Monday, October 13, 2008

A critique of a link by Me


This is a critique of the link (the half truth filled, Jewish baiting link is found at: and not a personal attack on you at all:

The link has many things that are true and other things that are false. The things alleged about Ignatius Loyola is half true. Loyola’s Jesuit Order was created as a means to promoted to be apart of the Counter Reformation. The Jesuits to this days are involved in promoting illegal immigration, Marxism, rule several Universities in America alone, and have a nefarious history. Yet, there is no conclusive evidence which exists showing that Loyola was a Marrano Jewish person. A Marrano is someone who is Jewish that converts to Catholicism to hide out their true identity for fear of persecution. In fact, the Jesuits harbored hatred of Jewish historically. They soon didn’t allow any Jewish people to be an overt Jesuit member until after WWII. Now, the Jesuit connections of Ribera to some aspects of the pre-trib rapture are true. Yet, the Tribulation, the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ, and other aspects of prophecy clearly are from the Scriptures.

The Star of David has its origin from the Mystery Religion. Its ’s a Hexagram and OJ Graham’s research have documented its arcane history in his book. Many accept it who are Christian and Jewish, because they are ignorant of its origin. Many secular and occultists aren’t ignorant of its origin though. Also, this is very similar to America having paganism in its foundations, yet people unknowingly accept them. Wickedness occur in every nation, not just one. There has been righteous people living in Israel since its founding just like in America. Since 1948, patriotic Jewish people like Barry Chamish have opposed the secular Labor Zionist movement in Israel.

I don’t believe that the Bible teaches that Jesus will return 2 times after his first ascension into Heaven from ca. 32 A.D. I believe Jesus will return 1 time in the future after the Tribulation. What was interesting is that the link rightfully tied to the Jesuits to the radical form of the pre-trib rapture view. The early church definitely accepted futurism (i.e. that Jesus will come into the future after the Tribulation. The Bible says this including Justin, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Hippolytus, and others). It’s very much historical to see Scofield and the Plymouth Bethren’s handiwork in the radical pre-trib movement. Ironically, the Jesuit Luis de Alcazar was the founder of Preterism. That link doesn’t mention the Jesuit/Preterism tie at all. Alcazar wrote a 900 page commentary titled, “Investigation of the Hidden Sense of the Apocalypse.” It teaches the Preterism view that the book of Revelation is already fulfilled in its prophecies.

Many people who believe in the rapture do believe in Dominionism. I will admit to that. I believe in the rapture as well, but it being after the Tribulation. On the other hand, I reject Dominionism. Also, I would add that many Reconstructionists hate the rapture and the prophecies of the book of Revelation especially. As for your words about Azusa Street is fairly accurate. Yet, their support of an empire in no way is a justification for the denial of the existence of the rapture. Some of the pro-Pentecostal/Emergent Church types even reject the coming of Jesus Christ unless by the establishment of a man-made theocracy. It’s a fact that the book of Matthew say that Jesus won’t come until the Gospel is spread unto all Creation (as found in Matthew 24:14 saying, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”), not the formation of a theocratic empire. This is similar to the goal of may pro-British Israel supporters to form an empire. In conclusion, the link mixes truth with errors to attempt to back up its agenda (to bash anyone believing in a rapture or believes that Israel has an important role in prophecy. The link contradicts John 4:22 saying that salvation is of the Jews and Romans 11 saying that God hasn’t forsaken Israel totally and other verses). The link makes no distinction between Pre and Post rapture individuals (which I am post-trib). It’s makes the big lie that the rapture teaching could be the reason why the crises in the Middle East occurs when the Middle East has a complex history (most of the problems there are occuring because of Western intervention and the restriction of those there to solve their own problems). It promotes the lie that Jewish people living in Israel aren’t Semitic when genetic evidence prove that Sephardic, etc. Jewish people in Israel are Semitic just like the Arabic tribes living there. I would read the link since it has some relevant and truthful information, but I would never trust this link 100%. It calls anyone believing in the rapture as nearly a cult follower.

By Timothy

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