Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween is Today

Today is Halloween. Halloween comes from the Celtic pagan holiday of Samhain. Samhain in the time of the Druids had human sacrifice and other sick ceremonies. Lisa Ruby and Fritz Springmeier believe that occultists still do human sacrifice on this day. Its rituals today involve a praise of death and the grosteque nature of the world. I don't celebrate it. It's better to expose what Halloween really is than participate in it. The Taliban, Pakistani leaders, and Afghani delegates have agreed to talk to each other. Barry Newhouse from the Voice of America on October 29, 2008 made manifest these news. On Tuesday, Pakistani and Afghan political (including tribal) leaders meet in Islamabad, Pakistan. They agreed to seek talks with the Taliban insurgents in attempting to limit the violence along with their shared border. This announcement transpired after a two day meeting described as a mini-jirga in the Pakistani capital. VOA’s Barry Newhouse reports more about this occurence from Islamabad. Both groups in Pakistan and Afghanistan agreed to form new committees in both nations to establish contact with Taliban groups. Abdullah Abdullah (Afganistan's former foreign minister) explained that these committees will work independently from any other peace talks being pursued by the 2 governments. They want to work with opposition groups as well. The names of the officials involved in the talks are kept secret because of security concerns. The governments in Islamabad and Kabul have repeatedly proposed holding peace talks with Taliban factions if the militants agree to recognize the governments' legitimacy. Militants have rejected those conditions. New talks are focusing on negiotation. Each side in the grand jirga pledge to confront militancy, improve border security, and try to have more fast dialogue with Taliban groups. It's a big imperative for this to occur. This is so much better than adding 30,000 more Americans troops in Afghanistan or threatening to attack Pakistan by some. The reality is that dialogue, negoitation, and talks are a whole lot better than imperialism. These talks repuidate obviously the archaic and bad policies of the neo-conservatives. The neo-conservatives' philosophies are antithetical to the principles of liberals, conservatives, and the rest of real Americans completely.

Byron J. Richards, CCN from October 28, 2008 on outlined that teen sleep problems can lead into depression and drug abuse. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to decipher that great sleeping habits can induce better health among people. He believes that specific biological pathways can explain why sleep problems may lead into substance abuse. New science finds that the brain has a thermostat that controls arousal and awakeness. If this thermostate is too low, your head won't stay awake during the day (or you have narcolepsy). If it's set at the right level, you sleep with little trouble (and you will be awake during the day). Sleep problems usually occur when your arousal thermostate gets set too high. This can make you experience fatigue and disrupt your cognitive or learning functions in your brain. Science now shows that your arousal thermostat is established by a pair of excitatory neuropeptides produced by neurons located in the lateral hypothalamus, and projecting throughout your brain. They are called hypocretins. The hypocretins are links to reward and pleasure (related to our dopamines and endorphins). Too much arousal can cause a big need of a fix then shuts down. Some call this pathway as a reflection of drug abuse. Recent research shows that teens with sleep problems are 2.3 times more likely to become depressed within seven years, with a statistically significant increase in suicidal thinking and suicidal attempts. Richards wrote that only 20% of teens get adequate sleep and 16% of teen say that they have noticeable sleep problems. Even 28% of teens report falling asleep in school. Researchers at the University of California Los Angeles have shown that even one bad night of sleep turns on the core inflammatory gene signal (NF-kappaB) within cells of your body. That is why we need antioxidants for our body. Depression is related to a lack of it among other factors of course. We need oxygen in our brains, because it can help with us to improve our body and sleep processes. Oxygen in the brain must be in the right amount with antioxidants, so it doesn't cause problems. We of course don't need free radicals since they are damaging to our health. Teens need 9 hours of sleep per night according to Richards. Less sleep can cause hypertension and hypertension of course can raise the risk of heart (or cardiovascular) disease. Current research clearly shows a lack of sleep in children is an independent risk factor for obesity. That is why poor sleepers have a 92% higher risk of obesity compared to the best sleepers. The deal is that good nutritution and right sleeping habits are crucial ways for anyone to develop their health to the best possible way.

Reuters is reporting that a doctor in Germany is having a controversy. The female German doctor is accused of infecting 2,000 patients with HIV or hepatitis. If that's true, he is one cruel person. German authorities said that this doctors re-used unsterilized needles, which may have infected hundreds of people. Some of the needles were only washed with water and some of the needles weren't cleaned at all. The 56 year old doctor worked in Bad Saulgau. People who are infected are waiting if they have HIV or hepatitis. Economic news are coming on. The GDP slightly decreased and Exxon Mobil recieved a record profit from its oil revenues (in over $14 billion). There has been comparisons between the Great Depression and this time now. Some people said that FDR's philosophilies ought to be implemented today to assist our economy. The New Deal was complex and everything in it wasn't perfect. Many praise 32nd Degree Freemason Franklin Delano Roosevelt, yet he was the one who executed the immoral Japanese Internment program. The problems of the Great Depression existed even in Herbert Hoover's time. Hoover promoted higher taxes, allowed the Federal Reserve to tightened interest rates, and other bad economic prolicies that exacerbated the economic downturn. Our 2008 economic downturn is caused also by hyperinflation, unnecessary spending, corruption by Wall Street, the FED manipulating with the economy, and less oversight. The bailout of 2008 is extremely bad, because it has unnecessary bonuses toward multinational corporations, it has sections that restrict judicial oversight, some parts of the bailout law are blacked out, it hasn't radically improved the economy at all, it doesn't really address the causes of the economy, and other problems are in it. You couldn't make this stuff up. The bailout is nothing more than token measures that increases the risk of the total destruction of the middle class. It's been over 79 years since the Great Depression. A 2004 report by economists at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), concluded that not Hoover, but Roosevelt's anti-free market policies prolonged the Great Depression by seven years. That Depression had some of its start when the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913. The FED soon permitted too much inflation and increased the money supply (along with small increases in bank reserves, risky loans, and the promotion of a cheap money policy. This was used to help England economic problems) massively from June 1921 to June 1929. Too much government intervention along with bad money policy really caused the great Depression. The NRA also enacted corporatives that some criticize as authoritarian since it violated anti-trust laws. Schechter v. U.S. ruled these coporatives as unConstitutional. Many in the Great Depression were jailed for charging too little and violations of economic liberty persisted. Clarence Darrow investigated the program in an independent commission and called it "harmful, monopolistic, oppressive, grotesque, invasive, fictitious, ghastly, anomalous, preposterous, irresponsible, savage, wolfish." Even the Agricultural Adjustment Act caused the destruction of crops and livestocks to keep the agricultural prices high (which was during the time Americans were starving during the Depression). Robert Higgs, not a supply-sider, has demonstrated other ways, in much greater detail, that FDR in fact prolonged the Depression. Higgs said that Roosevelt copied Woodrow Wilson's oppressive wartime economic policies at peacetime. Higgs said that recovery was slower since investors were uncertain about their property rights in their investments. Some cite decreases in unemployment from 1933 to FDR's death as vindication of FDR's policies. Yet, World War II probably was the driving factor of the improvement of economic growth (even with that, sugar, butter, and foods were rationed. People worked harder for less, and military spending was 40% of the economy). FDR signed the bad deal of Yalta sucking up to the Soviets and secretly made Operation Keelhaul (where at least of thousands of refugees from the USSR were forced to go into Stalin's Communist regime. They were enslaved and killed) a reality. Roosevelt had gun control, turned away many Jewish refugees into America, and did other bad things. So, Franklin Delano Roosevelt isn't the deity some people protray him as.

The Council of Europe in 2006 reported that worldwide sex trafficking had reached epidemic proportions over the past decade according to the Associated Press. One reason for the surge of these sexual crimes are the selection abortions occuring, especially when they are happening in Asia. The Boston Globe said that these cultures are in the USA. Legalized prostitution has exacerbated the problems. Researchers regularly find that the demand of women to be used in prostitution is interlocking with the sex trafficking industry. In fact, the San Francisco Chronicle in 2006 outlined that San Francisco may be a huge U.S. sex trafficking gateway. The reason is that San Francisco is among one of the largest commercial centers of sex trafficking (not only in infamous locations of Bombay and Bangkok). Sex trafficking is now about an $8 billion international business. The Chronicle said that San Francisco's liberal attitude toward sex, few pimps being arrested, etc. made the international sex traffickers to do business undetected there. Now, San Francisco is proposing Proposition K to decriminalize prostitution. Even the liberal mayor, the district attorney, the police department, and others in San Francisco oppose Proposition K. They believe that it would increase street prostitution, hamper the fight against sex trafficking, and forced more people into the sex trade. Prostitution blatantly exploits women. It exploitation and harm against women caused by prostitution isn't just in America, but it's global. Sex trafficking is blatantly immoral as well.

Joe Biden is a notorious CFR member as many realize. JAY WARREN from the Canadian Free Press on October 29, 2008 wrote about Joe Biden mentioning the new world order again. Biden gave his speeches recently of course supporting the Barack Obama campaign. Days ago, Barack gave a 30 minute TV spot in many networks to describe his agenda. That is unprecendented. Biden said that Obama if he is President will witness a big crisis. Joe Biden perceived that Barack Obama is ready for it, but some of his decisions will be unpopular. I'm sure some of Obama's actions in terms of foreign policy won't be popular. Barack Obama knowingly or unknowingly is a puppet of the establishment. Foundation money funded his campaign (as well as John McCain's campaign) and the mainstream media is giving him record breaking support. Only FOX News seems to have some strong opinions in dissent with his policies on a consistent basis. Joe Biden said that this is a new Democratic Party as a reflection of a new world order. The new world order is the break down of national sovereignity in order to embrace globalism in simple terms. That's the globalist goal for many thousands of years. Barack Obama and Biden want war in Afghanistan, make America to be apart of NATO, and use left cover in neo-liberal imperalism. These goals have decieved a lot of liberals into thinking that real change is coming from Barack Obama. Obama may be right on some issues, but he's dead wrong on other issues. Barack Obama is definitely wrong in threatening Pakistan when they just elected a new President (he could be much more moderate than Pervez Musharraf) and on abortion.

There is a shocking admission made by one person. Steven Ertelt from at October 29, 2008 outline that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said something. Ginsburg said that Roe v. Wade went too far on the question of abortion. That's an amazing admission since most pro-abortion people would never make such a big admission at all. Roe v. Wade made legal abortion at virtually every trimester of the women's pregnancy. Ginsburg said that Roe made it an easy target for critics because it was such a sweeping decision. Ginsburg described on how the Court bit off more than it could chew with Roe. She also suprisingly explained that the high court left little room for state legislatures to limit abortions. She wanted dialogue with state legislature in order to reduce restrictions on abortion if the ruling was written differently. She said these words in a conversation with Princeton University Provost Christopher Eisgruber. The Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg admitted that her favorite part of the Constitution was the due process section of the 14th Amendment. This is ironic since pro-abortionists use the 14th Amendment obsessesively, yet incorrectly to justify their support for abortion (and the Roe v. Wade decision). The Constitution also says that the government can't deny anyone their right to life without due process. This is clear that legal protection for unborn children is paramount since they are human beings. This conversation existed last week. Ginsburg spoke at the Richardson auditorium. Ginsburg still believes that abortion is the woman's choice, when abortion is murder. Abortion ends the choice of the unborn human being and it doesn't promote real choices at all. If abortion is fine, would pro-abortionists be willing to agree with their own mother to abort them (from years ago) ending their lives? I don't think so. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one of the most liberal Supreme Court Justices of all time. If she says that Roe went too far, you know that Roe v. Wade went too far.

Censorship on the Internet isn't just occuring in some European countries or China. It's being promoted heavily by the nation of Australia. The government of Australia wants to have China-censorship in the form of a national filter. This filter will block websites considered "controversial." Free speech advocates believe that this plan will only block more websites in the Internet. A provision whereby Internet users could opt out of the filter by contacting their ISP has been stripped from the legislation, meaning the filter will be universal and mandatory. The System Administrators Guild of Australia and Electronic Frontiers Australia have attacked the proposal, saying it will restrict web access, raise prices and slow internet traffic speeds. At first, this plan was a way to try to stop child pornography and adult content. Now, this plan can extend to ban sites talking about euthanasia or anorexia. The Human Rights Watch condemned internet censorship. Extreme censorship and a huge firewall have caused bad delays in Internet services. That could be similar to the dial up connection that were bad from the mid 1990's. China's internet ban sites with a remotely strong political stance on issues. Western elitists have called for Internet censorship like ex-UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, John Reid, Joe Lieberman (who's intimidating Youtube to illegally ban some videos over there now), and others. The EU also proposed legislation that would prevent users from uploading any form of video without a license. Even in America, some want to censor websites by force of the government. Governments are doing this since they realize that the Internet is one of the few places where the public can recieve the real truth without spin or lies. The Internet has been great in exposing the new world order, government sponsored terrorism, and the war on terrorism hoax. Therefore, putting a gag on the Net can strife a lot of free speech among real truthseekers. Well, the lesson here is that the government has no right to censor or completely control the Internet at all period. If you don't like something on the Net, you individually handle your business, without government mandates or controls.

Genetics have been exploited for a long time. reported that genetic testing in a petri dish could eliminate imperfect humans before implanting in mom. Genetic testing is now changing medicine today. Medicine can treat, detect, and even prevent diseases. One procedure allows scientists to test embryos developed in the laboratory so that only "healthy' embryos are implanted in the wombs. Experts talked about this at the National Press Club on Tuesday. This is silly and odd. This action is called pre-implantation. This is done by egg fertilization in a petri dish and then the embryos are screened (so that those with genetic disorders can be eliminated according to panelist Sherri Bale). Bale is a medical geneticist and a co-founder of GeneDx. This company offers molecular diagnoses of hereditary disorders. Bale believes that there are benefits to pre-implantation. The reason is that she believes it can detect possible diseases or mutations in children. Genetic testing is a complex issue. It can cause great child caretaking techniques, while in some instances increase the risks for abortions. One problem with genetic testing is that some states are trying to force newborns to be tested for as high as 20 genetic conditions. I never believe in that because it violates privacy and the government has no right to test newsborns against a parent's will at all. Genetics are increasing at a great weak. Also, I don't endorse creating embryos and then destroying them for research sake. I oppose that action fully. There are evil people who are exploitating genetics in order to create chimeras, violate human individuality, and other nefarious goals.

Fingerprinting is occuring at an amazing pace. Urmee Khan from the Telegraph on October 29, 2008 reported that parents are to be fingerprinted by nursery schools. It's a disgraceful policy because this is an obvious violation of citizens' privacy rights. As high as 50 nurseries and playgrounds have signed up to this new security measure. This is the first time parents have been targeted in that way. Civil libertarians have legitimately branded this decision as a "huge overreaction." This is occuring in the United Kingdom. This new entry system forces people who collect their children to place their finger on a scanner. This makes sure that only nominated individuals can get through secure entrances. Kidsunlimited, the nursery chain, will be rolling out the new technology to its 50 playgroups. Honeycomb Solutions, the security firm behind the technology, say it is an effective way to monitor who is on their premises. The scanner deals with converting parent's fingerprints into a code number. This number allows the system to recognize the finger without storing any biometric data. The company says that the database can't be accessed by any human. This is similar to the way banks protect credit card pin numbers. Sadly, many parents love it. Peter Churchley of Caring Daycare, a group of eight nursery schools in Surrey that cater for children aged 3 months to 5 years, said: “We’ve had the Honeycombe Solutions fingerprinting technology installed in two of our nurseries." These fingerprinting systems and 5 CCTV cameras will cost 10,000 pounds according to Mr. Churchley. This fingerprints are approved by the government. Civil liberty groups believe that stolen identies are possible with these new technologies. Of course, readily the government admits that these oppressive biometric systems are about controlling society. The technocrats from the Huxley brothers to those today advance the proposition that a controlled, managed society under an elite is very necessary. In actuality, human independence ought to be advanced instead of a Huxley-like Big Brother state.

Secret Societies are real. There is news that the Maltese Freemasons are going public on the Internet. They have a full fledged website discussing their activities, history, and abotu their statue. With most secret orders, they probably won't reveal everything on thenature of their organization though. Of course like the Masons, they claim just to be a group filled with humility, tolerance, and charity. The truth is that Freemasons, the Jesuits, and other order radily embrace the occult via the Mysteries, Universalism, and an utopian vision for the world. An utopia is impossible of course since mankind is inperfect. The Malta Lodges (from England, Scotland, and Ireland) went into one single Grand Lodge in 2004. They claim to follow the laws of the state they reside in. Magistrate Carol Peralta has been a "Worshipful Master" of the Leinster Lodge before being appointed magistrate. This has fuelled speculation about the impartiality of public officers. Their main lodge headquarters are at Casa Viani in Valletta. This place housed the Lodge of St John and St Paul, which was founded in 1815 by Walter Rodwell Wright, Chief Justice of Malta from 1814 to 1826. Recently, the New Age crowd have stepped their attacks against Christianity with films like Zeitgeist and their interesting statement. Even Jordan Maxwell have called Christians stupid and praised Manly P. Hall including Madame HP Blavatsky. Maxwell encorporated the biased HP Blavatsky's sources to promote his agenda that almost nothing on Judaism is true. Ironically, Blavatsky expressed anti-Semitism that Hitler promoted. Maxwell mentions the words Jordanus Maximus. These words come from Madame Helena Petronva Blavatsky's "Isis Unveiled" book. Maxwell read HP Blavatsky's works. To Maxwell's credit (and I don't agree with him on every issue), he has exposed the Vatican's link to the new world order. Each of them (i.e. Manly P. Hall and HP Blavatsky) praised Lucifer with Blavatasky outright promoting Satanism. Hall also promoted Sir Francis Bacon's plan of using America to be a new Atlantis as an excuse to form the world commonwealth. That is nothing more than a code name for the new world order. There are also Vatican agents. One is named Aloysius or Al Caffrey. He's the retired Director of the CIA in Los Angeles and worked as a deacon of the Catholic Church in LA. This research was found by Thomas Richards. He also was in the Fourth Degree of the Knight of Columbus. He fought in the Vietnam War. He has other connections with intelligence and AIDS research. The K of C have ties to Supreme Court, police agencies, and other places. The K of C are foot soldiers in trying to make America as Catholic as possible. The deal is that we should promote individual liberty, but not be ignorant of the tools of the NWO, especially the wicked New Age Movement (with ties to many Jesuits like de Chardin, the Lucis Trust, the Rockefellers, the UN, etc.).

By Timothy