Monday, August 04, 2008

True Living

The Economy is in unknown waters. Some are predicting a massive recession and others are predicting a pure recovery. William F. Engdahl from Global Research on August 2, 2008 criticized Henry Paulson's and the FED's policies as destabilizing the economy. William goes as far as classifying this economic downturn as worse as the 1930's Great Depression. Paul is the present Treasury Secretary since 2006. He has huge power as being head of the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets. Problems have snowballed with the government bailouts of Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and Bear Stearns. Paulson still speaks of the U.S. banking system as being sound. According to Henry Paulson's perspective, troubled banks is a very manageable situation. His words are there inspite of the facts. The fact is that according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), there is a list of 90 problem banks. Some aren't included in that list like Citigroup, which was the largest bank in the world. The California savings bank, IndyMac Bank which was declared insolvent a month ago, was not on the FDIC list a week before it collapsed. You don't have a stable banking system when it's insolvent with debts larger than its assets. According to William, Penny Pritzker was a billionare working with Merrill Lynch 10 year ago developing the model for the sub prime real estate system (that was the trigger for the economic crisis now. Penny is the heir to Hyatt Hotels and is Obama’s National Campaign Finance Chairman. McCain depends on many corporate interests as well). Despite cutting interests rates, the economy isn't radically improving. The reason is that consumers aren't buying profits, the dollar is devalued, companies are going overseas from the USA in huge numbers, stores are closing down (when over 70% of the US GDP is consumer spending), etc. Many jobs are being cut causing consumers to buy less products. According to economist John Williams of California, the US recession begin in late 2006 when 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth occured. According to him, the recession has only deepened. The question is what to do about it. The only way to solve the economic crisis is to built the economic from the ground up not just from the top bottom (i.e. There should be incentives to get American jobs to stay here with awards. For example, there should be a lower tax rate on US companies who still exist in America along with US companies that increase their US workforce relative to overseas workforce). A big push ought to be made to build up our infrastructure since those jobs can't be outsourced, there ought to be no centralized banking system in America, a cutting of spending like in the war on terror is needed to invest in our nation, and other solutions. The creators of "The Money Masters" wish to make a law to require banks to increase their reserves on deposits from 10% to 100% over a year (Then the want the US Treasurey to issue new United States Notes to fund the reserve increase plus use the money to pay off the entire national debt). They want to eliminate fractional (i.e., partial) reserve lending. The movie claims this is part of a solution to prevent banks of creating over 90% of our money supply to as loans on which they charge us interest.

Social Workers have dealt with controversy for a long time. A Thousand Cuts from August 1, 2008 outline the story of Philadephia social workers being charged with starving a girl to death. The social workers claim that they want to serve and protect our children. Yet, this isn't always the case. One example is how the CPS kidnapped children from a FDLS compound. The CPS accused the parents of child abuse. This was done when there was no conclusive evidence for it. Even the court cited mistakes made by the state of Texas in that whole affair. 2 Philadephia social workers were among 9 charged with the death of Danieal Kelly. Kelly was a 14 year old girl who was starved to death in 2006. Her death was so bad and grosteque that her body was eaten by bed sores to the bone. The District Attorney Lynne Abraham unveiled a blistering grand jury report today which blasted the city's Department of Human Services (as an indifferent and callous agency that let Kelly die needlessly). Abraham showed a photograph of Kelly's body causing gasps in the news conference. She urged the state to take over the Department of Health Services or the DHS, which is a call that was not embraced by state officials. Kelly suffered not only by Philadephia's DHS, but by her mother, and the private agency it contracted to provide services she never recieve. It's another state failure to guard citizens from assault. The DHS is very well funded, so the problem isn't about money. Typically, the issue revolves around corrupt people in the DHS. One private agency forged paperworks, bilked taxpayers for nonexistent services rendered, etc. Therefore, Danieal Kelly's death was disrespectful and could of been prevented easily. The truth is that you can't rely on the government 100% of the time. When the government is limited and reformed, it can do great things to manufacture greatness in society. Yet, still even the Founding Fathers described the accurate point of giving a watchful eye on government to make sure it doesn't devolve into prepetual corruption.

New Knight of Malta Information are coming about. To Unhived Mind Forum's credit, they've made this information more accessible to people. Now, this information is some that numerous folks even in the alternative media refuse to talk about. Before outlining the members of the SMOM in the 21st century, it's time to recap their history for a bid. The Knights of Malta were created in the 11th century A.D. Once the Knights Templar were rooted out of continential Europe for accusations of immorality, the Knights of Malta got much of the Knights Templar's lands and wealth like areas in the Aventine Hill. Remember that the Knights Templar were known as the biggest international bankers during the era of the Crusades including a century afterwards. Historically, the Knights of Malta were involved in the Vatican Ratlines of sending Nazis into America, funding the Cuban Revolution of the Jesuit-trained dictator Fidel Castro, they head up the agents of military industrial complex, and the SMOMs mask their power in the veil of "charities." Now, the Knights of Malta own plus control huge wealth of much of the military, pharmaceuticals, other prominent corporations, some of our educational systems (like a Knight of Malta is the President of Georgetown University), and the politics of the globe. They arre cotrolled by their Grandmaster Matthew Festing today. He is controlled by the Vatican and the Jesuits whose leaders are Pope Benedict XVI and Jesuit General Adolfo Nicholas. Now, it's been discovered that people like Antonio Brown (who was pictured with the Knight of the Virgin Bonesman George W. Bush, Laura Bush, Mike Tyson, and Donald Trump), Alexandr Cach, Mike Faraone, and Joey Demaio are all Knight of Malta in the 21st century. Brother Nicholas Rivera found some more information on Cach. He found out that Cach owns his Graddo company. Cach was apart of the INEOA and allied with the DEA (which promotes the never ending, anti-liberty federal Drug War. These Knights are also in league with the Knights and Jesuit trained agents found in the Justice Department, the DHS, and the CIA). Cach's in the establishment and he was awarded by Citigroup/Citibank as found by Nicholas Rivera. Therefore, The network of Vatican power is there.

America and our civil liberties have been in flux for centuries. We were created for many reasons. One reason was that King George blatantly violated the civil liberties of colonists via imperialism, high taxes, and the quartering of soldiers in people's homes even without their permission. Today, civil liberties violations are just as real as it was in the late 18th century. One example of a tyrannical violation of civil liberties occurs in our national capitol city. Washington D.C. still have huge restrictions on how we can own guns there. Also, they possess checkpoints. These checkpoints are all over the city. Like always, the justification for this bad policy is to protect citizens from crime of course. Yet, these acts don't make citizens any more free. Checkpoints everywhere creates a mentality of fear instead of respecting authentic government. There are also entries made by the police in homes to steal guns without a warrant that occured recently in Oakland, D.C., and across the nation. Of course, this is a violation of the Fourth Amendment. With the advent of 9/11, the government restricting our liberties have been more sophiscated and promoted than in days past. The mainstream media is complicit in promoting this oppression. It doesn't matter if it's the pro-Republican neo con Wall Street Journal or the liberal New York Times. They are 2 factions of the same power structure (which is headed by the Vatican/Jesuits, the Pilgrims, the Bilderbergers, various high level Knighthoods, the CFR, Secret Societies, etc.). America is nearing hardcore fascism if things don't change. For example, the government and certain evil interests are creating illegal wars, having torture (as evident in Abu Ghriab and Guantanamo Bay), stealing citizens' guns plus rights (inside of New Orleans, etc.), spying on Americans (with the FISA law. Noami Wolf documented how since 2000, there has been an increase in U.S. citizen groups that are being harrased plus infiltrated by polce including federal agents), etc. There are paramilitary groups like Blackwater and the SWAT Teams harming Americans. It isn't just one party or one man's fault for these circumstances. Therefore, I won't follow a paradigm. Both of the major parties had a role in promoting the contrived war on terror, creating more political devisiveness in America, and following the status quo. That's why Third parties, the alternative media, and independent thinking are possessing such traction in the world today. Alexander Solzhenitsyn died today as of 89 years old. Son Stepan said his father died of heart failure. He is the unfinching champion against tyranny. He wrote gravitating literature refuting the lie of Communism. His work spanned since the early 1960's. That literature exposed the cruel reality of the sick nature of the Soviet Union's gulag camps. Solzhenitsyn was exiled from Russia and then returned into Russia after the Cold War ended. He's a lasting inspiration on why Soviet Union ended as we knew it. He is not only a great writer, but a execellent example on how despite our conditions we shouldn't descend into nihilism (or atheism).

Pro Life News consistency describe how adult stems and IPCs create great treatments and cures without the need of embryonic stem cells at all. There are researchers at Harvard and Columbia that have made advances with ALS and stem cells without having to destroy human life. The scientists invented a new technique in transforming the skin cells of patients with Lou Gehrig's disease into motor neurons. This method can in the future lead to the creation of tailor made cells to replace damaged ones. Subsequently, it can result in the either reverse or slow down of Lou Gehrig's disease. An article on this research is scheduled for the July 31 edition of the medical journal Science. This research will describe the direct reprogramming process that can make cells to revert back into an embryonic like state. The study's co-author named Chris Henderson said that it was once impossible to get access to the neurons affected by the ALS. He said that he was excited by the potential of the new technology and it's uncertain if they were able to obtain them from the patients' skin cells. He is a professor of pathology, neurology and neuroscience at Columbia. These motor neurons are created by reprogramming human adult skin cells into cells that resemble embryonic stem cells. Thes cells are called induced pluripotent stem cells or iPs cells. This was reported in last November by researchers in Japan and Wisconsin. Bioethicist Wesley Smith cited these news as a victoy for pro-life advocates wanting ethical stem cell research without the need of killing embryos. He said that human cloning isn't needed any more with the revelation of the ALS news. Smith wants the embrace of iPSCs. Embryonic stem cells have no basic treatment in any disease, yet adult stem cells have dozens of treatments in human beings. Some adult stem cells have even caused a person from South Korea to walk again. Time after time again, we have to conclude the truth that ethical science makes true benefits in the world.

The Political World is changing rapidly. Tons of Americans seek change in their country. There is nothing wrong with change as long it's the right kind of change. Some change is evil like the change of manufacturing bad laws like the Patriot Act existing. Now, the media covered the John McCain ad. That new ads compared Obama to celebrities like Paris Hilton and Moses. Of course that's silly, because real issues should be covered. Obama isn't equivalent to a person like Paris Hilton or especially Moses. More real issues should be discussed by the mainstream media like the new Seymour Hersh story. That story revolves around Hersh saying that CFR member Dick Cheney wanted to use a ship shaped as an Iranian PT boat in order (with American Navy Seals in it) to provoke a provocation with Iran. That was scrapped since that plan possibily could result in Americans killing Americans. This is yet another example of the government planning false flag events. That has occured for thousands of years. In this case, it's sick for Cheney to even propose making a false threat of a faux Iranian ship to attempt to cause an war with Iran (where even more American troops are in risk for their lives). Obama and McCain are attempting to focus their messages on themes in order to galvanize voters to subscribe to their cause. One of the biggest issues around is oil. John McCain and Barack Obama believe that they have the best solution to solve the oil crisis. McCain wants alternative energy along with offshore drilling. Obama wants the same thing, except he rejects offshore drilling, he wants to get rid of the windfall profits of the oil companies to be sent toward middle class Americans, and other policies. Both are right that we should invest in alternative energy and there is nothing wrong with a middle class tax credit. Although, for the time being there is nothing wrong with legitimate oil drilling (while some in Congress are blocking that common sense approach) along with utilizing alternative energy. If any oil company committed illegal procedures, they should be prosecuted with the full extend of the law. I'm not an Obama or McCain supporter, but it is legitimate to criticize John McCain for not specifically outlining his solutions to the complications in America more publicly. The truth is that Obama (who called for a one world and the break down of our religion and backgrounds) and McCain (who called for a League of Democracies) are puppets of the new world order crowd. There is the anthrax story. Hatfill was found innocent. Increasing evidence figure that not even the man who committed suicide (whose name was Bruce Edwards Ivins. He threatened to kill people) wasn't the main suspect. Folks like Michael Rivero and in the alternative media for credible reasons figure that Dr. Philip Zack is the main suspect in the Anthrax attacks of 2001 (when people voted on the Patriot Act where folks were not even reading all of it). Zack was caught entering the Anthrax storage area at Fort Detrick without authorization (on a security tape). The letters were intentionally written to falsely blame Muslims for the weaponized anthrax attack. The anthrax was high grade. The letters were found to originate from a US military laboratory. There is no doubt that the culprit was related to the US Detrick center. Notice how the White House was on Cipro (the anti-anthrax vaccine) before the anthrax attacks of 2001. Why did this occur? It could be that warnings were given unto them about such an attack. The government rehersed such events like the BATF being in the Oklahoma City scene just before the attack went off (even in Pearl Harbor, ships were attacked by the Japanese before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Tons of evidence proved that FDR had foreknowledge of the attack). Even before 9/11, NORAD conducted exercises in which airplanes are hijacked and crashed into targets which include the WTC and Pentagon (as reported by USA Today). It's true.

The National Cyber Center is a mysterious group. GAFNO from August 1, 2008 wrote about the Bush administraton's new group called the National Cyber Security Center. Its officials in the group refuse to release information about its budget, what contractors will run it, and how its mission relates to Internet surveillance. In correspondence with the Senate, the Bush administration commented that it wouldn't provide that information publicly. An 18 page partially redacted letter from the DHS said that disclosure would affect the conduct of federal programs (or other programs plus operations essential to the "nation's interests"). The censored letter–a nonredacted, “For Official Use Only” version was provided to senators–came in response to queries from the top Democratic and Republican members of the Senate’s Homeland Security committee. Rockefeller Republican Senator from Maine named Susan Collins said that the nonredacted version satisfied her for now. In March, the DHS announed that 47 year old Rod Beckström will be appointed as director of the National Cyber Security Center. The head of the DHS Michael Chertoff spoke that Beckstrom will forment cyber security strategies in a cohesive way which will protect the nation. Once, the DHS classified even the existence of the National Cyber Security Center. Of course Homeland Security want money for this program. For example, the DHS requested an additional $43 million for National Cyber Security Center for the fiscal year of 2009. The National Cyber Security Center was created to use systems to protect U.S. internt system. There are unanswered questions on how the National Cyber Security Center will interact DHS's so-called Einstein program. Einstein has been accused of attempting to monitor the privately operated Internet. A Homeland Security spokeswoman denies that Einstein does this. The spokeswoman said its primary focus is to protect federal government networks. The DHS refused to divulge any informaion about Einstein. That's ironic since if Homeland Security had nothing really to hide, they wouldn't omit a critical description about the Einstein program. Monitoring systems have just been increasing rapidly since 9/11.

The Problems of Globalization are apparent. Globalization is about allowing select multinational corporations to own most of the economy in the world. Also, it's about to create a globalized economy with little regard to national sovereignity. National sovereignity is basically an impediment to the pro-globalists' goal of a global economy. This system has nothing to do with a free market system, because a free market system is about eliminating monopolies and preventing a select few to control the whole economic sphere of things. Barbara L. Minton from August 2, 2008 at Natural wrote about these issues. It's apparent that some of these multinational corporations are closing their operations and are moving jobs overseas. One example of this is when Dayton La-Z-Boy are cutting 750 jobs. Then, their facility is being shipped into Mexico now. Other such companies are being shipped into China and India. Many are fighting to keep certain investments in their own countries like Canada. Low wages and low benefits for workers is one reason why so many companies are moving overseas. For example, Barbara Minton wrote that manufacturing wages in Mexico are as low as $1.50 an hour with the average wage at $2.30. Conversely, the average manufacturing wage in the United States are $14.70. NAFTA hasn't worked to effectively garner an economic boom in North America (in a wide spectrum). Even General Motors want to stop high wages to certain U.S. workers according to Minton. This just shows you how free trade is fine. Although, free trade isn't truly free without being fair toward all bodies involved. That's why I'm opposed to any unfair trade deals. Many of these so-called "trade deals" violate clearly the national sovereignity of the United States.

A news report says that a secret "War on terror" prison has been confirmed. Andy Worthington from the Huffington Post on August 1, 2008 described on how this prison is located in Diego Garcia, which is an island located in the Indian Ocean. This is a CIA controlled prison. It's been a secret and it's been recently revealed publicly throughout media outlets like TIME magazine. Other disclosures came about by a senior American official. This official was a frequent participant in White House Situation Room meetings after the 9/11 attacks. He reported that a CIA counter terrorism official twice said twice about a high level value prisoner or prisoners were being interrogated on the island. This isn't suprising according to other stories. According to Andy, the U.S. government denied claims that it operated a secret "War on Terror" prison on Diego Garcia. TIME have exposed the identity of the secret prison before. In 2003, the magazine broke the story that Hambali, one of 14 "high-value detainees" transferred to Guantánamo in September 2006, was being held there. Later, in the years since confirmation has also come from other sources. Twice, in 2004 and 2006, Barry McCaffrey, a retired four-star US general, who is now professor of international security studies at the West Point military academy, revealed the prison’s existence. In May 2004, McCaffrey blithely declared on MSNBC’s Deborah Norville Tonight that the US held about 3,000 people in Bagram air field, Diego Garcia, Guantanamo Bay, and 16 camps throughout Iraq. Dick Marty, a Swiss senator who produced a detailed report on "extraordinary rendition" for the Council of Europe in June 2007, also confirmed the existence of Diego Garcia. So, credible sources outline this. The British Government seems to omit this and just go along with the war on terror. Now, secret prisons have occured for eons in human history. The deal now is that it's so blatant and in your face that some have been numb to the evil pain of secret detentions of human beings. So, that's all the more reason to oppose torture and secret detentions. These camps don't represent American values and torture don't outline an accurate picture of human morality at all.

Gun Rights are under threat even after the recent Supreme Court decision. Jeff Johnson from OneNewsNow on August 1, 2008 made known about a story. A pro-Second Amendment group is asking for financial help to support the family of a gun owner caught up in his prosecution for just having a malfunctioning firearm. David Olofson is an U.S. Army veteran, Army Reservist and a gun enthusiast. He's now a convicted felon and faces prison time. H's from Berlin, Wisconsin. He loaned a 20 year old AR-15 old semi-automatic rifle to a neigbhor who had expressed an interest in learning how to shoot. A regular semi-automatic weapon fires one bullet each time the trigger is pulled. Yet, as as Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, explains – when the neighbor took the gun to a range, it malfunctioned, firing several rounds with one trigger pull and then jamming. David was convicted for having a machine gun since the amount of firing, but this gun was not a machine gun at all. This contradicts malfunction because you get a gun fixed if it malfunctions. You don't convict a man for a felony for a gun malfunction at all. The BATF (or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) fascists busted into Olosfson's home and utilized the full weight of the government against him. David never killed anyone or harmed anyone with the weapon at all. If this can happen to an Army veteran now, it can happen to anyone. Olofson was sentenced to 30 months in jail for "transferring a machine gun" to his neighbor. Pratt believes that the government didn't reveal all of the facts in the case. Pratt said that the witness against David was paid repeatedly by the federal government and back-dated the second lab test so that it would pre-date the criminal complaint against Mr. Olofson. The first lab test showed that it was a semi-automatic. The second lab test was where they ‘proved’ that it was an automatic. The judge, at the conviction hearing, overlooked the fact that the Supreme Court has defined that if a gun that behaves like Mr. Olofson’s as, ‘not a machine gun.’ Other discrepancies in the case made GAO to represent Olofson in his appeal. GAO have created the Olofson Relief Fund in order to help his family. This injustice is a wake up call to anyone cyncially denying that our Second Amendment rights are not under grave threat in America. True living isn't about being selfish. It's about serving others, going out and finding the truth, exposing evil, not being ashamed of publicly outlining your views, and living a holy plus righteous life.

By Timothy

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