Monday, October 20, 2008

News on the Jesuits

"In Georgetown, now a suburb of the city of Washington, the federal capital, they established a seminary, the first Catholic educational institution in United States territory ; from there, they extended their activities to Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Indeed, it is to a certain degree due to their activities that the newly formed united States included in its Constitution the principles of religious freedom.

In those days, one of Benjamin Franklin's friends was a Jesuit ; this was John Carroll, who had been brought up in Maryland, and who later, on Franklin's special recommendation, was appointed prefect apostolic and afterwards became the first Catholic Bishop of the United States."

Rene Fulop - Miller (1930)
page 273


"NEVER before in the course of the world's history had such a Society appeared. The old Roman Senate itself did not lay schemes for world domination with greater cer- tainty of success...."


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