Sunday, August 17, 2008

Research from Avles


The year before started the Siege of Sarajevo where purportedly innocent Muslims went continuosly murdered under the cameras of the tv teams of the whole world by Serbian heretic ORTHODOX snipers.

The year after you had the First Chechen war where again the Russian army aka heretic ORTHODOXIES were exposed as brutal executioners of the 'poor Muslims'.

Psy-ps? Of course, to drag symphaty for the 'innocent' Muslims. In other words: to drag sympathy and to supply an alibi for the papal mercenary Jesuit-Masonic Islamic army invasion in America and Europe. The sequent Al Qaida movement would have exposed that the only bad Muslim is the one under the influence of the Zionists' Mossad (read: Jews) or under the control of the bad American C.I.A. (read: Protestants).

Subliminal implicit moral of the media a-la-Alex Jones: Islam is good and only Jews and Protestants are perverting it. Am I wrong? Doesn't exist a wold wide subliminal psychological spin since the Camp David/Moro kidnapping and killing years?

See the thread about the Banco Ambrosiano. Many things changed during the turning point where the tide passed at the end of the seventies, so the Ambroziano bank was shaked and restored using also the Jesuits killers i.e. the Red Brigades terrorists. Take note that the bank was used also to supply the fake clash Somoza/Sandinistas in Nicaragua. And from where is coming the new president of the UN assembly?

(See archbishop Lugo now president of Paraguay. In tv they showed he and Chavezz embracing and kissing. "All the power to the priests".....)

Best regards from a North Adriatic Anti-roman-catholic and Anti-islamic isolationist


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