Graham wants to vote for him). Certainly, there is no need for aggression toward Russia or any other nation for that matter. A watchdog group found human rights being violated in Ossetia (or the breakaway province from Georgia). The Euriope's top human rights official said that rights were violated. Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg from the Council of Europe Human outlined these comments. Vladimir Lukin said that that that the right to life, to housing, and so on were violated. Aleksandr Bekoyev has been living in Tskhinvali most of his life. He is an Ossetian. He said that the Goergians bombed their homes and houses were burnt down. He called Saakashvili (a puppet of the US and NATO) is scary. Other witnesses also decrease criminal actions done in Ossetia by the Georgian military.

Religious Liberty rights are being violated globally not only in America. For example, hundreds of Christian theology students have been living in tents. The reason is that a mob of angry Muslim neighbors stormed their campus last month wielding spears and hurling cocktails. The deal comes among these religious groups concern about Indonesia's tradition of religious tolerance being threatened. The Arastamar Evangelical School of Theology has reluctantly agreed to shut its 20-year-old campus in east Jakarta. This occured since the attack. They moveed near a small office building on the other side of the Indonesian capital. Rev. Matheus Mangentang who is the chairman of the 1,400 student school complains that they are forced out while attackers can walk free. The government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono relies on the support of Islamic parties in Parliament. Therefore, he is trying hard to balance a secular Constitution along with deep Islamic traditions in the country. Indonesia want strong Muslim support to maintain stability in their country. I believe that religious liberty should be avaliable to Muslims and Christians. There is no need to shut down a Christian school if they are innocent of any crime. There were tensions between the school and residents of the Kampung Pulo neighborhood. Senny Manave, a spokesman for the Christian school said that some of the residents didn't like their prayers and other evangelical activity. It's definitely hatred of religious liberty by some anti-Christian people. Muslim radicals threw stones at their dormitory roof. Christian lawmaker Karol Daniel Kadang accused property speculators of provoking last month's incident to clear the land for more profitable use, after the school refused to sell out. He also blamed the government for failing to make interfaith relations better. Even on last Sunday, a mob forced dozens of Christians to flee a church. So, I have no respect for Muslim radicals at all. Now, this isn't representative of all Muslims, so I want to make that very clear.

Illegal Immigrants are returning to Mexico in record numbers. Kris Gutierrez from Fox News on August 23, 2008 described this fact. This return isn't seen in such huge numbers in decades. The Mexican government according to Kris may experience a crash on their social services and lower wages once the immigrants arrive. The Mexican Consulate office in Dallas are witnessing increasing numbers of Mexican nationals requesting paperwork to go home for good. They are especially seeing parents who want to know what documentation they'll need to enroll their children in Mexican schools. Enrique Hubbard, the Mexican consul general in Dallas said that almost 100 percent more Mexians are trying to come into Mexico than the previous 2 years. Illegal Immigration population in the USA has dropped 11 percent since August of 2007. This is according to the Center for Immigration Studies. The research shows 1.3 million illegal immigrants have returned to their home countries. There are many factors to this trend. Some believe that they are leaving because a weaker economy is here with fewer jobs which caused some of them to go home. Others believe that a tough stance on illegal immigration via law enforcement has spread fear throughout the illegal immigrant population. Remittances, which is the money immigrants send home to Mexico, is going down. What do I make of this? I believe illegal immigration should decrease, because illegal immigrants violate the law. Yet, there ought to be compassion against any human being, so I don't believe in intentionally splitting up families or assaulting illegal immigrants. That is wrong of course. Illegal Immigrants will have to suffer punishment (like fines and return back to their home country) before they recieve citizenship. That's just the way it is. Yet, I still reject any form of illegal immigration. It's a fact that the globalists (like the Vatican and various foundations) support illegal immigration. As for the border, the border ought to be protected. Defense and Education Fund, the League of United Latin American Citizens, the National Immigration Forum, and the the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild — are funded by the Ford Foundation. We live in a soveriegn nation and our national sovereignity ought to be respected completely. Although, scapegoating, bigotry, and anti-immigration ought to be rejected as well. We're a nation of immigration. Legal Immigration should be cherished and honored.

The NIST Report is here and they say that fire alone caused the collapse the fall of WTC 7. They proclaim this to be the first of its kind in a skyscraper. Now, World Trade Center Building Number Seven is shaped as a trapezoid not as a square or a rectangle. The larger side of the building is more heavier and more massive in this shape. NIST believes that column 79 collapsed leading into the collapse of the whole building. Column 79 is located towards the larger end of the building. If this really occured, the building would tilt toward its bigger end. If Column 79 collapsed, Building Number Seven would tip toward one side if explosives didn't take out all other columns at once. The forces needed to collapse the Building would have to exist in more areas than Column 79 since WTC 7 fell down symmterically. If what the NIST was saying was accurate, swaying would transpire. The bigger picture is that the NIST and the government continues to cover up what happened in 9/11. The truth is that elements of Western governments (along with intelligence agencies) help create aspects of 9/11 like the wargames, NORAD standing down, the funding of the so-called hijackers, and other events. That can never be refuted irrespective of the propaganda displayed from the NIST (or the mainstream media) at all. Dr. James Quintere Phd said that the NIST didn't use enough skills in finding the cause of the collapse. A real investigation is hard to do now because a large amount of the steel was shipped into Asia without research of it. That's a cover up. Professor Steven Jones said that evidence of incendiary material (thermate) was found. There were molten steel found and evidence of explosive sounds in WTC 7. The 9/11 Truth will always be supported by me.

A terror game is banned in the Untied Kindgom. Belfast Telegraph from August 22, 2008 oulined the story. A board game was seized by the police. It was seized from climate protestors in Kent. There were a series of raids against a climate change camp near Kingsnorth power station. Officers displayed an array of supposed weapons snatched from demonstrators. They include knives, chisels, bolt cutters, a throwing star, and a copy of a satirical game. This game lampoons Washington's war on terror. For the game’s creators (whose names are Andrew Sheerin and Andy Tompkins. These web designers are from Cambridge), the inclusion of their toy was a shock. The designers said that they are baffled by the occurences. That's silly, because a board game isn't weapon at all. The game refused to stock it. The Boardgame sold 12,000 copies online. There are prominent in independent circles. The game relates to players creating empire and wage war with each other (for the ends of gaining resoucres and land). There is an "Axis of Evil spinner" intended to parody international diplomacy by randomly. The players are of course against the Iraq War. Kent police got the game for the accusation of someone concealing a person's identity. Yet, that's fradulent, because a board can't conceal someone's identity to a T. Now, the USA is where I'm from. Many criticism against America have been legitimate. Although, for me, I feel it's time to reflect on what's good in America. America is land with what freedom we have left. This freedom is a lot more than some European nations and in the Third World where you can be arrested for just speaking your mind in a peaceful way. We have millions of people here who know about the new world order and the truth about how society works. America has nice people and is blessed with tons of resources (within its many hills, mountains, rivers, oceans, and valleys). Now, with the detention camps in Denver, we will have to take a wise eye to see what becomes of the DNC. Most protestors there are peaceful and many promote legitimate issues. Now, many of the anarchists are funded by the establishments and aren't to be respected for their violent tactics. According to We Are Change, a 12 year old was being arrested for no reason and people were being shot with non lethal weapons (in the DNC). It's a good things that cameras are showing the truth. I still respect the Bill of Rights. I still love America.

By Timothy

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