Friday, October 10, 2008

Changes in Friday




Stephen Harper is not only a supporter of the North American Union agenda as have been documented. Also, he seems to want to build up the military budget in higher levels. Linda McQuaig from Global Research on October 8, 2008 wrote about this information. Harper is from the Conservative Party, but even the Liberal Party has errors in it. Harper's agenda isn't really hidden, but few Canadian know about it. In June 20th, 2008, Harper posted a plan. This plan is called Canada First Defence Strategy (as found in the Department of National Defense's website) to spend a huge $490 billion over the next 20 years on the military. Steven Staples, who is a defence analyst with the Ottawa-based Rideau Institute, said that Canada’s military spending is already 27 per cent higher than in 2001. The defense lobby is now trying to get contracts signed as quickly as possible. Some question on why so much money is being spent on the military when health, poverty, and other needs are needed for assistance. In the election campaign, Harper has accused Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion of “reckless spending” for his plan to invest $70 billion in infrastructure over the next 10 years. 70 billion is a drop in the bucket compared to almost 500 billion dollars Harper proposes though. Harper wants this to continue the immoral war in Afghanistan. Stephen Harper also sold out on the abortion issue. He said that he wants no debate whatsoever on the abortion. Harper went as far as saying that he will reject any plans to make any new pro-life laws whatsoever. Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe is ignorant to assume that Harper wants to secretly criminalize abortion when he doesn't want to at all. Harper's position is more extreme than Obama since even Obama believes in little abortion restrictions (though Barack Obama is the most pro-abortion Presidential candidate in U.S. history). Harper is a coward, because all issues should be discussed in government including abortion. Abortion is a big evil in our world. Dana Gabriel have written about how the EU is trying to see economic integration with Canada (with the support of Harper. The EU is a Vatican/Bilderberg creation created to unify Europe into a centralize political and economic entitity). Now, Stephen Harper is the perfect establishment candidate because he won't promote pro-life policies and he's in league with blatant globalization.

Of course, Bill Kristol attacked the 9/11 Truth Movement. The 9/11 Truth Movement has grown very potent over the course of 7 years. Some neo cons are jealous and use slander plus intimidate to try to stop this movement. Bill Kristol wrote a piece entitled, "The Truthers' New Friends" where he attacks the 9/11 Truth Movement. This article appeared at this week's editions of the Weekly Standard. The Weekly Standard isn't a real conservative magazine. It's a magazine that promote neo-conservative ideology of civil liberty suppression, empire building, and overspending by the federal government via the Wall Street bailout. This article talked about the screening of Italian film maker Giulietto Chiesa’s ZERO on Russian State TV last month. Kristol criticized any questions about the official story on 9/11 as lunatics and anti-American. The truth is that questioning circumstances about 9/11 to decipher the total truth about its cosmology is the epitome of being an American. Chiesa's ZERO was a TV documentary about the 9/11 Truth movement. 30 million Russian citizens were able to switch on their TVs and see a debate about 9/11 being a false flag event. Also, a Russia Today poll 84% of their citizens don't believe that the total truth on 9/11 is shown. Being skeptical of something isn't a sign of lunacy at all. Kristol doesn't want people to understand about the wargames, the COG, Building Number Seven, the intelligence ties to the hijackers, and other facts that completely destroy the official story. Now, Kristol was in PNAC, which was a group of Neo cons who wrote the "New American Century" document. That document promoted preemptive war and American military dominance. In 2000, the report said that the activation of their goals of wars (and American empire) were difficult to accomphlish “absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor." That new Pearl Harbor was of course 9/11. Now, CFR member Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld's names were on the list of PNAC member (the document also promote genotype specific bioweapons and other nefarious goals as well). The neo conservative agenda is a threat to the world and most Americans reject their goals in 2008.

Afghanistan is an immoral war. Afghanistan as a nation had nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11. That nation has been exploited with oil tied leaders and it has been transformed into a narco-state in some of its regions. The battles have increased since 2001 among the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and other groups. ERIC SCHMITT from the NY Times on Wednesday, at October 8, 2008 outlined more facts on the war in Afghanistan. Eric wrote that more than 30 civilians died from the Afghan raid according to an U.S. inquiry. This investigation was lead by the military. The airstrikes detailed that U.S. forces on August 22, 2008 striked a village in western Afghanistan. It killed more civilians than American commanders there have acknowledged. More than 30 human beings died according to the military investigator's report. The investigator, whose name is Brig. Gen. Michael W. Callan of the Air Force, concluded that many more civilians, including women and children, had been buried in the rubble than the military had asserted, one of the military officials said. The airstrikes have caused tensions in the Afgan movement. Afghanis claim that about 90 civilians died in the raid. The United Nations claimed that 90 were killed as well. The military once said that only 5 to 7 died. The 30 figure is expressly different from the military or the UN (and the Aghani government)'s assumptions on the death toil. The military said that Taliban leader Mullah Sadiq died in the raid. Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai strongly condemned the airstrikes. Even before he requested the more senior investigator, General McKiernan issued orders on Sept. 2 tightening the rules about when NATO troops in Afghanistan were authorized to use lethal force. NATO is known for their excessive bombings in Serbia at Belgrade during the late 1990's. Therefore, the Afghanistan war has huge ties to NATO as well not just America or Karzai.

Politics are being more intense as time goes on. The media from MSNBC and CNN are accusing the McCain of going too far in their criticizing Barack Obama. The deal revolves around Bill Ayers, ACORN, and other issues. Now, Ayers is a terrorist and is an extremist. Ayers was on an educational board with Obama. This isn't as serious as other issues, but it's important to discuss. I believe that this doesn't merit unfair criticism against Obama since Barack Obama rejected Ayers' Weathermen ideology. Obama has not called for terrorism against American buildings at all, while Ayers have. Guilt by association is only fair if can can prove that one person actively colloborated with the guilty party to do criminal acts (or one person supports the guilty parties' ideology). The critics are right that if I were Obama I wouldn't hang near Ayers. Bill Ayers is an extremist. Also, some members in the crowds of Palin speeches have used degatory language against Barack Obama. That's wrong and you can't totally blame Palin for it. The reason is you have to blame the people saying those stupid comments. Yet, I do believe that John McCain and Sarah ought to proclaim stronger statements publicly condemning that despictable language. I don't agree with McCain calling Obama the One either. Both John McCain's campaign and Barack Obama's campaign criticize each other for being out of touch with American on issues like the economy, health care, and education. The truth is that this election is composed of 2 elite sponsored candidates. If you cut the spin, McCain and Obama believe in war mongering, centralizing power unto the government, laws that violate our civil liberties (from the Patriot Act, the FISA Law, etc.), embryonic stem cell research, global warming hysteria, and overspending in our federal government (that's why they each supported the IRS spying, pro-pork barrel spending, and pro-Wall Street bailout law).

Cybill Sherpherd criticized Sarah Palin for saying that she's pro-life. Cybill is a famous liberal activist. There are many legitimate criticism against Palin from being allied to McCain and her foreign policy views. Although, there is nothing wrong with being pro-life at all. Cybill said that people have the right to kill unborn human beings under the guise of "biological integrity" when abortion can cause permanent reproductive damage unto women's reproductive organs (not to mention that despite Cybil's claims, Palin has only opposed birth control that involves an abortion of human life). She doesn't understand that dangerous side effects can occur unto women experiencing abortion. Abortion has nothing to do with women's rights. It has to do with suppressing the rights of human beings in the womb of the mother. Not to mention that Roe has not only increased abortion in America, it hasn't solved abortion problems at all. Steven Ertelt from on October 8, 2008 reported on Mark Warner's big error. Mark said these comments on tape, so he can't deny it. This is worse than Obama's words about people clinging to guns or religion for stability in their lives. Mark Warner said that pro-life people, the NRA, and homeschoolers are threatening to what it means to be an American. The media isn't reporting on this story at all for obvious reasons. The truth is that supporting the Second Amendment, being religiously a Christian, being pro-life, and loving educational choice in having homeschooling (not to mention that homeschoolers are from across the political spectrum and they aren't monolithic at all) existing is hardly anti-American. It's pro-American. Being an American is following true liberty and respecting diversity of thought (not steretoyping those with whom you disagree with). What's shocking of his words is that Warner seemed to be a moderate man. Warner as Governor has done some great things in Virginia with our educational system, even though I don't agree with him on every issue. Jim Gilmore turned Warner's comments into a campaign commercial. I don't support Gilmore either becaue I'm not into the 2 party duopoly. Virginia is a battleground with increased support for Barack Obama, because of economic problems.

Big Brother is real in America. A report released by the National Research Council said that the identification of terrorists (via data mining or any other mechanism) was not feasible or desirable as a goal of technology development efforts. Inevitable false positives, writes Declan McCullagh for CNet News, will result in “ordinary, law-abiding citizens and businesses” being incorrectly flagged as suspects. McCullagh writes that the report “amounts to at least a partial repudiation of the Defense Department’s controversial data-mining program called Total Information Awareness, which was limited by Congress in 2003.” Although, the TIA isn't totally gone. Peter Swire said that the TIA is continuing under different names. Reuters retrieved a congressional report. This report revealed that nine months after Congress allegedly shut down the TIA, the U.S. government continued to comb private records and databases. The Total Information Awareness was a database retrieving and alogrithm utilizing system. Its logo had the All Seeing Eye. It was defunded by Congress in 2003. Although, according to Wall Street Journal's Siobhan Gorman, the TIA was largely rebuilt in secret by the NSA. Singel (writing for Wired Magazine) reports that “the NSA is collecting and sifting through immense amounts of data about who Americans talk to, what they are interested in, how they spend their money and where they travel in order to find secret terrorism cells inside America.” The NSA's error to monitor even average Americans and building a huge database of control have been documented by researchers for years. The government is famous for this as found in Project Shamrock, Project Minaret, Operation CHOAS, etc. Earl Ofari Hutchinson has written about how the FBI illegally domestically wiretapped anti-war groups, black American civil rights activists, and other groups (during the 1950's-1960's). The National Research Council report wants U.S. government agencies to follow a systematic process to have liberty concerns when dealing with their programs. Yet, historically the government haven't follow on these concerns. We are seeing the beginning of the 2nd generation technology a Big Brother control grid. It's similar to a prison without bars. A centralized surveillance and tracking grid is really not the essence of what America and the world in general ought to be.

The War and the Economy are linked. Global economic banking arms are colloborating in order to find solutions to the economy's downturn globally. Mike Adams from Natural believe that the Federal Reserve is enacting economic warfare against America. This is similar to German intelligence officers back in 1942 flooding the British market with devalued pounds in order to destabilize the British economy. This was called Operation Bernhardt and it utilized skilled Jewish prisoners. The forged bank notes involved were discovered to be worth 132 million British pounds. The British economy suffered because of that incident. The Federal Reserve is acting similar to this. The reason is that the FED is flooding the market with trillions of dollars in new money constantly. This is exempflied with the bailout bill and proposed other cash desposits in the fractional banking system (that depreciates the value of the dollar further). There has been 250 billion dollars spent one time and other huge amounts of dollars spent from the FED. What has this resulted in? It caused the elite to benefit greatly while the taxpayers are weaping the burden of paying for it all. According to an Associated Press report published yesterday, executives of the failed insurance company AIG were sent on a $440,000 retreat "to a posh California resort" less than one week after the U.S. government bailed them out. At the spa, AIG executives enjoyed spa treatments, massages, organic food buffets and bodywork therapy. That is while the real elite are buying up our infrastructure, stealing our money, and use tax breaks while they are setting up businesses overseas. It centralizes power unto the hands of the few of course (whose headquarters in the BIS, the City of London, and the Vatican. Many Knights of Malta and Pilgrim Society members are key international bankers). Banks worldwide are also in unison in trying to manipulate the interest rates. It's the redistrubtion of wealth via theft in reverse. Theft is wrong no matter who does it. Solutions to this problems are multifaceted of course. One is for us to have a financial safety net to prepare if problems get even worse than this (i.e. We can get storable foods, try the best we can to end all of our debts, save our money the best we can, and call for reforms in government to make the economy more efficient). These reforms including judicial review, transparency, fair trade deals, the banning of oligarch bankers in our FED to control all of our economy, cutting spending in the massive military budget, investments in building our infrastructure (i.e. bridges, homes, other buildings, highways, roads, etc.), health and educational reform, mortgage relief unto those with foreclosures, etc. Long term, you have to make our currency to be based on sound value along with having fiscal discipline.

Police brutality is real. It has been occuring for thousands of years. America has decades of police brutality occuring form a wide variety of ethnic groups. Now, posted a news report. This reports talks about a police officer. This officer arrested a man believed by the officer to have marijuana. The cop didn't finy any marijuana on the man. The police officer (whose name is Crosby) believed that the man was swallowing it. Therefore, the officer tried to choke the man. The man was restrained in handcuffs. The man didn't even try to fight or resist in anyway. The real truth is that officer had no right to choke a restrained individual at all. The cop should be removed from duty permanently. A local judge in Mount Juliet, TN, where the cop assaulted the man, was so dismayed by the unprovoked attack he threw the officer out of his court. The judge told him he would dismiss any case he files. The officer is a criminal. Tests proved that the man didn't have any marijuana in his system at all. Thuggish cops should be punished as much as criminals ought to be. The good news is that many police officers are law abiding and don't act in corrupt behavior at all. There should never be a monopoly of power. Power should be decentralized among the people and citizens.

Tasers have evolved greatly in their weaponry over the course of 5 years even. Now, there is the taser shockware weapon. This weapon is different from other taser weapons. This weapon has 6 electrified charges and is designed to target crowds rather than individuals. The cartidges are tethered by 25 foot wires, which can be fired form a distance of up to 100 meters in a 20 degree arc. The probes on the end of the cartridges an pierce through clothing and skin. It can emit 50,000 volts of electricity in the process. With these means, it can cover a full area to instantaneously incapacitate multiple personnel within that region. “Multiple Shockwave units can be stacked together (like building blocks) either horizontally or vertically in order to extend area coverage or vertically to allow for multiple salvo engagements.” The product description states. Some critics say that is can have indiscriminate targeting, because this device might be utilized on sizable crowds. There is also XREP or the Extended-Range Electronic Projectile. XREP is a shotgun style weapon that delivers a 20 second shock. It's similar to use maximize incapacitation. The XREP engine has a microprocessor controlled optimal electrode selection technology. Twenty times per second, the XREP engine checks for the optimal electrode connection to maximize the contact spread and achieve greatest incapacitation. Each device by the end of the year are scheduled for full production. Tasers have been criticized. Taser can cause heart problems as proven by doctors. It has been condemned by many organizations. One year ago the UN’s Committee Against Torture issued a statement on the TaserX26, which read: “The use of TaserX26 weapons, provoking extreme pain, constituted a form of torture, and that in certain cases it could also cause death, as shown by several reliable studies and by certain cases that had happened after practical use.” Tasers have murdered many innocent human beings as well. Tasers have been corrupted by law enforcement as well. So, I don't trust tasers 100% of the time at all.

Secret Societies are real. Explosure of them in a legitimate way is great to educate people to have discernment about the evils in the world. There are more occult symbolism in Macy's new clothing as some have discovered. People discovered that Macy is promoting clothing that says the Illuminati, the Council of Nine, and the Bohemian Grove. Either the members of Macy are in league with the new world order or they have done their homework. The leaders of Macy are definitely apart of this globalization agenda though. The cloths are found in One their Illuminati Knight Shirt (with the Bohemian Grove words on it), there is an ourborous symbol (or a snake eating its own tail). Macy also is selling a shirt with the words Knights Templar (a group accused of heresy. This group has influenced the development of the Rosicurcians and Freemasonry even if they deny it. For example, Knights Templar is a known degree in certain quarters of Freemasonry. The Demolay celebrate the murder leader of the Templars named Jacques Demolay and there are other connections). There is a skulls on the Knight Templar Macy shirt. The Cult of the Serpent shirt has an All Seeing Eye, a moon, and the sun (which are all Masonic symbols. The moon is feminime while the sun is masculine). Albert Pike wrote that the Serpent according to the Egyptian was about Divine Wisdom, but the Serpent in the Bible is in reference to Satan. Macy's Iron Brotherhood shirt has a cross, with a fleur de ils, a skulls, and 2 serpent spinning around each other. The serpents look similar to the cadaceus symbol of the occult. The cadeceus refers to Mercury or the transmission of "knowledge" to people. Macy's "Italia" shirt has a double headed eagle on it. Manly P. Hall wrote that the double headed eagle (as found in the logo of the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry) was the alchemical symbol of the union between the masculine and feminine principles in the individual. Ancient civilizations were using it for thousands of years. Macy's Order of Merlin shirt has a skulls and others have the Prince Charles coast of arms (including wings looking similar to the wings of Hours even on hats). You couldn't make this stuff up. Macy must really embrace illuminist principles to do something like this.

By Timothy

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