Tuesday, August 26, 2008

THe Khazar lie refuted and the Jesuits


I agree with Eric Jon Phelps on the Khazar lie (including the Jewish people's right to live in Israel plus the evil of the Jesuits), but not on racial matters 100%.


The higly speculative & debatable 'most modern Jews are really Khazars & therefore not Jewish in blood & therefore not entitled to their birthright claims for their land' canard is trotted out endlessly as some kind of trump card by the likes of 'the Zionists rule the world' propagandists such as Rense. This crowd also refute (or ignore, unless its brought to their attention) Vatican/Jesuit/Knights of Malta ultimate dominance over proceedings & denying the Holocaust. It is very popular witgh Catholics for obvious reasons. What are more properly called the Labor Zionists who are controlled by a Papal-loyal Masonic & SMOM-controlled elite, who are descended from the heretical Jewish sects the Sabbataians & their successors the Frankists have no God but (the Papal) Caesar. It makes for very 'eureka moment' reading until you start to contemplate the diversionary agenda of its leading proponents, both within the fascist movement & many big names in the conspiracy media: whether Jeff Rense, David Icke (yup - a big proponent), open Jew-hater Daryl Bradford Smith & many more.

These proponents often refuse to distinguish between the 'Zionist' elites & the Jewish people & even when they do state that they do, you then read them a few lines later going 'the Jewish' Rothschilds, 'the Illuminati was set up by the Jews, 'the Marino Jews took over the Papacy', 'Weishaupt turned against the Jesuits & started working for the Jewish Rothschilds', etc, etc. No mention of Baron Knigge, the guy who boosted the ranks of the Bavarian Illuminati leaving over his anger that Weishaupt was a Jesuit agent, as the B.I. had been set up 3 years after the Papacy dissolved the Jesuits. No mention of the Oslo Accord in the early 1990's & "the Vatican Accord" that Jesuit-trained Vatican asset Shimon Peres snuck in handing over Temple Mount & much of the holy sites in Jerusalem to the Vatican. The hatred towards the Jewish religion & by the Jewish-born Sabbataians is never mentioned, nor matters such as Jacob Frank's deals with Rome. Ignored too is the DNA research supporting shared Jewish genetics which conflicts with the Khazar theory is never brought to the table.

This heavily-promoted theory stems from one guy: Arthur Koestler & his book 'the Thirteenth Tribe'. Koestler, who it seems beat & raped many women & persuaded his healthy wife to commit suicide with him, has a most curious & interesting background & his thoughts on Jewish culture were equally so, such as maintaining that all Jews should either migrate to Israel (this is pure Labor Zionist thinking) or drop their Jewish culture & that Jews in Israel should use not the Hebrew alphabet but the Roman! Hmmm.

Koestler had also spent 3 years on a kibbutz (communal rural work/accomodation system promoted by the Labor Zionists for decades in the 20th century & then moved to Germany for most of the '30's. The son of a father who made & sold radioactive 'health' soap, Koestler it seems was also bad for the health of many people & no doubt there is much mor to be said about him.

A quick inspection of the map in the Rense article will actually show that Georgia is actually not situated within the Khazarian borders shown.

Thanks -



Dear Niko,

Leo's assertion that then Labor Zionists and the Jesuits are equal alerted me to his double-speak. That claim is totally absurd and ludicrus. When you comprehend the ubiquitious powre of the Jesuit Order and then ncompare it with "the Zionists," it is tantamount to comparing a mouse with an elephant as to which animal weighs more. The Jesuit Order via its Dreyfus Affair in France created the Labor Zionist movement via Theodore Herzl who later had an audience with the pope in 1904.

Then Labor Zionists are just another tenacle of Rome's Jesuit Order ruling the world's governments, religions and banks via high-level Freemasonry and noble papal orders such as the Knights of Malta, St. Gregory and Constantine.

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric

1 comment:

Ted Heath said...

Disaster Preparedness

Professor Kevin MacDonald may be Earth's foremost scientific expert with knowledge on the topic of jews.

He maintained stoutly that the population genetics of the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim are the same.

See his interview on the Hesham Tilawi show on google video.