Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Never Ending Time


Iraq is being investigated on. Michael Bowman from the Voice of America site on August 18, 2008 wrote about Congress detailing the massive use of private contractors in Iraq. A new report came out describing this fact. This report says that the United States have spent about $100 billion on private contractors to support operations in Iraq since the 2003 invasion (where Saddam Hussein was ousted from power). VOA's Michael Bowman reported this from Washington. The peak of the military surge in Iraq (which began in 2007) had about 168,000 troops being deployed in Iraq. America's armed forces though have been outnumbered by what some see as a private army. This private army is being funded by the federal government. These contractors provide a wide variety of services. These services include security operations and rebuilding projects (plus even logistical support). Peter Orszag heads the Congressional Budget Office, which issued a report on the costs of the private contractors in Iraq. Peter said that the federal government awarded $85 billion in contracts for work in the Iraq theater through 2007. It would exceed 100 billion dollars (or roughly one of every $5 for the cost of the war in Iraq) if you included this year, according to him. Jesuit trained Generals like Robert Gates are in full support of the Iraq War. Ironically, the Jesuits were booted out of Iraq in the late 1960's. I don't believe that the Jesuits forgot about Saddam's actions against them. The leadership of the Jesuits and the Vatican have tried to destroy Bible Believers, Baptists, Protestants, etc. for centuries. That's evident in the Inquistion and especially the Ecumencial Movement. This isn't new, but this is the first time where the private personnel has equaled or exceeded the number of military personnel in Iraq. The CBO report outlined that WWII had military personnel outnumbering private ones by a ratio to 7 to 1. Ozsarg said that private contractors can easily terminate funding when services are no longer needed. Although, these contractors have more scandals and allegations of fraud plus abuse in Iraq. The deal is the Western invasion of Iraq should never of existed in the first place and these contractors aren't really private (because no bid contracts exist and the heads of the big contractors are the same people controlling the government of America). Oversight is needed in business indeed. So, I have no problem with that.

Torture Camps in China are commonplace. Andrew Malone from the Daily Mail on August 18, 2008 described this evil story. Andrew wrote about bleak concrete walls topped with razor wire and the sentries (in the towers) at the gates. They give a chilling reminder of a different era. On China's roads, it's common to witness heavily armed guards patrol areas relentlessly. They check drivers and pedestrians. They are on alert. Less than 30 miles away, there is the famous Bird's Nest Olympic stadium in Beijing where about 2 billion people are watching the Games. China wants to present the image to the world that they are a "new China." Beijing employed a group of 500,000 volunteers to help foreigners to find their way throughout China's capital city of Beijing. Yet, there is a camp area in the suburb of Daxing. This where 5 camps exist which thousands of China's so-called "undesirables" have been swept from the streets of Beijing and locked up. These camps are being used to imprison human beings without trial or legal representation. China considers these people the regime consider a threat to their own country. There are street children, the homeless, the mentally ill, and others in the camps. Some have compared them with Nazi concentration camps. In China, the camps bear the slogan 'Re-education Through Labour.' A Nazi camp had similar words of Work makes you free. The people there work up to 16 hours a day in cramped, unsanitary cells. The camps now house dissidents, lawyers, and religious minorities. African immigrants to Beijing have been rounded up from popular tourist areas such as San li Tun, which is Beijing's equivalent of Soho. Racism isn't just an American problem, it's a global problem with some Chinese leaders refusing black people to enter into certain locations. Some inmates there are forced to work at night. Human rights groups have criticized this wicked policy. The good news is that many Chinese people are patriotic, want freedom, and oppose the corrupt policies of the Chinese government.

The VP race and Politics are news being reported in the mainstream news. Barack Obama and John McCain are projected to reveal their Vice Presidential canidates soon. Some rumors perist that Alaska's Sarah Palin might be the Vice President for John McCain. She is a first term Republican governor Alaska. She is a mother of five as well. Sarah even has a role in the upcoming RNC. Sarah Patin said that she is pro-life and willing to tackle tough issues. She took on the Republican leadership in her Alaskan state for ethics violations. John McCain is trying to mirror her own views. Some speculate that he may consider getting a pro-abortion running mate like Tom Ridge or Joseph Liberman. Palwenty, Jindal, and Mormon Mitt Romney are other people McCain is choosing from. It is unknown who it is now. Barack Obama is having his Vice President quest as well. There are possible candidates of Tim Kaine (who is presently the Governor of Virginia now), Joe Biden, Evan Byah, and others. Obama is seeking to get a person who is both knowledgeable, yet a fresh face of outlining his views. Barack Obama according to some news have decided on his running mate. It will be revealed soon. Regardless of what happens, this election is an important one. Although, both Barack Obama and John McCain are funded by the corporate, Special Interest establishment (as found in the CFR, the Jesuit trained leaders, Bilderbergers, etc). Each of them are even pro-war. Obama has expressed his desire to fight in Pakistan if necessary along with his pro-war stance in Afghanistan. John McCain is also pro-Iraq War. The truth is that we should get out of the war and restore our real liberty in this country. That means that the Patriot Act, the US Commissions Act, and other immoral laws should be abolished. There ought to be no militarism in the world. That's true independence. There needs to be a true change in the country where people and individuals rule the government (not the government ruling the people and individuals). Third party members readily have more concise ideas about issues. Third Party candidates like Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr, Cynthia McKinney, and others are still in the race. Some are predicting a high turnout for the Third Party candidates indeed. The economy is a huge issue that is being discussed by all sides. Some want the government to control everything in this country. Others want individual liberty, incentives, charity, funds, and other solutions to help out our economic problems.

The economic future is still uncertain. Some predict an economic hardcore depression and others predict a concise recovery. Jan Dahinten from Reuters at Tuesday, on August 19, 2008 have a prediction of another large U.S. bank might collapsing. Former IMF chief economist Kenneth Rogoff said that there is a risk of a large U.S. bank collapsing in the next few months. He said that the U.S. financial crisis is at the halfway point or even that the worst is yet to come. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to decipher that we are have monumental economic complications. Rogoff said that big banks are in risk of falling not only medium sized banks. Rogoff is an economic professor at Harvard University. Rogoff also was the IMF's chief economist from 2001 to 2004. All of this crisis gives the government more reason for consolidation thereby restricting real economic freedom. That's why some want to nationalize the U.S. housing finance system. The federal government tried that with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (who were bailed out and federalized), but still the economic crisis continues. Bailing out companies will help little since economics are complex in American society. Too much government involvement in the economy along with monopolies are of course not needed as solutions. Dollar weakness (including a foreign policy that is aggressive leading some nations to leave the dollar), too much excessive reliance of credit, an unbalanced trade deficit, and an over spending policy of the government are major reasons for the economic downturn. There should be no ethanol mandates (since ethanol based solely on corn is a failure causing the Third World to have many food riots), increase temporary legitimate oil drilling, have rewards for companies to stay in the USA to create jobs, build up our education, use effective means to build our infrastructure (since infrastructure-related jobs can never become outsourced), and build the economy from the ground up (not just from the top bottom).

One major argument that global warming hysterics claim is that the Arctic Circle's ice is melting on an unprecendented rate. Now, that arguments seems to fall down as the rest of Al Gore's major arguments. Gore is part of the elite, because Al Gore is a member of the Club of Rome (whose goal is to advance population control. Not to mention that Gore's family were Oil Giants with links to Freemason Armaud Hammer. Hammer is a notorious Soviet funder). Even the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission advance the man-made global warming deception. The lie of a ice free summer for the Arctic have been debunked once and for all. This lie was promoted by many like David Barber, of the University of Manitoba, who told National Geographic Magazine that the Arctic Circle's ice will cease to exist soon. Barber promoted this paranoia since he feels that climate change is affecting the region to leading into dire consequence. He isn't the only one making that false prediction. In February, Dr. Olav Orheim, head of the Norwegian International Polar Year Secretariat, told Xinhua, that the ice caps in the Arctic might melt away. Now, it has been revealed that the Arctic ice has actually grown by about 30% in the year since August 2007. This research is confirmed by the collated data from the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center and the University of Illinois. The conclusion found that the Arctic ice extent was 30 percent greater on August 11, 2008 than it was on August 12, 2007. The growth is bigger especially in the area north of Siberia including the Northwest Passage (or west of Greenland). The Register reported that some of the islands in the Canadian Archipelago are surrounded by more ice than they were during the summer of 1980. In the Antarctic according to figures the ice coverage there in the year since August 2007 has grown nearly one million square kilometers. There is now a cooling of the planet because of many factors like low sunspot activity. A top observatory has been measuring sun cycles for over 200 years and prediced that temperatures will drop by 2 degrees over the next 2 decades. The reason for this is that solar activity is grinding to a halt and the planet will cool down drastically which might potentially cause a new ice age. Despite of this, the IPCC and Al Gore lie with their advocation of CO2 taxes and limits on our liberty to work plus travel. The same crowd that worship the global warming lie are the same ones trying to end any legitimate discussion on this issue. Al Gore doesn't want a debate at all. The American Psychological Association wants to work with the media to brainwash the American public to accept the carbon footprint lie (when carbon is a natural substance present in all forms of living organisms). Frankily, debate and discussion is apart of not only scientific inquiry, but it's apart of the Freedom of Speech. CO2 is necessary for plant development and we're need carbon to survive.

9/11 Truth is becoming more popular. There are even actors, musicians, scientists, physicists, and theologians who understand that 9/11 was an inside job. 9/11 Blogger from Tuesday, on August 19, 2008 have the NIST to release a report on the collapse of Building Number Seven. Previously, the NIST failed to outline a credible explanation on how the Building Number Seven structure fell down into the ground. NIST stands for the National Institute of Standards and Technology. They will give their findings at the Gaitersburg, Maryland of the findings. Shyam Sunder, who is the director of the NIST Building and Fire Research Laboratory (and lead investigator for the federal building and fire safety investigation of the World Trade Center disaster), will present the report. Sunder will answer questions from reporters at the briefing. It's expected that the NIST will present the official story about the collaspe being just fire-related. More evidence outline a legitimate case (against the official story) that the building collapsed by falling in on itself (with a falling looking similar to a controlled demolition, there was limited fires, witnesses in the Bulding heard explosives, and other information) via a controlled demolition. That is why no plane hit the Building Number Seven. This doesn't refute the fact of government involvement in the attacks from NORAD standing down with Cheney's permission, the wargames, the funded of terrorism by Western intelligence (even Israel was caught in doing logistics on 9/11. Although I have more respect for the righteous people in Israel rather than their government's policies), and the evidence for the Twin Towers being collapse via a controlled demolition as well. Governments have been killing its own citizens for eons from Operation Gladio to Operation Ajax in the country of Iran. The journalist Seymour Hersh admitted that Dick Cheney wanted to use troops dressed up as Iranians to provoke a war with Iran. Other news are coming in about Georgia. Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff Anatoly Nogovitsyn said that Georgia might be planning a false flag operation by using mercenaries (who are dressed in Russian uniforms), as Russia moved to guard sensitive infrastructure against terrorist attacks. Russia is preparing for more war. The truth is that Georgia murdered first by preemptively killing Russian peacekeepers. Russia responsed and a cease fire existed. The South Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali was destroyed by 70% by Georgian troops. Even a 12 year old American girl experienced a brutal assault by Georgia in South Ossetia. She was in a live FOX news interview and tried to tell the truth about the criminals when she was subsequently silenced by the host. NATO has gotten rid of formal contacts with Russia. So, NATO is trying to use its force of aggression against Russia. The Western coverage of the media has an overtly pro-Georgia bias to cover up the bigger geopolitical truth. That truth is that the Anglo American establishment want to control the Eurasian region (in order to control oil resources and submit that region into the new world order).

D.C. is still having Big Brother and civil liberty problems like many urban areas all over American society. WTOP News from August 18, 2008 outlined that Homeland Security officials in the Washington D.C. area are trying to dramatically expand the use of automated license plate readers. Of course, the DHS justify such measures in their opinion of wanting to prevent possible terrorist attacks. Officials from Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia are doing something. They agreed to install 200 license plate readers on police vehicles, at airports, and along roads. This plan was announced on last Friday. It will be funded by federal homeland security grants for the area. This is wild, because are these actions really necessary. We already have cameras all across the nations. There are illegal warrantless checkpoints. Innocent people are being tasered and assaulted by crooked police officers. There has been a suppression of free speech in the DNC at the city of Denver (with a free speech zone and a cage built for arrested protestors) along with the nerve of the local government over there (in Denver) attempting to justify these disgusting policies. This even is nothing new. For example, Britian used readers in the 1990's to deter the IRA (or the Irish Republican Army)'s acts. Frankily, both the IRA and MI6 committed terrorist acts in both Ireland and the UK. The U.S. primarily had the technology for regulating parking or catch car theives. The readers will scan every license that passes by in the DC area. It will run the numbers through federal criminal terrorist databases. NY officials recently said they plan to scan license plates of all cars entering Manhattan. Privacy experts are right that it's a vast expansion of the use of technology for security. Now, if we want to be safe, why are there are more and more Big Brother laws being created. It's obvious that the Big Brother laws previous to now aren't making us safe. It appears that it's a sick cycle made by the federal government, multinational corporations, and the real global elite in their attempt to further control the lives of people. It's as simple as that.

The War on Drugs has been exposed by those from across the political spectrum as an exploitative measure to control individual citizens' lives. T.J. Pignataro from The Buffalo News on August 18, 2008 made known about how Buffalo cops are terrorizing a family in the name of "fighting a War on Drugs." Now, police were armed with a battering ram and shotguns. They were looking for heroin and broke down the door. Later, the police commenced to storm the lower apartment of a West Side family of eight. The probllem is that the Wednesday evening raid should have occured at an apartment upstairs. This was the tip of the iceberg according to Schavon Pennyamon. Schavon Pennyamon's home was a mistakenly raided apartment on Sherwood Street. She lives there with her husband, Terrell, and six children. Pennyamon says that after the police wrongly broke into her apartment, the police proceeded to strike her epileptic husband in the head with the butt end of a shotgun. Also, they point shotguns at her young children before admitting their mistake and then raiding the right apartment. She said that her apartment is left with a broken door, an injured husband, jittery children, and still no apology from the police. The 29 year old Pennyamon wants to take it to another level by filing legal action. She should do it. She retained a lawyer and filed a report with the department’s Professional Standards Division. Also, she contacted Mayor Byron W. Brown about the incident. The police brass admits that they've entered into the wrong apartment. “It appears to be an honest mistake and we certainly apologize to all involved,” added Michael J. DeGeorge, Buffalo police spokesman. The police department refuse to response to the allegations of assault and other police impropriety. An internal investigation is coming about the warrant error (it involves the Professional Standards Division). Pennyamon says that it wasn't a mistake. Her husband was a US Air Force veteran and he was injured according to her testimony. Terrell had a dislocated arm after being yanked by police during the raid. Now, this goes on constantly and even the CATO Institute have opposed the paramilitary raids into the homes of citizens. I don't agree with using cocaine or herion, but the War on Drugs have degenerated into a war on liberty.

People surviving Abortion and being alive as a miracle is real. Steven Ertelt from at August 18, 2008 outlined a suprising story. An unborn baby in Israel was a victim of abortion. She was reportedly come back to life hours later despite spending five hours in a freezer following the aortion. The incident points to the humanity of a baby before birth and the frequent cases of botched abortions. After the abortion, the father of the child wished to see his baby girl. After the officials pulled her body from a cooler at Western Galilee Hospital where the abortion was done, something special occured. They discovered that she was still alive. Dr. Moshe Daniel, who is the deputy chief of staff at the hospital, told the Jerusalem Post, said this was the first time he saw something like this. He said that he was a doctor for 35 years. He called the event as a medical miracle. The incident could prompt the government to have an investigation of the failed abortion via an internal hospital and external governmental investigation. The baby at first was reported to have no pulse with a weight of 610 grams. She started to breathe and she was rushed to intensive care. Sh is still premature. The Israelis are trying to do all they can to make sure that she live. This is obviously a contradiction (and refutation) to those who subscribe to preventing born alive newborns to recieve health care after they've survived failed abortion (even under the guise of Roe v. Wade). The sad news is that the baby has died now. Steven Ertelt from on August 19, 2008 made known about a story in California. California's courts have known to be anti-Life. A leading Christian group for medical professionals have shown concerns about a California Supreme Court ruling. That ruling from the state high court said that doctors are forced to provide abortion even if it goes against their religious or moral views. This is of course against the concepts of freedom of conscience. It's hypocritical for this court to project the idea of tolerance, but act intolerant against those that don't want to be involved with killing unborn human beings. The case involved a lesbian woman who was refused artificial insemination. The Christian Medical Association says the decision will impact abortion as well. Dr. David Stevens, the CEO of the CMA, says the larger issue is conscience rights for doctors. Dr. Stevens said that this decision doesn't deal with sexual choices, but discrimination aginst health care professionals who harbor differing views. Medical ethics could be risk because it could coerce doctors to do or provide abortions which come in contrary against their deeply held beliefs.

Canada and Floridation are serious issues that ought to be made manifest. Sally Sride from Monday on August 18, 2008 at Natural described on how Health Canada suggests lowering flouridation levels to protect children's teeth. That's interesting, because it's rare that organizations in North America to exhibit such a heavy criticism against floruide. It's obvious that Canadian children are ingesting too much "cavity-fighting" flouride. It can ruin their teeth because flouride has poisons in it. U.S. children even ingest even more flouride but no such sound advice is evident from U.S officials. Flouride chemicals are injected into Canadian water supplies was called to be lowered (as called for by an expert penel. This panel which include 2 Americans being convened by Health Canada). Flouride is causing yellow and tan discolored teeth upon folks. Scientific evidence easily show that even low amounts of ingested flouride poses dental and health risks. That is why 11 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (or EPA) Unions and over 1,780 professionals urge that fluoridation be stopped worldwide. Flouridation should be banned worldwide, because it can damage human immunity, there are risks in other means, and teeth destruction is a real consequence of flouridation. Paul Connett, who is the PhD, Executive Director, of Fluoride Action Network (FAN) wants Canada to stop flouridation as well. Connett said that flouride in the water supply are at levels between 150 and 250 times higher than the level in mothers' milk. Breast milk is shown to be protective against dental flurosis and tooth decay. The level of fluoride in Toronto, Canada's water was reduced from 1.2 to 0.8 mg/L in 1999 to 0.6 mg/L in 2005. A March 2006 National Research Council (NRC) fluoride report reveals science showing how fluoride jeopardizes health -- even at low levels deliberately added to public water supplies. The latest issue of the journal Fluoride published 12 newly-translated Chinese studies, which report fluoride's effects on the brain, including the lowering of IQ in children. It doesn't take a rocket science to see that flouride can pose risks to thyroid gland, bones, to increase risk for creating diabetis, to our kidneys, infants, etc. Time is never ending. It keeps on going. That is no justification for us to quit. I will never quit. I will keep going on the race toward truth.

By Timothy


Anonymous said...

pro-gay butt sex

Anonymous said...

neo conservative is an oxymoron and you are just a moron. neo is a prefix that means new and conservatives stick to original 'older' ideas. so get back to your gay butt sex you dumb neo-hippie.

Timothy said...

This is silly. First, I didn't make that first comment. Someone else did. Also neo conservative is a word made up by the proponents of its tenets. Never did I right that neo cons represent real conservatives at all. I'm not a neo hippie. YOu have the wrong person. That first person is a spammer promoting filth.

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