Dear Friends and Brethren,
Knight of Malta Willis Carto is mentioned in Roman Catholic Martin A. Lee's The Beast Reawakens (1997). The theme of the book is the re-emergence of fascism in Europe and of its coming to the US. There is even a rare picture of Carto speaking from a podium.
I have been informed that Willis Carto, the White Roman Catholic Neo-Nazi and founder of Liberty Lobby and The Spotlight (and dear friend of the late SMOM J. Peter Grace!) organized a meeting between the hatefully racist, anti-Black, Freemasonic White KKK and the hatefully racist, anti-White, Freemasonic Black NOI. The incident is mentioned in Racial Situations---Class Predicaments and of Whiteness in Detroit by John Hartigan. This proves the words of Malcolm X to be true: "the KKK and the NOI have the same paymasters."
In another book titled The Man to See, the life and work of Knight of Malta Edward Bennett Williams is delineated. In that book it states that NOI leader and Freemason Elijah Mohammad went to see Williams after the assassination of Malcolm X seeking legal help for the NOI assassins. Clearly, the American SMOMs overseen by the Archbishop of New York City control both the KKK and the NOI via the brother Templars, the high level, Illuminized Freemasons.
I will find the quotes and put it up ASAP.
Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric
This movie portrays Bavarian Roman Catholic SS Major Josef Mengele making a "selection" at Auschwitz. All his tedious records of his experiments were left to the Jesuits manning the NKVD that accompanied the Red Army "liberating" Auschwitz. Mengele was escorted by Jesuits through the Brenner Pass, he then being aided by Bishop Alois Hudal to escape to South America. This monster was protected by the intelligence services of the Allies ruled by the Knights of Malta loyal to that antichrist in the Vatican, Pius XII.
Mengele is the personification of the Jesuit Oath of the Fourth Vow. He merely fulfilled the wishes of his master, Jesuit General Ledochowski---a Pole and the master of Poland's Nazi SS death camps.
Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric
By Timothy
You're right about, it's not really alternative because it buys into the liberal/conservative false paradox. There's some truth, but not a whole a lot.
Yeah, when doing research, I did come across that the feminism and the likes of Gloria Steniem were funded by the CIA and the Rockefeller Foundation. The same people who funded the radio broadcast production of "War of the Worlds" to conduct a test, if you will. Yeah, people went nuts after the broadcast and didn't wait to listen at the end that the whole thing was fake.
Hello, Eric: I have read some of your writings and find the data worth looking into further. I thought you might find this interesting: In his book 911 Synthetic Terror Webster Griffin Tarpley writes that the Guy Fawkes Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was a "false flag" operation (Pg. 68-70) planned by Lord Robert Cecil and the British government because "it was politically vital to keep persecuting the Roman Catholics." He gets this information from the "Jesuit Gerard". It is appalling that Tarpley expects the world to forget the Catholic Inquisition , and the years of Bloody Mary burning Protestants in England just prior to Elizabeth's reign, and that the Jesuits were founded for the purpose of destroying Protestant Christianity (and Protestant governments). What gutsy nerve to suggest that the (harmless) Jesuits would not try to overthrow Queen Elizabeth's government! This gross distortion of history casts severe doubt on everything he writes. Why, then, have so many nations expelled the Jesuits if they do not engage in such subterfuge? Many people writing on these topics appear to be Jesuits themselves, and perhaps the 'La Rouches' that Tarpley is linked to as well. There are no fingers pointing to possible intrigues of Rome at all in his writings. He gives a talk on this on YouTube also: It is a shameless distortion of history, but even if it were true, the English had good reason to try to protect themselves from the Jesuits. Sincerely, Linda |
Dear Linda,
You are right on point.
Remember there were at least threee assassination attempts on Queen Elizabeth I's life during her reign. The pope's Bull of Excommunication calls her a Bastard Queen and thus pursuant to the Jesuit maxims, the first to get near her could kill her and it would be no murder. Remember the pope's financing the attack of the Spanish Armada in 1588? There were 30,000 soldiers on board the 120 ships ready to kill every Protestant in Engand and to deport the Queen to Rome for her torture and execution. Also remember the King James I openly expelled the Jesuits from England shortly after he took the throne in 1603, and he publicly burned the regicide doctrines of Jesuit Francisco Suarez.
Now about King James persecuting Roman Catholics, let us see. The Catholics were never forced to go to Protestant services until after the attempted assassination of Elizabeth. The wicked sinners brought it upon themselves. If those Roman Catholics were true nationalists as they should have been, they would have reported the Jesuit plot to assassinate their Queen. Further, Jesuit Gerard and Jesuit Provincial Henry Garnet were key planners and guides in the plot to blow up King James, his Roman Catholic wife, and his two sons along with the entire Parliament. That was the king's Jesuit condemnation for converting to Protestantism and favoring the Reformation.
Although there are many good facts in Tarpley's book on GHW Bush, Tarpley is in fact a bold-faced Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor and I have called him such publicly. He is also tied to that Grand Orient Freemasona Lyndon LaRouche who is a fascist and fully intends to bring the Empire into a military dictatorship. LaRouche, like Tarlpey, are "good Roman Catholics."
Both Tarpley and LaRouche protect and defend the pope of Rome, that foreign monarch and fakir who claimes the right to rule the souls and governments of all men via his bogus Spiritual and Temporal Powers.
Good analysis below, Linda.
Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric
> control Masonic Labor Zionism, have coadjutors in every branch of
> Judaism (putting their own people in peril) and Israeli government (to
> the detriment of the people) and how they are the main pushers of
> "interreligious dialogue" for the purpose of getting any opposition to
> put their guard down-the Vatican II Council was a clever public
> relations move to convince the world Rome changed. The only thing
> she's changed is her tactics! It was just another way only more
> unassuming to serve the interests of the Black and White Papacy
> (something Leo Zagami does not wish to understand.)
> These are very telling photos of hofjuden (I first heard this term
> from the late Sherman Skolnick) or Papal Court Jews who have no king
> but Caesar!
> (The
> video links to the right are sad and sickening to watch rabbis and
> cantors blessing and praising the very man who sold Zyklon B gas for
> I.G. Farben used in the Holocaust to mass murder their own people,
> men, women, and children. It is a tragic and utter betrayal of their
> memory!) Krupp believes his foundation has evidence Hitler's Pope Pius
> XII actually helped Jews during the Holocaust!
> American Jew Gary Krupp (this same surname is connected with the
> Jesuits' Illuminati and I.G. Farben I wonder if this Krupp is
> connected to this bloodline Fritz Springmeier wrote about and if he is
> this is another clear example of Illuminati subservience to the
> Babylonian mystery religion), founder of the "Pave the Way Foundation
> Inc." who was invested by Pope JP II as a Knight of St. Gregory in
> 2000 for helping Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza founded and built by
> Padre Pio, a Capuchin monk and Roman Catholic mystic. Krupp was the
> seventh Jewish man to be made a Papal Knight. According to a recent
> book Pio faked his "stigmata" with acid.
> Last year, he was promoted by Benedict XVI with the rank of Knight
> Commander with a Silver Star of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St.
> Gregory the Great for Krupp's work in Jewish-Catholic, Vatican-Israeli
> relations. In the name of "interreligious dialogue" a very one-sided
> plan is being carried out, and Gary Krupp is a willing participant.
> Here is Papal Knight Krupp meeting with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem
> In addition, to being a Papal Knight, Mr. Krupp was given the rank of
> "Officer Brother" of the Protestant SMOM Order of St. John in 2005 by
> consent of Queen Elizabeth II.
> Here is a link to an open letter a Sephardic Jewish group called "The
> Committee to Save Mt. Zion: Addressing the Threatened Handover to the
> Vatican" founded by the International Sephardic Jewish Leadership
> Council (ISJLC) addressed to Krupp. They rightfully protested his
> betrayal of the Jewish people evidenced by his IRS records which
> showed his "Objectives for Fiscal Year 2005" included "Restoring two
> important shrines to the Worldwide Catholic Church." One of these is
> "The Cenacle" an ancient building which for Jews is part of the
> traditional site of Tomb of King David and purported by Roman
> Catholics to be the Upper Room where the Last Supper took place.
> I read a deal was in the works between the Vatican and the Masonic
> Labor Zionist Government of Israel which entails exchange of control
> of the Cenacle on Mount Zion for a 12th century synagogue in Toledo,
> Spain which has been a Catholic church-Santa Maria la Bianca Church
> since the 15th century expulsion and massacre of the Jews during the
> Spanish Inquisition.
> Papal Knight Rabbi Rosen denied such a notion as "nonsense."
> This a February 2005 article "The Vatican and Its Friends Are Not Your
> Friends" by Shelomo Alfassa, Executive Director of the ISJLC
> There are certain Jewish leaders and/or rabbis who serve the Jesuits
> and their Papacy, but there is also opposition from people in Israel
> to Vatican control of their land to be returned to them completely
> plus the territory promised to Abraham and his descendants when Yeshua
> Messiah returns and reigns from the throne of David.
> Other hofjuden include (this list of course is by no means complete or
> definitive)
> Chief Rabbi David Rosen- President of International Jewish Committee
> on Interreligious Consultation (IJCIC), member of the Permanent
> Bilateral Commission of the State of Israel and the Holy See that
> negotiated the establishment of full diplomatic normalization of
> relations in 1993, Made a Papal Knight Commander of St. Gregory in
> Jerusalem in a Nov. 2005 ceremony, member of the Israeli Chief
> Rabbinate's delegation for interreligious dialogue with the Holy See.
> Photos:
> More photos here:
> Rabbi Leon Klenicki- (Masonic B'nai Brith) Anti-Defamation League's
> Interfaith Affairs Director Emeritus, second ADL interfaith official
> to receive papal knighthood. former ADL Co-Liaison to the Vatican,
> Papal Knight of St. Gregory
> [Conservative movement] Rabbi Mordecai Waxman- First rabbi and
> fifth Jew to be made a Knight of St. Gregory, died in 2002
> Brother Nick
You need to consult Craig Heimbichner's Blood on the Altar, (2005). Therein he proves that Leo Taxil was privy to high Masonic rites and secrets. You must also read Leo Lehman's Behind the Dictators (1942). Therein he reveals the Jesuit connection to Taxil. Backed by the Jesuits and given secrets of the Craft which he openly revealed, Taxil then "admits" his claims were all a lie and deception. I wonder where he received his secret knowlege of the Craft? Could it have been from Pope Leo XIII's Cardinal Secretary of State, Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro (1843-1913) who was a member of the highest Masonic brotherhood of the day, the Order of Oriental Templars (OTO)?
The purpose of the Order in using Taxil was to bring disbelief among the peoples that Freemasonry was evil. (Remember that the Black Pope's International Invisible Empire of Freemasonry was his vehicle in subduing all nations to the Temporal Power of the pope.) Taxil was used to discredit those who were exposing the occult, Satanic religion of Freemasonry, which included the great the learned and godly ex-Worshippful Master and ex-Romanist, Edmond Ronayne who wrote The Master's Carpet: Masonry and Baal-Worship Identical; Reviewing the Similarity Between Masonry, Romanism and "The Mysteries," and Comparing the Whole with the Bible, (1887).
What Taxil attributed to Pike, was absolutely true. I use the quote frequently.
Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric

Just my first 2 cents on it… it's a whole new playingfield we are looking at here.
I didn't have time to check every detail of the links included - but the picture it draws is pretty clear to me.
"On Haushofer's influence on the German leadership: "Haushofer only met Hitler three times in his entire life. When my husband and Hitler were in Landsberg Prison, Haushofer visited only my husband. Hitler drew his geopolitical thoughts in Mein Kampf directly from Ratzel. Professor Haushofer never influenced him." (Interview with Frau Ilse Hess, 25 July 1978, in Sloan, p. 53.)"
That would at least let us know that while Hess was there at Landsberg it is possible that they sat down with Haushofer and talked about their ideas. And wasn't Stämpfle there also, or did he write somewhere else? So Haushofer having had influence isn't that far off.
"Karl Haushofer (General and Professor) of Geo-Politics infamy (Alan LeVey was also a fanboy), was one of only three westerners ever, who have become members of the Green Dragon Society. Haushofer was a military attache in Tokyo when he joined before WW1."
Both Gurdjeiff and Haushofer maintained that they had contacts with secret Tibetan Lodges that possessed the secret of the "Superman". The lodge included Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg, Himmler, Goring, and Hitler's subsequent personal physician Dr. Morell. It is also known that Aleister Crowley and Gurdjieff sought contact with Hitler. Hitler's unusual powers of suggestion become more understandable if one keeps in mind that he had access to the "secret" psychological techniques of the esoteric lodges. Haushofer taught him the techniques of Gurdjieff which, in turn, were based on the teachings of the Sufis and the Tibetan Lamas- and familiarized him with the Zen teaching of the Japanese Society of the Green Dragon.
"Further, the man made connections with the Kokuryu Kai (Black Dragon Society). An ultra-right Japanese secret society infiltrating business and governmental positions, the Black Dragons sought imperial expansion and military supremacy, filling Haushofer's mind with possibilities and pride (The New Axis). Haushofer, fascinated by the sect's exclusivity, stealth, and reach, wanted to create his own Black Dragons."
Der Puppenspieler: The Role of Karl Haushofer in the Third Reich - By Peter Tatara
Shadowy forces preferring to remain in the background have always guided Japanese nationalism. These forces guided the Black Ocean and other militarist secret societies, just as the Black Ocean later guided the Black Dragons. The ultimate driving force behind these secret societies, the politics and power plays since the nineteenth-century, is the Order of the Green Dragon.
Be aware that Black and Green Dragon are two different societys - some throw them into a ring and say either can't be true because it's to confusing that different names are used. That just seams to be a diversion. The Black Dragon were created by the Green Dragons!
"Green Dragon Zen: In this category I place Soto, which is the parent of the Green Dragon Society, Rinzai, Fuke, Northern and Southern Chinese Ch'an sects, Vietnamese and Korean sects, and all the variant sects which practice the most toxic forms of Zen: those which actually use the Lotus Sutra as a means to promulgate their distorted views of Buddhism. This is the greatest slander of the Lotus Sutra which is possible. I lump them all under the Green Dragon banner (I'm sure they do not appreciate this, but that is not a concern), because Green Dragon has had a tradition of secret propagation, and penetration of new areas with the most aggressive intent to build a lasting foothold in every society it touches. All of the other sects in any locale, will orient themselves to the Green Dragon."
"To be specific, the Green Dragon Temple at Green Gulch Farm in Sausalito was started by Shunryu Suzuki-roshi of the Green Dragon Society of Soto Zen. Most of Northern California Zen is essentially Green Dragon.
So, responding to his circumstances, he sheds his Marin personna, goes to Afghanistan to train as a terrorist with those bent on America's (his mother's home) destruction with Al Qaeda, whose parents Abdullah Azzam and Bin Laden came from the Islamic Jihad, which along with HAMAS was a descendent of the Muslim Brotherhood,which was connected to the Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin El Husseini, who was part of Himmler's SS, who all worshipped Hitler, who wrote Mein Kampf in prison, while the former corporal received weekly visits from his mentor, General Karl Haushofer, who as a military attache to Japan studied Zen and was directly connected by Master-Disciple chain to Bodhidharma.
To be specific, Karl Haushofer was a member of the Green Dragon Society of Soto Zen."
Through Haushofers Black Dragon connections it seams they also made Pearl Harbor possible!
Dear Boris,
I thought the sentence on the Jesuits was somewhat watered down. Thanks for the clarification.
Clearly the Jesuits ruled the Center Party, and it was the Zentrum that brought Hitler to power via Leiber. Thus Pope Pius XII was the master of Hitler and behind every policy Hitler pursued. I suspect that Karl Haushofer, the man who laid the plans for Hitler's taking of Austria and Czechoslovakia and the ultimate invasion of Poland was also a Thule Society Jesuit. He was released after his capture through the power of Jesuit and American Army officer Edmund Walsh of Georgetown University.
The German people have been blamed and continually punished for the deeds of the Jesuits who carried out their Inquisition and Crusade in the name of the German people. It is time to right that wrong.
Brother Eric
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