The Debate was interesting. It was hosted by Bob Schieffer. Like in all 3 of these debates, this last one was a tie. This debate was the best of the three. The reason was that each man was given more time to express their positions fully on a wide variety of issues. Also, Bob allowed both Barack Obama and John McCain to debate each other with little interruption. They discussed on more topics than the previous 2 debates put together. I believe Obama won against McCain (not in terms whether I agree with Obama's policies, but on debating skills) on issues about healthcare and education. Barack Obama said that he doesn't want fines on people with existing health care services. He wants to invest in child care, prevention, and those who don't have health care. He concieves of his plan to decrease the preminum costs of US health care. John McCain said that he wants transparency, information technology,desire individuals to have access to health care among state lines, and more health choice (Barack Obama accuses John McCain of increasing taxes on health care benefits, while John McCain accuses Barack Obama of encouraging more government involvement in the present system since the government controls a huge amount of our system now. The major problems with our health care system are about access and raising costs). I believe McCain beat Obama (not in terms where I agree with McCain's policies or not, but on debating skills) on about abortion and trade policy. On the economy, they were each tied. Both gave their best shots. John McCain had his best performance pound for pound. The beginning of the debate was about the economy. Barack Obama said that his tax cuts affects 95% of Americans, while John McCain said he wants tax cuts for all Americans. Obama accused McCain of harboring tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas, while McCain commented that Obama would raise taxes (during an economic downtown) creating pressure for small business to increase their revenues. Each supported some form of tax cuts and the need for economic growth. Obama wanted to use specific cutting of failed programs and McCain wanted cuts in failed programs as well specifically in the military budget. We borrow money to even pay for things regardless of who is President. Both believed in free trade. Barack Obama wanted trade deals to have worker and environmental provisions, while John McCain said that these trade deals are working for America. John McCain was most weak on specifics on health care reform. Barack Obama was most weak in the debate about the abortion issue, because privacy is not equated to murdering innocent unborn babies at all. The Constitution doesn't equate privacy and abortion explicitly at all. Doctors proved that the "save the life of the mother" exception wasn't necessary in the partial birth abortion ban. Also, non-bias resources like Fact proved that this born alive bill that Obama opposed in 2003 was nearly identical to the federal bill. There is not a single major piece of legislation Obama supported to decrease abortions at all. Obama wants to ban the Hyde Amendment, ban the Mexico policy, want to force taxpayers to fund abortion whether they want to or not, and pass FOCA (which can ban all pro-life legislation from all levels of government). This is hardly moderation on the abortion issue. McCain isn't perfect on this issue since he support embryonic stem cell research. Alternatives like IPCs and adult stem cells are readily avaliable that have treated people for real. McCain supported the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood according to Chuck Baldwin. John McCain and Barack Obama wanted reform in education. None of them discussed about supporting homeschooling, encouraging smaller class sizes, and stopping the globalist pro-Dewey education system from infecting our public school system. Both talked about competition and standards. Each agree with the implementation of charter schools. There is nothing wrong with that. Yet, that won't be achieved without parental involvement and real educational tactics of independence of thought, the promotion of creativity, and have more solutions to learning rather than random memorization. Joe Wurzelbacher or Joe the Plummer was in the political areana. He is concerned about tax policy negatively effecting his business. Barack Obama and John McCain are elite puppets when you cut through the spin of course. Each of them advocate NAFTA, the FISA anti-Fourth Amendment law, the war on terror, anti-gun laws, a global warming global tax system, anti-gun laws, Campaign Finance Reform (which is against the First Amendment), and the list goes on and on.
Glen Beck have talked about martial law. This doesn't mean Glen Beck should have our unconditional alliegance though. Beck said some despictable comments before. He called Hurricane Katrina victims as scum and believes in the war on terror. Days ago, he said something interesting about martial law. Beck said that the financial crisis as manufactured to increase the risk of a hardcore martial law scenario. The economic crisis had responsibility among the FED including the Republicans and the Democrats. Peter Schiff was Beck's guest who talked about this issue. Martial law involves the usage of armed troops on the streets to quell dissent. It also deals with an unitary executive branch or the President doing what he wants via executive orders. This crisis is further continued with the bailout. The bailout is allowing junkets for Wall Street members like AIG in having spas and trips. The bailout allowed the Treasury Department to have dictatorial powers in deeming whatever asset bad as they see fit to control it. It creates the IRS to have new spying powers. It also forces taxpayers to bailout even foreign banks. The high inflation is bad and much of it is caused by the overprinting of devalued currency. Now, martial law totally involves more violations of our civil liberties, the suspension of habaes corpus, and the military policing our streets (that has occured on many levels). These events are driving the global currency or one world currency agenda. Even Gordon Brown and other EU leaders like Sarkozy have called for a one financial order. Democratic Congressman Brad Sherman from October 2nd stated that several members of Congress were threatened before the bailout vote that martial law would be instigated in America if the legislation was not passed. Therefore, Congress members were intimidated (as similar to the Patriot Act) to pass this extremist, faulty bill. What's the deal? The deal is that elitists want to control our money to be used to build up this new world order. So, we should save our money, save food, and help people. Yet, we should never act in violence, agitation, or fear of the world. The only thing we should fear is God alone.
Global Warming is a huge issue now. There is a big, false stereotype that if you disagree with man-made global warming, you hate the environment. This lie is refuted easily by the facts. The truth is that tons of people from across the political spectrum (like me) want clean water, want clean air, oppose chimeras, abhor destruction of the rainforest, believe in conservation, and reject wanton killing of animal species. So, endorsing the improvement of the environment is a legitimate format to embrace. Yet, using paranoia and fear about global warming isn't the way to go. Jarl R. Ahlbeck from Facts & Arts on Wednesday from October 15, 2008 wrote that there is no significant global warming since 1995. Now, about 200 years ago, the Earth recovery from the famous little ice age. Now, the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide started to grow significantly. This occured as late as the 1950's. This is of course due to the rapid increase of the burning of fossil feuls. The climate recovery is still an ongoing process today. A natural warming rate of roughly 0.5 degrees C /100 years has been the baseline for more than 100 years. Yet, both short (a few years) and long (20 years) fluctuations around the baseline have occurred for natural but highly speculative reasons. For example, a rapid warming in the 1930s followed by a cooling period, and recently again warming until about 1998. The UK climate panel of the IPCC said that the last warming period was created by increased CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Yet, researchers believe that there is no conclusive evidence for CO2 levels causing rapid increases in temperature. Also, CO2 influences in global mean temperaure in complicated. Jarl shows temperature diagrams that no big warming occured by 1995. The graphs outline warming in some years, so the graphs describe no projected catastrophic future warming. The graphs show a cooling in 2008, because record winters worldwide occured in the 2007-2008 winter season. Not to mention that weather is always dynamic and changes constantly. The globalists (as found in the Club of Rome, the UN, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, etc.) want Agenda 21, etc. to get more control of private property. They want this to make society into a more feudal system, while real technological advancement are stagnated among the commonpeople.
The W film is promoted by Oliver Stone. He's the director of the film. There is controversy over the film, because George W. Bush's Presidency isn't over yet. Bush is certainly one of the most controversial President of all time. Some criticize the film as bias. Indeed, Stone makes no bones about his views. He's a dedicated liberal who's also a Vietnam War veteran. He isn't perfect even. Stone is quoted as using profanity in glorifying violence in some of his movies. Now, Stone is known for yolking up with the Jesuit-trained dictator of Cuba named Fidel Castro. Castro is old, yet he authorizes authoritarian rule over Cuba. Stone is a person, who of course will claim that the film is fair. He said that the film possesses empathy, but not agreement with his policies. The film include Hollywood actors (and actresses) including Thandie Newton, Scott Glenn, Robert Drefyus, Toby Jones, and Jeffrey Wright. The film describes his life from earlier years, Billy Graham, and to the Iraq War. The truth is obvious. George W. Bush is a member of the Skulls and Bones and a puppet of the establishment. The elite placed him into power to destroy the legitimate embrace of National Soveriegnity and religious liberty. This war on terror bashed America when globalists (whose headquarters are from Europe) are using America as a tool to carry out their aims of a new world order. It was also a way to manipulate foreign policy in order to love internationalism plus globalism. The film doesn't talk about many of the real issues surrounding our time like the questions about the official story of 9/11, even PNAC desiring a war in Iraq (along with race specific bioweapons), or even the new world order. People have a right to look at the film if they want to, but the film doesn't delve into the bigger picture. Although, George W. Bush and his allies are accountable for their errors from the Iraq War, the institution of the Patriot Act, the warrantless spying system, the USA Military Commissions Act (which bash habeas corpus rights for citizens), allowing millions of dollars to let FEMA create over 600 concentration camps in America (being built by Halliburton), and make Homeland Security to collect digital fingerprints of all foreigners before they depart the country.
The European Union hasn't given up on Ireland, despite Ireland rejecting the Lisbon Treaty. Hence, the EU is trying to enact more aggressive tactics in attempting to force Ireland to accept the Lisbon Treaty. The Lisbon Treaty is about the EU furthering their power upon soveriegn nations. According to the German Foreign Policy website, Elmar Brok (who is an influential German Christian Democratic Union member of the European Parliament) has threatened Dublin with "disastrous consequences" if the Irish government refuses to accept the referendum of the Lisbon Treaty. The Irish were threatened, bullied, and blackmailed by the EU crowd when they voted first to reject the Lisbon Treaty. Specifically (right now), Ireland faces sanctions, including the prospect of renouncing its EU commissioner. The good news is that more than 70 percent of the Irish people are against a repeat of the referendum. The SPD European parliamentarian, Jo Leinen, has told the Irish foreign minister he expects ratification to take place long before the European Parliamentary elections, slated for next March. The Lisbon Treaty is transpiring as a serious issue among many European nations. Brok said that the CIA and U.S. military cliques are behind efforts to sabotage the Lisbon Treaty. Although, the truth is apparently the opposite. According to William Wolf, the CIA financed an effort to create a system of European governance, a system originally designed by Nazi Minister of Finance, Walter Funk. Wolf mentions that the Fabian Society, the RIIA, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, etc. work to merge Nazi-pan Europeanism with Communism to create a global, oligarchic, corporate system. This system is forming as we speak, especially during the economic crisis we have. The mainstream media is definitely in league with the EU and globalism. That's why most of them supported the bankers' bailout law.
An abortion business owner is getting a lawsuit. Steven Ertelt from on October 14, 2008 manifested facts on this story. An owner of a south Florida abortion business killed an unborn child in an blatant infanticide. Now, this person is witnessing a civil lawsuit. An unborn baby was injured in an abortion attempt. The baby's body was placed on the abortion center's roof to avoid detection from authorities. The unborn baby is named Shanice Denise Osbourne. She was a victim of abortion at the the GYN Diagnostic Center abortion facility in Hialeah, outside Miami. According to witnesses, a young woman went to GYN for an abortion. Police say the 18 year-old returned the next day complaining of severe stomach pains. Abortion facility staff told her the abortion practitioner was not available and that she would have to wait. After being taken to a waiting area, the woman allegedly gave birth to the baby that she thought had been aborted the day before. Abortion center owner Belkis Gonzalez,who is a woman with no medical background, delivered the African-American baby girl. An autopsy indicated that the baby's lungs contained gas bubbles and floated, proving that Shanice was alive and breathing at birth. Officials say an anonymous caller, who they believe is an employee at the abortion business, alerted them to the birth and the infanticide of the child afterwards. However, when police arrived at the abortion facility, the baby's body was missing. Police came and found the dead baby in a biohazard bag. Detectives believe that the baby was moved to avoid detection. Tom Brejcha, president and chief counsel for the Thomas More Society, tells that the incident took place "without any licensed medical personnel (doctors or even nurses) in attendance." Brejcha believes the death of the baby was infanticide, so they want a lawsuit accomplished. So, the Thomas More Society is suing the abortion practitioner, Paul Renelique and Gonzalez. All of the information surrounding this unfortunate case ought to be realized. What is the truth? The truth is that infanticide is wrong no matter whether where it occurs.
The Internet is under attack from promoters of censorship. The free nationwide wi-fi network could censor political websites. These proposals of wi-fi Internet access exist in the U.S. This proposal is agreed upon by House Representatives Anna Eshoo and Edward Markey. They wanted this after it was discovered the network would not interfere with incumbent wireless telcos such as AT&T and Verizon, who had raised concerns over potential signal interference. M2Z Networks and the FCC are competing to get the rights to develop the network. Both want to do this in order to block out pornography and anything else deemed "harmful." Notice how these entities don't define which websites are harmful. According to a Daily Tech report, both proposals say that any free wireless offering should have mandatory content filters. This will prevent users from viewing any "material that would be would be harmful to teens and adolescents,” including pornography and anything “contemporary community standards” deem as obscene. Free-speech advocates call this condition unconstitutional. Similar free wi-fi networks on smaller scales include mandatory content filters that screen out even mildly political websites that are not part of the corporate establishment media. The problem with these proposals is that wi fi systems have banned sites that are political. London's St. Pancras International free wi fi network block a barrage of alternative websites. Some innocent political sites there were inaccessible on the network. Government mandated censorship inhibits free speech on the Internet. Individuals should make that call in regulating their website usage not any government or corporate controlled network censoring websties.
Ironically, Bill Maher admits that he lied to get people to appear in his "Religulous" propaganda movie. Maher is a hypocrite on many levels anyway. He condemned the Bush administration for lying in order to get America to get into the Iraq War, while Maher admits to lying in order to complete his movie. Bill Maher lied to political and religious figures in the movie. One evangelical pastor said that he thought he was inside of a PBS documentary and never would of agreed to the project if he knew what Maher was really trying to accomplish. Even Senator Mark Pryor of Arkansas admits that the film makes all people of religious faith as ridiculous. Pastor Jeremiah Cummings is considering legal action despite signing a consent form. Maher harrased peaceful 9/11 Truthers, so we know his agenda is. Lynda Carter (who played Wonder Woman during the 1970's) criticized Sarah Palin as judgmental and dictatorial. Although Palin isn't perfect (i.e. Many CNP members and Dominionists are pulling strings), she is hardly like a dictator. Carter said that you must support killing unborn babies to promote personal rights. I have news for her. Killing unborn human beings have nothing to do with personal rights. It suppresses human rights. Lynda compared Hillary Clinton to Wonder Woman when Hillary accepts the view that you must fine people if they reject a government run health care plan (even Barack Obama doesn't support the government controlling all of our health care). Hillary Clinton supports the Patriot Act, the war on terror, and other things contrary to personal freedom including the freedom of speech. Carter said worry about our own family and that's right. Although, when injustice is in the world, we have every right to oppose that injustice. No, we have concern for all human life from the unborn to the elderly. We love all human beings and have concern for the well being of all human beings. Carter talks about the seperation of church and state when no such word exists in the Constitution. Also, no one in their right mind says that the government ought to promote one religion, but it does promote religious liberty. Demonization exists on many sides regardless of what Lynda Carter says. She hypocritically invokes God when it's been her crowd that wants to suppress the mere mention of God from the public square. Carter is actually judgemental against people that disagree with her views. Also, Palin didn't tell anyone how to live their lives. We are bounded by laws dealing with murder and rape, so morality-based laws exist.
Blackwater have joined local law enforcement in searches. WAVY-TV from October 15, 2008 have described this issue. In Camden County, North Carolina, law enforcement personnel from 3 jurisdictions searched a rural area in the county on Tuesday morning. The police had assistance among personnel and equipment from Blackwater. They were looking for a suspect they say shot a county resident as he walked out of his house to go to work. A spokesperson for the Camden County Sheriff’s Office tells that they received a call at 5:39 a.m. in reference to a shooting incident. Frank Crank (who is a 45 year old) suffered from a gunshot wound. Authorities displayed that Frank was shot as he existed his home for work. He was flown to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital by Nightingale. He's listed in stable condition with non-life threatening injuries. Crank was flown by Nightingale to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital where he is listed in stable condition with non life threatening injuries. People believe that the shooter came behind the residence to shoot Crank. The shooter most probably left the Camden County area. Blackwater has its own controversy from murders in Iraq to its duties in New Orleans. Blackwater has its leadership connected to the Knights of Malta and the Vatican (A leading figure in Blackwater named Erik Prince is a infamous Roman Catholic). It's been criticized as a corrupt private mercencary group.
There are some other information that I wanted to add about secret societies. Most realize the history of the Great Seal. The early designers of the Seal design were Freemason Benjamin Franklin, John Adams (whose ancestors like Henry Adams were apart of the Dragons Secret Society. The Dragons promoted paganism), and others. French artist Eugene du Sinitere was an early designer of the Seal as well. By June 1782, the final seal of the design was accomplished. It was finished with men like Charles Thomson and William Barton (who helped with the pyramid design on the back of the dollar bill). It's interesting to note that Charles was a member of the American Philosophical Society. This was created by Masons like Ben Franklin (who was also apart of the occult Hell Fire Club) to promote the arts and sciences. Writers like Michael Howard believe that this society is related to the United Kingdom's Royal Society. The Royal Society of course originated form the concepts of the Rosicurcian (like Sir Francis Bacon) view of the Invisible College. Charles Thomson was a teacher in a school run by Benjamin Franklin. In the 1930's, the Great Seal was on the One Dollar Bill. 32nd degree Freemason Henry Wallace supported the symbol on the Dollar Bill. Wallace was a mystic and followed not only Nicholas Roerich (a Rosicrucian who wanted world peace and supported the failed League of Nations), but Dr. Ardrija Phuarich. Therefore, the Seal was created by those who wanted a new utopian society in America interrelated with Secret orders. Even Abraham Lincoln was a friend of Pascal Beverly Randolph (who was born in 1825). Randolph was apart of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light in 1858 (who believed in alchemy, etc.). There has been great legitimate criticism against Zeitgeist Addendum film. The film is right to dissent with the war on terror on other issues. Yet, its main problem is that it promotes a faulty utopian society (including man merging with machines, eliminating any form of commerce using money, and ending all forms of nation-states). It bashes religion and wants no religion when religious liberty should exist in the world. Its common sharing of all of the world's resources are similar to the goals of Theosophist Alice Bailey's "The Externalization of the Hierarchy" book. Alice Bailey (was also a member of Lucis Trust, which was once called Lucifer Trust. Lucis Trust is tied definitely to the United Nations in order to form an one world religious utopia) even bashes money as the film does. The film wants the elimination of private property, the collective ownership of resources, intelligence usage of technology (it doesn't show which type of people would administer this technology unto people), and the banning of money would eliminate greed and corruption. This is fantasy since man isn't perfect. Fresco is a speaker in the film and he believes in transhumanism or man will de-evolve. Transhumanism is one of the ultimate goals of the globalists. Zeitgeist Addendum also has supportive words from New Ager Krisnamurti who was called the Christ figure of the Theosophical Society (this society falsley called him the Messiah). Yet, Krisnamurti later rejected that messanic aim of being the Christ. The film wants to have a Venus project as a means to solve world problems. The film promotes the overpopulation lie. Ironically, Rudolf Steiner (an occultist) wrote a book entitled "Theosophy" where he describes the Spirit of the Age as the Zeitgeist. This Zeitgeist Addendum film is just a repacking of the new world order (by bashing Christians using lies, promoting an anti-private property rights agenda, promoting a New Age utopian socialism agenda, wanting to eliminating money, etc.) in a slick way. The film lies and comment that free enterprise is a threat when in America we don't have that economic system. For decades, our economy is controlled by a few bankers along with monopolies plus cartels devaluing the currency (along with preventing true economic freedom for the people. These monopolies work with governments forming a big government system. Fraud, lying, greed, and other crimes by some in Wall Street and the FED have nothing to do with a true free market system). The elitists ironically are into sun worship, paganism, and trying to form an utopian society (from Ted Turner, Al Gore, etc. The film even promotes a "god spirit" in all humanity) just as Zeitgeist Addendum promotes. This propaganda film is trying to attack Christians in order to promote their occult/socialist agenda (being intolerant of religious freedom, while accepting moral relativism. The creators of Zeitgeist reject the concepts of good and evil). That should tell you something. Really solutions would be people to be as self-sufficient as possible, have decentralization, encourage independent development of the world, and we should help people (not banning religious freedom or economic freedom in the process).
By Timothy